Strategy Guide Fallout

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Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ

Collectibles/Equipment/Skills Guide
World Map

• Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to
activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
God mode, infinite ammo, and infinite weight capacity tgm
No clipping mode tcl
All mapmarkers tmm1
Disable enemy combat AI tcai
Kill selected target Kill
Kill everyone in area Killall
Toggle fog of war tfow
Toggle debug display tdt
Toggle AI tai
Teleport to room with all items coc testqaitems
Toggle free camera mode tfc
Toggle HUD tm
Teleport back to game coc megatoncommonhouse
Get indicated number of Caps player.additem 000000F [number]
player.additem [item code], [number], [condition 1-
Spawn indicated number of items in % condition
player.placeatme [object code], [number], [x axis], [y
Spawn indicated number of persons or objects
Remove indicated item, person or object player.removeitem [object or item code], [number]
Get indicated perk player.addperk [perk code]
Remove indicated perk player.removeperk [perk code]
Get indicated aid or perk effect player.addspell [perk or aid code]
Give player ownership of selected item Setownership
Set player level player.setlevel [number]
Move to indicated NPC player.moveto [NPC ID]
Add indicated number of experience points rewardXP [number]
Add indicated number of Karma points rewardKarma [number]
Add indicated number of Tag Skill Points addtagskills [number]
Add indicated number of points to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats modpca [attribute] [number]
Add indicated number of points to your skills modpcs [skill name] [number]
Add indicated number of Special Points addspecialpoints [number]
Set Special Points setspecialpoints [number]
Set ability (sneak, barter, etc.) score player.setAV [ability] [number]
Set skill values player.ForceAV [number]
Permanently set number of action points player.setav actionpoints [number]
Set percentage of physical damage absorbed by player player.setav damageresist [1-85]
Set percentage of radiation absorbed by player player.setav radresist [1-85]
Set percentage of poison damage absorbed by player player.setav poisonresist [0-100]
Set percentage of fire damage absorbed by player player.setav fireresist [0-100]
Set melee damage done by player player.setav meleedamage [number]
Set unarmed damage; must have no weapons equipped player.setav unarmeddamage [number]
Set chance to score a critical hit player.setav critchance [0-100]
Set weight limit setgs fAVDCarryWeightsBase [number]
Set strength multiplier for weight limit setgs fAVDCarryWeightMult [number]
Set maximum carrying weight player.setAV carryweight [number]

Set jump height; default is 64 setgs fJumpHeightMin [number]
Set run speed; default is 4 setgs fMoveRunMult [number]
Fully heal player or selected NPC Resethealth
Set maximum level obtainable through experience gain setgs iMaxCharacterLevel [level number]
Can wear Brotherhood Of Steel armor without training SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 1
Age or de-age targeted character agerace [1 or -1]
Age or de-age yourself player.agerace [1 or -1]
Equip existing item in selected target's inventory EquipItem [item code]
Un-equip existing item in selected target's inventory UnEquipItem [item code]
Disable all mines disableallmines
Remove all weapons and clothes from target Removeallitems
Resurrect dead target resurrect
Get information on the selected target's value GetAVInfo [actor value]
Match geometry of an NPCs face Player.MatchFaceGeometry [number]
Purge cell buffer; frees memory and may increase performance pcb
Selects an object; use PRID player to select yourself PRID [name]
Set how much an NPC has to trade with SetBarterGold [number]
Set name of selected NPC setactorfullname "[first name] [last name]"
Set your character's name player.setactorfull name "[first name] [last name]"
Teleport to quest's target location movetoqt [optional quest ID]
All items for current quest GetQC
Complete objectives for current quest CompleteAllObjectives or CompleteQuest
Complete current quest GetQuestCompleted
Reset current quest ResetQuest
Toggle Power Armor use setpccanusepowerarmor [0 or 1]
Sets Tag Skill Points settagskills [number]
Modifies player's desired skill player.modav [skill name] [number]
Permanently set player's maximum HP player.modav health [number]
Turn back into child SetPCYoung
Change size of selected object or NPC; default is 1 setscale [-10 to 10]
Change player size; 1 = large, -1 =normal player.modScale [-1 or 1]
Modify your characters appearance again showracemenu
Change your name ShowNameMenu
Change gender SexChange
Gain one level getXPfornextlevel or advlevel
Remove player from all factions removefromallfactions
Move during intermission sequences EnablePlayerControls
Unlock selected lock or terminals unlock
Activate last locked door needed to be opened from another place activate
Disable mines DisableAllMines
List all items you have player.showinventory
Sets an NPC as essential (unkillable) SetEssential [NPC ID] 1
Dogmeat is marked as unkillable setessential 6a772 1
Display file with all objects and their ID Form codes (unique for
save fred 1
each save)
Set game speed set timescale to [number]
View ending exit vats
Save with a custom save name save [filename]
Load saved game load [filename]
Immediately quit game QQQ
List all console commands help

• Item codes

Use one of the following values with the "player.additem [item code], [number], [condition 1-100]" and
"player.removeitem [item code], [number]" codes:

Item Code

.308 Caliber Round 0006B53C
.32 Caliber Round 000207F7
.44 Round Magnum 0002937E
10mm Round 00004241
5.56mm Round 00078CC4
5.56mm Round 00004240
5mm Round 0006B53D
5mm Round 000615A8
Alien Powercell 00029364
BB - Ammo 0002935B
Bottlecap Mines 0000433A
Dart 00047419
Dart 0002936E
Electron Charge Pack 000615AF
Electron Charge Pack 0006B53E
Energy Cell 00020772
Energy Cell 00078CC2
Flamer Fuel 00029371
Flamer Fuel 00078CC1
Frag Grenades 00004330
Frag Mines 0000433C
Mesmetron Power Cell 0006A80D
Microfusion Cell 00078CC3
Microfusion Cell 00004485
Mini Nuke 00020799
Missile 000B8791
Missile 0005F706
Missile 00078CC5
Missiles 00029383
Pulse Grenades 00004331
Railway Spikes 00029384
Shotgun Shell 00028EEA
Shotgun Shell 0004C5F9
Sonic Energy 00056634

Advanced Radiation Suit 0003307A
All-Purpose Science Suit 000CB605
Apocalypse Gladiator Armor 000CB5F6
Apocalypse Gladiator Helmet 000CB5F7
Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit 00034121
Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit 0006C587
Army Power Armor 00061A72
Athlete of the Wastes Outfit 000340FB

Ballcap with Glasses 00028FFA
Bandana 00073D57
Biker Goggles 0009B188
BirthSkirt 0007CFF0
Blast Off Helmet 0007494C
Blast Off Pajamas 0005B6EA
Boogeyman's Hood 0008F775
Brahmin-Skin Outfit 00018DE5
Brotherhood of Steel Powered Armor 00075203
Brotherhood of Steel Powered Helmet 00075201
Brotherhood Power Armor 00075201
Brotherhood Power Helmet 00075203
Brotherhood Scribe Robe 000854CF
Button's Wig 0008A6DD
Child Blastoff Helmet 0007C109
Chinese Commando Hat 00078646
Chinese Jumpsuit 000340D2
Colonel Autumn's Uniform 0005157E
Combat Armor 00020420
Combat Helmet 00020426
Commando Armor 000CB544
Composite Recon Armor 000CB5FA
Composite Recon Helmet 000CB5FB
Crow's Eyebot Helmet 000B17A0
Crow's Eyebot Helmet 000B17A0
Dad's Wasteland Outfit 00079F09
Defender Armor 000CB543
Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit 000340D3
Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit 000CB603
Dirty Pre-War Businesswear 0005C682
Dirty Pre-War Casualwear 000340CF
Dirty Pre-War Kid's Outfit 000340C4
Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 0005BB70
Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear 0005BB6F
Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit 000340D1
Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit 00066C71
Doctor Li's Glasses 0005C9A0
Doctor Li's Outfit 000340DA
Elder Lyons' Robe 00087274
Enclave Officer Hat 00078647
Enclave Officer Uniform 000340DE
Enclave Power Armor 00023B62
Enclave Power Armor 0004443E
Enclave Scientist Outfit 0001B5BD
Enclave Shocktrooper Armor 000CB5F3
Enclave Shocktrooper Helmet 000CB5F4
Environment Suit 000C09D4
Eulogy Jones' Hat 00034126
Explorer's Gear 000CB549
Eyebot Helmet 0004E6A0
Eyeglasses 000340FD
Ghoul Mask 0001DC1C

GlassesReadingChild 0005DC82
Grimy Pre-War Businesswear 000B1056
Hand-Me-Down Raider Armor 000CB5FE
Handyman Jumpsuit 000BF6FD
Hat of the People 000CB604
Head Wrap 00074296
Head Wrap 00074334
Head Wrap 00074335
Head Wrap 00074336
Highway Scar Armor 000CB5FF
Hockey Mask 00033598
Junior Officer Outfit 000340F9
Kid's Ballcap with Glasses 0009B185
Kid's Baseball Cap 000340C1
Kid's Cave Rat Outfit 000340E4
Kid's Murray the Mole Hat 00078643
Kid's Party Hat 00028FF8
Kid's Police Hat 000340E1
Lab Technician Outfit 000340D7
Leather Armor 00020423
Leather Armor 0002DC05
Leather Armor 00066C72
Leather Armor 00066C74
Ledoux's Hockey Mask 0007401C
Lesko's Lab Coat 000C24F9
Lincoln's Hat 0004445B
Linden's Outcast Power Armor 00070877
Lucky Shades 000CB54B
Lyons' Pride Power Armor 00061A73
MacCready's Helmet 0002D11B
Makeshift Gas Mask 000C111A
Maple's Garb 0005A6CA
Mayor MacCready's Outfit 000340E7
Merc Adventurer Outfit 00034124
Merc Charmer Outfit 00034122
Merc Charmer Outfit 000CB606
Merc Cruiser Outfit 000C5D34
Merc Cruiser Outfit 000CB60B
Merc Grunt Outfit 000A3045
Merc Grunt Outfit 000CB60A
Merc Troublemaker Outfit 00034123
Merc Veteran Outfit 0008C83C
Metal Armor 0003307F
Metal Helmet 00033080
Modified Utility Jumpsuit 0007C17C
Motorcycle Helmet 0009B186
Mysterious Stranger Hat 0006B467
Mysterious Stranger Outfit 0006696D
Naughty Nightwear 000C8E07
Oasis Druid Hood 0009B18A
Oasis Exile Hood 000C942D
Oasis Robe 000340E8

Oasis Villager Robe 000340E9
Outcast Power Armor 00060C70
Outcast Power Helmet 00060C72
Outcast Recon Helmet 000645ED
Party Hat 00050E44
Party HatStanley 000B75E2
Pint-Sized Slasher Mask 000340FC
Pip-Boy 3000 00015038
Pip-Boy 3000 000236D8
Pip-Boy Glove 00025B83
Police Hat 000AB491
Poplar's Hood 0005A6CB
Power Armor 00014E13
Power Armor 00025083
Power Armor 00066C73
Power Helmet 00014C08
Power-Suit Armor 000CB60C
Pre-War Baseball Cap 00028FF9
Pre-War Bonnet 000340CD
Pre-War Casualwear 0001EA6D
Pre-War Casualwear 000CB60D
Pre-War Hat 000340C8
Pre-War Kid's Outfit 000340C3
Pre-War Outfit and Watch 0008198C
Pre-War Outfit and Watch 000ABBE2
Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 0005BB66
Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 000CB60F
Pre-War Relaxedwear 0005BB63
Pre-War Spring Outfit 000340D0
Prototype Medic Power Armor 0007836E
Pyro Helmet 000CB600
Radiation Suit 00033078
Ragamuffin Outfit 000340F8
Ragamuffin Tophat 00074950
Raider Arclight Helmet 00078644
Raider Badlands Armor 0003307D
Raider Blastmaster Armor 0003307E
Raider Blastmaster Helmet 0005B6E8
Raider Painspike Armor 0002042F
Raider Psycho-Tic Helmet 00020432
Raider Sadist Armor 0003307C
Raider Wastehound Helmet 00078645
Ranger Armor 00023030
Ranger Battle Armor 00023030
Ranger Battle Helmet 00034105
Recon Armor Helmet 00028EAD
Recon Armor 0003064D
Red Racer Jumpsuit 0003411B
Red's Bandana 000340EB
Red's Jumpsuit 000340EA
Regulator Duster 0003E54A
Rivet City Security Helmet 000239CB

Rivet City Security Uniform 000239CC
Road Rascal Leather Armor 000CB5F5
RobCo Jumpsuit 0003411A
Robo-Thor Helmet 000CB5F8
Roving Trader Hat 00078648
Roving Trader Outfit 0002B385
Scientist Outfit 000340D9
Sexy Sleepwear 000340E6
Shady Hat 0007C17D
Sharp-Dressed Raider's Armor 000CB5FC
Shellshocked Combat Armor 000CB5EF
Shellshocked Combat Helmet 000CB5F0
Sheriff's Duster 00020429
Sheriff's Hat 0002DD80
Slave Collar 0002F563
Slave Collar 0003D1FE
Sleepwear 000CB60E
Stormchaser Hat 0009B189
Sunglasses 0005C99F
Surgical Mask 0003E591
T-51b Power Armor 000A6F77
T-51b Power Helmet 000A6F78
Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap 000C72FB
Talon Combat Armor 000A6F76
Talon Combat Armor 000CB5F2
Talon Combat Helmet 000B0278
Talon Combat Helmet 000CB5F1
Talon Company Armor 000A6F76
Tenpenny Security Helmet 0005B6EB
Tenpenny Security Uniform 00034119
Tenpenny's Suit 00096CB7
Tesla Armor 0006B464
Tesla Armor 0008F571
Tesla Helmet 0006B465
The AntAgonizer's Costume 0003411D
The AntAgonizer's Helmet 0003411F
The Devil's Pigtails 000CB5FD
The Mechanist's Costume 0003411E
The Mechanist's Helmet 00034120
The Surgeon's Lab Coat 000C71E1
Three Dog's Glasses 000ACDA4
Three Dog's Head Wrap 00073FEC
Tinted Reading Glasses 0001C295
Torcher's Mask 000C7C4E
Tortiseshell Glasses 0005C9A1
Tunnel Snake Outfit 0002042E
Tunnel Snake Outfit 00061D98
Underwear 00089B52
Vance's Longcoat Outfit 00083C5C
Vault 101 Child's Jumpsuit 000340F2
Vault 101 Security Armor 0001CBDD
Vault 101 Security Helmet 0003411C

Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit 000425BA
Vault 106 Jumpsuit 000B73F2
Vault 108 Jumpsuit 000B73F1
Vault 112 Jumpsuit 000340EF
Vault 77 Jumpsuit 000CAFBE
Vault 87 Jumpsuit 000340ED
Vault 92 Jumpsuit 000B73F3
Vault Lab Uniform 0001CBDC
Wanderer's Leather Armor 000C7C54
Wasteland Doctor Fatigues 000340FE
Wasteland Legend Outfit 000CB609
Wasteland Scout Hat 00074952
Wasteland Scout Uniform 000340FA
Wasteland Surgeon Outfit 000340FF
Wasteland Wanderer Outfit 0001BA00

Agility 000388E5
Barter 000388F3
Big Guns 00038906
Charisma 00038850
Endurance 00038834
Endurance 00038834
Energy Weapons 0003892F
Explosives 00038930
Intelligence 0003885C
Lockpick 00038931
Luck 000388E6
Medicine 00038950
Melee Weapons 00038951
Perception 00038833
Perception 00038833
Repair 00038952
Repair 00038952
Science 00038953
Small Guns 00038954
Sneak 00038955
Speech 00038956
Strength 00038832
Unarmed 00038958

Big Book of Science 0003403C
Big Book of Science 0002D3A4
Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual 00034045
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine 00034043
Dean's Electronics 0003403D
Duck and Cover! 0006A80C
Footlocker 000199C2
Grognak the Barbarian 00034040
Guns and Bullets 0003403E
Lying, Congressional Style 00034044

Motivational Secrets of the Stars 0002D3A3
Nikola Tesla and You 00034041
Paradise Lost 000BACFE
Pugilism Illustrated 0003403F
Survival Guide Manuscript 0002D3B2
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00034042
Tumblers Today 00034046
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes 00034048
Wasteland Survival Guide 000C5634
You're SPECIAL! 000AB2EF

Bobby Pins 0000000A
Bottle Caps 0000000F
Finger 000604DE
Medical Brace 0002210D
Stealth Boy 00043E94

.32 Pistol 0000080A
.44 magnum 00050F92
10mm Pistol 0001A334
10mm Pistol 0000434F
10mm Pistol 0006F210
10mm SMG (Sydney's "Ultra") 0006E7CC
10mm Sub Machine gun 00004321
A3-21's Plasma Rifle 0006B539
Acid Spit 000B8793
Acid Spit 0006E8CE
Alien Blaster 00004322
Ant's Sting 000C553E
Assault Rifle 0001FFEC
Baseball Bat 0000421C
BB Gun 000C0327
BB Gun 00004323
Black Bart's Bane 0006B535
Blackhawk 000303A2
Board of Education 000C310F
Bottlecap Mine 0000433A
Brass Knuckles 00004324
Breaker 000CB546
Butch's Toothpick 00078440
Buzzsaw 0003BC6F
Chinese Assault Rifle 00046BDD
Chinese Assault Rifle 0000080B
Chinese Officer's Sword 0006415D
Chinese Officer's Sword 0002B3CB
Chinese Pistol 00004325
Chinese Pistol (Zhu-Rong v418) 00060C2C
Clover's Cleaver 000C80B8
Col. Autumn's 10mm Pistol 0006B531
Col. Autumn's Laser Pistol 000ABBE4

Combat Knife 00004326
Combat Knife 00064093
Combat Shotgun 0003713D
Combat Shotgun 00004327
Curse Breaker 000C80BB
Dart Gun 0000432A
Deathclaw Gauntlet 0000432B
Electrical Zap 00022FF1
Eugene 0006B538
Excalibat 000C80BC
Experimental MIRV 0003422B
Fat Man 0000432C
Fawkes' Super Sledge 0007843F
Fire Hydrant 00021367
Firelance 000C80BA
Fisto! 000CB601
Flamer 00078C60
Flamer 0000432D
Flamer 000C58EE
Flamer 000A0C02
Flamer 0009E8DF
Flamer 0007C10B
Flamer 00039550
Frag Grenade 00004330
Frag Mine 0000433C
Frag Mine 00028172
GasTrap Dummy 000001F6
Gatling Laser 0000432E
Gatling Laser 0000432E
Hand Laser 00018B9E
Highwayman's Friend 00078442
Hunting Rifle 00004333
Jack 000C6E5B
Knife 00004334
Laser 00050ED0
Laser 0007B23A
Laser 0007B237
Laser Pistol 000B4178
Laser Pistol 00063E8A
Laser Pistol 00004335
Laser Rifle 00074795
Laser Rifle 00004336
Law Dog 0006B532
Lead Pipe 00004337
Liberty Laser 00033FE2
LibertyPrimeWeapBomb 0005932F
Lincoln's Repeater 0003C07A
Love Tap 000C80B9
Mesmeron 00004339
Mesmetron 000BF5A4
Minigun 0000433F
Mirelurk Bait Grenade 00030664

Miss Launcher 000B2644
Missile Launcher 00057E8F
Missile Launcher 00004340
Nail Board 000A01DD
Nail Board 00063FDC
Nuka-Grenade 00004342
O'Grady's Peacemaker 0007843D
Occam's Razor 000CB602
Ol' Painless 00066C76
Plasma Grenade 00004332
Plasma Gun 0007C10C
Plasma Gun 0003954F
Plasma Mine 0000433D
Plasma Pistol 00004343
Plasma Rifle 00004344
Plunkett's Valid Points 000CAFA9
Police Batton 00004345
Pool Cue 00004346
Power Fist 00004347
Protectron's Gaze 000C553F
Pulse Grenade 00004331
Pulse Mine 0000433E
Radioactive Spit 00058717
Railway Rifle 00004348
Repellent Stick 0002D3B7
Reservist's Rifle 00092966
Ripper 00004349
Rock-it launcher 0000434B
Rolling Pin 00029769
Rolling Pin 000B2943
Sawed-Off Shotgun 0000434C
Sawed-Off Shotgun 000AE8AE
Scoped .44 Magnum 0000434D
SentryBot Laser Gatling 000389AF
SentryBot Minigun 00057E8E
Shishkebab 0000434E
Shriek 0007F598
Silenced 10mm Pistol 00004350
Slasher Knife 0002869C
Sledge Hammer 00004351
Sledgehammer 00063FA2
Smuglers End (Laser Pistol) 0006B536
Sniper Rifle 00004353
Spiked Knuckels 00004354
Stabhappy 000C80BE
Super Sledge 000B0E7C
Super Sledge 00004352
Switchblade 0006407F
Switchblade 000289C3
Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG 0005DEEE
The Break 00066C77
The Kneecapper 0006B53A

The Shocker 000BFF62
The Tenderizer 000A874B
The Terrible Shotgun 0006B534
Tire Iron 00004328
Vampire's Edge 00078441
Vertibird Bomb Gun 0003E5E2
Vertibird Gun 00089C51
Victory Rifle 000CB548
Wazer Wifle 00061793

• Perk codes

Use one of the following values with the "player.addperk [perk code]" and "player.removeperk [perk code]" codes. Note:
All "Survival" and "Junior Survivor" are perks from "The Wasteland Survival Guide" quest line.

Perk Code
Adamantium Skeleton 00094EC4
Action Boy 00031DBA
Action Girl 0007B202
Animal Friend 00031DB5
Ant Senses (Quest Perk) 000C1A6C
Ant Strength (Quest Perk) 000C1A6B
Barkskin (Quest Perk) 00035E04
Better Criticals 00031DBB
Black Widow 00094EB8
Bloody Mess 00094EBA
Cannible 00094EBC
Chemist 0009982D
Chem Resistant 00099827
Child at Heart 00003142
Commando 00099828
Comprehension 00031DE1
Computer Wiz 00031DC4
Concentrated Fire 00044CAF
Contract Killer 00044CA8
Cyborg 00044CAB
Daddy's Boy 00044948
Daddy's Girl 00069310
Dream Crusher (Quest Perk) 00030FEB
Demolition Expert 00031DAB
Educated 00031DD8
Explorer 00031DE5
Entomologist 00031DD9
Fast Metabolism 00094EBF
Finesse 00094EC1
Fortune Finder 00031DE3
Grim Reaper Spirit 00099834
Gun Nut 0004494E
Gunslinger 00094EBB
Hemophiliac (Quest Perk) 00003131
Here and Now 00031DAC
Impartial Meditation 00044CAD

Infiltrator 00044CB0
Intense Training 00044CB1
Iron Fist 00031DDB
Junior Survivor (A) (Quest Perk) +5 Max Health, +2% Rad, Poison Resistance 0002D3A2
Junior Survivor (B) (Quest Perk) +4 Medicine and Science, +2% Rad and Poison
Junior Survivor (C) (Quest Perk) +2% Damage and Rad, Poison Resistance 000331D5
Junior Survivor (D) (Quest Perk) +2 Speech and Sneak, +2% Rad and Poison
Junior Survivor (E) (Quest Perk) +1% Critical Chance, +2% Rad and Poison
Lady Killer 00094EB9
Law Bringer 00044CAC
Lead Belly 00044CA9
Light Step 00031DB7
Life Giver 00031DB1
Little Leaguer 00014B97
Master Trader 00031DB8
Mister Sandman 00031DAD
Mysterious Stranger 00031DBC
Nerd Rage 00044CA7
Night Person 00094EBD
Ninja 00031DCC
Paralyzing Palm 00044CAA
PowerArmor Training (Quest Perk) 00058FDF
PyroManiac 00031DB2
Rad Resistance 00031DA9
Rad Regeneration (Quest Perk) 0003066B
Robotics Expert 00031DC2
Scoundrel 00044CA6
Scrounger 00031DAA
Silent Running 00031DB3
Size Matters 0009982E
Sniper 00031DB4
Solar Powered 00031DC5
Strong Back 00031DDE
Survival Expert (A) (Quest Perk) +10 Max Health,+ 4% Rad and Poison
Survival Expert (B) (Quest Perk) +4 Medicine and Science, +4% Rad and Poison
Survival Expert (C) +4% Damage and Rad, Poison Resistance 000331D9
Survival Expert (D) (Quest Perk) +4 Speech and Sneak, +4% Rad and Poison
Survival Expert (E) (Quest Perk) +2% Critical Chance, +4% Rad and Poison
Survival Guru (A) (Quest Perk) +15 Max Health, +6% Rad, and Poison Resistance 0002D3A0
Survival Guru (B) (Quest Perk) +6 Medicine and Science, +6% Rad and Poison
Survival Guru (C) (Quest Perk) (+6% Damage and Rad, and Poison Resistance 000331DD
Survival Guru (D) (Quest Perk) +6 Speech and Sneak, +6% Rad, and Poison,
Survival Guru (E) (Quest Perk) +3% Critical Chance, +6% Rad and Poison
Swift Learner 00031DD3

Tag 00031DBD
Thief 00031DD6
Toughness 00031DE0
Well Rested 00061822
Wired Reflexes (Quest Perk) 00024D5C
• Perk and aid effect codes

Use one of the following values with the "player.addspell [perk or aid code]" code:

Result Code
Action Boy 00031D90
Action Girl 0007B200
Adv. Rad Poison 00032DEF
Agility Boost 000630F1
Alcohol Withdrawal 0006AA60
Ant Senses 000C2527
Ant Strength 000C2526
Atomization 0005B141
Average Water 00000147
Bad Water 00045656
Barkskin 0006F590
Barter Boost 000630F3
Better Rivet City Prices 0006F592
Big Guns Boost 000630F4
Bloody Mess 00077641
Bloody Mess 00079AE3
Buffout Withdrawal 00033066
Burning Explosion 000A73D7
BurningNormal 00060C12
BurningNormalSkin 00061DE1
Charisma Boost 000630E8
Concussion 0006533A
Crit. Rad Poison 00032DED
Cyborg 00031D8D
Daddy's Boy (1) 0004494B
Daddy's Boy (2) 0004494C
Daddy's Boy (3) 0004494D
Daddy's Girl (1) 00077789
Daddy's Girl (2) 0007778A
Daddy's Girl (3) 0007778B
Deadly Rad Poison 00032DF0
Disintegration 000BDA30
Disintegration 0005C6C3
EMP Disable 0005B148
Enclave Eyebot Broadcast 0003E616
Endurance Boost 000630E7
Energy Weapons Boost 000630F5
Explosives Boost 000630F6
Fatal Rad Poison 000448E2
Finesse (1) 00094EC0
Galaxy News Broadcast Effect 000C0548
Good Luck 000C34D1

Good Water 00020517
Gooification 00092C48
Gun Nut (1) 0004494F
Gun Nut (2) 00044950
Gun Nut (3) 00044951
Head Crippled 00067572
Immune to Fire 000B7CC9
Immune to Radiation 00060C16
Imolation 00044AF6
Impartial Mediation 00044CA3
Improved Barter 000A5F23
Improved Barter 000A5F21
Improved Medicine 000A5F1E
Improved Medicine 000A5F24
Improved Repair 000A5F20
Improved Repair 000A5F25
Improved Science 000A5F1F
Improved Science 000A5F26
Improved Speech 000A5F22
Improved Speech 000A5F27
Intelligence Boost 000630F0
Iron Fist (1) 00031DA0
Iron Fist (2) 00031DA1
Iron Fist (3) 00031DA2
Jet Withdrawal 00033067
Kamikaze 00094EC3
Lethal Water 00020D76
Life Giver (1) 00031D88
Life Giver (2) 00031D8A
Life Giver (3) 00031D8B
Little Leaguer (1) 00031D9F
Little Leaguer (2) 00044949
Little Leaguer (3) 0004494A
Lockpick Boost 000630F8
Luck Boost 000630F2
Med-X Withdrawal 0002AE29
Medicine Boost 000630F9
Melee Weapons Boost 000630FA
Mentats Withdrawal 00033063
Mesmetron Migraine 0001E004
Minor Rad Poison 00032DEE
More Burning 0001DEA8
Nectar Withdrawal 0005E2AD
Nerd Rage! 00044CA4
Night Person 00094EBE
Ninja 0007B201
Paralyzing Palm 0006B20B
Perception Boost 000630E6
Poison 0004D844
Poison 0004D843
Poison 0006B20E
Poison Immunity 0007D4F3

Psycho Withdrawal 00033064
Purified Water 000B878F
Qtm. Cola Withdrawal 0009ADE7
Rad Poisoning 0009ADE8
Rad Resistance 00031D85
Rad. Limb Healing 0006F5A2
Radiation Burst 0006191A
Radiation Healing 000617BE
Radiation Resistance 000617BD
Radiation Resistance 0006E770
Repair Boost 000630FB
Sawbones' Precision 000BD074
Science Boost 000630FC
Scoundrel (1) 00044CA5
Scoundrel (2) 00044CA1
Scoundrel (3) 00044CA2
Sharpshooter 0005C6B9
Silent Running 00031D8C
Size Matters (1) 0009982F
Size Matters (2) 00099830
Size Matters (3) 00099831
Sly Wasteland Survival Assistant 0006F59E
Sly Wasteland Survival Expert 0006F599
Sly Wasteland Survival Guru 0006F594
Small Guns Boost 000630FD
Smart Wasteland Survival Assistant 0006F5A0
Smart Wasteland Survival Expert 0006F59B
Smart Wasteland Survival Guru 0006F596
Sneak Boost 000630FE
Snide Wasteland Survival Assistant 0006F59D
Snide Wasteland Survival Expert 0006F598
Snide Wasteland Survival Guru 0006F593
Solar Powered 00031D94
Speech Boost 000630FF
Stealth Boy Invis Spell 0007E474
Stealth Shield 0008AF5C
Strength Boost 000630E5
Suit Med-X 0006CABE
Terrible Water 00020D77
Thief (1) 00031D92
Thief (2) 00031D95
Thief (3) 00031D9B
Tough Wasteland Survival Assistant 0006F59F
Tough Wasteland Survival Expert 0006F59A
Tough Wasteland Survival Guru 0006F595
Toughness 00031D7D
Ultrajet Withdrawal 000C9CF5
Unarmed Boost 00063100
Wasteland Survival Assistant 0006F5A1
Wasteland Survival Expert 0006F59C
Wasteland Survival Guru 0006F597
WaterBreathing 0005876C

Well Rested 00062696
Well Rested 00062697

• Infinite XP
Note: Using the "Infinite XP" glitches can leave you weak. The higher level you are, the more difficult the game gets. You
will encounter more and stronger enemies, and they will have better weapons in better conditions.
Use the following trick to get 5 experience points each time it is performed. Go to Craterside Supply (found in Megaton)
with a few frag mines (so you do not have to re-equip the mines). Go into the room behind the mercenary. Get close to the
back side of the wall that the mercenary is leaning against, and place a mine. Quickly pick it up as it will immediately be
armed and ticking. Repeat this as many times as desired.
Have a Speech skill of at least 30. Visit Big Town by travelling northwest from Springvale Elementary. Talk to Bittercup
about her dating exploits. Talk with Pappy about how he came to Big Town with Bittercup to start a Speech challenge. If
you fail, the challenge will still be available to retry. Repeat the challenge until you are successful. You will get six
experience points, and the option to retry the challenge can still be selected. Repeat the challenge as many times as desired.
Note: This requires the unpatched version of the game.
Be at least level 10, and have a 60 Sneak skill. Unlock the Mister Sandman perk. Go to the Smith's house at Andale. Sneak
upstairs at night while everyone is sleeping. Try to pickpocket the boy, but instead select "Murder". You will not lose Karma
and gain over 50 experience points. Because the boy does not actually die, you can repeat this as many times as desired.
Note: The game may glitch and become unresponsive. Also, this requires the unpatched version of the game.

• Infinite Caps and supplies

Use the following trick with any merchant to get unlimited Caps and supplies. Start with around 2,000 to 3,000 Caps and
two of the same weapon, one in very good condition and one in very bad condition. Go to any merchant, and purchase
everything desired from him or her. Then, sell the merchant both of the weapons. Buy back the cheap one, then sell it back.
Every other time you do this, the merchant will give the weapon in good condition for the price of the other weapon. Sell it
back, thus getting three times what you paid for it. Repeat this until you have your Caps back and everything the merchant
owns. Note: On very rare occasions the game may freeze while doing this; make sure to save before attempting this trick.

• Easy Caps
Note: This trick requires you take the "evil" path. After agreeing to help Mr. Burke nuke Megaton, go into every single
house and steal everything (any little piece of junk you can carry). Sell them to the local shops (Craterside Supplies, The
Restaurant, Moriarty's Saloon, etc.). If a particular house is locked or you need a key to get into a safe or something of that
nature, just kill the owner of the property, and get the key from his or her body. Kill everyone in sight, especially the shop
owners because you can get access to their entire inventory, plus the Caps that you have already spent on them. Kill every
one and collect everything to leave Megaton empty. You should have at least 600 caps. Remember to sell some of the things
you gather to the shop owners because you cannot fast travel when over encumbered. This can be done in almost any town
you visit. To avoid getting over encumbered, get all the supplies that you can possibly carry, then drop the rest just outside of
Megaton. Fast travel to Rivet City or some other marketplace. Sell what you have, then return to Megaton, and repeat the

In the "Strictly Business" quest, capture Susan Lancaster, and get your reward for her capture. Afterwards, speak with her in
the slave quarters part of Paradise Falls. Note: You will need one of the slaver's keys to access the slaves quarters;
pickpocket one. After entering the slave quarter's, speak with Susan. When she asks for help, choose the option "You're a
slave. Deal with it.", then return to Grouse to collect the reward again. Grouse will think that you captured her again. You
can repeat this as many times as desired to get 250 Caps and a slave collar each time. Note: If you capture all four slaves and
tell each one to "Deal with it", and then talk to the man after the initial time, he will give you another 250 Caps for each one.
This makes it much easier to get large amounts of Caps instead of running back and forth with just one.

Save all pre-war books you found (not scorched or ruined). Go to the Arlington library. At the southeastern corner, you can
find an NPC that will buy those books for 100 Caps each. You will also get 10 experience points for each book you sold.

Do the "Riley's Rangers" side quest. After rescuing Riley and escorting her back to her base, she will ask if you want to help
her out by mapping the area, and she will pay you. Do not tell her that you will help her just yet. After reaching level 20, use
the "Explorer" Perk. Once you have revealed every location on the map, go back to her, and tell her that you will help her
out. Then, tell her you have got some new locations for her. Depending on whether or not you have already done it, you can
make upwards of 2,200 Caps.

• Easy items
This trick requires a Sneak skill of at least 60. Go to Fort Independence with some scrap metal. Once there, speak with
Protector Casdin. Tell him you have junk that you would like to give him. In return he will offer 5.56mm rounds, frag
grenades, RadAways, and Stimpaks. Select whatever item desired, then save the game. You can then steal your scrap metal
back from Protector Casdin. Sell the scrap metal back to him repeatedly to get as many of those items as desired.

• Easy good Karma
Go to Big Town at night. The town will come under attack from a Super Mutant raiding party. For each Super Mutant you
help the residents of Big Town slay, a small amount of good Karma can be earned. Repeat this process as many times as

• Easy Hacking, Speech, and Stealing bonuses

Save the game before starting a dialogue with a Speech bonus, hacking a computer, lock picking, or pick pocketing. Then,
simply reload the game if you fail the challenge.

• Easy hacking
To always hack successfully, go to the terminal, and save the game. Then, start the sequence. If you fail, just reload your
saved game, and try again until you do it successfully.

Only use three attempts during a hack, so you leave yourself with one to back out. Then, go back to the attempts screen, and
you will have four more chances. Repeat this as many times as desired. -From: Brett Grimes

If you move your cursor throughout the symbols, sometimes you will highlight a group of symbols. Selecting these "duds"
will remove one of the words that is wrong from your choices. Also, it may grant you an additional attempt if you have
already gotten a selection wrong. -From: Brett Grimes

Search around both fields, and you will find a string of symbols that you can enter as the password. It starts with "(", "<", "[",
or "{" and ends with the same symbol. This will completely refill your password attempts. -From: Brett Grimes

To hack "Very Easy" and "Easy" computers (and "Average" if your skill level is high enough), look for the secret characters
first. If you find enough of them, there will often be fewer than four passwords remaining after the duds are removed.

To hack "Average", "Hard", and "Very Hard" computers, use the following steps. Look for common suffixes, such as "-ing"
or "-ed". You can even go one step further by adding repeated letters that precede them, as in "-ted", "-ded", "-ling", "-ring",
etc. Write down or remember the entire list of words in suffix groups. Choose a word from one of the suffix groups,
preferably the largest one, and look for words with the precise number of matching letters. Use the suffixes as a filter. For
example, if you found that the word "SUFFERING" had two matching letters, any words in the "-ing" suffix group would be
excluded, but if it had five matches, chances are "-ering" is the proper suffix. This is usually, though not always, true. In the
previous example, a match for "SUFFERING (5/9)" might be "FALTERING", but could also be "SUBMARINE".

• Easy lock picking

To always pick a lock successfully, go to the door, safe, etc., and save the game. Then, start the sequence, and choose "Force
lock". If you fail, just reload your saved game, and try again until you do it successfully. This requires only one bobby pin.

Use the following trick to avoid breaking bobby pins when trying to pick a lock. Just before the bobby pin is going to break,
exit that screen, then go back. You will save a lot of bobby pins by doing this. This also works when trying to get a password
for computers.

• Easy stealing
When you see an item on a shelf or table in a store or house where there are too many people around to steal it, walk over to
the item, get it in your crosshairs, and pick the item up. Then, take the item to an area where no one is, drop it, and steal it.
For example, use the Bottle Cap Mine in the Craterside Supply on the work bench, pick it up, then drop it at the end of the
desk to the right, next to the two metal boxes. Enter Sneak mode, get next to the desk once your indicator says hidden, and
steal it. -From: William Van Brunt

To successfully steal an item without getting caught, you must take it in Crouch mode with the "hidden" description
viewable on your screen. However, there are items that are constantly guarded or require a very high Sneak skill. To steal
those items easier, you can use the "Grab" ability. Simply grab the item, and move to a darker part of the room until the
"detected" description turns to "hidden".d

• Reverse pick pocketing

The following method is used to put something into the target's pockets, rather than removing things. You can be caught
doing this, and it will still result in Karma loss, but it does have some interesting uses. Any mine or grenade placed in
someone's pocket will become live, exploding after a few seconds. This is why there is a Pants Exploded statistic in your
Pip-Boy 3000 records. Also, all NPC AIs, not only those of your companions, will cause them to wear any armor with a
higher DR than their own. If you put, for example, a Power Helmet in Three Dog's inventory, he will be wearing it on the
next load, and you will be able to pickpocket his unique head wrap (Charisma +1, Luck +1). Many items can be obtained
through reverse pick pocketing that could not be obtained otherwise without needless death. This works with weapons as

well, but the AI instructions for weapon use are much more complicated, involving range, damage per round, and damage
per second as well as the usual DMG rating. Consequently, using this trick to obtain weapons may not always work.

• Extra weapons (Operation: Anchorage DLC)

When you are in control of your strike team, you can get specific weapon loadouts from a terminal. Give the weapons to the
Quartermaster, and you can get another loadout. Drop all the new weapons, and talk to the Quartermaster. He will give you
your weapons, but without ammunition. Go to the ammunition dispenser to restock, then pick up the weapons that you
dropped. You can repeat this as many times as desired.

• A3-21's Plasma Rifle

This is a unique plasma rifle with 50 damage. It can be obtained from Harkness after siding with him in the "Replicated
Man" quest. It can be repaired with regular plasma rifles, but degrades slowly.

• Alien Blaster
This is a unique energy weapon with 100 damage. It can be obtained from the body of a dead alien lying a few feet away
from its crashed spaceship. The alien crash site is found north of MDPL-13 Power Station and northwest of the Greener
Pastures Disposal Site. It has unique ammunition as well, the Alien Power Cell, which is exceedingly rare. The chance of a
critical strike with this gun is nearly 100%. It can be repaired with the Firelance, but degrades incredibly quickly. The Alien
Blaster will kill Death Claws in one or two shots.

Use the following trick if you have bad Karma and need more ammunition for the Alien Blaster. Go to Fort Independence. If
you have a lock picking skill of 100, use the lower levels entrance. If not, use the main entrance. Go to the lower levels, and
kill all the outcasts. Enter the room where an outcast was observing a computer. Go to the door on your left (lockpick skill of
75 required), and get all the ammunition in the containers. The second table with ammo boxes should have Alien Blaster
ammunition. You should get a total of 18 to 24 rounds.

• Blackhawk
This is a unique scoped .44 Magnum. The Blackhawk is obtained from Agatha in the "Agatha's Song" quest in return for the
Sheet Music book. You must ask for a reward. There is a higher chance of the weapon being in good condition if you speak
politely to Agatha throughout the quest. It can be repaired with regular scoped .44 Magnums. It has a very high accuracy,
with only 0.3 spread. Because it is scoped, you can use it outside V.A.T.S. for sniping. It has a base damage of 55 and a 45
point critical bonus and can decapitate many enemies with a headshot.

• Board Of Education
This is a unique nail board with 12 damage. It is found on the floor next to the bed inside a small abandoned shack at
Clifftop Shacks, southeast from Oasis. It is repairable with normal nail boards and has a higher critical chance than them.

• Bottlecap Mine
This is a schematic weapon with 501 damage. It is built from a lunchbox, a cherry bomb, a sensor module, and ten bottle
caps. The schematics can be obtained from Moira in Megaton, Knick-Knack in Little Lamplight, Herbert Dashwood's sale in
Tenpenny Tower, and Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop. Every schematic increases the number of mines created per set of materials,
up to a maximum of three.

• Burnmaster
This is a unique big gun with 24 damage. This powerful flamethrower is found at the Franklin Metro Utility inside the Falls
Church Metro.

• Butch's Toothpick
This is a slightly more powerful switchblade. It can be obtained from Butch after the "Trouble At The Home Front" quest by
either killing him or getting him as a follower.

• Colonel Autumn's 10mm Pistol

This is a unique pistol that does twice as much damage as the standard variety. It does 13 base damage and has a 13 point
critical bonus. It can be repaired using standard 10mm pistols. It is obtained from Colonel Autumn's body at 100% condition
at the Jefferson Memorial rotunda during the "Waters Of Life" quest.

• Colonel Autumn's Laser Pistol

Colonel Autumn's Laser pistol is a modified, fully automatic version of the standard laser pistol with a rate of fire
comparable to the Gatling laser. It has a 30 round magazine, uses very few action points, and is repaired with the common
laser pistol. The weapon does 75 damage, while using the same Energy Cell ammo as a standard pistol. This version is also
lighter than a standard laser pistol, with a weight of 2. This unique pistol is considered a quest item and cannot be dropped.
The only way it can be removed is by using it as spare parts to repair a regular laser pistol, but this will destroy it
permanently. Also, because it is a quest item, the weapon can only be repaired manually. It is located from Citadel to the
Jefferson Memorial's rotunda.

• Dart Gun
The first part of the schematic for the Dart Gun are found at the MDPL-05 Power Station on the northwest tip of the Capital
Wasteland. Another part is obtained from Hannibal Hamlin after completing the "Lincoln Memorial" quest for the slaves.
The last schematic is found in a locked chest at the Boutique Le Chic in Tenpenny Tower. Parts required are a toy car,
surgical tubing, paint gun, and Radscorpion poison gland. The Dart Gun cripples your target's legs. It is very useful when
used on fast melee opponents such as Deathclaws. It also poisons your target for eight seconds.

• Eugene
This is a unique big gun with 7 damage. Successfully complete the "Reilly's Rangers" quest, and ask for one of Brick's
miniguns. Alternately, kill Brick, and take her minigun.

• Experimental MIRV
This is a unique Fat Man with 1610 x 8 damage. It is found in the bomb shelter section of the Guard Depot. All five Keller
Family Transcripts (Holotapes) must be found first. It fires eight mini-nukes at once in a random spread pattern. This does
lots of damage, but is essentially useless other than for entertainment value, or for leveling entire towns.

Alternately, go to Fort Bannister, and use the following video to find the Fat Man:

• Fawkes' Super Sledge

This is a unique sledgehammer with 32 damage; it can do 37 damage when your Melee Weapons skill reaches 100 and its
condition is 100%. It can be repaired with normal Super Sledge. In the "Finding The Garden Of Eden" quest, help Fawkes
out from his captivity inside Vault 87 and let him get the G.E.C.K. for you, or kill him to obtain this melee weapon.

• Firelance
This is a unique Alien Blaster with 72 damage plus -2 (5s) fire damage, giving it a damage of 82 in ten seconds. This blaster
is found at random times and random places. However, it can most likely be found east of Vault 101 under the overpass by a
trailer. You will know if you found the correct location when you hear a missile on your position. Look up to see a smoke
trail in the sky. When it gets about ten feet from the ground, it will blow up and hit the ground with a blue explosion. The
Firelance will be on the ground with about fifteen Alien Power Cells.

• Fisto!
This is a unique power fist with 31 damage. Fisto! can be found next to a computer on a desk in the upper area of the
Derelict Power Plant across from MDPL-13 Power Station. It can be repaired with regular power fists.

• Ghoul Mask
To get the Ghoul Mask, you must complete the Tenpenny Tower quest, which requires you to find a way to let the Ghouls
live in Tenpenny Tower. The mask is useful if you are tired of fighting Feral Ghouls or in a location full of them. It makes
them completely ignore you.

• Highwayman's Friend
This is a unique tire iron with 10 damage. It is found in Dominic and Machete's garage at Canterbury Commons.

• Jack
This is a unique chainsaw with 30 damage. It is found on an Enclave officer at Deathclaw Sanctuary. Note: This weapon is
not available until after the Enclave appear in the storyline. Jack has the same power as the Ripper but has a higher critical

• Lincoln's Repeater
This is a unique hunting rifle with 50 damage. It is located, in perfect condition, inside a display case on the top floor of the
Museum of American History offices. It can be repaired using regular hunting rifles, but uses .44 Magnum ammo instead of
the regular .32. It is also very accurate, with a 0.00 spread.

• Mesmetron
This is a unique energy weapon. The guard at the front entrance of Paradise Falls has it. Ask him if he needs help, and he
will give it to you.

• Metal Blaster (The Pitt DLC)

The Metal Blaster is a unique upgraded laser rifle with spread shot. Turn in 50 Ingots to the person outside the steelyard to
get the weapon.

• Miss Launcher
This is a unique big gun with 20 damage. This missile launcher can be found in a safe inside Fort Independence.

• Nuka Grenade
This is a schematic weapon with 501 damage plus fire damage plus radiation damage. It is built from a Nuka-Cola Quantum,
tin can, turpentine, and Abraxo Cleaner. One of the schematics can be found on the bottom floor of the Yao Guai Cave, in
the northwestern-most area, under a pile of skeletons. Doc Hoff sells one of the schematics, and Sierra Petrovita in
Girdershade has the third, which she gives you as a reward for the "Nuka-Cola Challenge" quest. Every schematic increases
the number of grenades created per set of materials, up to a maximum of three.

• Occam's Razor
This is a unique combat knife with 10 damage. It is found on Commander Jabsco at Fort Bannister.

• Ol' Painless
Go to the Republic Of Dave, which is located in the top right-hand corner of the map. When you first arrive at the front gate,
there will be a child that will take you to Dave. After you finish talking to Dave, kill him. Take his key, and use it to open the
safe that is next to him. In the safe is a hunting rifle named Ol' Painless. It does 21 damage, but is better than the sniper rifle.
It is also a lot easier to repair and find ammo for.

• Plunkett's Valid Points

Plunkett's Valid Points are unique spiked knuckles with 12 base damage and a 12 point critical bonus. They are obtained
from Junder Plunkett at Arlington House in Arlington Cemetery after getting the contract for his bounty. Note: You must
have the "Lawbringer" perk to get this weapon. Because it is an unarmed weapon, the "Iron Fist" perk will affect it. It must
be repaired at merchants. It is very effective when used with the "Paralyzing Palm" perk.

• Protectron's Gaze
This is a unique laser pistol that fires a cluster of beams at the same time with 24 base damage and a 24 point critical bonus.
It is usually more effective when fired outside of V.A.T.S. It has a slightly slower rate of fire and smaller magazine than a
standard laser pistol. It is repaired with standard laser pistols. The weapon is constructed from parts of the Mechanist's
Protectron assistant at the Robot Repair Center in Canterbury Commons.

• Prototype Medic Power Armor

You can find the Prototype Medic Power Armor in Old Olney in the northeast section of the map. The area is swarming with
Death Claws. Set the difficulty to "Very Easy", and go there. On the southern-most street of the town is a grate on the
sidewalk. Step on it, and it should open out from underneath you, effectively forcing you to go through the sewers. Fight
your way through the sewers. Eventually you will find a ladder to your left. Keep going forward to find a Brotherhood of
Steel Initiate. She will be wearing the armor. The armor talks and will inject you with Med-X when your limbs are crippled.
It is as good, if not better, than Tesla Armor, but does not come with a helmet.

• Reservist's Rifle
This a unique sniper rifle with 40 base damage and a 40 point critical bonus. It is found in an abandoned church during the
"Drifter" quest.

• Shishkebab
This is a schematic weapon with 40 damage plus 10 fire damage over five seconds. The Shishkebab is built from a
motorcycle gas tank, motorcycle handbrake, lawnmower blade, and pilot light. One of its schematics is found with Vance,
who gives it to you after the "Blood Ties" quest. Lucky Harith, the wandering merchant, has another. The final set is near a
workbench in a Red Brotherhood Outcast shack, to the southwest of SatCom Array NN-03d. The shack does not appear on
the map, but is at the base of the hill the array is built on. Every schematic you obtain increases the condition of the weapon
when it is built.

• Smuggler's End
This is a unique laser pistol with 18 damage. It can be found in the safe in Elder Lyons' room in The Citadel, B-Ring.

• Stabhappy
This is a unique combat knife located in the raider shack east of Bethesda Ruins and north of the Chryslus building. It does 2
damage with a x4 critical multiplier and can be repaired using regular combat knives.

• Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG

This a unique gun with 9 base damage and a 9 point critical bonus. After starting the "Stealing Independence" quest, go to
the National Archives. Sydney will be close to the entrance with the gun. Kill her to obtain it.

• T-51b Power Armor

Successfully complete the "You've Gotta Shoot Them In The Head" mission given by Mr. Crowley in Underworld. Return to
him once you have all four keys. Follow him out of Underworld, and take back the keys. Go to "Fort Constantine", located in
the upper-left corner of the map directly between and slightly to the north of "SATCOM Array NW-05a" and "SATCOM
Array NN-03d". Enter the little house on the left named the "CO Quarters". Go downstairs, and use the key on the "launch
control bunker" door. Be prepared to fend off robots while making your way further down. Eventually you will find doors
for all the keys, the last one being a room that holds the T-51b under glass. Use the computer to free the armor.

• Terrible Shotgun
This is a unique combat shotgun with 80 damage. It is in the possession of Smiling Jack at the Evergreen Mills Bazaar. To
get it, you must either kill him, shoot it out of his grip and pick it up before he does, or break it in V.A.T.S. so he puts it into
his inventory. If you use the third method, put your weapon away immediately or Jack will attack you. It is important to note
that the Terrible Shotgun has much more spread than any other shotgun. It is to be used as a close-combat weapon only
because it is wildly inaccurate. It can be repaired with regular combat shotguns, but degrades very quickly.

• The Break
This is a unique pool cue with 6 damage. It can be found in the slaver camp at Paradise Falls. Search the pool table outside in
the main area (outside the shops, Eulogy Jones' pad, and the slave cages).

• The Infiltrator (The Pitt DLC)

This is a unique high-powered sniper rifle. Defeat the final challenger in the Arena, then search his body to obtain it.

• The Kneecapper
This is a unique sawed-off shotgun with 75 damage. Kill Ronald in Girdershade to obtain it.

• The Shocker
This is a unique power fist with 20 damage. It is found at the Sewer Waystation in the flooded Metro near Arlington Library.

• The Tenderizer
This is a unique sledgehammer. It is found at the Anchorage War Memorial inside the storage room with the broken door. It
can be repaired with sledgehammers. The Tenderizer damages enemy armor on each hit by 5 points. It is the only
"enchanted" weapon.

• Torcher's Mask
The Torcher's Mask can be found at the MOPL Mass Relay Station. It gives +5 Big Guns and +5 Explosives.

• Vampire's Edge
This is a unique Chinese officer's sword with 15 damage. It is found at Meresti Station in Vance's sword cabinet in his
bedroom. Note: If you kill Vance to get his key, it will make the entire Family hostile towards you, as well as the citizens of
Arefu if you have already completed the "Blood Ties" quest to make both communities allies. The sword only has 50%
durability when found but can be repaired using ordinary Chinese officer's swords. Because of its very low weight, fast
attack speed, high critical chance, and good durability, the Vampire's Edge is a very good melee weapon despite its lower
base damage.

• Vengeance
You can find a unique Gatling laser weapon called Vengeance under an outcropping of rock jutting above a bloody lake at
the far rear of the Deathclaw Sanctuary. Go as far southeast into the sanctuary as you can. It should open up into a large
cave. You will see a large rock in the center of the cave. It is approachable from the south, and is illuminated by some
glowing fungus. The bloody pond is filled with corpses, and next to one of them is Vengeance, which is in relatively good
condition when found.

• Wazer Wifle
This is a unique augmented laser rifle with 28 damage. Gain access to Little Lamplight, and find the child named "Biwwy".
He will sell you the Wazer Wifle for 250 or 500 Caps. Note: If you have the "Child At Heart" perk, you can get the weapon
for free by selecting the "You said you didn't need it, why not just give it to me for free?" option.

• Xuanlong Assault Rifle

This is a unique Chinese assault rifle with 64 damage. It is found on Prime's body in the diner near the Jury Street Metro
Station. However, for Prime's body to be present, you must complete the computer puzzle in the Museum of Technology.
This is an unmarked quest, also known as Jiggs' Loot. It can be repaired with regular Chinese assault rifles.

To get the Xuanlong Assault Rifle very easily, go to Megaton immediately after leaving the Vault. When you first arrive,
you will meet the sheriff. Talk to him about the bomb, and tell him that you want to disarm it. He will agree, and you can go
off to the saloon. Find Mr. Burke. He will ask you to rig the bomb to explode. Tell him "No", then tell the sheriff about
Burke. Say that he might get someone else to rig the bomb, so the sheriff will go after him. Follow him, and when you get to
Burke, he will shoot the sheriff with a silenced 10mm pistol. You can then let Burke leave or you can kill him with no
penalties. You can even talk to him and still blow up the bomb. You can now search the sheriff legally and take his rifle,
duster, and hat, as well as a key to the armory (but watch out for the robot guarding it inside).

• Zhu-Rong v418
This is a unique experimental Chinese pistol. It is found in the L.O.B. enterprises building in Falls Church East in the D.C.
Ruins, on the west side of the Potomac. Fight your way through all of the bots in the building on your way to the uppermost
level. Enter the CEO's office on that level. It is the one with the very hard lock door on it, and a second door that is unlocked
on the side. Search the CEO's desk for the key to the locked suitcase that is on that desk. Inside is the prototype of the
weapon. A humorous account of the weapon's problems through the research and development of the gun can be found in a
document across the hall in a computer that requires you to have 100 Science skill to hack. The design flaw shows up in the
fact that the weapon has increased damage over other Chinese pistols, but causes the user damage identical to using a Flamer
or Shishkebab.

• Lucky Eight Ball

Save Red, and help Big Town from the Super Mutants. Go into Red's Clinic. There should be someone laying on the bed
randomly. Heal him. He will give you his Lucky Eight Ball. Your Luck will be increased by 1 as long as it is held.

• Secret Nuka-Cola collection in Girdershade

North of the Dunwich Building in the southwestern part of the map is a town called "Girdershade". Once there, you will find
two shacks. One of them is Sierra Petrovita's home. Enter her shack to find the only Nuka-Cola collection in the game.

• Text adventure mini-game in Hubris Comics

Go to the Publishing wing of Hubris Comics. You can play a text adventure game named "Reign Of Grelok" on some of the
terminals. The objective of this game is to kill Grelok. Type "N", "S", "E", or "W" to move around in the mini-game and
simple one word commands to interact with the objects and people. You can also type in obscenities for funny responses.

• Hidden sniper rifle cache in Megaton

You can find a sniper rifle and other supplies hidden in a rock near Megaton.

• Secret weapons cache in National Guard Armory

There is a hidden area in the National Guard Armory that contains an experimental MIRV gun (the most powerful weapon in
the game) and the Small Arms bobblehead.

• Pimp clothing items

The location of pimp type clothing is as follows:
Tenpenny: Tenpenny Tower
Eulogu Jones: Paradise Falls
Shadey Hat: Wasteland Survival Guide Mission (optional quest reward)
Mr. Burke: Megaton or Pre-War business wear

• Cheaper Stimpaks
Instead of paying 37 Caps or more for Stimpaks, go to Tenpenny Tower. Go to the bar, save the game, hack the terminal,
and activate the 50% VIP Discount and 10% Holiday Discount to get everything on the menu for what it is worth. The
inventory is:
Beer: 2 Caps
Stimpak: 25 Caps
Vodka: 20 Caps
Whiskey: 10 Caps
Wine: 10 Caps

After doing this, the value of items you sell there also increases. For example, a pack of cigarettes with a value of 10 Caps
now has a selling price of 9 Caps.

• Saving V.A.T.S. Action Points

If you know you can hit an enemy or group of enemies, aim at one in V.A.T.S., but do not fire. You will keep your Action
Points, but remain aimed at the part of the enemy's body targeted in V.A.T.S. If you shoot quickly enough, you should still
strike the targeted area without expending any Action Points.

• Having Fawkes and Star Paladin Cross as your followers at the same time
After Fawkes is freed and gives you the G.E.C.K, leave, and do the "Raven Rock" quest. When you see Fawkes outside, tell
him to be your follower, then go to the Citadel, and talk to Star Paladin Cross. When she says "I have something to ask you",
respond with the second answer. She will say you have a wry wit like your father and ask to join you. Say that you would be
honored, and she will join you. You now have both Fawkes and Star Paladin Cross as your followers.

• Avoid carrying weight limit

Use the following trick if you are having trouble carrying all your items with over-encumbrance. Clear an area of enemies,
then grab a 55 gallon drum. Fill the drum by physically picking up items and dropping them inside. You now have a
container with all those items that you can fast travel with. Note: When you arrive at your destination the drum will fall to
the ground, and you have to pick it all back up again.

• Extra inventory space
You can use your followers as storage. Talk to them, and tell them you want to trade equipment. Give them all your non-
essential items.
You can also place your own items onto enemy corpses. Since the corpses remain almost indefinitely, you can drop non-
essential items onto the corpse of an enemy and return at a later time to recollect the items.

• Wearing up to four head gear items at once

Once you get the Chinese Stealth Armor, equip it, then select up to four hats (for example, Eulogy's Hat, Ledoux's Hockey
Mask, Shady Hat, and Winterized Power Helmet). When you have the desired hats, you can equip any armor desired. Do not
unequip the hats or you will have to do the trick again.

• Falling long distances without dying

If you are falling from a high location, before you land, activate V.A.T.S., and attack something.

If you are falling a long distance, such as off a bridge or cliff, save the game in mid-air close to the ground, and reload it.
You will land safely on the ground.

• Early detection
When wandering around the world or towns, use the following trick to get an early notification on enemies, encounters, or
who is nearby. Keep tapping [V.A.T.S.] while searching at all angles. If there is something out there, you will get the
V.A.T.S. zoom in with a low score. You will at least know what is there and can figure out a plan of attack or how best to
sneak around it.

• Early Power Armor training

To get Power Armor training at the beginning of the game, complete the following steps. Note: Only talk to the people in the
video because there are people in the city that will give away the story. You can pick up anything in the city. -From:

• Skip storyline
In the main storyline, when you first enter the Wasteland level up until at least level 2, instead of going to Megaton or the
GNR radio station, go to Rivet City, and talk to Doctor Li. If this is done when you get to the GNR radio station part of the
storyline, you will be able to skip that entire section. Note: Rivet City is located near the end of the map in the southwest

• Followers
There are eight followers that you can get at the indicated locations with the appropriate Karma:

Butch (requires neutral Karma): Successfully complete the "Trouble On The Homefront" quest, and make sure the
Overseer has been killed or has stepped down, or sabotaged the Vault in its entirety. Then, look for Butch at the
Muddy Rudder Bar in Rivet City.

Charon (requires any Karma): This ghoul can be found in The Underworld at The Ninth Circle. You can buy his
contract from Ahzrukal for 2,000 Caps (or 1,000 Caps with Barter at 50+). It is also possible to get his contract by
killing Greta at Carol's Place.

Clover (requires very bad Karma): She can be bought from Eulogy in Paradise Falls for 1,000 Caps (or 500 Caps
with enough Barter skill).

Dogmeat (requires any Karma): Found in the Scrapyard. On the world map, the Scrapyard is in the top right corner
of the square that is two squares directly below Minefield. Follow the clear triangle on your compass if you are
having problems finding it. Enter the Scrapyard, and look/listen for fighting. Your will find Dogmeat fighting a
Raider. Once the Raider is dead, you can talk to Dogmeat and ask him to join you.

Fawkes (requires good Karma): You will meet Fawkes during your main quest when exploring Vault 87. She will
not immediately join you, but you can easily recruit her when you get out of Raven Rock. Fawkes is/was a woman.
She is now a Super Mutant, and they do not really have a gender either way. Note: When Fawkes joins for the first
time, she does not seem to take a follower spot. This means you can already have a follower (or even have
assembled a small party) before you recruit Fawkes at Raven Rock. Simply avoid her the first time when you get
out, and recruit her later to get the best result.

Jericho (requires bad Karma): Jericho can be found in Megaton. If you pay him 1,000 Caps for supplies, he will
join you.

Sergeant RL-3 (requires neutral Karma): You can buy Sergeant RL-3 from a merchant who sells robots wandering
the Wasteland. His name is Mr. Tinker, and can be found nearby or around the RobCo Factory. It is a somewhat
random encounter, so you may need to use the wait function for him to appear.

Star Paladin Cross (requires good Karma): You can recruit this Brotherhood Lady in the Citadel, in the same room
with Liberty Prime (the large robot). She is on the upper floor. Note: You must keep your Karma positive or she
will leave you.

• Bobblehead locations
The hidden Vault-Tec Bobbleheads can be found at the following locations. Collect a Bobblehead to gain +10 to a skill or +1
to a stat. Note: The map coordinates are indicated by reading each individual square starting from the left edge, first square
starting map with rocks. To find each zone, go down then over by the listed amount. For example, Raven Rock (Zone 1.01)
is down 1 and over 1.
Agility: Greener Pastures Disposal, in the small office covered in radiation (Zone 3.06 ; latitude/longitude 07/21).
Charisma: Vault 108, in the Cloning Lab (Zone: 6.06 ; latitude/longitude: 18/06).
Endurance: Deathclaw Sanctuary, at the entrance on a table next to a rotting Brahmin corpse (Zone: 1.07 -;
latitude/longitude -22/20).
Intelligence: Rivet City, on Dr. Li's table in the Science Lab (Zone: 9.15; latitude/longitude: 18/-17).
Luck: Arlington Cemetery North, in the basement on a shelf directly below the stairs inside the house to the north
(Zone: 16.03).
Perception: Republic Of Dave, on a bookshelf on the right in the Museum of Dave (Zone: 3.03; latitude/longitude
Strength: Megaton, in Sherriff Lucas Simm's house (Zone: 8.03; latitude/longitude -01/-06).


Barter: Evergreen Mills, in back of the Market Bazaar on a shelf in the upper-right side behind the Raider Trader
that does not attack (Zone: 7.04 ; latitude/longitude -18/-07).
Big Guns: Fort Constantine, in the basement of the CO Quarters inside a safe in the wall (Zone: 1.04 ;
latitude/longitude: -17/26).
Energy Weapons: Raven Rock, Colonel Autumn's Office (Zone: 1.01 ; latitude/longitude -28/28)
Explosives: WKML Broadcast Station, turn on your local map. Go through the doorway to the sealed cistern to
find it (Zone: 1.11 ; latitude/longitude -17/18).
Lockpick: Bethesda Ruins, in Bethesda Offices East on the top floor near the door to the bridge (Zone: 6.07;
latitude/longitude 05/03).
Medicine: Vault 101, on your dad's desk when leaving.
Melee Weapons: Dunwich Building, just before you leave the Virulent Underchambers, on the floor next to the
door (Zone: 7.11 ; latitude/longitude -26/-18).
Repair: Aerefu, in Evan King's house (Zone: 5.07 ; latitude/longitude -11/06).
Science: Vault 106, from the living quarters enter the room all the way in the rear left corner. There is a room with
a bookcase lit by a bright light. Search the middle (toward the right) of that bookcase (Zone: 5.12 ;
latitude/longitude -09/01).
Small Guns: National Guard Depot, go through the training room and offices to exit from a door to the main
room. Use the power switch on the wall to your left, and enter the Armory door, then search the
shelves (Zone: 6.11 ; latitude/longitude 18/-03).
Sneak: Yao Guai Tunnels, on top of a metal box in the Den, on the right of the map near some water (Zone: 7.01 ;
latitude/longitude -28/-04).
Speech: Paradise Falls, on a table inside Euology's pad (Slave Master's house) (Zone: 2.08 ; latitude/longitude -
Unarmed: Rockopolis, go directly west from Casey Smith's garage. Look for tattered banners that are strung up.
Use your local map to find it (Zone: 7. C ; latitude/longitude -26/-07).

• Super Mutant Behemoth locations

There are five Super Mutant Behemoths that can be found and killed. After they die, they will not respawn. You can find
them at the following locations:

Galaxy News Radio Building Plaza: This Behemoth will destroy a wall just outside the GNR building as you enter
the area (quest related).

The Capitol Building: Use the west entrance, and go inside the main room. Look on the map. The room is straight
down the hall from the entrance. However, debris will force you to find an alternate route there.

Takoma Industrial: Located east of the GNR building at the end of the map. The Behemoth is just north of the
factory, standing in the middle of some wrecked cars.

Evergreen Mills: At the bandit camp near Vault 112, a Behemoth is behind an electric enclosure beside the train
tracks. When the generator powering the enclosure is destroyed, the Behemoth will escape.

Jury Street Metro Station: Go west until you find a group of crumpled up train cars. Search this area until the
Behemoth appears. You will know you are in the correct area if you see a teddy bear in a shopping cart.

• Abraham Lincoln shrine in Arlington Cemetery North

The house with the Luck bobblehead also contains a hidden shrine to Abraham Lincoln.

• Full armor and energy weapon repair in Fort Independence

To get your armor and energy weapons fully repaired, go to Fort Independence. Accept the technology side quest. When you
give the person Power Armor, Enclave Power Armor, or any energy-based weapon, as soon as he gets it, the item will be
repaired to 100%. To get the items back, you have to kill him. Note: This can only be done once, so use it wisely.

• S.P.E.C.I.A.L. planning
It is important to plan ahead when setting your special values. Make sure you know what each attribute does before deciding
how many points to add to it. Here are a few things to consider while distributing points:

Will your character need it? If you are never going to use melee weapons or wear power armor, do not put many
points into Strength. A Perception of 5 will generally put your enemies on the radar well before they see you.

Will you be getting a Bobblehead? A Strength of 10 is useless because the Bobblehead is in Megaton. The same
goes for Intelligence; you will be going to Rivet City at some point. However, this is not true for Charisma; Vault
108 is a bit out of the way.

What kind of armor/clothing will you be wearing? Most hats increase Perception by 1. Most Wasteland clothing
increases Agility and Endurance by 1 each.

Will you be using perks to further increase your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes? The Ant Might, Ant Sight, and Special
Training perks all do this.

Your Luck does not have to be over 5 because of the "Lucky Getup" consisting of Lucky Shades, Lucky 8 Ball,
Three-Dog's Head Wrap, any Luck-increasing armor/clothing item, and the Bobblehead (the first two of which
count towards your permanent Luck total).

• Defeating robots in the Wastelands

Run up a steep hill with the robot at the bottom. Some robots have problems shooting upwards at a steep angle. Shoot at
them as you are running up the hill to destroy them easily.

List of Fallout 3 Additional Perks

Utilizing your advanced craftsman skills, with this perk you can create
your own ammunition from gunpowder and other materials found in
the wasteland.
1 150133B5 Ammunition Engineer 2 Repair 60 3 Every additional rank increases the amount of ammunition that can be
created from a set of materials.
Additionally, you gain the ability to extract gunpowder from existing
Based on your profound scientific knowledge, you can utililize common
components to create advanced weapons and ammunition. This
Repair 50 includes:
2 150133B6 High-Tech Engineer 2 3
Science 50 (Rank 1) Energy Cells, Microfusion Cells, Electron Charge Packs
(Rank 2) Pulse Grenades, Pulse Mines
(Rank 3) Plasma Grenades, Plasma Mines

Your knowledge of pyrotechnic materials paired with your practical

abilities allows you to create your own explosives, or disassemble them
Explosive 50 for the components they are built of. This includes:
3 150133B7 Explosives Engineer 2 3
Science 50 (Rank 1) Frag Mines, Frag Grenades
(Rank 2) Flamer Fuel, Molotov Cocktails
(Rank 3) Missiles, Mini Nukes

Cowards be damned, the only direction you'll be running is toward the

4 15025888 Charge! 2 1
enemy! With this perk, you can keep your weapon out while sprinting.

In all your time as a defensive lineman for your football team back in
UnArmed 40 the vault, you only learned one thing, but you learned it well: How to
5 15025889 Tackle 2 Melee Weapons 40 1 knock people off their feet. With this perk, you can sprint into enemies
Strength 7 to tackle them. Requires Melee Weapons and/or Unarmed 40+. Also
requires Strength 7+

This perk enhances your reflexes in "Bullet Time" mode. You can
6 1508B1AC Swift Reflexes 3 Agility 6 1 remain in bullet time twice as long, and your sense of time is slowed an
additional 50%.

This perk further enhances your reflexes in "Bullet Time" mode. You
Swift Reflexes Perk now act like a god among men. You can remain in bullet time four
7 1508B1AD Super Human Reflexes 9 1
Agility 8 times as long, and your sense of time is slowed down to 20% or real
time.(Prerequisite: Swift Reflexes)

You never seem to get tired and you recover quickly from exertion.
8 15FA08D0 Track Star 5 Endurance 6 1
Your Action Points Recover 40% faster
You never seem to get tired and you recover quickly from exertion.
Track Star Perk
9 15FA08D1 Olympian 9 1 Your Action Points Recover 80% faster - that's nearly twice as fast!
Edurance 7
(Prerequisite: Track Star)

PA Training - Basic Perk You are one with your power armor and gain additional enhancements
10 15FA1626 PA Training - Adv. 18 1
Endurance 7 when wearing it. (Prerequisite: Power Armor training)

You have almost supernatural survival senses and can easily spot traps
11 1C001659 Detect Traps 4 Perception 6 1
whilst sneaking.

You're a genuine robot repairman. You can turn any hulk into a good-
Repair 40 as-new robot buddy with nothing more than a Fission Battery, scrap
12 17000846 RobCo Certified 2 1
Science 40 metal and some good old elbow grease. Certification qualifies you to
fix commercial robots like Mister Handies and Protectrons.

RobCo Certified Perk You're a top-notch robot repairman. Professional RobCo Certification
13 17005424 RobCo Certified Pro 8 Repair 75 1 qualifies you to fix security robots like Mister Gutsy and Robobrains,
Science 75 and perform extra upgrades to commercial robots.

RobCo Certified Pro Perk You're a robot repairman without peer. Your Gold Standard RobCo
14 17005425 RobCo Certified Gold 14 Repair 90 1 Certification qualifies you to work on top-of-the-line Military Sentry
Science 90 Bots.

- You just can't stop yourself inventing things- when you've got your
wrench out and are looking at the world, some things just glow with
potential. Some might say hitting appliances with a wrench to turn
Repair 40
15 170262B5 Crazed Inventor 2 1 them into robot pals is insane, but you can't hear them over the
Science 40
- If you're in need of some ideas, try checking in on fellow Crazed
Inventor Moira?
- Requires Crazed Inventor
Crazed Inventor Perk - They called you mad for making robots out of all sorts of household
16 170262B6 Mad Scientist 10 Repair 70 1 appliance, but you'll show them! Now you can create even weirder and
Science 70 more wonderful contraptions.
- Perhaps Moira will have some more notes, too.
Crazed Inventor Perk
No matter how many robots you have, you've never got enough. Each
17 1702A84C Robot Wrangler 2 or 3
rank of the Robot Wrangler perk gives you an extra 2 Robot Capacity.
RobCo Certified Perk

You know that if you fish around inside a bot long enough, you'll land a
whopper. With Gone Fission', you're much more likely to find Fission
18 1702AEF9 Gone Fission' 2 Repair 50 1
Batteries on dead robots, and also have a chance to salvage Robot
Spare Parts from them.

You have an unnatural rapport with nature. With a few sugar bombs
for a lure, you can persuade friendly critters to follow, and you can
19 18009407 Wasteland Whisperer 2 Speech 40 1
placate hostile animals by throwing food. The first rank lets you tame
Radroaches, Brahmin and Molerats.

Your unhealthy fascination with our eight-legged friends has allowed

20 18009408 Octologist 2 Perception 6 1 you to learn to move amongst them unmolested. Thanks to your pincer
maneuvers Mirelurks and Radscorpions will no longer attack you.

You can fit mind-control helmets made of conductors and sensor

Science 100 packages to any Deathclaw you sneak up upon. The helmet goes
21 18009409 Deathclaw Dominator 20 1
Medicine 100 through small energy cells at a prodigious rate when in combat though,
and woe betide you should they run out.

You've learnt how to bring your pets back from the brink. You can heal
Wasteland Whisperer Perk
22 1800DD97 Veteran Veterinarian 4 1 pets in combat or save recently downed pets with a stimpak, and
Medicine 60
administer various chems to permanently boost their abilities.

You've learnt to placate ever more deadly and hungry creatures. You
Wasteland Whisperer Perk
23 1800DD9C Wasteland Charmer 6 1 can charm Radscorpions, Mirelurks and Dogs into following your
Speech 75

Requires Wasteland Charmer

Wasteland Charmer Perk The most deadly creatures in the Wastes are like playful puppies to
24 1700DD9E Wasteland Wrangler 12 1
Speech 90 you. You can wrangle Giant Radscorpions, Yao Guai and Mirelurk
Hunters and Kings into defending you and your allies.

Rank 1 will allow you to recognize and recover power armor

subcomponents when the power armor itself is too damaged to be
fully recovered.
Science 40
25 5E092D91 Power Armor Mechanic 10 2 Rank 2 will allow you to reconstruct those components into working
Repair 40
sets of power armor at any workbench. The armor's condition will
depend on your repair skill, and on the condition of the power armor
shell used.
Shoddy 10mm Pistol 1500080E
Inferior Chinese Pistol 15000812
Browning Hi-Power Pistol 150009C3
SIG Sauer Pistol 150009C6
Casull Revolver 150009C9
Walther MPL SMG 150009CC
M1 Garand Rifle 150009CF
Avenger Minigun 150009DE
MEC Gauss Minigun 150009E9
M16A1 Assault Rifle 15000A01
M79 Grenade Launcher 15000A15
Sten M3 SMG 15000A16
H&K MP5 15000A17
MP38 SMG 15000A18
Lewis MKII Machinegun 15000A19
Browning Automatic Rifle 15000A1A
Beretta M9 Pistol 15000A28
M249 Machinegun 15000A56
Colt 1911 Pistol 15000A57
UZI Machinepistol 15000A58
M-14 Assault Rifle 15000A5A
Scorpio Machinepistol 15000A5B
Grenade Pistol 15000A5C
Neostead Combat SG 15000A5E
Bren Automatic Rifle 15000A5F
Steyr AUG Assault Rifle 15000A60
Beretta 470 Shotgun 15000A61
Ithaca Model 37 Pump-Shotgun 15000A74
H&K G-11 15001BF4
Pancor Jackhamer 15003D4F
Junk Metal Hammer 1,50E+07
Junk Metal Master Sword 15005ED4
.223 Pistol 15009A7A
Desert Eagle 1500A7D4
Bozar 1500B528
L86 LSW 1500E3B7
M60 Machine Gun 1500E3B8
14mm Pistol 1500E3B9
Needler Pistol 1500E3C1
Widowmaker 1500E3C2
FN FAL 1500E3C3
XL70E3 1500E3C8
H&K G-11E 15016F88
Red Ryder Limited Edition BB Gun 1500E3C6
Throwing Knife 15021CBD
Vindicator Minigun 15022374
Tactical Sniper Rifle 15027938
YK42B Pulse Rifle 15028DF7
Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol 1502CA0A
Wattz 2000 Laser Rifle 1502CA0B
Winchester P94 Plasma Rifle 1502CA0C
YK32 Pulse Pistol 15033DF0
.223 Knee Capper Special 15033DF1
FN FAL HPFA 150351F0
FN FAL (Night Sight) 15038733
Magneto Laser Pistol 15038735
Turbo Plasma Rifle 15039B36
H&K CAWS 150629F0
Tommy Gun 150629F1
M3a1 "Grease Gun" 150629F2
Tactical Sniper Rifle (EC, SI) 1507FE1A
DKS-501 Sniper Rifle 1508121D
Junk Metal Blade 15081220
Junk Metal Spear 15081221
M-14 Assault Rifle (SC) 15081938
FN P90c 15FA00C6
Gauss Rifle M72 (SC) 15FA08B1
Gauss Pistol PPK12 (AF) 15FA08B2
Glock 86 Plasma Pistol 15FA08B4
.223 Pistol (EX) 15FA16CD
RA1-Masher 15FA16CE
Junk Metal Sabre 15FA18AF
AK-74U Assault Rifle 15FA18B0
Warblade 15FA18B3
Reservist's Rifle 15FA1923
Flare 15021604
The Traponator 4000 1C004712
P.I.L.L.A.R. 5E0E4563
Torrent 5E115608
Laser Sniper Rifle 5E11635A

Advanced Recon Nightvision Mk2 59038AE3
Advanced Recon Breather Mk2 59038AE4
Advanced Recon Breather Mk1 59038AE5
Advanced Recon Nightvision Mk1 59038AE6
Advanced Recon TAC 59038AE7
Advanced Recon Helmet 59038AE8
Adv. Recon Armor 57003D60
Adv. Recon Armor (Worn) 57021DDB
Adv. Recon Reglator Duster 57003D61
Adv. Recon Death Walker Duster 57021DDC
Adv. Recon Trenchcoat 57008D30
Adv. Recon Black Ops Coat 57008D31
Winterized Medic Armor 0600A9A1
Winterized Medic Helmet 0600A9A2
Samurai Helmet 0600693F
Samurai Armor 06006940
Vault-Tec Power Armor 02000ADD
Vault-Tec Power Helmet 02000ADE
Will's Power Armor 77000EA6
Will's Power Armor Helmet 77000EA7
Chinese Stealth Armor 0100c18f
Chinese Stealth Armor Helmet 0100c190
Ashur's Power Armor 02006852
Outcast T-51c Power Armor 15FA18F3
Outcast T-51c Power Helmet 15FA18F7
Star Paladin T-51c Power Armor 15FA18F4
Paladin T-51c Power Armor 15FA18F2
Brotherhood T-51c Power Armor 15FA18F5
Brotherhood T-51c Power Helmet 15FA18F6
Hardened T-51b Power Armor 5E0AEB34
Hardened T-51b Power Helmet 5E0AEB35
Composite T-45d Power Armor 5E0AE488
Composite T-45d Helm 5E0AE48D
Enclave Onyx Armor 5E094ED6
Enclave Onyx Helmet 5E094ED8
Aramid UnderArmor 5E039771
Environmental UnderArmor 5E038A1D
Insulating UnderArmor 5E0368D3
MediBrace UnderArmor 5E044B14
Catalytic Rebreather 5E04D018

Power Armor Upgrade

Lower Liquid Cooling 5E00AE74
Upper Liquid Cooling 5E00AE75
Lower Precision Phase Controller 5E00AE77
Upper Precision Phase Controller 5E00AE76
Neural Targeting Interface 5E00AE78
Thermal Regulation Override 5E00AE79
Regenerative Overload Capacitor 5E00AE7A
Proximity Alert 5E038374
StimJak 5E0B41D0
Wasteland Sun MicroFusion Pack 5E0D3B5D
Energy Pulse Generator 5E071935
Electrostatic Pulse Modulator 5E077D18
Electromagnetic Pulse Modulator 5E077D19
Infrared Pulse Modulator 5E077D1A
Mesmetronic Pulse Modulator 5E077D1B

Power Armor Material

Power Armor Shell 5E08C313
Power Armor Husk 5E09203E
Brotherhood Power Armor Shell 5E08C314
Brotherhood Power Armor Husk 5E09203F
Lyons' Pride Power Armor Shell 5E08C315
Lyons' Pride Power Armor Husk 5E092040
Outcast Power Armor Shell 5E08C316
Outcast Power Armor Husk 5E092041
T-51b Power Armor Shell 5E08C317
Tesla Armor Shell 5E08C318
Tesla Armor Husk 5E092042
Linden's Outcast Power Armor Shell 5E08C319
Prototype Medic Power Armor Shell 5E08C31A
Enclave Power Armor Shell 5E08C31C
Enclave Power Armor Husk 5E09203D
Enclave Onyx Armor Husk 5E094EDB
Enclave Onyx Shell 5E094EDD
Composite T-45d Power Armor Shell 5E0B0C7D
Composite T-45d Power Armor Husk 5E0B2724
Hardened T-51b Power Armor Shell 5E0B0C81
Winterized T-51b Power Armor Shell 5F001853
Ashur's Power Armor Shell 60000F69
Tribal Power Armor Shell 60000F6A
Enclave Hellfire Armor Shell 6100158C
Enclave Hellfire Armor Husk 6100158D
Robo-Thor Armor Shell 6300154F
Robo-Thor Armor Husk 63001550
Enclave T-51c Shocktrooper Armor Shell 63001551
Enclave T-51c Shocktrooper Armor Husk 63001552
Enclave Power Armor MK I Shell 63001553
Enclave Power Armor MK I Husk 63001554
Star Paladin T-51c Power Armor Shell 63001555
Paladin T-51c Power Armor Shell 63001556
Paladin T-51c Power Armor Husk 630022AB
Outcast T-51c Power Armor Shell 63001557
Outcast T-51c Power Armor Husk 630022A9
Brotherhood T-51c Power Armor Shell 63001558
Brotherhood T-51c Power Armor Husk 630022AA
T-51b Ultracapacitor Conversion Kit 5E03B212
APA Ultracapacitor Conversion Kit 5E03B211
Mark IV MicroFusion Pack 5E0415D6
TX-40e MicroFusion Pack 5E0415D5
T-45d Power Plant 5E08C301
T-45d Chassis 5E08C303
T-45d Servos (Left Leg) 5E08C302
T-45d Servos (Right Leg) 5E08C304
T-45d Servos (Left Arm) 5E08C305
T-45d Servos (Right Arm) 5E08C306
Mark II MicroFusion Pack 5E08C309
APA Chassis 5E08C308
APA Servos (Left Arm) 5E08C307
APA Servos (Right Arm) 5E08C30A
APA Servos (Right Leg) 5E08C30B
APA Servos (Left Leg) 5E08C30C
TX-28 MicroFusion Pack 5E08C30E
T-51b Chassis 5E08C30D
T-51b Hydraulics (Left Arm) 5E08C30F
T-51b Hydraulics (Right Arm) 5E08C310
T-51b Hydraulics (Right Leg) 5E08C311
T-51b Hydraulics (Left Leg) 5E08C312
APA Onyx Chassis 5E0962D8
Composite Repair Kit 5E0B0C7B
Composite T-45d Chassis 5E0B132D
T-45d Stealth Servos (Left Leg) 5E0B132E
T-45d Stealth Servos (Right Leg) 5E0B132F
APA Stealth Servos (Left Leg) 5E0B2722
APA Stealth Servos (Right Leg) 5E0B2723

RobCo Rapid Recharge Station 5E02795B
RobCo Personal Breeder Reactor 5E0293F8
Power Armor Field Repair Unit 5E0C0966
Ceramic Ultracapacitor 5E000EA8
Schematics - Composite T-45d Power Armor 5E0B41CC
Titanium Scrap 5E0B41DC
Armor Plating Scrap 5E0C5935
Fission Battery 00033BC6
Portable Laboratory 15001C04
Portable Infirmary 15001EA6
Gunpowder 150058A4
Weapon Mod Kit - Auto-Fire Mechanism 4F003864
Weapon Mod Kit - Extended Magazine 4F003866
Weapon Mod Kit - Laser Sight 4F003868
Weapon Mod Kit - Scope 4F00386A
Weapon Mod Kit - Silencer 4F00386C

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