4C's and Principles of Communication

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What are 4c’s of Effective Communication?

Communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, feelings, sentiments etc. with
the help of a suitable medium. Human beings are the only creatures that are gifted with
this distinct ability and they have made an excellent use of it for progress and
advancement. But, the ability to communicate effectively differs from person to person
because one who wants to communicate effectively must possess sound knowledge of
language in terms of vocabulary, sentence structures, understanding of tone, stress patterns
etc. In addition to that, the communication can be effective if and only if your
communication is embellished with the following four qualities.

1. Clear

The Speaker/writer must ensure that whether it is oral or written, the message should
not be vague and unclear. The Speaker/writer should assess the education background,
age, experience level etc. of the receiver before delivering the message and the message
should be communicated accordingly. The message should be full of clarity with regard
to place, time, destination, number, mode or whatever.

For Example:

Unclear - The report should be submitted to the authority in time.

Clear - The report should be submitted to the Secretary on or before 30th
September, 2010.
2. Concise

The message should be delivered using minimum words and these words should be
chosen from everyday language. Lengthy messages require too many efforts on the part
of the listener/reader to decode and comprehend. Moreover, the Speaker/writer
should value the time of the listener/reader and he/she should form concise messages
with clarity.

Lengthy: Every of the students belonging to this class must note and remember that
the First Internal Test is scheduled in the middle of the coming month i.e.
from 16th of October, 2010.
Concise: Students, please note that the First Internal Test starts from 16 th October,

3. Correct

It is very important to communicate correctly. Here, ‘Correctness’ means both – moral

correctness and grammatical correctness. When the listener/reader finds out that the
language is erroneous, he/she no longer remains interested in communication. The
speaker/writer should check the authenticity of the messages and only correct messages
should be communicated.

Incorrect: Both communities is growing good co-operation with one another.

Correct: Both communities are developing good rapport with each other.
4. Courteous

The language used in communication should be full of courtesy. No listener/reader will

pay careful attention to the message if their feelings are not respected. The
speaker/writer has to put himself/herself in the position of the listener/reader and
he/she should communicate from there. Only courteous language is not enough. The
facial expressions of the speaker/writer should also be pleasant.

Discourteous: Don’t leave the room before you have completed the task.
Courteous: Please complete the task before you leave the room.

Principles of Communication

The term ‘Communication’ has been derived from Latin word ‘Communicare’ which
means to share or exchange. Sharing of ideas, thoughts or feelings is the basis around
which communication revolves. Communication is like an essential need and no human
can live without communicating with others.

(1) Communication is an inner urge and no human can live without communication. It is
a basic need like water, food and shelter.

(2) Any message becomes communication only when it is received, interpreted,

understood and responded.

(3) Communication is not the monopoly of humans alone. Animals and inanimate objects
also communicate.

(4) Communication is a two way process requiring at least two parties.

(5) Communication is not possible without a medium because ideas and thoughts are
abstract and they cannot be communicated without a medium.

(6) Communication is an ongoing process.

(7) There should prevail proper co-ordination and co-operation between Speaker/writer
and receiver.

(8) There always exists some inter-relation between the Speaker/writer and receiver and
this always has its profound impact on the communication output.

(9) Communication need not be only verbal (oral or written). It may also be non-verbal; in
the form of facial expressions, gestures, body language, signs, signals, maps, graphs,
charts, colour and even silence.

(10) There is nothing like cent percent successful communication. Some internal or
external factor (barrier) always hampers the effectiveness of communication.

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