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Dashboard Dashboard element

Commercial Opportunity Dashboard

Commercial Port Call
Commercial Overall Quote
Commercial Open Opportunities
Commercial Closed Opportunities
Commercial Overall Count of Quotes
Commercial WON - QUOTES
Commercial Quote Per Product Type
Commercial Quote Per Customer Segment
Commercial Quote per Team
Commercial Count of Quote per Product Type
Commercial Count of Quote Per Customer Segment
Commercial Count of Quote per Team
Commercial LOSS - QUOTES
Commercial Quote Per Product Type
Commercial Quote Per Customer Segment
Commercial Quote per Team
Commercial Count of Quote per Product Type
Commercial Count of Quote Per Customer Segment
Commercial Count of Quote per Team
Commercial Conversion Dashboard
Commercial Sales Overall Vs Target Sales
Commercial Count of Converted Sales
Commercial Sales Per team
Commercial Sales per Product Type
Commercial Sales per Customer Segment
Commercial Count of Sales per Team
Commercial Sales Vs GProfit
Commercial Sales Vs Gprofit Per Product Type
Commercial Sales Vs Gprofit Per Customer Segment
Commercial Processing Dashboard
Commercial Hit Rate
Commercial Average Quote Time
Commercial Average Turnover
Dashboard Dashboard element

Commercial Average Conversion days (Quote - Order)

Commercial Conversion Per Team
Commercial Project
Commercial Quoting Automation
Commercial Bottom 100 Customers
Commercial Top 100 Customers
Commercial Pricing Scheme
Procurement Spend
Procurement Spend Overall
Procurement Spend Per Category
Procurement Spend Per Supplier
Procurement Spend per Type (JIT/Stock)
Procurement Spend Per Vendor Type (Preffered, New, Other)
Procurement Spend per Agreement Vs Non Agreement
Procurement JIT to stock Conversion - compare the spend for the month when we bought JIT and when converted to Stock
Procurement SAVINGS
Procurement Procurement Savings - to check how we will measure the data
Procurement Savings Per Category
Procurement Savings Per Supplier
Procurement Savings per Type (JIT/Stock)
Procurement Savings Per Vendor Type (Preffered, New, Other)
Procurement Savings per Agreement Vs Non Agreement
Procurement KPI
Procurement KPI to less the spend by 5%
Procurement Supplier Perfomance
Warehouse Stock order model
Warehouse Stock accuracy report
Warehouse Line item accuracy
Warehouse Unit variance
Dashboard Dashboard element

Warehouse Value Variance
Warehouse Unit accuracy
Warehouse Value accuracy
Warehouse Service Level
Warehouse Stock Adjustments
Logistics Logistic Miles
Logistics Inboun and Outbound
Logistics Delivery Volume (cases and pallets)
Logistics per month
Logistics per 15 days
Logistics per week
HR Head Count
HR Per department head count
HR Per Category Head Count (Top Mngt., Middle, Production, Support)
HR Open Position
HR Talent Dashboard
HR Base on Performance Review (Exceed Expectation, Above, Meet, Below)
HR Sickness and Absence
Dashboard Dashboard element

HR Cost of Absences
HR Cost of Sickness
Formula/Fields Required

Quote Value
Open Quote Value (not confirmed)
Closed Quote Value (Closed won and Closed Lost)
Count of Quotes

Quote Value
Quote Value
Quote Value
Count of Quotes
Count of Quotes
Count of Quotes

Quote Value
Quote Value
Quote Value
Count of Quotes
Count of Quotes
Count of Quotes

Sales Value
Sales Value
Sales Value
Sales Value
Sales Value
Sales Value
Cost Less Sales
Cost Less Sales
Cost Less Sales

Average Quote
Average Quote per stage
Formula/Fields Required

Average days Quote - Average Order / No. of quotes

Spend Value
Spend Value by Category
Spend Value by Supplier
Spend Value by JIT/Stock
Spend Value by Preffered, New, Other
Spend Value by Agreement, Non Agreement
month when we bought JIT and when converted to Stock

Old Cost Less New Cost

Old Cost Less New Cost
Old Cost Less New Cost
Old Cost Less New Cost
Old Cost Less New Cost
Old Cost Less New Cost

a.       Total line items counted – The total number of line items counted.
b.       Total line items excess – The total number of line items found to have excess quantities.
c.       Total line items short – The total number of line items found to have short quantities.
d.       Total line item errors – The total number line items with errors both excess and short quantities.
e.       Total Correct Lines – The total number of line  item counted as correct or no discrepancy with the quantities.
f. Line items accuracy % - The total number of correct line items vs. The total number of line items counted.

a.       Units system – The total quantity of units shown in the system. 
Formula/Fields Required

b.       Units actual – The total quantity of units physically present when counted.
c.       Units variance – The actual quantity of units minus the system quantity of units. 
d. Unit variance accuracy % - The actual net variance quantity vs. the total quantity of units in the system.

a.       Value system – The total value shown in the system. 
b.       Value actual – The total value physically present when counted.
c.       Value variance – The actual value minus the system value.
d. Value variance accuracy % - The actual net variance value vs. the total value in the system.

a.       Units system – The total quantity of units shown in the system. 
b.       Units excess – The total number of excess units counted.
c.       Units short – The total number of short units counted.
d.       Total Unit errors – The total number of unit errors adding both excess and short quantities together.
e. Unit accuracy % - The total number of correct units vs. The total number of units counted.

a.       Value system – The total value shown in the system. 
b.       Value excess – The total value excess counted.
c.       Value short – The total value short counted.
d.       Total value errors – The total number of value errors adding both excess and short values together.
e. Value accuracy % - The total value correct vs. The total value counted.

Actual Cost per trip per Truck X Actual Trips

No. of Cases/ 12(per month) / No. of pallets / 12 per month

No. of Cases/ 24 / No. of pallets / 24 per month
No. of Cases/ 48 / No. of pallets / 48 per month

No of Head count per department

No of Head count per department
No of Open Position
Formula/Fields Required

No of Days Absence * no of days

No of Days Sickness * no of days
Stakeholder Currently Available Timeline
Stakeholder Currently Available Timeline
Stakeholder Currently Available Timeline
Stakeholder Currently Available Timeline

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