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P. R. Pote (Patil) College of Engineering and Management, Amravati.

Department of Electrical Engineering

Final Year (VIIIth SEM) Second Unit Test Sub: DSP
Max. Marks: - 30 SHIFT-I Max. Time: - 3 hr.

Note: Solve Q1. OR Q2 And Q3. OR Q4.

Instruction to Candidate:
1) Assume Suitable Data Whenever Necessary.
2) Illustrate your answer whenever necessary with the help of neat sketch.
3) Use pen of Blue/Black ink/Refill only for writing the answer book.

Q1.a]State and explain following properties of DTFT (8M)

i) Time shifting ii) Convolution iii) Time Reversal iv) Linearity
b] Derive4 point DFT of signal x (n) = cosn (7M)

Q2.a] Determine circular convolution of the sequences x1 (n) = [2, 3, 1, 1] h (n) = [1, 3, 5,3] (7M)

b]Design Radix 2 DITFFT Algorithm (8M)

Q3.a] Explain Direct Form 1 and direct form 2 for realization of IIR filters (7M)
b] Design a filter with Hd(ejw)= e-j3w , -π/4 ≤ w ≤ π/4
=0 , π/4 ≤ w ≤ π
Using rectangular window with N=7 (8M)

Q4. a]Construct Cascade realization for IIR Filter. (7M)


b]Construct the parallel form realization for the

y(n)= -0.1 y(n-1)+ 0.72 y(n-2) + 0.7 x(n)– 0.25 x(n-2) (8M)

*** Best of Luck**

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