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Replacement of 11 kilometers of the Brega- Misurata

34” Gas Pipeline
(Brega- Sidra Section KM 5+100 to KM 16+595) L
PROJECT No. TP – 210364 GT

Contract n°:

Contractor doc. n°: Company doc. n°:

Job n°:



000 Issue for Use/Construction

C04 Issue for approval
C03 Issue for review
C02 Issue for review
C01 Issued for Client review
Replacement of 11 kilometers of the Brega- ALSHOLA ALMUDIA & Ezar for Engineering &
Misurata 34” Gas Pipeline Technical Services.


1.0. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................................4
1.1. Purpose and Scope.................................................................................................................................4
1.2. Definitions and Abbreviations................................................................................................................4
1.3. Referenced Documents..........................................................................................................................5
1.3.1. Reference Documents.................................................................................................................5
2.0. HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL........................................................................................................6
2.1. General Safety........................................................................................................................................6
2.2. Permit to Work.......................................................................................................................................6
2.3. Tool box meeting...................................................................................................................................7
2.4. Environmental........................................................................................................................................7
2.5. Responsibilities:.....................................................................................................................................7
2.5.1. Project management team.......................................................................................................7
2.5.2. Surveyor........................................................................................................................................8
2.5.3. Site supervisor..............................................................................................................................8
2.5.4. Safety Supervisor.........................................................................................................................8
2.5.5. QA/QC Supervisor........................................................................................................................8
3.0. DESCRIPTION OF WORK.............................................................................................................................9
3.1. Preliminaries..........................................................................................................................................9
3.2. Staking and Marking of the ROW...........................................................................................................9
3.3. Clearing of the ROW..............................................................................................................................9
3.4. Grading and Levelling of the ROW.........................................................................................................9
3.5. Access Roads and Access along the ROW.............................................................................................10
3.6. ROW EXECUTION PHILOSOPHY............................................................................................................10
3.7. PERSONAL AND EQUIPMENT:..............................................................................................................11

03.03.16 P AGE 3 OF 13
……………………………………………………….._000_Method of statement site
Replacement of 11 kilometers of the Brega- ALSHOLA ALMUDIA & Ezar for Engineering &
Misurata 34” Gas Pipeline Technical Services.


1.1. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this Method Statement is to describe the methodology involved in

the preparation and reinstatement of the Right of Way required for Replacement of
11 kilometers of the Brega- Misurata 34” Gas Pipeline Project.

This document shall also act as a guide to construction personnel on how to carry
out the works safely and in accordance with environmental and contract requirements.

The works shall include the grading and levelling of the ROW. Rocky areas have to be
treated with particular care.

1.2. Definitions and Abbreviations

The following expressions and derivatives thereof, appearing in capital letters in the
CONTRACT, shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them unless otherwise
specified, it being understood that such expressions appearing small letters shall have
their common meaning as the context requires. The same principle shall apply to
expressions defined elsewhere in the CONTRACT.

Definition Description

ROW Right of Way

Replacement of 11 kilometers of the Brega- Misurata 34” Gas Pipeline

(Brega- Sidra Section KM 5+100 to KM 16+595)

COMPANY SIRTE OIL COMPANY for Production, Manufacturing of Oil & Gas.

CONTRACTOR Consortium between ALSHOLA ALMUDIA & for Engineering &
Technical Services. forming awarding entity of this CONTRACT

A person, firm, or party employed directly by or contracting with

Third party
COMPANY to assess and determine the acceptability of work performed
by the CONTRACTOR or SUBCONTRACTOR with respect to codes and
standards established and incorporated by the COMPANY.

03.03.16 P AGE 4 OF 13
……………………………………………………….._000_Method of statement site
Replacement of 11 kilometers of the Brega- ALSHOLA ALMUDIA & Ezar for Engineering &
Misurata 34” Gas Pipeline Technical Services.

1.3. Referenced Documents

The following referenced documents shall apply and shall be read in conjunctions
with the documents in its latest revision.

ASME B31.4 Liquid Petroleum Transportation Piping Systems,” latest edition.

ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems,” latest edition

JS-CS-1003 Earth Works
JS-CS-1001 Surveying

03.03.16 P AGE 5 OF 13
……………………………………………………….._000_Method of statement site
Replacement of 11 kilometers of the Brega- ALSHOLA ALMUDIA & Ezar for Engineering &
Misurata 34” Gas Pipeline Technical Services.


2.1. General Safety

CONTRACTOR and affiliates related to the project shall comply with COMPANY and

All works shall be carried out under competent, experienced, certified (if required) and
qualified supervision.

Right of Way Preparation shall be carried out in accordance with CONTRACTOR Health & Safety
Plan and the contract requirements.

Prior to commencing work, all Contractors employees shall have attended a joint safety and
environmental induction given by the Safety Supervisor.

Site personnel shall adhere to the site safety policies at all times with emphasis on wearing the
correct PPE relevant to the type of operation being performed. Minimum PPE requirements
shall consist of Safety Boots Ear muff, Ear plug, Safety Glasses, Safety Helmet, Body / Coverall,
Gloves, high visibility Jackets.

Safety precautions shall be of paramount importance to prevent any danger to the public and
any operations carried out adjacent to public access shall be closely monitored by the Safety

Any accident / injury / near miss shall reported immediately to the contractor / Company and
appropriate authorities. Work shall stop and area secured until approved by contractor /

In the case major hazards works shall be stopped and appropriate and satisfactory permanent
action to remove the hazards shall be taken.

01-09-2018 P AGE 6 OF 12
Work method statement of ROW
Replacement of 11 kilometers of the Brega- ALSHOLA ALMUDIA & Ezar for Engineering &
Misurata 34” Gas Pipeline Technical Services.

2.2. Permit to Work

The company work control system (PTW, Log out / tag out …) shall be applied.

2.3. Tool box meeting

A toolbox meeting shall be performed immediately before the operations, in order to

confirm the awareness of the whole operating team with the requirements.

All personnel including the staff of a third party must receive an induction before being
allowed on the site. All operational staff on site will be present at safety training to
ensure the practical safety talks.

Such toolbox meeting shall be performed by the responsible of the operations (Civil
Supervisor & supported by HSE supervisor) reviewing the operation according to
schedule, verifying the composition of the team as it has been approved and the
suitability of the equipment. Specific deviations or remarkable situations shall be

2.4. Environmental
Site personnel shall ensure that the site is kept clean and tidy at all times with
rubbish and waste materials being removed from the ROW on a daily basis.

Damage to crops, trees and land outside the ROW shall be avoided. Existing access
roads and tracks shall be maintained in good condition throughout the project.

Surplus and unsuitable excavated material shall be removed from site and disposed
off in accordance with environmental requirements.

Discharges shall not be made to watercourses without gaining prior permission from
the relevant authorities. All static plant shall have drip trays, which require to be
emptied on a daily basis. Spills and leaks of diesel, hydraulic oil etc shall be cleaned up
immediately using the spill kits provided in the site vehicles.

Any complaints from landowners/tenants or the general public shall be reported to

the HSSE Manager & Company for action as necessary.

2.5. Responsibilities:

2.5.1. Project management team

The project manager is responsible for:

 Planning and acquisition of the labor resources
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Work method statement of ROW
Replacement of 11 kilometers of the Brega- ALSHOLA ALMUDIA & Ezar for Engineering &
Misurata 34” Gas Pipeline Technical Services.

 Determining Plan/equipment to be used during row operation

 Ensuring plant/equipment in suitable safe working order and certificated/calibrated
as necessary
 Ensuring that all construction activities are carried out to schedule and according to
quality and safety requirements.
 Ensure that all the persons involved are familiar with the contents of this Method

2.5.2. Surveyor

The surveyor is responsible for:

 Setting out the flow line centerline, temporary ROW limits including crossing points.

 Instructing surveyor helper in accordance with the construction drawings.

 Collecting as-built information.

 Preparing pre-construction documentation/drawings and survey reports.

 Record condition of existing pipeline and roads etc..

 Daily progress reporting

2.5.3. Site supervisor

The site supervisor is responsible for:

 Implementing method statement, procedure and drawing affecting ROW


 Supervising all construction personnel and ensuring their competence.

 Ensuring plant and equipment is maintained in good order.

 Ensuring ROW preparation is carried out safely and under the correct condition.

2.5.4. Safety Supervisor

Responsible to the HSSE Manager for:

▪ Monitoring ROW preparation activities to ensure compliance with applicable

HSSE procedures
▪ Assists the construction manager with risk assessment and preparation of ROW
safety plan and any required safe WMS
▪ Implementing statutory safety regulations on site.
▪ Implement the project Health Safety Security and Environmental Plan

01-09-2018 P AGE 8 OF 12
Work method statement of ROW
Replacement of 11 kilometers of the Brega- ALSHOLA ALMUDIA & Ezar for Engineering &
Misurata 34” Gas Pipeline Technical Services.

▪ Carrying out site safety/environmental induction courses and toolbox talks

2.5.5. QA/QC Supervisor

The QA/QC supervisor is responsible for :

▪ Implement the project QA/QC plan

▪ Perform all inspection activities and prepare all related reports as per
ITP in force.


3.1. Preliminaries

Prior to commence works , CONTRACTOR shall record the conditions of area, tracks, boundaries
and land along the flow line route by means of schedules and topographic survey.

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all prohibited access signs have been erected at the relevant
track and road crossings. CONTRACTOR shall survey the location and depth of all buried service
pipelines and structures and record it on as-built drawings.

The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the site is left in a tidy condition all times in order to reduce
environmental impact of the construction operation.

3.2. Staking and Marking of the ROW

CONTRACTOR shall carry out survey and staking of the ROW in accordance with the method
statement for Survey and Setting out Work.

The working width shall be conform to construction drawings (pipe trench corridor & alignment
sheet). The width of cleared and graded ROW shall not exceed the width indicated on
construction drawings (pipe trench corridor & alignment sheet) unless approved by the COMPANY
(100 ft).
For any additional temporary space, or any relocation of utilities if needed, a request shall be
sent to Company for approval.

3.3. Clearing of the ROW

All vegetative debris shall be piled unless permission has been obtained from COMPANY.

Site clearing Area will be carried out on the base of document previously approved by
COMPANY. Inspection report for Site Clearing will be carried out.

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Work method statement of ROW
Replacement of 11 kilometers of the Brega- ALSHOLA ALMUDIA & Ezar for Engineering &
Misurata 34” Gas Pipeline Technical Services.

3.4. Grading and Levelling of the ROW

The working width shall be graded and benched to assist with subsequent construction operations.

Side slopes encountered along the flow line route shall be benched by cutting and fill method to
form a level running track and working platform for welding and trenching operations.

Grading and benching shall be carried out using grader/dozers moving along the ROW
in lateral runs.

In rocky areas where ground surface is rocky and uniform permitting easy access to equipment
there is no need for grading (laying of tuff, watering and compaction if required.). If the ground is
rocky with presence of large rock or disturbed profile making access difficult for machinery a
levelling excavation/backfill to permit easy access of equipment.

3.5. Access Roads and Access along the ROW

Construction of temporary roads is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the local
authorities and Company at agreed locations along the pipeline.

Existing access roads to the pipeline ROW shall be suitably maintained throughout the construction
period and left in a condition at least as good as recorded before works commenced.

The temporary roads (running tracks) along the ROW for passage of construction equipment and
heavy vehicles shall be constructed with suitable imported material in areas of bad ground.

On completion of construction, temporary material shall be removed and the ground returned to
its original state.

Temporary bridges will consist of suitable hardcore and excavator mats /steel plates / concrete
with demarcation fencing on either side of the running track. Any crossing of facilities or pipelines
must be executed once the temporary bridges are completed and COMPANY approval is granted.


ROW main activities consist


 Demarcation/staking
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Work method statement of ROW
Replacement of 11 kilometers of the Brega- ALSHOLA ALMUDIA & Ezar for Engineering &
Misurata 34” Gas Pipeline Technical Services.

 restoring the mainline axis

 Clearing
 Grading

ROW will start in direction from BREGA – SIDRA Section KM 5+100 as starting to perform
the ROW preparation until Section KM 16+595.

The CONTRACTOR will also ensure the removed material are carefully stock piled, the
material can be used for the backfilling if it complies with the backfilling material
specifications, otherwise, it will be levelled and graded to the land shape.

In rocky area, the removed material will be stored in a dedicated area assigned by


The right of way preparation activities will be constructed and graded using
appropriate equipment (as listed) in accordance with construction drawings in order to
prepare the surface level for the installation of pipes.


 Survey equipment

 02 Graders

 03 Bulldozers

 03 Excavators

 02 Front End Loaders

 01 compactors

 03 dump trucks

 01 Water Truck

 Diesel truck with tank

 Mechanical Truck


 01 Site supervisor

 01 Safety supervisor

 QA/QC Supervisor
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Work method statement of ROW
Replacement of 11 kilometers of the Brega- ALSHOLA ALMUDIA & Ezar for Engineering &
Misurata 34” Gas Pipeline Technical Services.

 02 Surveyor

 02 Survey helper

 05 labour

 02 skilled labours

 05 Banksmans

 Mechanical technician for intervention


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Work method statement of ROW

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