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7/23/2020 Electromagnetism & Water - Exclusion Zones

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Endogenous Fields & Mind Applied Fields - Experimental Applied Fields - Hazards Nonloca
Electromagnetism & Water - Exclusion Zones

Electromagnetism & Water - Exclusion Zones

In living systems an important percentage of water is interfacial, so
structured and EMF sensible

→ An introductory text will be included shortly ...

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↓ tables updated: 26/05/2020

Endogenous Fields & Mind

EM & Water - Exclusion Zones

Electromagnetism & Water Exclusion Zones

Surface-induced low: A natural

F microscopic engine using infrared energy 2020-(10) Zheng Li, Gerald H. Pollack
as fuel
Abha Sharma, Gerald H.
A Healthy Fats and Exclusion-Zone Size 2020-(1)
Ilarion Draguta, Anatolie
Features of signal transmission and Mustea, Constantin
F 2019-(8)
aqueous media in tumorogenesis Popescu, Cornel Iurcu,
Ghenadie Gorincioi
Ricardo Pedregal-Corté s,
Interfacial water and its potential role in
A 2019-(1) Guillermo Toriz, Ezequiel
the function of sericin against biofouling
Delgado, Gerald H. Pollack
Deep into the Water: Exploring the Hydro-
Electromagnetic and Quantum-
F 2019-(61) Claudio Messori
Electrodynamic Properties of Interfacial
Water in Living Systems

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7/23/2020 Electromagnetism & Water - Exclusion Zones

Endogenous Fields & Mind Applied Fields - Experimental Applied Fields

Hugo -Abreu
Mendes, Nonloca
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Yaseen, Marcel T. Bezerra,
A Applied in Theoretical Model of Exclusion 2019-(1) Frederico D. Nunes, Emery
Zone Cleiton C. C. Lins, Shaukat
Ali Shaid
Chut-Ngeow Yee, C. H.
Large-scale structure formation in ionic
Raymond Ooi, Luck-Pheng
F solution and its role in electrolysis and 2019-(17)
Tan, Misni Misran, Nyiak-
Tao Tang
Abha Sharma, Colby
Adams, Benjamin D.
Cashdollar, Zheng Li, Nam
Effect of Health-Promoting Agents on
F 2018-(8) V. Nguyen, Himasri Sai,
Exclusion-Zone Size
Jiachun Shi, Gautham
Velchuru, Kevin Z. Zhu,
Gerald H. Pollack
Xian He, Yi Zhou, Xing Wen,
Effect of Spin Polarization on the Exclusion
A 2018-(1) Alexandr A. Shpilman,
Zone of Water
Quansheng Ren
Vittorio Elia, Rosario Oliva,
Elena Napoli, Roberto
Experimental study of physicochemical Germano, Gabriella Pinto,
changes in water by iterative contact with Liliana Lista, Marcella
A 2018-(1)
hydrophilic polymers: A comparison Niccoli, Dario Toso,
between Cellulose and Na ion Giuseppe Vitiello, Marco
Trifuoggi, Antonella Giarra,
Tamar A. Yinnon
Seong G. Hwang, Jun Ki
Exclusion zone and heterogeneous water Hong, Abha Sharma,
F 2018-(17)
structure at ambient temperature Gerald H. Pollack,
GunWoong Bahng
Yi Zhou, Xing Wen,
Effect of Spinning Magnetic Ferrite on the
F 2017-(7) Alexandr A. Shpilman,
Exclusion Zone
Quansheng Ren
Long-range interactions keep bacterial cells
from liquid-solid interfaces: Evidence of a
Yifan Cheng, Carmen I.
F bacteria exclusion zone near Na ion 2017-(9)
surfaces and possible implications for
bacterial attachment
F Why Hydrogels Don’t Dribble Water 2017-(7) Gerald H. Pollack
S. A. Skopinov, M. V.
“Exclusion Zone” Formation in Mixtures of
A ↙↗ Share ↙↗ 2017-(1) Bodrova, M. P. R. Jablon, G.
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Ethanol and Water
H. Pollack, F. A. Blyakhman
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7/23/2020 Electromagnetism & Water - Exclusion Zones

Fields &ofMind Applied Fields
Radio Frequency Water- Experimental Applied Fields - Hazards Nonloca
F 2017-(29) Andrew Holster
Treatment on Revival of Wilted Flowers
Abha Sharma, Dario Toso,
QELBY-induced Enhancement of Exclusion
F 2017-(25) Kurt Kung, Gun-Woong
Zone Buildup and Seed Germination
Bahng, Gerald H. Pollack
Dynamics of formation of the Exclusion
F 2016-(5) Antonella De Ninno
Zone near hydrophilic surfaces
T.A. Yinnon, V. Elia, E.
Water Ordering Induced by Interfaces: An
F 2016-(34) Napoli, R. Germano, Z.Q.
Experimental and Theoretical Study
Effect of Local and General Anesthetics on Nenad Kundacina, Minghui
F 2016-(9)
Interfacial Water Shi, Gerald H. Pollack
Illuminating water and life: Emilio Del
F 2015-(10) Mae-Wan Ho
Chi-Shuo Chen, Erik Farr,
The Solute-Exclusion Zone: A Promising
F 2015-(11) Jesse M. Anaya, Eric Y-T
Application for Miro luidics
Chen, Wei-Chun Chin
Emilio Del Giudice,
The origin and the special role of coherent
F 2014-(18) Vladimir Voeikov, Alberto
water in living systems
Tedeschi, Giuseppe Vitiello
Istvá n N. Huszá r, Zsolt
Exclusion-Zone Dynamics Explored with Má rtonfalvi, Andrá s Jó zsef
F 2014-(16)
Micro luidics and Optical Tweezers Laki, Kristó f Ivá n, Mikló s
Self-Organization at Aqueous Colloid-
Membrane Interfaces and an Optical
F 2014-(22) Harry Jabs, Beverly Rubik
Method to Measure the Kinetics of
Exclusion Zone Formation
The Case for Tetrahedral Oxy-subhydride
F (TOSH) Structures in the Exclusion Zones 2014-(9) Klaus Oehr, Paul H. LeMay
of Anchored Polar Solvents Including Water
Daniel Florea, Sami Musa,
Long-range repulsion of colloids driven by
F 2014-(6) Jacques M. R. Huyghe, Hans
ion exchange and diffusiophoresis
M. Wyss
Can the Hexagonal Ice-like Model Render
Javier Segarra-Martı́ ,
the Spectroscopic Fingerprints of
F 2014-(20) Daniel Roca-Sanjuá n and
Structured Water? Feedback from
Manuela Merchá n
Quantum-Chemical Computations

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7/23/2020 Electromagnetism & Water - Exclusion Zones

Fields & Mind Water
Applied Fields - Experimental
Chemiluminescence Applied Fields
Sergey - Hazards Nonloca
V. Gudkov, Maxim E.
Modes and Reactive Oxygen Species Astashev, Vadim I. Bruskov,
F Generation Induced by Laser Irradiation; 2014-(20) Valeriy А. Kozlov, Stanislav
Effect of the Exclusion Zone Created by D. Zakharov, Nikolai F.
Na ion Bunkin
N.F. Bunkin, P.S. Ignatiev,
Study of the Phase States of Water Close to
F 2013-(26) V.A.Kozlov, A.V. Shkirin, S.D.
Na ion Interface
Zakharov, A.A. Zinchenko
Emilio Del Giudice, Alberto
Coherent structures in liquid water close to
F 2013-(5) Tedeschi, Giuseppe Vitiello,
hydrophilic surfaces
Vladimir Voeikov
Towards the understanding at the Javier Segarra-Martı́, Pedro
molecular level of the structured-water B. Coto, Mercedes Rubio,
A 2013-(1)
absorption and luorescence spectra: a Daniel Roca-Sanjuá n,
ingerprint of π-stacked water Manuela Merchá n
Experimental Evidence of Stable
V. Elia, G. Ausanio, A. De
Aggregates of Water at Room Temperature
Ninno, F. Gentile, R.
F and Normal Pressure After Iterative 2013-(11)
Germano, E. Napoli, M.
Contact with a Na ion® Polymer
V. L. Voeikov, N. D.
Vilenskaya, Do Minh Ha, S.
The Stable Nonequilibrium State of I. Malyshenko, E. V.
F 2012-(9)
Bicarbonate Aqueous Systems Buravleva, O. I.
Yablonskaya, K. N.
Origin of microbial life hypothesis: A gel
cytoplasm lacking a bilayer membrane, with
infrared radiation producing exclusion
A 2012-(1) J.T. Trevors , G.H. Pollack
zone (EZ) water, hydrogen as an energy
source and thermosynthesis for
Although they speak of micron sized water conglomerates and Exclusion Zones can
have hundred in width, they are probably related:
Unusual Properties of Water at Jae Kyoo Lee, Hong Gil
A 2020-(1)
Heterogeneous Biological Interfaces Nam, Richard Zare
Jae Kyoo Lee, Devleena
Micrometer-Sized Water Droplets Induce
A 2019-(1) Samanta, Hong Gil Nam,
Spontaneous Reduction
Richard N. Zare

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