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Can you guess what these basic abbreviations stand for? When necessary, a
clue is given in brackets.
[Source: Adapted from Handbook. The Language of Cybercrime. EJTN, 2018]

1. AS (A _ _ _ _ s Server)

2. ATM (A____________ T___________ Machine)

3. BT (B _ _ _ _ _ _ th)

4. BW (Band _ _ _ _ _)

5. CERT (Computer E__________ R____________ Team)

6. CNP Transaction (C _ _ _ Not Present Transaction)

7. CPS (C_____________s per Second)

8. CSP (C _ _ _ _ Service Provider)

9. CSV (C _ _ _ _ -separated values)

10. DBMS (D _ _ _ _ _ _ e M___________ment System)

11. DL (D _ _ _ _ _ ad)

12. DNS (D _ _ _ _ n Name System)

13. EFS (En _ _ _ _ _ ing File System)

14. FAQs (F____________ A_________ Q__________)

15. FxP (F _ _ _ Exchange P _ _ _ _ _ ol)

16. GB (________________)

17. IP (I___________ Protocol)

18. IS (I______________ Systems)

19. ISP (I__________ S__________ Provider)

20. IT (I___________ T____________)

21. LCD (L _ _ _ _ d C _ _ _ _ _ _ Display)

22. MB (________________)

23. MS (M _ _ _ _ _ Stick)

24. NFS (Network F _ _ _ System)

25. ODBC (O _ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ se Connectivity)

26. OLTP (Online T_____________n Processing)

27. OS (O______________ System)

28. PDF (P _ _ _ _ _ le D _ _ _ _ _ nt Format)

29. RAS (R _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ Service)

30. RAM (R _ _ _ _ m A _ _ _ _ _ Memory)

31. RAT (R _ _ _ _ e Administration T _ _ l)

32. RC (R _ _ _ _ n Code)

33. ROM (R _ _ _ O _ _ _ Memory)

34. SMTP (S _ _ _ _ _ Mail T _ _ _ _ _ _ r Protocol)

35. SSD (Software Spe____________ Document)

36. TB (_______________)

37. URL (U ____________ Resource L _ _ _ tor)

38. VGA (V______ Graphics Adapter)

39. VR (V___________ Reality)

40. WAN (W _ _ _ Area N _ _ _ _ _ k)

41. WAP (W _________ Access P _________)

42. WiFi (W___________ F _ _ _ _ _ _ y)

43. WLAN (W___________ L _ _ _ _ Area N______________)

44. WWW (_______________________)

Can you guess what these basic abbreviations stand for? When necessary, a
clue is given in brackets.

1. AS (Access Server)

2. ATM (Automatic Teller Machine)

3. BT (Bluetooth)

4. BW (Bandwidth)

5. CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team)

6. CNP Transaction (Card Not Present Transaction)

7. CPS (Characters per Second)

8. CSP (Cloud Service Provider)

9. CSV (Comma-separated values)

10. DBMS (Database Management System)

11. DL (Download)

12. DNS (Domain Name System)

13. EFS (Encrypting File System)

14. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

15. FxP (File Exchange Protocol)

16. GB (Gigabyte)

17. IP (Internet Protocol)

18. IS (Information Systems)

19. ISP (Internet Service Provider)

20. IT (Information Technology)

21. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

22. MB (Megabyte)

23. MS (Memory Stick)

24. NFS (Network File System)

25. ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

26. OLTP (Online Transaction Processing)

27. OS (Operating System)

28. PDF (Portable Document Format)

29. RAS (Remote Access Service)

30. RAM (Random Access Memory)

31. RAT (Remote Administration Tool)

32. RC (Region Code)

33. ROM (Read Only Memory)

34. SMTP (Single Mail Transfer Protocol)

35. SSD (Software Specification Document)

36. TB (Terabyte)

37. URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

38. VGA (Video Graphics Adapter)

39. VR (Virtual Reality)

40. WAN (Wide Area Network)

41. WAP (Wireless Access Point)

42. WiFi (Wireless Fidelity)

43. WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)

44. WWW (World Wide Web)

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