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Read chapter 1 and write short essays

about: Applied Linguistics the scope of

Applied language, the relationship
between Linguistics and Applied

Language and the need for Applied Linguistics

Language is at the heart of human life . It is major and essential part of our daily
activities . Life activities are divided according to the use of language into two types .
The first type has a direct relation with language , the fields that acquire the use of
language like the family discussions , forming relationship , etc , all the activities that
ask for speech communication . The second type doesn’t involve a language as a
necessary mean of communication like , eating food , listening to music and many
others patterns of the daily routine . Yet even those are even developed or enhanced
through language . So they are activities intrinsic to human life . So according to these
kind of activities and its place as a common thing in the daily life of the human ,
people do language without conscious analysis and language use , is in many ways a
natural phenomenon beyond conscious control . Yet there are also aspects of language
use in which we can intervene and about which , consequently , there are decisions to
be made . In making these decisions there many questions and subsidiary questions to
be asked to clarify how many issues about language can be analyzed through the
principles of applied linguistics . Questions about the way of how children must learn
language and skills should children attain beyond reading and writing , the role of
dialect and standard language , what about the countries that have more than one
language , the best ways to learn language for children with special circumstances like
deaf children , the scope of the foreign language and the way in which it applies and
the literature teaching whether it is fit to be teach to all children or not and what the
types of literature should be took in consideration through teaching process .
All the questions in the previous section can be treated through educational field
and schools , but in its real sense they are by no means confined to the school . On the
contrary these educational dilemmas echo those of society in large and these social
trends can be clarified ou by questioning . Questions like , is language change an
inevitable fact or should change be controlled in some way ? Is English growth as
international lingua franca welcomed or deplored ? Is it better for people to learn each
other's languages or use translations and what is accurate or good translation ? What
is the status of language in politics , low courts and official documents and what is it
shape in such fields .
The language is the common thing between these broad areas and their questions .
To answer them it seems reasonable that we should set out to investigate and
understand the fact of language use , to organize and formalize what we know , and to
subject our knowledge to rational consideration and critical analysis . Only by doing
so will we able to set out the options for action and the reasoning behind them , and to
debate the alternative openly and independently , in as informed and rational a manner
as possible . This is the aim – and the aspiration – of applied linguistics , the academic
discipline concerned with the relation of knowledge about language to decision
making in the real world .
Applied Linguistics Procedures to Solve The Problems of Language in The Real
1 – Applied linguistics investigates problems in the real world in which language is
implicated – both educational and social problems like those mentioned above .
2 – It is a systematic approach studies the surrounding environments and the real
conditions , depending on clear procedures like interviewing the parents and children
in the school , observing the lessons and consulting to solve certain problems about
language . So applied linguistics is these processes of study , reflection ,
investigation , and action which constitute applied linguistics as an academic field .

Applied Linguistics is A Wide Vague Scope

The title of this section is a result of main reason :
– Since language is implicated in so much of our daily lives , there is clearly a large
and open – ended number of quite disparate activities to which applied linguistics is
relevant .
There is a need to refer specific instances to more general conceptual areas of
study. These areas can be divided into three major areas , language and education ,
language work and law and language information and effect . The first area include ,
first language education , when a child studies their home language or languages ,
additional language education , which can be divided into second language education
( when someone studies their society's majority or official language which is not their
home language ) and foreign language education ( when someone studies the
language of another country ) , clinical linguistics , the study and treatment of speech
and communication impairments , whether hereditary , developmental , or acquired
( Through injury , stroke , illness , or age ) and finally language testing , the
assessment and evaluation of language achievement and proficiency , both in first and
additional languages , and for both general and specific purpose .
Language , work , and law area includes three applications .workplace
communication ( the study of how language is used in workplace , and how it
contributes to the nature and power relations of different types of work . Language
planning which means the making of decisions , often supported by legislation , about
the official status of languages and their institutional use , including their use in
education . Finally , forensic linguistics is the development of linguistic evidence in
criminal and other legal investigations , for example to establish the authorship of a
document or a profile of a speaker from a tape – recording .
The last area is language , information and effect . It includes literary stylistics ,
critical discourse analysis , translation and interpretation , information design and
lexicography . Literary stylistics is the study of the relationship between linguistic
choices and effects in literature . Critical discourse analysis is the study of the
relationship between linguistic choices and effects in persuasive uses of language .
Information design is the arrangement and presentation of written language ,
including issues relating to typography and layout , choices of medium , and effective
combinations of language with other means of communicate such as pictures and
diagrams . Lexicography is the planning and compiling of both monolingual and
bilingual dictionaries and other language reference works such as thesauri . All these
areas and there are claimed as areas of enquiry to applied linguistics .
Applied Linguistics and Linguistics
Linguistics is searched and developed by many theories like Chomsky and its
generative linguistics , sociolinguistics and functional linguistics . The role of applied
linguistics in linguistics and their relations is varying . Generative linguistics views
that language is essential a matter of competence not performance and the natural
language is all of cognition basis with no need to the study of language use in context
but rather through the consideration of invented sentences intuitively felt to be
acceptable instances of the language . So the relationship between Chomsky's highly
abstract structural mental model and ordinary experience of language is very remote .
The question for applied linguistics is whether such a connection can be made and , if
so , what can then be made of the connection .
Sociolinguistics focuses on the relation between language and society .
Sociolinguistics endeavors to find systematic relationships between social groupings
and contexts and the variable ways in which languages are use . Applied linguistics
gets a prime status here through the concepts of society , contexts and language in real
use .
In functional linguistics the concern is with language as a means of communication
, the purpose it fulfils , and how people use their language . By corpus linguistics one
can have vast databanks containing millions of words of actual language in use can be
searched within seconds to yield extensive information about word frequencies and
combinations which is not revealed by intuition . Here also applied linguistics play
important role through the approach of the corpus linguistics and its concentration
about words in real use , through communication as essence in functionalism and
through the use of language in real world . Technically the relation between applied
linguistics and linguistics can be viewed in this stage according , to the following :
1 – Applied linguistics mediation between two discourses or orders of reality : that of
everyday life and language experience , and that represented by abstract analyses of
linguistic expertise.
2 – Linguistic theory and description cannot , then be deployed directly to solve the
problems with which applied linguistics is concerned .
3 – Applied linguistics is not simply a matter of matching up findings about language
but of using findings to explore how the perception of problems might be changed and
this change makes the problems amenable to solution .
4 – The methodology of applied linguistics must therefore be complex because it
refers to the findings and theories of linguistics , choosing among the different schools
and approaches and making these relevant to the problem in the hand . At the same
time , it must investigate and take into account the experience and needs of the people
involved in the problem itself .
5 – It must then seek to relate these two perspectives to each other , attempting
perhaps , in the process , to reformulate each .
Applied linguistics is a quest for common ground . It establishes a reciprocal
relationship between experience and expertise , between professional concerns with
language problems and linguistics .

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