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p17520 (CD tisten: and underline Game 4h8 correct word in bold, then make full sentences, «3s in the example, to tell the story. Choose a leader. He/She says where he/she was last Saturday at 11 o'clock in the morning. The class, in teams, try to guess what he/she was doing. Each correct guess gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. long si leader: Last Saturday at 11 o'clock in the morning | was at lawra / walk / along sheet / home. What was I doing? Guess. Team A $1: Were you sleeping? leader: No, | wasn't Team B $1: Were you doing your homework? when it / start/ saining/ blowing Laura was walking along the street when it started raining. As she / an / towends am ed leader: No, | wasn't. ... fe he ider flash one Rue/bunder /umble/lesh ga diectives/Adverbs laura knock/ing on the door / but / there be / no answer. 3 Shady the examples and She push / door which slowly creak / crack open ‘As Laure / walk ino the hall / she hear / someone laughing/erying Scated / she tur around / but / heavy door/ close/slam behind hee. © Adjectives describe or... They have the same form in the singular and the plural. He is o clever boy. They are clever boys. *# Adverbs describe Vo... . Most adverbs usually add =... fo the adjective. [careful - carefully) Adjectives ending in 4e drop the @ and take y (terible - terri Adjectives ending in o consonant + y drop y and take «ly (happy - happily) Iegular forms: good -> well, hard - hard, fast > fast, early + early, late ~ late Fill in: and, when, while, 4, s0 oF because, as in the example. lt was raining this morning so took on umbrella to work {eft london |was 4 Fill inthe spaces with the correct form — adjective or adverb ten years old — of these words, then answer the questions. John put on his coat. left the house. * cold © dark # fast ® sirong * heavy * patient ® nervous # quick She decided not to buy the © sudden bicycle it was eae li was a 1) cold (ad) winter's night. There was a 2 strong (adi) ‘Mary cooked lunch wind blowing and it was raining 3) Jenny Mason eat was standing at the bus slop ina 4) sheet, wailing liceed Cillinanatetewteraatse) for the last bus home. 6) e Iwas waiting for he heard footsteps coming 7) towards her. Her the bus. heart was beating 8) : as she looked Steve was hovering the 9) : . into the darkness. carpets Mary was, 1 When wos if? 4 Where wos sho? dusting the furniture 2 What was the weather like? 5 What was she doing? Hwee very 3. Who is the main character? 6 What happened? he didn’ see the man crossing the road. © Project look at the-Photo File section. Use the prompts to say, then write, a beginning and an ending to the story zEe QD lesson 4c (pp. 48 - 49) ‘© White: 1 drive corefuly. Undertine corefuly. Ask: How do I chive? (Corehuly). Ask: Which word does i. carehily describe? (drive) Exploin that careful isan * Check Ss HW [10'). adverb. | + Ss open their books. Read out the examples, then ' 1. © Explain the task. Read ou! the sentences and present help $s complete the rules. : new words in Se LI of by giving examples. 3 * Play the cossete twice if necessary. $s underline the "ANSWER KEY 4 cotteci word, Check Ss! answers, then Ss make fll senlences, After Ss have completed the exercise you ‘Adjectives describe nouns. They have the same ‘can assign it os writion HW. form in the singular and the plural i Adverbs descibe verbs. Mos! adverbs usvally add "ANSWER KEY Dele oiene: {| * 2 nmbl 4 creak 6 slom © Dill your $s. Say adjectives. $s say the relevant adverb 3 knock 5 laughing fom. Check Ss’ spelling on the board. \ S ee os Suggesied adjective lst prety, careless, sudden, so, 2 ds aie ve neg otek oft geod, paiient, nervous, fast, early eke. 3 laura knocked on the door, but there was no oor piety, | ee Sl: pretily 4. She pushed the docr which slowly creaked T: careless } open, $2: carelessly ek. 5 As laura wos wolking into the hall she heard someone laughing. Refer $s io the Grammar Reference section for more i © Scored, she tuned around, but the heavy details, j door slammed behind her. ‘| 4. Explain tbe task. Allow Ss two minutes 1 fll nthe answers. Check Ss’ answers on the board while Ss | 2. Exploin the task. Reod out the example, then allow Ss identify he fom = adjective cl homer ocipbs esac nda ee bs im clan oct Th hp 5 Check $s! answers on the boord while individual Ss read out their sentences. "ANSWER KEY ANSWER KEY * 3: heavily lady) 7 quickly (adv) | 4: dork faci) 8 ited 2 when a toe g atonal aty 9 nervously (adv) Wi ar wi 6 Suddenly (adv) i 4 as/becauso 8 0 ed i 5 because/as © 1 Accold winter's night i 2 tt was cold, the wind was blowing and it i Gome fp. 48) senate 5, in teams, play he gome as described inthe Shuden's Book. i aus inaldak seat Before the game sor te leader wes on a piece of poper 5 She vise Woot or he ag bus hana ‘what he was doing. 6. She heard footsteps coming iowards her. | eg. Team A'S2: Were you planting flowers? leader: No, | wasn't. Team B $2: Were you watching TV? Project Ip. 48), leader: Yes, | was. ‘Ask Ss to look atthe Photo File section. Elicit what the story can Teacher. ‘Team B gets 1 point. Now, Steve you are 4. choy fan athlete taking! por in @ race. Present new words the leader, ele. by giving examples or in $s'L1, then allow Ss two minules fo ‘expand ihe prompls into ful senlences. Check Ss! answers, then | 3 © Ss close their books. Write on the board. /.am a assign itas wilten HW. | corel criver. Undetine careful. Ask: What kind of See Phoo File section Madule 4 forthe Answer Key. diver am I? (Corel. Ask: Which word does | | corefil describe? (Driver. Explain thot careful is an adjective. Write on the board. They are careful | vers. Undetine corel. Ask: Which word does | careful descnbe? (Drivers). Bic thot adjecives ore the same inthe singular and pra 5 Ask Ss look a the pictues. Explain that they are no in ‘oder Read out the questions one at alime. Ss underline the correct answers. Present any unknown words. by giving synonyms or examples. “ANSWER KEY. 1 in the desert 4. men on comels 2 omen 5 tent 2 itexpleded & grate 6 Explain he tack, hen play he cossai, twice iEnecessary. 'Ssdo the exercise. Check Ss’ answers. ‘ANSWER KEY- As B2 C3 Del £4 7 a} Explain the tack. Ss read out sentences A to D. Allow Ss wo minutes 10 do the exercise. Check Ss! ‘answers, then Ss explain the words in bold by giving examples or by looking up these words in their dictionaries. 6g: set fF stor o joumey bang: loud noise 0.g. an explosion. ele ‘© Read out sentences A to E. Ss, in closed pais, put the sentences into the conect order. Check Ss’ ‘answers, then individual Ss use the pictures ond the Sentences io tell he story ‘+ Help Ss sugges! anoher ile. ‘ANSWER KEY @A 2 B4- Cl. DS ES © ast month Rick Anderson set off for the Sahara Desert in a small plane. He wanted to take some ‘planes, As he and Fronk, the pilot, were lying eee hey hoa ld bog onde plane: mn fo lose Frank managed io land the plane, but the radio wasn’t werking. Rick [ef Frank 1o fic the radio and decided 10 go for help. It was very hot in the desert. Soon Rick had ro water lef inthe bal. Suddenly, he sow some imen on camels. He tied 0 wave fo them, bul fe fell ono the sond. When ick opened his eyes he ‘saw he was in a tent with Frank and some Bedouin: ‘men, rank told him how tke men fund them. Rick was very grate o them. © Suggested tes: + The Rescue @ A Tip to Remember + ATenlying Experience "ANSWER KEY LB 20 3A b] Allow Ss two minutes 0 read the slory again and undetline the appropriate sentences, Check Ss! ‘ANSWER KEY Para 1 — had no idea what would happen fo him when he so off. = The view was beauliful, but the sun was Boling hot as Fronk.. ick was tang pices when he heard. = Frank yelled, as the plone. Thoy checked th radio, butt wasn't working. = Frank ried fo stop him, but he would’? sen. = "You slay here and iy to fix.” = He took water botle and stared walking The sun wos buming his skin as he went Pora 2 Pora 3 = of uming back when he sow. = He tried to wove back, but he fell exhausted. Para 5 - Pick smiled gratefully and said... & © Pay the cassetio for Ex 6 ogoin,. Ss listen ond follow the lines, then individual Ss read out from the tex. 497) ‘Suggested Homework OUkeNn— Copy, Bx. 1 (p. 48) Vocabulary: words in bold in siory Ex. 7a (p. 49) Reading aloud: story Ex. 7a [p. 49) Diclation: words in bold in story Ex. 7a (p. 49) Speaking: Ex. 8 [p. 49) Project (p. 48) listening & Reading Look at the pictures and underline the correct ‘answer to questions 1-6, 1 Where did he story take sloce? at sea//in he desert 2. Who were the main characters? wo. imen/Bedovins 3 Whai happened to the plane’ engine as they were fying? itexploded/it crashed 4. Who saved them? men on camels/fiends 5. Where did they take them to? their plane/a tent How did the two men fel? grateful/annoyed § Ci tisten to the story and put the pictures (A-E) info the correct ofder. 70) Read the story and fill in the sentences below. One sentence does not maich. Then, explain the ‘words in bold. A Frank was there, too B A few minutes later, Frank managed'to land the plane safely in the desert € Alle could do was try 1o find someone to help D. His head ached and his lips were diy and cfacked ) Read the story again cand underline the sentences which are linked with when, and, but, as. peehitg, Read the story again and put the ‘sentences A- E into the correct ‘order. Use the sentences and the ictures to tell the story. Can you give another title to the story? Pick An Ee Kado fat one Photograner, had no ide what woud ha danse na _ be Sahara Desr nasal plane lst. mont Te tu, but the su : sou a "was boing hot as Frank, the plot, fey 2. “What's that noise?” he engine!” Frank yelled, 2s the ‘ usted ont the sand, Mm a re es - eves ho was inside a tent. [3 J “some Bedou wd me at the pane,” Frank said soft = ad men en ” Frank said softy. “Then ioc 220% ten Ra of ta rte magenta ~ Maybe wo cant someon Seg e There was a loud bang and the plane began to lose altitude BI |Rick saw some men on camels belore he fel onto the sand Rick and Frank were flying over the Sahara desert [DI] Some Bedouins rescued them [ET 1 the tadio wasn't working, so Rick decided to go for help. 49 Communication ¢ At the doctor's 1 Listen and fill in the missing words. ‘Then, in pairs, use the prompts to act out similar dialogues. A: Good afiernoon, Mr Brown, What's the 1) 2 B: I sprained my 2} while I was jogging A: | see. Can | have a 3) cat it? B: Yes, of course As Do@8 Ht) coccesensenee 2 B: Yes, it does ‘A: You should keep this bandage on and rest your ankle for the next few 5) ‘© Mrs Barker / cut finger / slice vegetables / keep it clean / change ihe dressing every day © Mr Peters / burn hand / light fire / tub this cream on / put a bandage on it * John / scrape knee / skateboard in the park / wash it carefully / put a plaster on it Vocabulary Practice 2 Vocabulary Revision Game: In teams, make sentences with words/phrases from thelist. * set off # plugged in * muddy * relieved * land the plane * fell exhausted * view * followed footprinis # head ached * yelled * realise * flooded * was waving * for ages, * said sofily # smiled © gratefully * realise ~ * was hovering * was getting ready in, into, on, over, at. 3 Fill Vio talk ..esceses the phone; 2 to fall the water; 3 to land the mud; 4 to slip . «9 rock; 510 crash atree; 610 fly the desert; 7 lost .- the desert; B on cssses the distance; 9 people ........... camels; 10 footprints the sand; 11 least A Underline the correct word. 1 "I think there's something mistaken/wrong with the car,” John said. 2 haven't seen Ann for ime/ages. 3 Josh lost/missed his way to York and stopped to «sk for directions ‘4 The pilot managed to bring/land the plane safely on the ground. 5. What would you like for desert/dessert: apple pie or ice cream? Can you please fasten//ie your seat bel? His head hut/ached because of the strong sun. The sun was boiling warm/hot as we reached Egypt. ONO 5 Fill in the correct words from the list, then make sentences. * to hang ou! # soaking * fo lose # fo run * a loud # electric * cracked # boiling 1 -guitor 5 .. obitude 2 abah 6 bong 3 wet 7 lips 4. shot 8 the washing Pronunciation (silent /#/) 6 GQ listen and circle each fin bold which is not pronounced, listen again and repeat. Listen fo the tiny birds in their nest. Look at the castle! It's beautiful, isn't it? Fasten your seat belts and stop whistling Writing (a story) To write a story, we start by setting the scene: we write when and where the event happened, who the people in the story were, what the weather was like and what happened first. In the main body paragraphs we describe the events in the order they happened. We con use and, also, but, etc to join sentences or ideas. In the last paragraph we write what happened in the end ond how the people felt, We con use adjectives or adverbs to make our story more interesting. We normally use past tenses in sloties, ca Pp START UP SCHOOL 'ZRENJANIN Tesson 4d (pj * Check Ss’ HW (10’). 1._* Set he scene (a patient is seeing his doctor. Explain the tosk. Play the cassette. $s listen and fil nthe missing words. Check $s' answers on the board ‘while Ss, in pairs, ead out the dialogue. * Read out the prompis. Present these words: sco, dressing, bandage, scrape, knee, plaster by giving ‘examples. Then, Ss in closed pals, use the prompis to act out similor dialogues. Check Ss! answers round the clas, then ask some pairs to act ou thelr ‘ANSIER KEY 1 on 4 on Zin 10 in 2 ito 5 io 8 im ‘WT ot 3 in 6 over on 4. Explain the task, then allow S¢ wo minutes 0 do the jovercise. Check Ss! answers while Ss read out their senlences. As an extension, ask Ss lo make sentences using the words which were not undetined. Help Ss where necessary. 2.9, SI: You have mistoken me for my brother. dialogues 52: Whats the time? etc "ANSWER KEY "ANSWER KEY + 1 prtlon 3 look 5 days 1 wong 3 bt 5 desiet 7 ached Perle 4 hut 2 ages 4 bond 6 fasten 8 hot ‘A: Good afemoon, Ms Barker. Whats the pba? ee 5 Alow Ss two minutos 10 fil in the words. Check Ss B: leat my finger while | wos sicing vegetables. ‘answers, then ask Ss to: make sentences using the A: | se0. Car Ihave a look tit? completed phrases. Each contec senlence gels one pon. B: Yes, of course. eg. Team ASI: fom got an electtic guitar for his, 1: Dosh? bithdoy. 8: Yes, i! doss. Teom BSI: She was running a bath when the A: You should keep it clean and change the Bee dressing every day. = A; Good affemoon, Mr Peters. What's the ANSWER KEY problem? B: I bumt my hand while I was lighting the fire. I electric 4 boiling 7 cracked Ai Ise: Con (hve 6 Bakar 2 ban Sb 8 whagor Be Ya eet 3 soaking 6 aloud A: Does it hurt? Yes, it does. A NOIRE wo ps cen spa cl 6 6 Dont fed fe doyte ee alo cd bandoge on i aitele. Check Ss’ anowers. * Play the cassete again pausing between senlences ‘A: Good atieroon, John. What's the for Ss 0 repeat ether chorally or individually. ‘problem? B: | scroped my knee while I was "ANSWER KEY. skateboording nthe park Gi lee Can fone a bak ni Lisgen othe tiny birds in their nest ‘A. Dos that: look at the castle. i's beaut, isn't i? Var doe aspen your seat bolts and sop whigyling. A: Yeu should wash it carehilly and put a plaster on it Wiiting (a story) 2 S;, in teams, make sentences using the words/phrases in the order they appear inthe list. Each conect answer gots Cone point. The leom wih the mest pont isthe winner. eg. Team AS]: We set off for New York early in the morning. Team B $1: He plugged in his guitar and started playing. etc. 3. Allow Ss two minutes to fil in the preposiions, Check Ss’ answers, then ask Ss fo make sentences using the completed phrases @g, SI: She spent all morning talking onthe phone 552; Be carl not fo fal ino the Water. ot: Read out the theory box. Refer $s fo the story on p. 49-and cask questions lo check ha! Ss understond the theory. ‘eg. TE Where did the sory happen? S1: In the Sahara Desert. T. When did the story happen? ‘$2: Last month. T, Who were the people inthe story? ‘$3: Rick and Frank. T: What was the weather like? SA: twos boiling hol. ete aneeen ‘STF JEZIKA SHARE UP SCHOOL ZRENJANIN 50(T) 51(T) 7 }_Explain the tsk. Ss look othe pictures. Discuss wih Ss which ofthe phrases inthe list re possible i his tory ‘SUGGESTED ANSWER KEY sproined her ankle, orange Rames, str the car, thick smoke, lsavo immadiately, fashng light, relieved, bo alive, un fast, watching TV Bb) Recd out the sentences A to F. Ss match them tothe pictures. Do iter A with Ss, then, Ss in closed pois, Complete the sentences. Check Ss’ answers while they read out the completed sentences. ‘ANSWER KEY 2 ...crange fomes ... D1 ..waiching TV. BS Rashing light... E6 -_be alive C3 "stort the car.” F4 —sprained fer ankle Ask Ss to look at he pictures, then elicit answers from Ss. Help Ss where necessary by sting the scene. eg. T: look at picture 1. What was Ray doing? ‘SI: He was waiching TV. TE Whot was on TV? ‘$2: News about a huge fr. "E How do you think Ray fel? $3: Scared/Shocked/Surprsed. ole SUGGESTED ANSWER KEY Pict. 1 scored/aupikad/ Pic. 5 exhausted but shocked ‘eleved Pict. 2. worried Pict. 6 relieved and Fick. 3 desperate happy Fie, 4 ofiid 8) Ask Ss to read the sentences 1 to 6 silenily, Play the cassette. Ss listen and cortect the words. Check Ss ‘answers while Ss toad out the corrected sentences. ‘ANSWER KEY 2 moter 4. sheet 6 policemen 3 black 5 tess = TAPESCRIPT 1 eto be, anny moni shen Clr lo sume: oy Dain ‘wor wting Vin stcom Seen, he ck crcurced he hve wor ge fen he ro hr Roy Bed, Hi go up ined ord Caled hs me, Mage, “Meni” be shoud. “We hve lo te face — NOW A hy ging dons, bo eked et fhe vow cd aw cage Banas cot ok ney. The otc: vr ha ond fe we wes Honing Hack ence ovat be tows, Roy od Ne maar hurd cade ond gto he cor Mogg kept ted st he cr bl aching hopped hey boh pred uo ec a ac so hy could down fe steal Te fr wat ce bahied fn. Wl ey were ing, Maggi fk ted spond beni ‘The nearby frees were now on fir, and there was thick smoke all around | then. "Go en hone” Noggle ld. oy NS Ns bead end pied ean ter bfeinl iestab Motle tobe Shag igo ple co oigh fe sk: Tey nee oe ‘re poicnen cn wore one hlped em ee car "Nor ly to ali oe of he poleenen sod. fy wos eon bu lev God feppy He ke aft moher od nde. Individual Ss tll he story. Then, allow Ss hwo fo hee rminuies to. work in closed pais and suggest another tecing. Ssread ou hei answers ‘SUGGESTED ANSWER KEY. Roy sumbled towards the pole ‘car, but the wo| ekcnen ein they Glo he cod lchove away. Roy and his mother were very led ond| scared, They were hlplss ord stonded. 9 © Explain the task and the plan, then ask questions to Soe a ©.g._T Whore did the story take place? 1: In souhein California, TE: When did ithappen? $2: Tost summer. T Who were the “main charocters in the story? $3: Roy and his mum, Maggie. "E What happened in the beginning? Sd: Ray was watching TV when he heard an ‘announcement that there was «huge fre in the crea. 1: What did Ray do? ‘$5: He shouted to his mum to leave the house. “: How did Ray feel? 86: Scared, T. What hoppened when Maggie tried to stort he cor? 7: She couldn't stot it. T What did they do? a $8: They jumped out of the cor and started runing TE: What happened fo Mogaie? $9: Sho fell end sprained her ankle. T What did Ray do? $10: He picked Moggie up and carried her as fest as he could TE: Who saved them? S11: Two policemen, TE: How did they fecl? $12: Happy and relieved. #5, one afer the other, look a the pictures in Ex. 7 tnd the sentences in Ex 7b and 80 and tell the Slory. Ales Ss have completed the lak orally, assign its written HW. 10 frost the word: snk coin, pusonges, ined by giving examples. Ss read ond complete the survivors ame ANSWER KEY. Hugh Wilms Suggested Homework Copy: Ex. 7b |p. 51) Vocabulary: Exs 2, 3, 4 {p. 50} Reading cloud: Ex. 80 lp. 51) Dictation: Ex. 1 ip. 50) Act out: Ex. 1 (p. 50) Wiig: Ex. 9(p. 51) Cohen © Check Ss’ HW. * Workbook: 4. Click on Grammar ~ Unit 4 4} The pictures show what happened to Ray Dakin last summer in southern California. Which of these phrases can you use to say what happened? * sprained her ankle * orange flames * swimming stat the car * fog * catch a train + thick smoke * leave immediately * flashing ight © relieved + be alive # cut finger * run fast ¢ watching TV b) Match the sentences (A-) fo the pictures (1-4). Then, use phrases from a) above to complete the sentences. JAs Ray was going downslars, he looked oul of the window and saw about a mile away. |At last he saw the .. of a police car through the smoke. [CT_]Maggie desperately tried to . , but nothing happened D_]Ray Dakin was : in his bedroom. E]_]"You're lucky to one of the policemen said F JWhile they were running, Maggie fell and c} How did Ray feel in each picture? QS ©) Listen to the story and correct the Tilstake in bold in each topic sentence. 1 [twas a gett, sunny morning in southern California last summer, hot 2. He got up immediately and called his sisler, Maggie. 3. The air was very hot and the wind was blowing white smoke towards the house. 4 They both jumped out of the cor and ran as fast as they could down the mountain 5. The nearby houses were now on fire, cand there was thick smoke all around them, 6 Two firefighters ran towards them and helped them into the car b) Use the sentences above, together with the pictures and sentences in Ex. 7, to tell the story. Can you give another ending to the story? 9 Ateen magazine is running a competition for the best short story with the title “Up in Flames” {120-150 words). Write your story for the competition. You can use the plan below, as well as the information in Exs. 7-8. = A rE lan) i | Inoduction I (Paral) sev he scene [who, where, | when, what) i ‘Main Body i [Paras 2-3) develop the story (events in the | order they happened} Conclusion (Paro 4) end the story; people's feelings 1 Read the information. Can you guess the survivor's name? e do you know, On 5 December 1664, a boat gank while crossing the Menai Strait, off North Wales. Only ‘one of the B1 passengers survived. His name was Hugh Williams. On 5 December 1785, another boat sank in the some place. There was only one’ survivor. His name was Hugh Williams On 24 August 1820, another ship sank there, The only survivor's name was 51 meet you, Sir Henry. 2 Sir Henry arrived yesterday. He has lived in Canada ce he was a boy, ‘May | see the ) letes, please? ‘One of your boots?! Tha isn't important, is if? Pleased to’ meet you, Mr Holmes! Hmm ... !can smell perfume A woman sent ihis letter — bui how did she know where Sir Henry is slaying? U7 Well, yes ... but this Horning | received a letier warning me fo stay away from Baskerville Hall. yeu i stg be back in England, Sir Henry? Have any other strange things happened since you arrived, Sir Henry? Yes — somebody took one of my boot from my hotel room this morning! ‘Ah, but there is, Watson — the man in that cab! | can’t see his face, though ‘Watson, you must go to Baskerville Hall with Sir Henry. Write me a report every day. J] Holmes but what 4 Ronn Pre-Reading Activities * Who are the fo men on the left in pic. 12 (Dr Motimes, Sherlock Holmes) Who Is the man on the right? (Sir Henry Baskerville) © What is strange about the leer in pic. 32 [li is not anewlien ct eimade up of newspaper cutings.| ‘© Which pictures show a cab? (piciures 7 & 8) listening and Reading Activities G Uisten and underline the correct word. This morning Sir Henry received a note/letter. A man/woman sent ihe leter. Somebody took one of Sir Henry's boots/bags Dr Watson/Dr Mortimer must 0 10 Baskerville Hall Read the episode on p. 52, then read the answers and write appropriate questions fo match them. Where did Sir Henry live? In Canada g What could Holmes smell? Perfume. What was stolen? One of Sir Henry's boots Who was following Sir Henry? The man in the cab. ‘What did Holmes ask Watson lo wile? A report Read the episode again and find the words which mean reach arive get{aletier) receive go after follow go back return 5 Yes, Sure. Grammar © May / Can (asking for permission) a) Study the examples. Which of the sentences can we use when we do not know the other person very wel? (A) kK May | see the ter, please?) (8 Can | see the letter? SS b) Match the answers fo the questions above. ofcourse. A Okay. 8 8 No problem. 8 Byall means. A 6 Look at the pictures, then use the prompts below and the sentences in Ex. 5b fo complete the speech bubbles. make a photocopy, have a look at the photos, see your credit card, sit with you 7G allisten tothe episode again, then take roles and act out the episode. O-OONe b) Put the events in the correct order, then give a summary of the episode. Holmes saw a man in a cab following Sir Henry. Sir Henry showed Holimes the leer The man went fo Waterloo Station: Holmes asked Sir Henry fo return to his hotel Holmes met Sir Henry. Holmes asked Watson io go to’ Baskerville Hall with Sir Henry. (Suggested answers) 53(T) Lead-in 1. 4}Jan and Tony are going fo spend their summer holidays at a seaside hotel in Mexico. Look at the pictures on p. 58 and say what _/ they are/aren’t going to take with then. They are going to take their goggles with them. | They aren't going to take their gloves. What de-you think they vill do there? | comerg ‘Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the. example. You:can-add to the list. go swimming every —-*- try radifional food day + Take lois of pictures ‘+ lie-on the beach all -* go sighlseeing mosning * buy souvenits | think they'll go swimming every day. ‘2 “What is/isn't Gina going to do when she grows up? Look at the pictures on p. 59 ‘and the prompts and say, as in the example. / be a famous singer — live in-a.big house with'a swimming pool {gloves ‘make a lot of money aie work os a Malhs leacher " drive spoils car have two pel dogs wear expensive clothes make lois of records I'm going to be a famous singer. 3 QD liston and repeat. There's no point * I'see. | expect you'll make-a lat of money. + I'm not sure, probably the end of nxt week. How long are you going to be away? Well, have a good trip then I'll be o great experience, though. What's up? You haven't changed your mind, have you? Whats the weather like over there? No way! Vocabulary: clothes; the weather; plans; intentions; feshion; measurements; shops; sizes Reading: reading for gist Ustening: listening for specific information ‘Speaking: talking abou! your plans; prioriising ‘Communication: buying clothes Prorunciation: homophones Grammar: going to; will; present continuous: [fulure mesining) : Project leer of complaint Witting: alter to a fiend about your plans Tesson 5a (pp. 58-59) 1d) * Ask S510 lock at he pictues on p. 58. Explain ‘hot Jon & Tony are planning «holiday to ‘Mexico and they are thinking abou! what they {16 going to take with them, Explain the task. Read out the picture proms, then the example. Explain that we use going to to tak about plans. Ss do the exercise. ANSWER KEY They ore going fo take theic binoculars, camera, shor, fippers, Fshids, passports, sandal, trainers, sunglasses They aren't gong to. take their jackets, tort, gol is, Booey bret b] © Explain the tsk, Read out the proms, then the ‘example. Ask Ss fo underline ‘ll. Explain that this is the short form oF wil, Point out that we use wl io s0y what we hink/guess will happen. Give more ‘examples for Ss to understand the use oF wil e.g. Tomorrow willbe cold, Lihink hey wll wia on Sunday. Post cut that willis the same in all persons. ‘© Read out the prompls. Ss make sentences. ‘SUGGESTED ANSWER KEY. ihinkthey'l fe on the beach all morning think they y radtionol food. think they'l ake lots of pictures. think hey go sightseeing. thik they buy souvenir. | think they go dancing every night. think they vst museums. think they go fo bedilaie. 2. © Ask Ss 0 look atthe pictures on p. 59. Explain thot Gina is thinking about what she is going to do when she grows up. Read out the proms, then the example. Ss make sentences. ‘ANSWER KEY Tm going fo lve in a big house with a swimming Tm going to make a lot of money. Im not going to work as a Maths teacher. Im going to dive a sporis cor. Im going 19 hove two pet dogs. I'm going to wear expensive clothes. Im going to make lots of records *. Asan extension ask Ss fo fell the class what they ore. {going 1 do when they grow up. e.g. I'm going to be « Drama leacher. [im going to live ina nice cotlage in the ‘countryside, Im going fo have a big fomily. ee ‘Play the cassele. Ss listen and follow the lines. Play the cassette again. Ss listen and repeat Present the phrases/senlences by giving examples, miming of using Ss’ LT if necessary. eg. No woyl (Ask Ss: Con we eat in class? ‘Answer: No way! We can't eatin class.) 4. o} Explain the task, then read out the prompls, Play the Cassel, Ss lston and match. Check Ss‘answers. ANSWER KEY Gina = be a famous singer les ~ go to Africa on a business trip Jan - go on holiday b) © Read quesions 1 to 5 cloud. Allow Ss four rminules to read the diclogues and answer tho questions. Check Ss‘ answers, then help Ss exploin the words in bold by giving a synonym orin Ss’ LI if necessary. ANSWER KEY She's going to be a famous singer. He's going fo be away for abou! tree and a half weeks. His ssier is going o look afer his cat 1s going to get hot soon. She is going to take Tshits, shors ard o couple of jumpers. GRe NH ‘© Play the cassoio for Ex. da again. Ss listen ond follow the lines, then take roles and read out the dialogues Allow Ss hvee minues fo read the dialogues again ‘ond undetine the phroses/sentences. $s then say ‘who said each’one. “ANSWER KEY Gina said, “There's no point.” Gina’s mum said, "| see. | expect you'll moke a lot of money." les said, ‘Tm not sure, probably the end of next week." Joti asked, “How long are you going fo be away?" doh said, “Well have a good tip then." Jota said, “be o great experience, though.” Franco asked, “What's yp?” Franco asked, “You haven't changed. your mind, hove you? Jan asked, “Who's the weather like over there?” Jan said, "No way!” Suggested Homework Copy: dialogue C in Bx. db (p. 59) Vocabulary: picture proms Ex 1a [p. 58) Reading aloud: dialogues in Ex. 4b (p. 59) Point ‘ut thot Ss practise reading aloud ot home using the $5 cassete/oudio CD.) Dictation: words in bold in diologues AC (p. 59) Speaking: a) the first four exchanges from dialogue 8 (p. 59) by Ss memorise ony five sentences from Ex. 3 (p. 58) Memory Game Ask Ss o ook athe phrases/sentences in Ex. 3 for a minute, then close their books and, in teams, try 10 remember os many as possible. Each correct phrose/senlence gels Point, The feam with the mos! points is the winner. e.g, Team ASI: No woyl Team B $1: Whats up? etc. 1 Jan: Franco? Hi — it’s Jan here. I'm calling from England. | Franco: Hi, Jan! What's up? You haven't listening and Reading : : | q 4 yy a eae the people to what changed your mind, have you? i Jan: No way! It’s just that we're packing at 1 Gina go f0 Attica on a business tip the moment, and we aren‘t sure what } 2 les go on holiday clothes to bring. What's the weather Be 3 Jon be a famous singer like over there? Franco: Well, it’s been cloudy for the last few b) Read dialogues A to C and answer the : ' days, but the forecast says it’s going to | a questions (1 - 5), then explain the words in bold. In pairs, read out the dialogues. get hot soon. Jan: Okay — so I'll pack T-shirts and shorts. 1 What is Gina going to do when she grows up? Franco: Yeah ... but remember, it can get quite Les going chilly in the evenings, so bring a couple : of jumpers, too. Okay Thanks: See you'soon! Bye: - : 4@) Read the dialogues again and underline = ate you going to do your je phrases/sentences used in Ex. 3. Who homework? == Gina: No, Mum. There's no point: Mum: Yes, theres. You will need Maths when you ‘grow up. : No, I won't. I'm going to be a famous singer, So | won’t need to know about Maths. ‘A famous singer? Yes. I'm going to make lots of records and I'm going to do a world tour every year, $0 I'll se lots of different countries. :[see, | expect you'll make a lot of money. = OF course: 'm going to drive a real sports car, wear expensive clothes and have two pet dogs. I'm going to be very rich, : In that case, you'll need to know about Maths to look afterall that money. Now do your homework! ‘Oh; Mum! So, Les, when are you going to Africa? : I'm not sure, probably the end of next week. How long are you going to be away? ; About three and a half weeks: Oh! So who's going to water your plants and feed your cat? : Well, my next-door neighbour is going to water my plants and collect my letters but my cat is going to stay.with my sister. Well, have a good trip then. I'm going on business, not to have'a good time. Ill be a great experience, though. Les: Yes, { suppose so, but Ill miss my cat. Vocabulary * Clothes 1 4) Look at the pictures. Which are: =menswear? — - ladieswea = footwear? = accessories? 'b) Which of the clothes in the pictures are casual. Which are formal? ee oo 2. Doyou prefer wearing formal clothes or casual clothes? What do you wear when you go: =o. a wedding reception? - on a trip? «fo a restaurant for a formal dinner? Teather si 3 ‘woolen jumper — plste raince! f ona picnic? What size are you: small, medium, large, extra large? 7 ‘A: What will the weather be like in Los Angeles KEY ae tomorrow? The weather sing hot a5] 7 B: It'll be cool and cloudy. 3 Look at the key and Ls way oo the map. What will wom 250 | listening the weather be like cool 15\4 tomorrow in each chilly wl | 4 Read the sentences below, then listen to city? Ask and cold 5c \W/ the weather forecast and mark each sentence answer, as inthe — freezing cold SC as correct (7) or incorrect (X). example. © London will be warm and sunny tomorrow. it will be cold and wet in Wales. Manchester will be warm tomorrow. it will be chilly in Scotland RoNe Speaking 5, What's the weather lke in your town today? What's the forecast for tomorrow? What's the weather like in your country in the spring/summer/avtumn/winter? 6 In pairs, use words from Ex. 1 and Ex. 3 40 tos Angeles cask and answer, as in the example. #4 Rio de Janeiro ators Whats the weather ike teday? It's freezing cold. I'll wear my fur coat, then. her Lesson 5b (py 1) Sa ‘© A: What will the weather be like in Karachi] * © Check Se! HWY (10! Ay Be No lg ho ce iy '* Play the Memory Game as described in Ex. 4c A: What wil he weather be like in Bejing] p. 59M. tomorow? 1. a) Read cloud the pice prompls. Ss repeat individually. Present ony new words by giving examples, thon Ss do the exercise | SUGGESTED ANSWER KEY menswear: cotton Tshirt, shortsleeved shit, dinner jacket, Vneck pullover, boggy trousers, langslceved| i erdlgen: Welseoelshiged fers ‘polo neck jumper, plain rouse, woollen jumper adieswear: cotton Tshirt, denim dress, fur coat, baggy trousers, polo neck jumper, plain trousers, [checked skin, leggings, evening dress, loather skin, plastic vincoot footwear: highheeled shoes accessories: spoted te, sraw har, suede belt sil scart b) Present the words casual and formal. Then, Ss do the exericse. SUGGESTED ANSWER KEY casual clas: cotton Tshin, denim dtess, short skeved shir, Vineck pullover, baggy trousers, long- sleeved cordigan, shiped shorts, polo neck jumper, pain rousers, checked sin, leggings, leather sli woollen jumper, plaslic raincoat formal clothes: dinner jacket, spoted fe, fur coat, waistcoat, evening dress 2 Read out the questions, one at a time. Elicit answers from various Ss. | SUGGESTED ANSWER KEY +, {preter woo costello * When I go to 0 wedding reception | wear an| evening chess and my hr coat. © When 1 go on a hip | wear a polo neck jumper| and my baggy rouses. When | go 10.0 restaurant fer a formal dianer | weor my dinner jacket and * When | go on a picnic | wear my Fshit and| 2s _ I'm medium. 3 Read out he key ond present new words. Then, osk Ss to look ot the map ond read out the example, $s, in ‘pen pairs, ask and answer quesions. [ANSWER KEY © A: What will the weather be like in Rio. de Janeiro tomorrow? B: tbe hot and cloudy. © A: Whot will the weather be like in lisbon fomorrow? B: fl be cold and windy. * A: What will the weather be like in Isionbul tomorrow? B: Ir bo cool and sunny. B: tll be cool and wet 4 Explain the task. Read out sentences | 10 4. Play th ‘cassette. Ss lsion and put o lick oF a cross, Check S ‘answers, then play the cassetio again for $s fo correct the incomect sentences. Check Ss! answers. [ANSWER KEY 12k 3x 4a 2 Wales will sce sunshine in the morning, but i willbe mast cloudy or the rest ofthe choy. 3. Manchester wl se pleniy of rain and i wll be windy. TAPESCRIT. Good even, Wal, hse cf you wha ve nthe sesh ofthe county wil se ats of sunshine tonoow In Bighln ond London Il be worm or sin wh empsaness ‘rane 26%C. Tha eos coos wl bo worm to, wih lh winds keeping he lemperive ot obout 22°C. The wast cf England ond Woes wil en sone sunthirs in fe mesting, b&w be mosly cid er fort fhe doy. ‘Moving farther, tho operas vl be lower and hee wl bo a ot wo wear abou. Marches, Pestn ond verpoel vl es pen fron cd "ls windy. Thorpe wi se tind 15°C 0 i od le Saafond ond Noche blo wl have a xght start, but ow triples wil ime chil day fr mest paola, 50 wrap up wel sheep ou ha cad Tha ol om he Natlenal Weathar Cn fr loday. Godhight. 5. Ask quesions, one ola ime. Elicit appropricle answers from Ss, [SUGGESTED ANSWER KEY. + its cool and cloudy. Ii bs wore and sunay tomorrow. © In the spring it is cool in the momings and| evenings, but warm during the day. oh he satires tis hotel windy © Inthe autumn itis werm and windy. © Ih the winter tis cold and wet. 6 Explain the ask and read out the example, Then Ss, in closed pois, act out similar dialogues. Check $s performance, then ask some paits lo act out their iclogues in cass. | SUGGESTED ANSWER KEY *¢ A: Whor's the weather lke today? B: I's chilly. 1M wear a woolen jumper ard rows, What's the weather ike ody? Its boiling hot and sunny. 1M wear 0 cotton Thi, shors and a hol, then, What's the weather lke today? Ws cold and wet MM wear my plostic raincoat, then. oe. p> > => > 7 Explain the tosk, then read out the order form. Play the casseto. Ss lision and fil in the missing words. Check Ss" answers on the board. Ee i tom Material [pmoer | wooten| lack | large | 1 Jumper | \ | | checked | medium | 1 oe ‘Gend moning: Thonk you fr callng Smo Cholee, How may (hea 2 Ered ening. fhe torr sone cobs fom yo onary ca Nr le Yes eco 2783407. Tokyo, Me nean. What wold youl ort ‘nga lane, ho Leck woolen fires on pog0 1A. 0 kage, relia ck wonen jp Ain oe? as cd coon ee npg 9, lin. Worst ° Meu, pore Ce ee eee orb on page 42, san mal ond : he's own eer bk Thrk you, Wal fal ¢ ome oe. (excl, se tors fe al eval ord wl beso ye oy. Terk you, pe Thenou Tt your ode Goodbye. Project ip. 61) Ss lock a the Photo File section. Explain that this is a leter of Complain} that Ms Johnson sent lo Smar! Choice becouse they sent her he wong items. Explain the task. Point out that three sentences do no! maich. Ss do the exercise oxally in class, hen assign it as witen HW. See Photo File section ‘Madile 5 for the Answer Key. & & & @ & & a & & B z& & A pe 8 Read ou! he examples and help Ss answer the questions. ‘ANSWER KEY 1m going intention] 2 Wey ieeruacant & > Be mB bePEe & 12 “ANSWER KEY Ee * move loa big tetas eZ © open an onina le rescue sheler / © goonacniso x 83: .. s she going lo spend o week ino coslle? 4: Yes, she i. I she going 1 go on a crise? $5: Ne, she kn sho gorg noe & a Bg jouse? 6: Yes, she fs. Is she going lo open on animal tescve sheller? 57 Yes, she is. 5 lo, wht oo td thy Moy oye weit Tr fet gong goa ond by done nd nies oo on bros ates yor = No, br you mathe Boho wt youd low do. ‘Wil td ‘waly iso ee he Gres Rca on gg vl Ep Tet ice, Wise oe yas gong 5? Tmgsig spar o west in cde Ve ha ware odo ft ‘iow Be yu ging by ann og i ay fokea? eed «cor ec sdveg,fngaing move og tees rl pannel esc sl ‘vena sci sh Tha goo Tle one wort so hem alle so now his chnce a hehe Then Ss, answer about themselves. SUGGESTED ANSWER KEY {Now wealend in ging fo gol ona pine by he This summer we'e going to ravel abroad. ‘Nex Friday moming I'm going fo do the shopping Exploin the task, Read out the prompls. Allow Ss three minus to do the exercise. Check Ss! answers. ‘ANSWER KEY 1 oke an aspirin “Ml put ny jacket on 1 have some orange juice. 1 take an umbrella 1M open the window. OGAGN 9 Read out the tobles and elicit the rules from Ss. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more details 10. Explain the tsk. Read out the picture prompts, then play the cassette, Iwice if necessary. Ss lisien and mark ‘accordingly. Check Ss’ answers, Read out the example. Ss. osk and answer rollag questions abou! Fiona plans/inlentions. ‘Suggested Homework Copy: Ex. 12 Ip. 61) Vocabulary: words in Exs 1 and 3 (p. 60] Speaking: Ex. 10 {p. 61) Dictation: ary ten words from Exs 1 and 3 {p. 60) ‘Act out: Ex. 3 |p. 60) Project (p. 61) ou RON | Uistening 7 (D\isten to Mrs Johnson ordering clothes by telephone, then fil in the order form below. mat ORDER a | Uoice ‘CUSTOMER: tem ‘Material 218-497 Pattern/Colour Si black checked joollen, | plouse ve | belt | leather | * Project a Look at the Photo File section and choose the best sentences to complete the letter Mrs Johnson sent fo the Smart Choice company. Grammar © The Future | Read the examples and answer the questions. ia We've ron out of milky Really? I'll buy some, then; 5 Z Yi know. I'm going to buy* ome on my way home, “| 1 Which verb form expresse’ a future intention? | 2 Which expresses an omthe-spot decision (i.e. 2 decision taken at the moment of speaking}? 9) Study the tables, then say how we form the future with going fo and will. D iimwcive: fn /you'e/heser going to buy Negative: I'm not/you aren't/he isn't/ete going to buy Inlerrogative: Am | going to buy? Are you going to buy? Is he going to buy? etc Short [Yes, | am/you are/he is. ete answers. {ne fm not/you aren't/he isn't, eke Affirmative: I/you/he/etc will buy Negative: |/you/he/eic won't buy Interrogative: Will /you/he/ete buy? | Short {vee V/you/he/ete wil ‘answers: | No, |/you/he/etc won't Sb 10 G*Fiena has won a lot of money. listen and mark the pictures to show what she is going to do (7) and isn’t going to do (x). Then, ask and answer, as in the example. SI: Is she going to buy a diamond ring? \ $2: No, she isn’t Is \ she going to visit \ Egypt? $3: Yes, she is. ls she ? Speaking 11 What are you going to do: - next weekend? | - this summer? - next Friday morning? | # Will (onsthe-spot decisions) | 12 Complete the sentences using the prompts, i as in the example. \ * have an early night * fake on ospirin ** have some orange juice * open the window | + pul my jacket on * fake on umbrella 1 I'm tired. I'l have an early night 2 Ihave a headache. BS COld. cesses A I'm tity 5 I's raining today, 6 It’s hot in here ses | ag * Going to (predictions based on what we see) ] 4] What is going to happen next? Match the pictures fo the prompts, then & Y write sentences, as in the example. B 62 f SNe | : | @ slip on a banana skin d_ fall off the ladder @ wosh the car walk ino the lamp post b fall into the hole answer the phone [1-a] He's going to slip on a banana skin. b) What is each person going to do? Make sentences, as in the example. 1 That looks very nice on you, Ann, Ann is going to buy a dress. You gel the racquets, Tom, and I'll get the balls. Don't forget fo buy milk and potatoes, Carla Hurry up, Katel The film starts at 8 o’clock! ‘Oh, nol There goes the schoo! bus, Kelly! Bren 2 Fillin be going to or will. 1A: Ob, nol I've missed the bus! B: Don't worry | sive you a lit 2. A; Why is he wearing those old clohes? B: He paint the fence 3. A: That dress looks very nice on you. B: Do you think so? I .- buy, then. 4 A; Has she decided what to do about he job? B: Yes, she

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