Topic: Multiple Instructions::Worksheet Number:10: A) Arrow B) Circle C) Triangle D) Rectangle

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Topic: Multiple Instructions ::Worksheet Number :10

1 - The logic gates on the top are part of an input output machine that take one or more
inputs in the form of a geometric shape, and on the basis of the inputs, produce an output
in the form of another geometric shape.

Based on the input-output process in the logic gates above, if I got a rectangle in the
yellow box, then what was kept initially in the blue box?

a) Arrow b) Circle
c) Triangle d) Rectangle

2 - If 2 is called 5, 5 is called 7 and 7 is called 13, then which is prime factor of 45?

a) 2 b) 5
c) 7 d) 13

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3 - The logic gates on the top are part of an input output machine that take one or more
inputs in the form of a geometric shape, and on the basis of the inputs, produce an output
in the form of another geometric shape.

Based on the input-output process in the logic gates above, if an arrow is kept in the blue
box, then which shape will you get in the yellow box?

a) Arrow b) Rectangle
c) Circle d) Triangle

Directions for Questions from 4 to 5: In a joint family of seven persons L, M, N, O,

P, Q and R two are married couples. 'R' is a housewife and her husband is a lawyer.
'N' is the wife of 'M', 'L' is an engineer and is the granddaughter of 'R', and 'O' is
the father-in-law of 'N' who is a doctor, and father of 'P' who is a professor. 'Q' is
L's brother and M's son.
4 - How is Q related to O?

a) Q is grandfather of O b) Q is uncle of O
c) Q is grandson of O d) Cannot be determined

5 - Who is M's father?

a) O b) R
c) N d) Cannot be determined

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6 - There are 6 persons in a family - A,B, C, D, E and F. A and B are a married couple, A
being the male member. D is the only son of C, who is the brother of A. E is the sister of D.
B is the daughter-in-law of F, and F's husband has died.

How many male members are there in the family?

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4

7 - Given below is a grid of numbers from 1 to 5. A person needs to go from point A to point
B. He can only move on squares with consecutive increasing numbers i.e. from a square
with number 1, he can only go to a square with number 2; from a square with number 2 he
can only go on a square with number 3 and so on. From one square, he can move to any
adjacent square – the squares should either have a common boundary or a common corner.
How many different ways are there for a person to go from A to B?

a) 3 b) 4
c) 5 d) 6

8 - The four shapes given below are coloured by using the following conditions:
- The shapes are coloured by using red, green, blue and yellow colours and each shape has
a different colour.
- Shape 1 is coloured either yellow or red.
- Shape 4 is adjacent to red and blue and it is not coloured green.

What will the coloured figure look like?

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a) b)

c) d)

9 - How many possible combinations of 1 boy and 1 girl can be formed from 3 boys and 3

a) 18 b) 12
c) 9 d) 15

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10 - In a certain non-leap year, addition of the days of 3 consecutive months is 91. Which of
the following months can be middle month in a sequence of 3 consecutive months?

a) Feb b) May
c) Oct d) Both options B and C

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