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A set of parts for assembling the PIRATE metal detector

Added by: STR2013 , Date: 12 Sep 2018

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A set of radio components and a printed circuit board for self-
assembly of the PIRATE impulse metal detector

The PIRATE metal detector is one of the popular simple impulse

metal detectors with good sensitivity. Even a novice radio amateur can assemble it.
If everything is soldered correctly, the coil is made without errors, the parts are all
serviceable, then the circuit starts working immediately. There is only one variable
resistor from the basic settings.
With a properly soldered circuit, the device works immediately, but an oscilloscope may
be needed to adjust to maximum sensitivity, as well as when troubleshooting (if the
circuit does not work).
The photo shows a sample of the assembled board and possible coil options.
Coil of wire " twisted pair " 4 turns:
Spool - wound winding wire in varnish insulation (25 turns) on the embroidery hoop:
Characteristics of the PIRATE metal detector
 Supply voltage: 8 - 12 volts .
 Current consumption:  30 -  40 mA .
 Coin detection depth (25mm): up to  20 cm .
 Detection depth for large metals: up to  150 cm .
The characteristics largely depend on the build quality, the parts used, the diameter and
correctness of the coil manufacture, supply voltage, etc.
Diagram of the PIRATE metal detector on TL072 and NE555
Required devices and tools for assembly:
 wire or "twisted pair";
 multimeter;
 soldering iron;
 solder;
 nippers;
 tweezers;
 small screwdriver;
 oscilloscope (for fine tuning and / or troubleshooting).
Details for the assembly of MD "Pirate":
1. Microcircuits: NE555 - 1 pc and TL072 - 1 pc ;
2. Transistors: IRF740, BC557, BC639 ;
3. Diodes: in4148 - 2 pieces, in5819 - 1 piece;
4. Variable resistor - 2 pcs (500 kOhm, 50 kOhm);
5. Pitch resistor - 1 pc (200kOhm)
6. Fixed resistors - 14 pcs;
7. Ceramic capacitors - 3 pcs;
8. Electrolytic capacitors - 5 pcs;
9. PCB 70 x 30 mm;
10. Sockets for 8pin microcircuits - 2 pcs ;
11. Switch;
12. Variable resistor handle - 2 pcs ;
13. Computer cable "twisted pair" (3 meters) or wire PEV, PEL, PETV, etc. (Ф 0.3-
0.7 mm);
14. Battery 9-12 V;
15. Headphones or speaker.
If you do not have the required details,
You can purchase them on the MasterOk website .
Video of the PIRATE metal detector
Detailed step-by-step assembly (with photo) of the PIRATE metal
Step 1. We insert the parts according to the attached instructions, diagram, drawing of
the arrangement of parts on the printed circuit board. Sockets for microcircuits (do not
forget about the keys at pin # 1), a headphone jack, fixed resistors horizontally, a trim
resistor. The values of the permanent resistors can be determined by the colored
stripes, and also checked against the readings of the multimeter.
The legs can be bent towards the tracks for now. You can insert and solder one piece at
a time. Whom it is more convenient.
Step 2. We solder fixed resistors (R8 soldered vertically), capacitors, diodes. Check the
resistance ratings with a multimeter before soldering. Solder electrolytic capacitors
C3,4,6,7,8 observing polarity! The minus is indicated on the capacitor body. Duration of
soldering one terminal should not exceed 2-3 seconds. For heat dissipation, you can
hold the leg of the radio component with tweezers.
Step 3.  According to the markings on the board, we solder the transistors (3 pcs).
Step 4. We check the board for the quality of the soldering, for the correctness of the
soldering of the parts, according to their markings and markings on the board. There
should be no adhesions, "snot", etc. We wash the board from the remnants of rosin with
alcohol (vodka) using a toothbrush.
Step 5. Solder the wires to the power supply (do not forget about the + and - polarity),
variable resistors, dynamics (the speaker also has + and -) and the coil. We insert the
microcircuits into the sockets, each in its own according to the scheme (do not forget
about the keys).
First option
The coil is wound on a mandrel of about 200 mm, it contains 25-30 turns of PEL, PETV,
PEV F-0.5 - 0.7mm wire. A pan of this size will work as a frame. It is better to wind the
number of turns 30 and then reduce during the tuning process, achieving maximum
sensitivity. To do this, we bring a coin to the coil and check how many turns the coin will
be "caught" from the greatest distance. To ensure that the spool has good strength and
is attached to the shaft, it can be wound, for example, on an embroidery hoop.

Second option (basket type reel)

With its help, it is possible to obtain a greater depth of detection, especially for small
metals. The design feature of this type of sensors allows obtaining a sensitivity up to
20% higher than that of a conventional sensor.
The coil is wound on a mandrel 180 - 200 mm and contains 4 turns of "twisted pair" wire
for the computer  (no foil!) . There are 8 wires in the cable, the cable length is about 3
4 turns x for 8 wires = 32 turns.
This coil has an inductance of 330 µH and a resistance of 2 Ohms.
When we wind the coil: thread the free long end of the cable into the formed loop,
twisting the first one with the second turn of the cable. For one turn of the coil, you need
to thread the free end of the cable through the coil 4-5 times.
When winding the coil, make sure that the cable is laid, strictly repeating the wrapping
period of the previous turns.
We clean the ends of the wires from insulation, twist, solder and put insulating tubes on
the connections. The wires of the two ends are connected to form a complete coil.  You
can connect in any way, one of the options in the table below:

Wire color Wire color

one end Act the other end
connect to board -> GREEN
<─ solder ─>
<─ solder ─>
<─ solder ─>
<─ solder ─>
<─ solder ─>
<─ solder ─>
<─ solder ─>
<- connect to board
We wrap several layers with electrical tape.
We connect the board with the coil with an ordinary double-insulated network stranded
copper wire 2 x 2.5mm².
Further sealing of the coil, manufacturing of the rod, housing for the board at your
discretion, based on the possibilities.
Setting up a Pirate metal detector
When switching on, do not reverse the polarity of the power supply (+ and -)! Then it is
necessary to measure the current with a multimeter, it should not exceed 30mA. If it
exceeds, then it is necessary to carefully check the installation in accordance with the
diagram, the serviceability of the parts and the absence of short circuits in the soldering
of the printed circuit board tracks, the coil, whether transistors, microcircuits, capacitors,
diodes (polarity, pinout, keys), etc. are correctly soldered.
Next, set the variable resistor 20 kOhm to the middle position, and by adjusting the 200
kOhm on the board, achieve rare clicks. A rare crackle is the maximum sensitivity of the
metal detector. If the crackling does not disappear, you need to put another resistor in
It can also be from a low voltage (less than 9V), a scatter in the parameters of the
elements or an incorrect coil.
It is necessary to check the installation again (it is possible that the tracks are closed
after soldering), the serviceability and correctness of the soldering of the parts
according to the diagram. Radioelements can be overheated with a soldering iron, and
the TL072 microcircuit consists of field-effect transistors that are afraid of static
All elements marked with an asterisk (*) can be selected for maximum sensitivity.  R14 -
"volume", instead of it you can solder a variable resistor of 500 kOhm or R15 to control
the volume can be replaced with 1 kOhm variables.
Diode D3 (IN5819) is needed to protect against power reversal.
Table of voltages on microcircuits and transistors
The measurements were made relative to the minus when powered at 11.75V with
headphones connected, current with coil 18mA, current without coil
6mA.  TL072 1 pin = 6.89 V 

2 pin = 6.89 V
3 pin = 6.89 V
4 pin = 0 V
5 pin = 2.82 V
6 pin = 4.72 V
7 pin = 0.05 V
8 pin = 11.75 V  NE555 1 pin = 0 V 


2 pin = 6.16 V      
3 pin = 11.57 V   
4 pin = 11.75 V   
5 pin = 7.89 V     
6 pin = 6.16 V    
7 pin = 6.16 V    
8 pin = 11.75 V   
T1 E = 11.75V; B = 11.74V; K = 0.16V; T2 C = 11.75B; Z = 0.12V; I = 0V; T3 E = 0V; B
= 0 ... -8V; K = 11.75V.
 If you do not have the necessary parts, you can purchase them on the MasterOk
website .

Below is a photo of the Pirate metal detector by I. Kungurov, assembled from the above
tags: [ metal detector , beginners ]

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