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An Executive Summary he use of Superior Performing

of the Superpave System T Asphalt Pavement technology or

Superpave is increasing around the
for a wide range of applications—
from farm-to-market roads all the way
through high-volume interstate roads.
country. Nearly every state in the US
is making some commitment to
implement part or all of Superpave Superpave Versus Conventional Design
technology. From the point of view How does Superpave compare with
of many in the highway community, current technology? The conven-
Superpave is the future of hot mix tional mix design system, known as

pavements. the Marshall method of mix design,
Superpave was created to make primarily addresses the determina-
the best use of asphalt paving tech- tion of asphalt binder content, while
Superpave addresses all the elements

The Future of
of mix design. The primary elements
of Superpave volumetric design are:
• Selection of component

Hot Mix Asphalt

• Volumetric proportioning of
aggregate and binder, and
• Evaluation of the compacted

By Tim Murphy,
President, JFG Technical Center

Selecting Materials
nology and to present a system that
would optimize asphalt mixture Selection of component materials
resistance to permanent deformation, consists of determining the accept-
fatigue cracking and low tempera- ability of mineral aggregates, asphalt
ture cracking. binders, and any modifiers for use in
The key parts of this process are a mix design. Traffic data is used for
the Performance Graded (PG) system asphalt binder selection, mineral
for specifying the properties of the aggregate selection, and mixture test-
asphalt binder and the volumetric and ing criteria.
densification characteristics deter- Aggregate gradation selection is
mined by the Superpave Gyratory also a part of the Superpave system.
Compactor (SGC). The Superpave requires different grada-
system was developed and calibrated tion limits for different types of mix-
tures. A helpful tool in the design tant indicator of mix durability. the trial gradations are compared
phase is the 0.45-power gradation The restricted zone also serves to with mix criteria. Volumetric criteria
chart (Figure 1) that uses four con- prevent gradations having a “hump” consists of
trol sizes and a restricted zone. The around the 1.18 and 0.6-millimeter • percent air voids
control sizes used are: sieves, as in Figure 2. A humped gra- • voids in the mineral aggregate
Figure 1: Superpave Gradation for a 19.0 mm Mixture dation is generally associated with a (VMA)
100 high percentage of fine, rounded • voids in the mineral aggregate
Maximum Density Line
sand in the mix. In effect, the zone filled with asphalt binder (VFA).
restricts the use of a high percentage Volumetric properties can be
Control Point
60 of rounded sands. This is advanta- determined based on the densifica-
% Passing

50 geous because excessively rounded tion curves. Of the volumetric

Restricted Zone aggregates are generally associated properties, the percentage of air
20 with poor shear resistance, a major voids is the most important. The
10 cause of rutting in asphalt mixes. criterion is fixed at four percent for
.075 mm 2.36 mm 19 mm 25 mm Figure 2: The Sand Hump Phenomenon all mixtures and traffic levels. The
Sieve Size (raised to 0.45 power) percentage of VMA criterion changes
50 Restricted
• Maximum sieve size Zone as the nominal maximum particle
Partial gradation
• Nominal maximum sieve size shown of a size of the mixture changes. The
% Passing

typical aggregate
structure plotted
• 2.36-millimeter sieve on the 0.45 percentage VFA criterion changes as
power gradation
• 0.075-millimeter sieve. chart a function of traffic.
The restricted zone is an area 0
surrounding the maximum density line 0.075 mm 2.36 mm

from the 2.36-millimeter sieve to the Traffic Function

0.3-millimeter sieve. Gradations should Increasing traffic results in a lower
avoid passing through the restricted Selection of Design Aggregate Structure allowable percentage of VFA. Lower
zone. The control points,along with Several (3 or 4) trial combinations of volume roads would and should
the restricted zone,are used to control aggregates are evaluated to determine require higher VFA ranges to increase
the shape of the gradation curve. an appropriate aggregate structure the durability of roadways. Any trial
The restricted zone is used for two (suitable volumetric and densification gradation that meets all compacted
purposes. Gradations passing through properties). Once trial gradations mixture criteria may be selected as
the restricted zone have been are determined, specimens are the design aggregate structure. The
observed to have problems meeting mixed and compacted using the purpose of this step is to determine
some compacted mixture properties, SGC procedures. an economic blend of mineral aggre-
specifically the percentage of voids in Volumetric and densification gates and asphalt binder that will
the mineral aggregate (VMA). This properties of the compacted mix yield long-lasting, successful perform-
mixture property is used as an impor- specimens are then determined and ance in a pavement structure.
than would a mix for a pavement hav-
Number of Gyrations ing the same traffic in Chicago.
The main feature of this phase is This procedure of increasing the
the use of the Superpave Gyratory required number of gyrations for
Compactor. The SGC compacts increased traffic results in changing
mixture in a mold through a combi- the asphalt mixture properties and
nation of constant vertical pressure design asphalt binder contents for a
and a constant angle of gyration. given mixture. The increased traffic
The angle of gyration, in conjunction levels may also require the use of a
with the vertical pressure, produces different type of asphalt cement, or
a kneading action that compacts the Performance-Graded (PG) liquid
asphalt mixture specimen. Speci- binder as is defined in Superpave, for
men height data is gathered during the roadway (ref. Asphalt, Polymer
compaction that allows the designer determined on compacted mixture Asphalt Pavements on the Illinois
to measure the rate of densification. specimens at Ndesign. The number of Tollway, Fall 1995).
gyrations increases as traffic and tem- Finally, there is a criterion for the
perature increases. Therefore, a major dust proportion of the mixture.
Number of Gyrations highway in Chicago would have a This is a calculation that identifies the
The appropriate number of gyrations higher number of required gyrations ratio of material finer than the 0.075-
(Nvariable) is determined based on than would a secondary road in millimeter sieve to the effective
traffic and project site high tempera- McHenry County. Similarly, mixture asphalt binder content. The criterion
ture conditions. All of the design vol- for a highway in south Texas would is constant for all mixtures and traffic
umetric parameters listed above are require a higher number of gyrations levels. If no trial gradation meets all
the criteria, then additional blends of
aggregates, or different sources of
aggregates, may be necessary.

Design Asphalt Binder Content

After the selection of the design aggre-
RMI 1/4 pg ad gate structure is completed,the design-
er will need to determine the design
API: asphalt binder content for the mixture.
PICKUP FROM PREVIOUS This phase involves mixing and
(FALL) ISSUE PG 22... compacting design aggregate structure
specimens at several asphalt binder
contents. Generally,four asphalt binder
contents are used,centered around the
estimated design asphalt binder
content determined from the design
aggregate structure phase of testing.
Mix properties are determined for
each asphalt binder content, and
graphs are generated showing the
change in mix properties with changes
in the asphalt binder content of the
mixture. The design asphalt binder
content can be selected from this
data. This is the asphalt binder
content corresponding to four
continued on page 27


Superpave from page 18 moisture damage. While moisture ing‘
percent air voids at Ndesign. damage is not a distress form by itself,it ingS
All other mix properties are deter- can accelerate the development and Co
mined at this asphalt binder content. propagation of actual forms of distress. The Asphalt Institute
If the mix meets all criteria, then the In summary, the Superpave mix announces the New
design asphalt binder content is design system provides more infor- Second Edition
selected. The combination of design mation and a more rational mix
aggregate structure and design
asphalt binder content then be-
design procedure than traditional mix
designs. The system is suitable for
comes the design asphalt mixture. field control of hot mix asphalt and Construction
Moisture Sensitivity
provides substantially more informa-
tion than the current method used.▲ of Hot Mix
The final step in the Superpave Tim Murphy is currently President Asphalt
volumetric mix design system is an
evaluation of the moisture sensitivity of
of JFG Technical Center in Thornton,
Illinois. JFG is a design, testing and Pavements
the design asphalt mixture. Design consulting firm specializing in hot Manual Series No. 22
asphalt mixtures having tensile strength mix asphalt. Prior to his position
ratios (TSRs),as defined in AASHTO at JFG, Murphy was a District A valuable guide and
T-283,less than 0.8 may be sensitive to Engineer for the Asphalt Institute. reference for persons
involved in asphalt pavement
construction. Originally
prepared by the Asphalt
Superpave Notes from page 23 sections containing coarse-graded Institute under contract to
mixtures had higher rut depths than the U.S. Federal Highway
verification of the Superpave volu- the fine-plus graded and the fine- Administration, the manual
metric mixture design process. graded hot mix asphalt mixtures. has been completely revised
The test track consists of 34 test The largest amount of fatigue and updated.
sections, each 70 meters in length. cracking was associated with those It describes the procedures
The original mixtures placed were mixtures placed at initial high in- necessary to properly construct
quality asphalt pavement.
constructed with a single asphalt place air void contents. Mixtures at
binder and a single primary low asphalt binder contents have New chapters have been added
aggregate. Three gradations were also experienced more fatigue crack- on Construction Project
Management, Quality Control
placed—fine, fine-plus, and coarse. ing than mixtures at higher asphalt
and Acceptance of Hot Mix
For each gradation, three levels of binder contents. The test sections Asphalt, and Segregation of
asphalt binder content and three containing coarse-graded mixtures Hot Mix Asphalt.
levels of initial in-place air voids had higher amounts of fatigue crack- Retained and updated are the
were placed. Five replicated test ing than the fine-plus and fine-graded chapters on Materials, Mix
sections were also placed. During mixtures. Performance prediction Design, Plant Operations,
rehabilitation of the track, a second models and pavement-related specifi- Placing Hot Mix Asphalt, and
aggregate and asphalt binder source cation will be developed from result Compaction. There are several
were used to place eight sections from the test track.
of another coarse-graded mixture. According to the present schedule, $24 each (plus $5.00 shipping and handling)
Monitoring and sampling are a traffic will be placed on the facility
key part of the project, as is informa- through the mid-summer of 1998
tion on rutting and fatigue perfor- (approximately 7 million ESALs). TO ORDER CONTACT:
mance. The greatest amount of Performance monitoring and sampling
rutting has been associated with will continue during this period.
P.O. Box 14052
mixes with higher asphalt content. Laboratory testing,analysis and report Lexington, KY 40512-4052
In general, the high air void content preparation will continue to April 1999. phone: (606) 288-4960
mixtures have also experienced fax: (606) 288-4999
Jon A. Epps, Director, Western
somewhat higher rutting. The test Superpave Regional Center


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