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TPF/D&C/PR-I/2019-2020/01 Date – 09 th April 2019

M/S. Deshmukh And Company,
Surli Road,
At Post- Tembhurni,
Tal –Madha,
Solapur– 413211, Maharashtra (India)

Sub: - NHAI-PIU-NSK- Six Lanning of Pimpalgaon-Nashik-Gonde Section of NH-03 from Km 380/00

to 440/00 in the state of Maharashtra – Authority Engineer/Supervision Consultant Services for PR
Works & O & M Works on Pimpalgaon-Nashik-Gonde Project on NH-3.

Reg: Submission of traffic diversion plan from Ch. 432 + 000 to 440+000

Reference: - M/s. Deshmukh & Company Letter no- DC/NSK/38/2018-19dated 09/04/2019.

Dear Sir,

With reference to above referred letter, you are hereby strictly advised to submit the diversion plan
well in advance for review of Authority Engineer before start of work.
Please make a note of it.

Yours faithfully,

For TPF Getinsa – Euro Studios S.L. in JV with

TPF Engineering Pvt. Ltd.

(Pankaj Mohabey)
Team Leader

Cc: The Project Director, NHAI, PIU Nashik

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