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Unit 10 Assessment

Name_______________________ Date___________

Measurement ____/ 34 Computation ____/ 4 Total ____/43

Numeration _____/5

* = Student should demonstrate mastery of this skill at this time.

1. 1 quarter = _____ nickels Measurement-5 points

1 dollar = _____ dimes

1 dime = _____ pennies

1 dollar = _____ pennies

1 dime = _____ nickels

Measurement- 4 points

* 2. Show $1.83 in two different ways. Use .

Show $1.42 in two different ways. Use .

* 3. Use your calculator to find the sums. Measurement- 4 points

$0.45 + $0.38 = $___________

$0.28 + $0.93= $___________
$1.89 + $0.67= $___________
$3.16 + $5.52= $___________

Measurement- 5 points
4. Write the dollars-and-cents notation for the following money

1 dollar and 47 cents $__________

56 cents $__________
70 cents $__________
7 cents $__________
4 dollars and 8 cents $__________
Numeration- 5 points
5. Fill in the blanks using ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, or

The 7 in 3,745 is in the ____________________ place.

The 6 in 6,051 is in the ____________________ place.

The 5 in 65 is in the _____________________ place.

The 3 in 938 is in the _____________________ place.

The 9 in 92,645 is in the __________________________ place.

Measurement- 9 points

6. Find the ballpark estimates of the following problems.

You buy a pencil for $0.48 and an eraser for $0.27.

$______ + $______ = $________

You buy oranges for $1.49 and yogurt for $2.09.

$______ + $______ = $________

You buy cheese for $2.31 and bread for $0.99.

$______ + $______ = $________

7. Solve the money stories. Measurement-2 points

Sam bought gum for $0.53. He gave the clerk $1.00.

What is his change? _____________

Rani bought candy for $1.85. She gave the clerk $5.00.
What is her change? _____________

8. Solve. Computation-4 points

(10-7) + 5 = ________ (10-6) + 8 = ________

16 – (9+2) = ________ 14 - (7-4) = ________

Open Response

Comparing Coins

Sue has 5 coins that equal more than 75¢. Only one of her coins is a
dime. Jill has twice as much money as Sue.

Show Sue’s coins. How much money does Sue have?

Show Jill’s coins. How much money does Jill have?


I know that Sue needs more than 75¢. She started with __________.
She has 4 other coins. Her other coins must be _________________
_____________________. Since Sue has one dime, I gave Jill 2
dimes. Since Sue’s other coins are __________________________,
I gave Jill ____________________________________________.

Revised 2010

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