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moral hazard ethiopia

What Should the World Do and Not Do To
Save Ethiopians?
Posted on August 29, 2011, Updated on August 30, 2011 by Alemayehu G. Mariam

Alemayehu G. Mariam

Nearly a quarter of a century ago, Time Magazine on its cover page asked two weighty questions
about recurrent famines in Ethiopia: “Why are Ethiopians starving again? What should the world
do and not do” to help them? In my commentary last week, I gave ten reasons in response to the
first question; here I offer ten more for the second.
For the past one-half century, the “Western world”
has been the principal source of charity and handouts in Ethiopia. For the last two decades, the
West has been feeding the regime of dictator Meles Zenawi with billions of dollars of
development and humanitarian aid while filling the stomachs of starving Ethiopians with empty
words and emptier promises. Now that another famine is spreading like wildfire in that country,
the question remains: “What should the Western world do and not do to help Ethiopians
permanently escape the endless cycles of famine described in the sugarcoated language of the
self-serving international aid agencies as “acute food insecurity, extreme malnutrition, green
drought and food crisis”.

Ten Things the World Should Do and Not Do to Help Starving Ethiopians

Take the moral hazard out of Western aid in Ethiopia. 

Western taxpayers have been footing the bill to provide a fail-safe insurance policy for the
dictatorship of Meles Zenawi on the theory that he is too servile to fail (not unlike the notion of
corporations that are too big to fail). Zenawi has proven to be a reliable proxy warfighter for the
West in the Horn. He has received hearty congratulations for a “fantastic Somalia job” even
though his invasion created the worst humanitarian crises in Africa in the last decade. Tony Blair
appointed him to his Commission for Africa. He has been the West’s man in Africa on climate
change.  In return, the West has provided Zenawi billions of dollars in “safety net” aid,
multilateral loans and a perpetual supply of relief handouts to insulate his regime from the
natural consequences of a mismanaged economy, debilitating corruption and proliferating
poverty and famine.  The West should now stand back and let Zenawi face the consequences of
chronic budget deficits, galloping inflation, corruption and empty grain silos. Turning a blind eye
to gross human rights violations and Western complicity in the regime’s denial of democratic
rights to Ethiopians presents not only a moral hazard but also irrefutable evidence of moral

Put humanity and human rights back in Western humanitarian aid in Ethiopia. 
The West should treat the starving people of Ethiopia as human beings, not as pawns in a
strategic regional chess game or as pitiful objects of charity and handouts.  The root cause of the
food famine in Ethiopia is an underlying political famine of democracy, rule of law, lack of
accountability and transparency and flagrant human rights abuses. More democracy and greater
respect for human rights necessarily means less famine and starvation because a government that
is not able, willing and ready to feed its people will be swept out of office by a hungry and angry
electorate. The West should tie its aid to specific and measurable improvements in human rights
observances and properly functioning democratic institutions. If Western aid and loans are
decoupled from human rights and good governance, they become powerful tools of oppression,
persecution and subjugation in the hands of dictators.

Promote and support a stable and healthy Ethiopian society through aid, not entrench an
iron-fisted and malignant dictatorship.

Western donors believe that they can buy “stability” in the Horn of Africa region by spending
billions of aid dollars to support the Zenawi dictatorship. But they remain willfully ignorant of
the lessons of history. Supporting a dictator is as risky as carrying an open powder keg at a
fireworks festival. As we have recently seen, the West for decades supported dictators Ben Ali in
Tunisia, Hosni Mubark in Egypt and Gadahafi in Libya. For a time, these dictators staged the
illusion of stability, control and permanence for the West. But they all went up in smoke when
young Mohammed Bouazizi torched himself to end a life of oppression and indignity.  In the
long run, the West knows no amount of foreign aid or loans could possibly buffer Zenawi’s
dictatorship from a tsunami of popular upheaval.  Shouldn’t they stand on the right side of
history as President Obama often exhorts?

Never bankroll bad actions by dictators with good Western taxpayer money. 

The West has a bad habit of rewarding the bad acts of African dictators with more and larger
amounts of Western taxpayer-supported aid and loans.  After Zenawi stole the 2005 elections in
broad daylight, jailed nearly all of the opposition leaders, human rights advocates, civic society
leaders in the country and mowed down nearly two hundred unarmed demonstrators and
wounded nearly eight hundred, the West gave him billions in aid and loans. In 2008 alone,
Zenawi received $3 billion, the largest amount of aid in Africa. Zenawi must indubitably believe
that there is a linear cause and effect relationship between his human rights abuses and increased
foreign aid and loans.  It seems to be a simple case of operant conditioning in which behavior
and actions follow a system of rewards and disincentives.  If human rights violations are always
reinforced by the positive reinforcement of increasing amounts of aid, there will be more and
more outrageous abuses committed to obtain that outcome.   

Make partnership with the Ethiopian people, not the Zenawi dictatorship.

There is documentary evidence from Wikileaks cablegrams to show that the West basically
wants a “guy they can do business with” in Ethiopia. The core business of the West in Ethiopia
and the Horn is counterterrorism. Zenawi invaded Somalia in 2006 and neraly three years later
packed up and left.  Today Al Shabab and the other warlords still operate in Somalia with
impunity. A partnership with a dictator on a single issue is not only short-sighted but also
counterproductive to the long-term strategic interests of the West in Ethiopia and the Horn. That
is why the West should nurture a long-term partnership with the Ethiopian people based on a
demonstrable commitment to good governance, the rule of law, accountability, anti-corruption
practices, private sector development, basic education and health services and so on. The easiest
way to sever a relationship with the people is to give a fat welfare check (free money) to a
depraved dictatorship year after year.

Hold the local paymasters of aid accountable.

Zenawi’s regime today is accountable to no one for the famine that is spreading throughout the
country or the aid that it receives from the West. The international aid bureaucrats dare not
question Zenawi fearing his legendary torrent of scorn, mockery and insults. They are mere
rubberstamps of Zenawi’s regime. Recently, when Ken Ohashi, the World Bank Country
Director for Ethiopia said Zenawi’s economic plan (“Growth and Transformation Plan”) is
unsustainable, Zenawi derided him as a neocolonial overseer: “The World Bank [country]
director is used to having other developing nations simply listen to his orders and is not used to
nations refusing implement policy based on their wishes.” Last year Zenawi called the European
Union Election Observers’ report “garbage”.

Whenever questions are raised about the misuse and abuse of aid money, the international aid
bureaucrats run for cover or get into high gear to deny any improprieties and wrongdoing. For
instance, Human Rights Watch and more recently BIJ/BBC have made serious and well-
supported allegations of political weaponization of the so-called “safety net” aid.  In July 2010,
the Development Assistance Group, a coordinating body of 26 foreign donor institutions for
Ethiopia, issued a whitewash report which concluded that the administration of the aid programs
is the “supported by relatively robust accountability systems.” In the past couple of weeks,
USAID Deputy Administrator Gregory Gottlieb spoke to the Voice of America and declared,
“There is no famine in Ethiopia.” Yet an  audit report by the independent Office of the Inspector
General (OIG) of US AID  in March 2010 came to the distressing conclusion that USAID has no
idea what is happening to its agricultural programs in Ethiopia. By rejecting the data generated
by the regime and local USAID officials, the OIG implicitly indicts them for manufacturing data
to make things look good.  The West must call a spade a spade, insist on the truth and let the
chips fall where they may!

Condition aid and loans on the implementation of comprehensive family planning

programs in Ethiopia. 

Recently, the U.S. Census Bureau had frightening predictions for Ethiopia. By 2050, Ethiopia’s
population will more than triple to 278 million, placing that country in the top 10 most populous
countries in the world. Ethiopia’s population growth has been spiraling upwards for
decades.   Since 1995, the average annual rate of population growth has remained at over 3
percent. Comprehensive family planning services are essential to avoiding the predicted
doomsday forty years from now. Such services educate, train and prepare couples and families
when and how many children to have, provide them contraceptive counseling and help them
acquire skills to prevent and manage sexually transmitted diseases, among other things. A decade
ago, the World Health Organization and the World Bank estimated that $3.00 per person per year
would provide basic family planning, maternal and neonatal health care to women in developing
countries, including contraception, prenatal, delivery and post-natal care and postpartum family
planning and promotion of condoms to prevent sexually transmitted infections. A decade or two
from now when it is too late, providing such services in Ethiopia will be prohibitively expensive.

To help the starving people of Ethiopia, help Ethiopian women.

The distressing status of women in Ethiopian society has been documented over the past
decade. The U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (2000) reported:
“Violence and societal discrimination against women, and abuse of children remained problems,
and female genital mutilation (FGM) is widespread.” The situation remains pretty much the same
in 2011. Western aid should seriously focus on improving the status of women and go beyond
empty rhetoric. For instance, there is a lot of talk and window-dressing by the USAID about the
empowerment and advancement of women in Ethiopia, but the rhetoric falls short of
demonstrable outcomes. USAID claims to have helped thousands of rural women obtain
microfiance, and through its extension services enabled hundreds of families adopt better
technologies to improve their productivity. USAID also claims to have helped remove “road
blocks to development” by improving gender integration, expanding educational opportunity,
increased awareness of legal rights and so on and by “providing high-impact, results-oriented
technical assistance that promotes participation and transparency.”  There is little convincing
evidence in the public reports of USAID to support any of these claims. In any case, given the
chummy and cozy relationship between the local USAID operatives and Zenawi’s regime and
the OIG’s audit referenced above, one would have to take USAID’s word not just with a grain
but a big sack of salt.

To help the starving people of Ethiopia, help Ethiopia’s youth.

Seventy percent of Ethiopia’s population is said to be under the age of thirty. This past May,
USAID announced that it will partner with Pact (an NGO) and UNICEF to implement five-year,
$100 million program to benefit over 500,000 Ethiopian orphans and vulnerable children
affected by HIV and AIDS. The program “will support efforts by the Ethiopian Government and
civil society to standardize comprehensive care and support services for vulnerable children and
their families.” Reliance on a combination of donor-funded NGOs, regime-managed and –owned
civil society organizations and bloated bureaucracies to implement such a program is manifestly
unconvincing. The fact of the matter is that Ethiopia’s youth need access to better educational
and employment opportunities now. Youth alienation, joblessness, nihilism breed despair and
anarchy which the country can ill-afford.

The West should know that aid and loans will not save Ethiopia.

The West should know that neither aid nor loans will save Ethiopia. Only Ethiopians, poor and
famished as they are, can save Ethiopia and themselves.

Starve the Beast, Feed the People.

The West should heed the words of Helen Epstein:

The problem with foreign aid in Ethiopia is that both the Ethiopian government and its donors
see the people of this country not as individuals with distinct needs, talents, and rights but as an
undifferentiated mass, to be mobilized, decentralized, vaccinated, given primary education and
pit latrines, and freed from the legacy of feudalism, imperialism, and backwardness. It is this
rigid focus on the ‘backward masses,’ rather than the unique human person, that typically
justifies appalling cruelty in the name of social progress.

Stop the cruelty. Starve the beast and feed the people.

Previous commentaries by the author are available at:

mariam/ and


Posted in Analysis, Ethiopia, Featured Tagged comprehensive family planning ethiopia, deputy

administrator gregory gottlieb, development assistance group ethiopia, Emperor Haile Selassie
famine, Ethiopia causes of famine, Ethiopia contraceptive services, Ethiopia family
planning, Ethiopia famine, Ethiopia population explosion, Ethiopia Starvation, Ethiopia
weaponizing famine, Ethiopia Wikileaks, ethiopia women, Ethiopia Youth, famine profiteering
Ethiopia, Fantastic Somalia Job, feed the people, foreign aid corruption Ethiopia, Foreign Aid
Ethiopia, helen epstein cruel ethiopia, Human Rights Watch Ethiopia, ken ohashi world bank
ethiopia, moral hazard ethiopia, national population policy ethiopia, politics, population
explosion ethiopia, safety net ethiopia, starve the beast, starve the beast and feed the people
ethiopia, Time magazine Ethiopia, tony blair commission for africa, u.s. census bureau
ethiopia, usaid deputy administrator gregory gottlieb usaid office of the inspector general, usaid
ethiopia, usaid programs ethiopia, women in ethiopia 8 Comments

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