Compilation in Curriculum Development

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Republic of the Philippines

Compostela Valley State College

New Bataan Branch
New Bataan, Compostela Valley, Davao de Oro


(EDUC 10)

Submitted by:
Avila, Jovi
Luna, Mycheen
Manila, Japhs
Saraga, Jowe
Quidato, Herven
Teves, Percy Jane

Submitted to:
John Patrick L. Arcite, LPT

Activity # 1: Self-Check
We wonder if there can be a curriculum without evaluation since there needs to
be some way of knowing whether what the teachers are doing is having the effect
wanted. The problem of the Philippines is that feedback from evaluation of a curriculum
ends up being used to assess how poorly or well the curriculum works for each child. If
education ever moves to meet the needs of the child as an individual, as is done in
homeschooling then the approach will be evaluated as a success when it is a success
for a child. Maybe, one day parents will regain control over their children’s education so
that each child will be treated as an individual.
However, new curriculum implemented during our time is extremely helpful for
us. Because this time of curricula is very advance in terms of technology. Why?
Because technology can help us to improve our ability as a teacher. Now a days, we
can use a PowerPoint presentation during discussion, Power Excel for making students
grades and Microsoft Word for the report. Today’s generation, the teacher uses the
technology during discussion it helps for the learners to catch up the lessons easily.
Moreover, showing PowerPoint presentation more creative and colorful at class
discussion is more interesting. Student should focus on the lesson you presented
through the technique you are using most especially with random example and
combination with colored pictures.
As what we have observed before (the old curricula) comparing to new is there a
big difference, because the teacher uses handwritten most of the time. Teacher can
experience hassle and gaining their time when class approaching preparing their IM’s.
Unlike in today’s generation, the teacher will easily do their task in making their class
more interesting and understandable by using a PowerPoint presentation. Before, it
takes too much time to finish their IM’s, but as a mentor they must be more flexible.
Also, we had noticed that the way of disciplining the students is different from the past
curricula. Before, students are well disciplined and have their own initiative if they saw
their teacher approaching handling books while walking and of course students should
rapidly come to the teacher and offer to bring the books and mostly, they greeted to
those teacher who they will encountered everywhere. Now, that kind of attitude are not
rampant now. I did not say that all students are at same before in terms of those kind of
disciplinary action but most of them today are so rude.
We think the old curriculum is a little bit simpler than the new one why? Because,
during the time of curriculum as we remember, we and our classmates can easily pass
most of the exam without studying, the projects are easy and affordable. But still, the old
curricula are lack of competences for the student to get a better job when they
graduated. In our experiences to the new curricula we find it extremely hard for the
student like us, but this curriculum will improve the student and give more knowledge to
become competitive individual in any challenge this life offers.
Today’s society, innovation and creativity are needed in many areas, some yet
undiscovered. Unfortunately, most student continue to be educated in the same way as
they were in the past, being taught a standardized curriculum through rote learning. For
too many students are struggling to learn because they are disengaging and lack
motivation. Why go to school when you could learn the same information faster by
watching a YouTube video or playing a computer game? Why memorize facts for a test
when you have all the information in the palm of your hand anyway? This kind of
scenario is more advance and easier but how can we face the challenge of this new
curriculum when there is a threat want to block our way on going to success?
Unfortunately, we admit as a student that this pandemic COVID-19 is a rare
situation. We are so worried about our studies; we are not ready for this. But in the first
place, we must do our task and obey what is the school implemented. Have online
classes even though we are experiencing difficulties like no signal, poor signal, some
are no gadgets, not have enough money to buy a net connection etc. But it makes as a
challenge for us ‘’we heal us one’’.
Activity # 2: Self-Check

Republic of the Philippines

College of Education, Arts and Sciences
New Bataan Campus

Name: _______________________________ Year and Section: ___________

Matching Type: Connect the correct answer from column A to the column B.

Column A Column B
1. Grassroots Approach A. Peter Oliva
2. Father of Educational B. Hilda Taba
Evaluation and Assessment
3. CIPP Evaluation Model C. Robert S. Stake
4. Responsive Model D. Ralph Tyler
5. Effective Model E. Daniel Stufflebeam
F. LH. Bradley

Direction: Write the letter of the correct/best answer on the space provided.
___1. This classification of curriculum theories is mostly concerned with the
components of the curriculum and how they relate to on another.
a. Value – Oriented Theories c. Structured - Oriented Theories
b. Process - Oriented Theories d. Content - Oriented Theories
___2. This type of curriculum is assessed.
a. Taught c. Tested
b. Written d. Learned
___3. This person was a “Romantic Radical” that advocated Free Schools. This person
believed you cannot teach a person directly you can only facilitate the learning.
Explored student – centered teaching.
a. Jean c. Carl Roger
b. John Dewey d. Ralph Tyler
___4. Contents and experiences are all created to engage the students in learning.
a. Scope c. Sequence
b. Chronological Learning d. Balance
___5. The _______ is the curriculum.
a. Textbook c. Principal
b. Teacher d. Curriculum Binder

Direction: Modified True or False
Write T if the statement is correct but if it is false, change the underlined word. Write the
answer on the space provided before the number.
___1. Formative provides feedback during the process of developing the curriculum.
___2. Several techniques are aimed toward learning whom is needed and by what
relative to the identified issue.
___3. The strategy is a phase in curriculum development model as well as a specific
___4. The intended outcomes of population education with content topics is provided in
the sequence section as an example and application of how intended outcomes
are linked with content.
___5. Need volunteers: if not conducted, wonderful curriculum could be developed, but
the appropriate needs of the target audience may not be met.

ESSAY: “Can be there a curriculum without evaluation”? Explain briefly.



Organization of ideas
presented 10 points

Knowledge about the topic 5 points

Grammar and
Technicalities 5 points

Total Score 20 points

Activity # 3: Self-Check

Instruction: Give your own opinion about the situation given. Answer it in no less
than 300 words per item.

1. Is the Teacher’s life a series of planning, implementing, and evaluation?

Yes, teacher must have the series of every lesson they presented and even in
their daily lives. They need to be flexible and manage their time on how to handle it as a
teacher. The most valuable part of planning is setting the learning objectives for what
the learner will know or be able to do after the learning experience rather than what the
learner will be exposed to during the instruction (topic). Typically, it is written in a
language that is easily understood by students and clearly related to the program
learning outcomes. Teacher should have to plan each lesson carefully in every class.
One of those objectives should always address the student’s reception of the lesson(s).
Implementation does not always cover what was planned, but this is natural.
Implementing needs to be flexible with the objectives in mind. If what was planned is
not working, or is not working that day, it must be replaced with the back-up plan. There
always needs to be a plan B. Implementing and improvising is a big thing. Each class
differs and you must adjust the lesson and the material appropriately.

Evaluating means assessing if the content objectives were met, but more
importantly for a teacher, reflecting on whether the implementation best addressed the
objectives. It also means looking for better ways to do that. Evaluation is a part and
package of the process. If students do not perform and not be evaluated, how can
teacher see the feedback or say whether they understand and acquire the educational
material? If every teacher did, then every teacher would become better teachers. Better
teachers, better schools. Have faith in your students and let them to feel the same. To
fly in knowledge. There is more to our life than just planning, implementing, and

2. Will this improve teaching? Why?

The teacher’s life series of planning, implementing and evaluating will really
help to improve teaching. Planning, implementing, and assessing are three processes in
curriculum development that are taken separately but are connected to each other. If
you did all these things diligently, you will be the best teacher in the world. Planning,
implementing and evaluating will not only improve your teaching. Planning also allows
you to reflect on the implementation storage. Evaluating gives you feedback as to how
you performed.
Base on my opinion, this stage is by far the most important. Also evaluation allows
you to dwell on what you may do better when it comes to teaching the lesson again.
The best evaluation comes from the students, in that way, you get an even distribution
on whether they like it or not and what component they didn’t like. Of course, there are
some students that do not like any lesson you teach no matter what you do, it is what it
is, especially in the primary school.
However, I can’t imagine trying to teach anything without all of the above. The
material must flow, concept or term, easily into the mind of the student. IMO, there are
no tough subjects. Only poor information and conceptual flows. To accomplish such,
one must plan and re-plan and correct one’s stream of ideas. This does require that the
teacher take full responsibility for the process. Good teachers continuously improve
themselves using this feedback loop. The most important part of planning is setting the
objectives for lessons. One of those objectives should always address the student’s
reception of the lessons. Do they finish with a feeling of accomplishment? Implementing
needs to be flexible with the objective of mind. If what was planned isn’t working that
particular day, it must be replace with the backup plan. There always need to be plan B.
Evaluating means assessing if the content objectives were met, but more importantly for
a teacher, reflecting on whether or not the implementation best addressed of the
objectives. It also means looking for better ways to do that. However, not all teacher
does this. There are some teachers who write their lesson plans and use them year
after year, no matter what. If every teacher did, then every teacher would become better
teachers. Better teachers, better schools.

3. What possible teaching plans will you do if you become a teacher? Provide
10 plans and explanation each plan briefly.

1. Students will have their own scope of enunciating solutions – It is very

essential for students to not being withheld with their own ideas when they are given a
problem to solve, an essay to be emphasized or a picture to be interpreted. The said
“own scope” of enunciating does not mean to let the students be their own version as
how they would be able to explain a situation but rather be the version of how to trust
their own selves by such ways, they can be resourceful in a meaningful way.
2. Thinking beyond the horizons – It is very common to say “think outside the
box” but it is also very fulfilling to think even without a box, as once a Professor said.
When a teacher gives something to be solved, the typical outcome would be basing on
his/her rules and rubrics. I am not saying it is not good for we all have our own way of
rating but what I am trying to emphasize is that horizons are the lines that will let the
students be able to identify the do’s and don’ts as of reaching what is expected and
have their expanded form of widening knowledge not being stuck to their limits.

3. “Never settle for less” – We all have our own definition of art, of skills and
capacity to do something. Never settling for less is something that we must take to
reconsideration as to doing better. It is not about what we just think is necessary but
how we can make it the better version of what we are to submit. To never settle means
trying to go beyond what is expected of what you can do.

4. A great teacher is a good listener – Students love it when they are not just
being heard but listened. There is a big difference to those two. Not because they are
just students, teachers become ALWAYS right but it is also necessary for the teachers
to admit when they wronged. Students appreciate teachers when they learn how to
value the essence of sharing: of thoughts, of learning and of experiences. Students
somehow try to see the beauty of teaching when they observe their teachers trying to
put their selves on their students’ shoe.

5. Collaborating with colleagues - Great teachers are earnest learners.

Spend some time with a -colleague, or two or three, and talk about what each
of these research-based, best classroom practices looks like in the classroom.
Discuss each one in the context of your unique learning environment: who your
students are, what they need, what they already know, etc.
6. To develop Metacognitive Strategies - Students are given
opportunities to plan and organize, monitor their own work, direct their own
learning, and to self-reflect along the way. When we provide students with time
and space to be aware of their own knowledge and their own thinking, student
ownership increases. And research shows that metacognition can be taught .

7. Learn Everything You Can About Your Field - Being very knowledgeable in
your field of study is also a crucial stepping stone towards a successful teaching career.
It's true that even the most successful teachers don't know everything. But, the more
you know, the easier it will be to teach your students and to offer them prompt answers
to their questions. You can also do more with technology, such as doing online
lessons and creating exciting technology-based activities.

8. Be Consistent and Decisive - to be successful at teaching, you need to be

coherent and resolute. If you say something, stick to it! If you say you are going
to do something, make sure you see it through! If you set rules, stand firmly by
them! Avoid making exceptions or playing favorites.

9. Provide Relevant Study Materials - this may be in the form of e-books,

online resources, past papers, videos and so on – anything and everything that
may be useful for their studies. Avoid overloading them with homework and
assignments because it may exhaust their minds hence slowing their learning.

10. Set Goals with Your Students - as mentioned by many, a teacher's

success is mostly determined by the success of their students. Therefore, you
need to set goals and objectives with your students. After that, work with them
towards achieving these goals together as a team.
Activity 4: Self – Reflect

Instruction: Answer the following questions. 300 words per item.

1. What do I know about k-12 Curriculum?

When the Department of Education proposed the K-12 program in 2010, the
Senate was the first to pick holes in the proposition. The legislators protested the extra
two years and questioned the value it can give to students. They also complained about
the financial strain the new policy might pass on to parents who cannot even afford the
present 10-year basic education program.
The last two years of the K-12 program is collectively known as the Senior High
School (SHS). During this stage, you will need to take up a combination of “core” and
“track” subjects and choose a field that you want to specialize in. Its main goal is to
equip you with skills that would make you ready for college, employment, or
Core Curriculum. According to DepEd, SHS’ core subjects covers 8 learning
areas. These include languages, communication, literature, math, natural sciences,
philosophy, and social sciences. Specific Tracks. Here, you can pick among the four
available tracks: academic, technical-vocational-livelihood, sports, and arts and design.
To help you decide on a field to specialize, DepEd will require you to take up various
assessments such as an aptitude test, a career assessment exam, and an occupational
interest inventory. Below is a list of tracks you can focus on: Academic Track: This track
has four strands: (1) general academic, (2) science, technology, engineering, and math
(or STEM), (3) accountancy, business, and management (or ABM), and (4) humanities
and social sciences (or HUMMS). These subjects are perfect for students who desire to
master specific field of interests and pursue college education after senior high school.
Sports Track: This track teaches safety and first aid, human movement, coaching,
fitness and recreation leadership, fitness testing, and psychological aspects of sports
and exercise. Arts and Design Track: Subjects in this track include two parts of creative
industries, leadership and management in various arts fields, and personal development
in the arts.
Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track: This track aims to carry out a
project-based learning that will make students skilled and job-ready after graduation.
Learners can specialize in any of the following fields: Home Economics (HE), Industrial
Arts (IA), Information and Communications Technology (ICT), and Agri-Fishery. After
completing this track, a student may obtain a National Certificate Level II (NC II),
provided he/she passes the competency-based assessment of the Technical Education
and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).
With all these subjects included in the new curriculum, students in the Philippines
will surely benefit from the K-12 program. They will not only be able to master the
competencies they want but will also earn the certifications and skills they need to win a
In Kinder, mother tongue or lingua franca, shall be used as the medium of
instruction. The language used in the locality, may it be Ilokano, Tagalog, Bisaya,
Bicolano, etc., will serve as the medium in teaching the topics and concepts.
In Grades 1-3, the mother tongue will be used in teaching all subjects, except in
teaching Filipino and English subjects. Beginning Grade 4, the languages for instruction
will be Filipino and English.
2. What can I tell or suggest about K-12?

I suggest to the k to 12 Curriculum have enough Job Opportunities; the preparation

of the said department is really limited to the implementation of the said curriculum but
what happens after graduation of senior high school? We cannot deny the fat that there
are less job opportunities here in the Philippines though there are job openings, but it
does not connect to the strands offered. Which means, there is still a high risk of
underemployment. It is now a sad truth that we have implemented another curriculum
and produced another set of intellectual and skilled graduates who will just serve other
countries. In addition, the unavailability of sufficient number of facilities and equipment’s
is really a burden in the educational I suggest to the k to 12 Curriculum have sufficient
Job Opportunities, the preparation of the said department is really limited to the
implementation of the said curriculum but what happens after graduation of senior high
school? We cannot deny the fat that there are less job opportunities here in the
Philippines though there are job openings, but it does not connect to the strands
offered. Which means, there is still curriculum.
Imagine the time bounded curriculum that we had but students cannot finish one
competency because there are still other students in queue for the equipment needed.
And, we need to expel the corrupt government officials in the Department of Education,
I apologize if I am so direct to the point in this part. This has nothing to do personally
with my life, but I have seen how some public schools here cannot provide enough
facilities. If the corrupt officials will still reign in that department then, our educational
system will never change.
We need to motivate our teacher, there are many unmotivated teachers here in
our country due to low salaries. The educational curriculum taught in our undergraduate
programs are brainwashing our aspiring teachers to love teaching with less salaries.
There are many teachers who love teaching, it was a dream of serving people
especially those who are less fortunate: it is a passion and a vacation. But we teachers
also do have families whose intestines are depending on the salary that we are
I am also observing the possible development in our Educational System. I am
praying that the officials may be able to see the need of eliminating flaws in terms of
education because it really affects life of the students’

3. Give 10 positive factors about the implementation of K-12. Provide explanation

to each identified factor.

The 10 Positive Factors About Implementation of K to 12 Curriculum.

1.) Preparedness for Tertiary Learning

 With the adaptation of the K to 12 programs, students are expected
to graduate at an age that is a bit older than past graduates of the
old curriculum. This would be an advantage to the young adults
venturing out into the professional world because they would be
much more equipped to deal with the higher level of learning as
they enter college.

2.) Provide Holistic Education for All Students.

 This means that students will improve communication and social

skills, increase positive peer interaction, and many educational
outcomes. The students will gain more knowledge that would be
essential soon.

3.) Promote Global Competency

 By accelerating mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and

professionals in other countries. The new curriculum allows the
students to choose between three tracks which are academic,
Technical-Vocational-Livelihood and the Sports and Arts strand.

4.) A Learner-centered Curriculum

 It takes more active role in the learning process. With freedom and
flexibility to choose what they learn, how they will learn, and how
they can evaluate your own learning, this would be a way to teach
them about independence and how to be a reliable member of a

5.) Readiness to Join the Workforce

 K to 12 can make students more prepared in joining the workforce,

unlike the old system. The new curriculum has this benefit because
they compel each student to be enthusiastic about the workforce
and the scheme empowers students to make the choice on their

6.) Fosters Gainful Employment and Entrepreneurship

 Unlike the previous education system, K to 12 offers more

opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship. Graduate of
the new system can instantly get a job after they receive their
certificates and passing competency-based assessments. Also,
they can set up their own business or continue their education in

7.) Enhance Skill Competency ii the Global Job Market

 The new system aims to improve Filipino students’ skills in

mathematics, science, and linguistics to further exhibit competence
in the global job market. Each track will give the students enough
time to master a field and enhance their skills in that respective
industry, and by the end of the curriculum, K to 12 graduates will be
ready to become globally competitive and are set to obtain a spot in
the meticulous labor market.
8.) Master Basic Skills

 Basic skills such as reading, and writing are the main benefits of K
to 12. Adults who do not master these skills usually go through a
process of learning how to read and write before landing a good
job, making the situation even more difficult for them. Having a
good grasp on these skills all boils down to receiving a solid
education and having a strong foundation from it.

9.) Acquire General Knowledge

 Learning general knowledge is one of the perks that you can get
from an education. The knowledge of history, geography, science,
or literature can be exhilarating, and it can greatly enrich one’s life.
All that useful information can have more value than material things
because someone who learns can probably feel more fulfilled.

10.) Provides More Options

 Getting a K to 12 educations can open new doors and increase the

chance of finding a stable job. Students can get opportunity to build
a network, acquire more skills, and find the career that they really
love. K to 12 can get students the access to all these great
opportunities and have fulfilment during this learning experience.

4. Reflect on the statement and give your comment “The K-12 is bound to fail
because it is implemented hurriedly without through planning”

There are so many issues they must deal with- study, time, money, relationships,
job hopes, and more. Parent’s previous experience and education does not always
equip them in dealing with such pressures. Many students will not admit their problems
due to various reasons and this may eventually hamper.

First issue would be the cost of additional two years of primary education. Not all
public schools can accommodate the different strands of the K-12 so the government
gave “discount coupons” to public school students to cover part of the costs that private
schools set for Grades 11 and 12. Even if it were free, the cost that two additional years
entail is still a serious issue for several parents.

Second, I’m not sure if the Education Department spread out the lessons for the
primary school years to lengthen the program or added new lessons coming from the
tertiary levels, but the load of my grade 2 daughter has certainly not gotten any lighter
compared to my grade 12 son when he was grade 2. I expected it to ease up. Maybe
strengthened the important ones and lightened up other subjects. Subject to debate as
to which subjects of course. Take Math for example. Some or many say that our
students are lagging other Asian countries like Singapore. So, what do regular schools
do or what does the curriculum say? They accelerate the program by giving
multiplication and fraction problems early into the primary years. My daughter’s lessons
confirm that. My daughter has also competed in a massive math quiz game sponsored
by a company that espouses Singaporean math. So why did they compete when they
were not given Singaporean methods of learning math which is apparently or reportedly
more effective. Why does the Education Department continue with an accelerated
traditional math than just adopting Singaporean math (they allowed the contests
anyway)? Is there a business side to it - let’s keep your kids dumb so we can promote
alternative (better) math’s that are obviously better than ours which costs extra of

Third, graduating grade 12 students who decide to skip college and find a job
would be swimming right smack into the unemployment pool; I am almost certain they
wouldn’t drown cause the pools all filled up most likely. They are going to be in there
with the all the other job-hunting undergrads and graduates.

My point is that the program, which was hastily started, brings about more
difficulties/questions than solutions. I am not against it, but I am against how it is being
implemented. The first glaring defect is that not even all public high schools offer the
program and those that do, do not have complete strands of grades 11 to 12. State
college education is now free, so why shouldn’t all strands of K-12 be available and
given free?
Philippines has started the full implemented of the k-12 curriculum. In fact, we have
already produced thousands of Senior High School graduates by this time. It has been
an aim of Philippine Government and the Department of Education to produce Filipino
graduates who can complete academically, professionally, technically with the world.
Activity 5: Self-Check

Instruction: With the understanding about the concept of OBE, envision yourself in the
teaching profession. Among the two sentences below, choose only one to answer.

1. I like OBE because … in the future when I become a teacher, I should …

2. I do not seem to like OBE because … In the future when I become a teacher, I
should …

We like OBE because traditional education systems are losing their significance in
the age of globalization. All things change very quickly and continually in today’s globe.
More skills are needed to develop technology are very rapidly. In order to deal with
technological developments, academic organization should generate graduates.
Therefore, it is compulsory to move from traditional education to results-based education
to overcome the necessity. Aside from that learner-centric approach (OBE) will be
beneficial. There is a transparency which is focusing on results Outcome-based
education generates a transparent expectation of the top results. Students can
understand what they need to demonstrate throughout the course. Clarity is very crucial
as it is necessary to be clear in each category or in all levels, so that learners can
advance and to describe all the data and abilities necessary to accomplish this outcome.
There is also pliability which teachers can structure their classes according to the
student’s wishes by reading transparently what needs to be done. Therefore, OBE
specifies no instructional methodology; teachers are free to teach any methodology of
victimization. They will even be able to acknowledge diversity among the students by
victimization numerous teaching assessment techniques in OBE since it’s a student-
centered learning model. Instructors will facilitate students to grasp the concepts in any
manner that facilitate students learning. The analysis which is the OBE instructors will
analyze the results a student has accomplished and in which area they are upgraded to
analyse the talent and provide individual assistance and steering to meet their demands.
This helps teachers and institution. They also help teachers to monitor the development
and enhancement of the student over a certain quantity and to help them achieve their
result. And participation; the student’s participation in an institution is also important
component of OBE. Student’s measure squarely should attempt to learn to them, so that
the fabric is fully understood inflated student involvement permits students to feel to
blame for their own learning, and that they will learn a lot through this individual learning.

The focus on outcomes creates a clear expectation of what needs to be

accomplished by the end of the course. Students will understand what is expected of
them and teachers will know what they need to teach during the course. Clarity is
important over years of schooling and when team teaching is involved. Each team
member, or year in school, will have a clear understanding of what needs to be
accomplished in each class, or at each level, allowing students to progress. Those
designing and planning the curriculum are expected to work backwards once an outcome
has been decided upon; they must determine what knowledge and skills will be required
to reach the outcome.
The focus on outcomes creates a clear expectation of what needs to be
accomplished by the end of the course. Students will understand what is expected of
them and teachers will know what they need to teach during the course. Clarity is
important over years of schooling and when team teaching is involved. Each team
member, or year in school, will have a clear understanding of what needs to be
accomplished in each class, or at each level, allowing students to progress. Those
designing and planning the curriculum are expected to work backwards once an outcome
has been decided upon; they must determine what knowledge and skills will be required
to reach the outcome.
Student involvement in the classroom is a key part of OBE. Students are
expected to do their own learning, so that they gain a full understanding of the material.
Increased student involvement allows students to feel responsible for their own learning,
and they should learn more through this individual learning. Other aspects of involvement
are parental and community, through developing curriculum, or making changes to it.
OBE outcomes are meant to be decided upon within a school system, or at a local level.
Parents and community members are asked to give input in order to uphold the
standards of education within a community and to ensure that students will be prepared
for life after school.
OBE is clearly focusing and organizing everything in an educational system
around what is essential for all students to be able to do successfully at the end of their
learning experiences. The OBE providing a strategic way to enhance the quality of
teaching and learning and helping students to take responsibility for their own learning.
The advantages of OBE to generates a transparent expectation of the top results.
Students can understand what they need demonstrate throughout the course. OBE is
elimination of all moral and psychological barriers to social change. Because the political,
industrial, and banking leaders who lead our society have concluded that, the way the
world is going, it will be politically and economically unmanageable in the near future.
OBE is crucial part of the solution to their management problem.
In the future when we become a teacher, we should prepare the students
adequately, and create a positive learning environment. We want to help the student to
understand what they must learn, why they should learn it and how they know what they
have learned. We will use a variety of teaching methods to provide students with enough
opportunities to use the new knowledge and skills that they gain. Also, we will help
students to bring their learning to a personal closure that will make them aware of what
they have learned.
We should do everything that can help for a better future for the students. We
must have appreciated the role of OBE, because through this we can help the students’
needs to improve their skills and capabilities. Then, one of the most common reasons to
become a teacher is to make a difference in the lives of as many students as you can. If
you want to help a child struggling with low self-esteem and problems at home, then
become a teacher to encourage them and help them realize their potential. We are
important in society because they prepare and influence tomorrow's leaders. Every day,
students learn important lessons about sharing, respect, valuing differences and making
ethical decisions. The teacher you are leaving a legacy on the world by providing love
and support to children. We want every child to have a positive school experience if we
become a teacher someday. We know that a true understanding of life isn't measured on
a test, but in the way, we treat others. Thank you and mabuhay Philippines.

Activity 6: Completing the Box

Instruction: In our curriculum today (K-12), provide 10 factors based on your own
understanding to it by using the SWOT analysis. S for the Strengths, W for the
Weaknesses, O for the Opportunities, and T for Threats.


Students are more Lack of classrooms Can apply for a Drop-out rate will
competent work after SHS increase
Learner enter No improvement in It is not efficient
content Attract a larger,
college more
wider target
More room for Legacy
improvement Lack of teachers Provides to infrastructure
develop socially
courses Additional 2 years to Cyberattacks
earn a degree Preparedness for
tertiary learning
Using new
Constricted budgets
technology Cost more Readiness to join
the work force

School diversity Error-free textbooks Lack of training

Teaches respect

Availability of Students need to Enhancing our Unsecured

specialized library adjust the new minds and skills technology
Trusted and high Poor quality of audio Competitive Rapid technology
exposure and video advantage change
Readiness to join Increased hours of Improving qualities Security focus
the workforce classes time and utilities
Master basic skills It is expensive Tightening of Emerging of new
regulation. competitors
After filling-in the table provide summary of your answer by giving explanation in
at least 300 words.

Since 2011, critics have been very vocal on their primary concerns. They insist

the government isn’t yet ready for this new system and that this is more of additional

burden to students and their parents.

Despite call to suspend the program, the government remained firm saying this

new educational system offers opportunities for Filipino students and the national

economy. For its part, the Department of Education (DepEd) stresses that the country is

prepared for a big shift in education system. In fact, it has worked to fulfill the gaps on

the number of classrooms, teachers, and textbooks. Also, it has finished the planning

phases along with stakeholders. But what does K-12 scheme really have to offer to

students? To prove that K-12 system is more than just adding two more years to high

school, below are three of the many practical benefits of schooling under a 13-year

education cycle.

You don’t have to be a superhero to have superpowers. Everyone has strengths.

In fact, knowing your natural talents, skills, abilities, and personal accomplishments will

bring you one step closer to choosing a major. Many career counselors recommend

choosing a major that uses your strengths. Some strengths make tasks feel almost

effortless such as good eye-hand coordination, reasoning skills or understanding

information. Other strengths can be developed and improved over time, like learning to

budget your money or to solve everyday problems. Skills often require some form of

instruction and practice such as desktop publishing or applying geometry. The point is

that you can continue to acquire and build your skills throughout your life. Some

students may not be aware of what strengths they possess, and others feel
uncomfortable talking about their strengths. Some students may even think that they

don’t have any strengths. It is important to begin identifying your strengths, be able to

talk about them with others and think about how you might use them in a career.

Knowing and working with your strengths will help.

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