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Cement & Concrete Composites 48 (2014) 91–97

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Fiber synergy in Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete (HyFRC) in flexure

and direct shear
N. Banthia a,1, F. Majdzadeh a,1,2, J. Wu a,1, V. Bindiganavile b,⇑
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of British Columbia, 2024-2324 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, The University of Alberta, 3-020, NREF Building, Edmonton, AB T6G 2W2, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In most cases, fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) contains only one type of fiber. The use of two or more types
Received 2 May 2012 of fibers in a suitable combination has the potential to improve the mechanical properties of concrete,
Received in revised form 21 October 2013 and result in performance synergy. This combining of fibers, often called hybridization, is investigated
Accepted 30 October 2013
in this paper under flexure and direct shear. Along with a reference plain concrete mix, several single-
Available online 27 November 2013
fiber reinforced concrete mixes and two-fiber reinforced hybrid composite mixes were cast using diverse
fiber combinations. Two types of macro-steel fibers and a micro-cellulose fiber were examined. Flexural
and direct shear tests were performed and the results were analyzed to identify synergy, if any, associ-
Fiber reinforced concrete
ated with various fiber combinations. The paper highlights the influence of load configuration on fiber
Toughness synergy.
Steel fiber Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cellulose fiber
Hybrid composites
Energy absorption
Direct shear

1. Introduction In order to obtain an optimal response, therefore, different types

of fibers varying in constitutive response, size or function, must
Concrete is a brittle material with a low strain capacity. Fortu- be combined. The resulting fiber reinforced concrete mix is often
nately, reinforcement of concrete with short randomly distributed called hybrid FRC and abbreviated here as HyFRC.
fibers can address some of the concerns related to concrete brittle- In spite of these efforts, clearly, our understanding of what
ness and its poor resistance to crack growth [1]. Yet, fracture in exactly constitutes an optimal combination of fibers capable of
concrete is a multi-scale process [2] and merits improvement to producing maximum synergy in performance remains quite limited.
the toughening mechanisms at various dimensional levels. The Furthermore, most previous studies have focused on flexural load
use of conventional reinforcing bars addresses crack arrest at only application, and there is no available data to demonstrate the
specific sections and at a single scale. While fiber reinforcement performance of HyFRC under direct shear, where fibers are known
ensures a random distribution of crack arrest zones within con- to be most efficient in concrete. There is also a great deal of current
crete, most fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) mixes are reinforced interest in natural fibers such as cellulose, and its performance in
at only a single scale, containing as they do, only one type of fiber. HyFRC has never been investigated. Accordingly, this study was
A summary of the published research on concrete reinforced with undertaken to combine steel and cellulose fibers in HyFRC and to
multiple fiber types is provided in Table 1. The collection of papers assess the response under flexure and direct shear.
reviewed conveys that the gradual and multi-scale nature of frac-
ture in concrete necessitates that a given fiber can provide rein- 2. Research significance
forcement only at one level and within a limited range of strains.
Fracture in concrete is a gradual, multi-scale process, occurring
at both the micro and the macro levels. For fiber reinforced
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 780 492 9661; fax: +1 780 492 0249.
concrete, therefore, it is very limiting when only one type and
E-mail addresses: (N. Banthia),
(V. Bindiganavile).
dimension of fiber is used as reinforcement. Such a reinforcement
Tel.: +1 604 822 9541; fax: +1 604 822 6901. clearly restricts crack growth at its own scale and has little or no
Now with AMEC Corporation, Vancouver, BC, Canada. influence on fracture processes at other scales. For maximum

0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
92 N. Banthia et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 48 (2014) 91–97

Table 1
Sample of studies on HyFRC (P: Polypropylene; S: Steel; G: Glass; As: Asbestos; C: Carbon, PVA: Poly Vinyl Alcohol; GS: Galvanized Steel; Al: Alumina; Pe: Polyethylene; CMP:
Carbon Mesophase Pitch-based, CIP: Carbon Isotropic Pitch-based).

Reference Hybrid fibers Major findings

Walton and Majumdar [3] P, N, G, As, C Organic and inorganic fibers work together to produce improvement in both tensile and impact properties
Glavind and Aarre [4] S, P Hybridization of these two fibers increased the ultimate compressive strain of the composite
Larson and Krenchel [5] S, P After 10 years of out-door exposure, fracture energy of hybrid composite increased by approximately 40%
Feldman and Zheng [6] S, P Stiffer steel fibers improved the ultimate strength; ductile polypropylene fibers improved post-peak strain
Komlos et al. [7] S, P HyFRC with polypropylene fibers showed better post-crack responses and higher impact strengths
Qian and Stroven [8] S, P Hybrid Composites had a higher KIC but the synergy disappeared in the large displacement range
Kim et al. [9] S, P The resistance to the initiation of the first crack and the toughness improved remarkably due to
Horiguchi and Sakai [10] S, PVA HyFRC showed greater first crack deflection for the same flexural toughness
Soroushian et al. [11] P, Pe Hybrids were beneficial in impact loading and for improving flexural strength and toughness
Mobasher and Li [12] Al, C, P Peak load increased by as much as 75% compared to composite containing only polypropylene
Stroeven et al. [13] C, S, P Hybridization improved the composite toughness and pull-out resistance of steel fibers
Ramanalingam et al. [14] PVA (micro and Hybridization provided significant increases to both ultimate load and post-peak ductility
macro), S
Sun et al. [15] S (various lengths), P, Combining various lengths of steel fibers lowers the shrinkage strains. Permeability decreased in other
Hua et al. [16] C, P Fatigue properties of concrete were improved by using the carbon + polypropylene hybrids
Lawler et al. [17] S, P Hybridization was shown to reduced the permeability of cracked hybrid fiber reinforced mortar under load
Banthia and Sheng [18] C, S In hybrids, steel fibers contributed to strengthening and carbon fiber to toughening
Banthia and Soleimani [19] S, CMP, CIP, P Flexural toughness tests on normal strength concrete indicate CIP fiber with its greater strain capacity
produced higher performance HyFRC than the CMP fiber
Banthia and Gupta [20] S, CMP, P Very high strength matrices were investigated for flexural toughness and only in some cases synergy was
Banthia and Sappakittipakorn S (various diameters) Large diameter crimped steel fibers were partially replaced with smaller diameter crimped steel fibers. This
[21] hybrid resulted in a significantly higher toughness

reinforcing efficiency, fibers of various sizes and moduli must be at micro and meso scale crack opening displacements [23]. These
combined in a rational manner, and the limited amount of work hydrophilic fibers are collated in the form of a chip and carry a sur-
that has been carried out in this area has for the most part consid- face treatment applied to enhance their alkali tolerance and bond
ered flexural loading only. In this paper, hybrid FRC mixes carrying with concrete. Upon mixing, each chip may potentially disperse
various combinations of steel and cellulose fibers were studied into 30,000 individual fibers. It is suggested that they absorb water
under flexure and direct shear, and any synergy in fiber performance during mixing which then becomes available for internal curing
has been identified. and pore refinement especially at the fiber–matrix interface [24].
In all, ten concrete mixtures—one plain and nine fiber rein-
forced concrete—were investigated (see Table 3 for details). All of
3. Experimental program these mixtures had the same amount of sand, aggregate, water
and cement. The only difference was the amount and/or the type
3.1. Materials, mixtures and specimens of fibers and their combination. The mix proportions were as
follows: Sand = 560 kg/m3; Coarse Aggregate (14 mm maximum
Three types of fibers—two of steel and one of cellulose—as size) = 1110 kg/m3; Cement = 400 kg/m3 and Water = 180 kg/m3.
shown in Table 2—were investigated. The Hooked-End fiber (HE), An ordinary Portland cement, classified as Type GU [25], along with
a well known deformed fiber, has been in commercial use exten- a saturated surface-dry (SSD) washed river sand (fineness
sively since the 1970s. The Double-Deformed fiber (DD) is a rela- modulus = 2.5) and crushed gravel were used. When appropriate,
tively recent development described in detail elsewhere [22]. a commercially available high range water reducing admixture
This fiber has two types of deformations—one of which is sacrifi- derived from a polycarboxylate ether was used to achieve ade-
cial, known as the ‘dead’ anchor and the other for drag enhance- quate workability.
ment. The cellulose fiber (C) used was a fully purified plantation From each mix, fifteen prism specimens, 100 mm  100 mm
softwood fiber. This fiber was chosen because of its small length  350 mm in dimension, and six cylinders, 100 mm  200 mm, were
(2.3 mm) and because of its ability to enhance flexural toughness

Table 2
Fibers investigated.

Fiber Type Length (mm) Diameter (mm) Picture E (GPa) Tensile strength (MPa) Density (kg/m3)
HE Hooked-End Steel 30 0.5 212 1200 7850

DD Double Deformed Steel 30 0.5 212 1150 7850

C Cellulose Fiber 2.3 mm 16 lm 35 300 1100

Note: 25.4 mm = 1 in; 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi; 1 GPa = 145 ksi; 1 kg/m3 = 1.66 lb/yd3.
N. Banthia et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 48 (2014) 91–97 93

Table 3
Mixture proportions and properties.

Mixture Fiber type Compressive strength (av.) VeBe Time (22)

HE (Hooked End Steel Fiber) DD (Double Deformed Steel Fiber) C (Cellulose Fiber) MPa s
Fiber Volume Fraction (%)
1 – – – 56 2
2 0.3 – – 55 3
3 0.3 – 0.5 54 7
4 – 0.3 – 51 3
5 – 0.3 0.5 58 7
6 0.5 – – 52 4
7 0.5 – 0.5 61 9
8 – 0.5 – 49 4
9 – 0.5 0.5 46 8
10 – – 0.5 59 5

Note: 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.

Table 4
Test program.

Flexural tests Shear tests

Specimen size 100  100  350 100  100  350
Procedure adopted ASTM C1609 and JSCE SF-4 JSCE-G 553-1999
Mixtures tested Mix 1–10 (Table 3) Mix 1–10 (Table 3)
Number of specimens 5 Per Mix 5 Per Mix

Note: 25.4 mm = 1 in.

cast upon a vibrating table. The specimens were de-molded 24 h after

casting and stored for an additional 27 days under controlled condi-
tions at 23 ± 3 °C and 100% RH. The test program is given in Table 4
and described in the following sections.

3.2. Tests on hardened concrete

The cylinders were tested as per ASTM C39 [26] to obtain com-
pressive strengths. The prism specimens were tested for flexure
and shear as per the procedures outlined below:

3.2.1. Flexural tests

The prisms were tested for flexural toughness as per ASTM
C1609 [27], Fig. 1. As seen, a special yoke, was used to support
the LVDTs, and the net mid-span deflections were recorded free
from any extraneous displacement arising from support settlement Fig. 1. Flexural tests ASTM C1609 and JSCE-G 552-1999.
and load point crushing.
The outcome from the ASTM C1609 test is in the form of a load that a large tensile stress exists at the tip of the propagating crack
versus deflection curve, which can then be further analyzed to in a Z-shaped push-off specimen, which implies that the crack
obtain a measure of the energy absorbed or ‘toughness’ of the growth in such a test is in fact not under a pure shear mode but
material. The load–deflection curve was analyzed according to rather in a mixed-mode comprising both opening and shear
the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) method, which yields a modes. In response, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE)
flexural toughness factor, FTd [28]. has proposed a test method for determining the shear strength of
fiber reinforced concrete using a ‘direct’ shear test [32]. The stress
T b;d L field in this test is essentially that of ‘pure’ shear instead of a mixed
FT d ¼ 2
dbd mode. Unfortunately even with this test, Mirsayah and Banthia
where FTd is the flexural toughness factor at a beam displacement of [33] found that in the JSCE technique, the crack often deviated from
d, Tb,d is the area under the curve to a beam displacement of d, L is its intended path and they suggested introducing a shallow all-
the span, b is the width and d is the depth of the beam. round notch in the specimen to predefine the failure plane. The
Given that the JSCE technique is relatively immune to human same arrangement was adopted in this study (Fig. 2). The contribu-
error compared with the ASTM C1609 [29], it was adopted here. tion of fibers was evaluated as the shear toughness, which was the
area under the load–deflection plot to the required deflection.
3.2.2. Shear tests
In the context of assessing material properties of fiber rein- 4. Results and discussion
forced concrete in shear, Z-shaped push-off specimens are pre-
ferred due to the associated simplicity in loading and data 4.1. Flexure
analysis [30], and both steel and polypropylene fibers are reported
to significantly enhance the ultimate load-carrying capacity and Plots shown in Fig. 3 are of average load and deflection taken
ductility of concrete in shear. However, it is also well known [31] from 5 specimen replicates for the various composites. In
94 N. Banthia et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 48 (2014) 91–97

each mix, a coefficient of variation ranging between 8% and 20%

was noted in the load value at a given deflection.
As seen in Fig. 3(a) and (b), the cellulose fiber by itself was
unable to impart any toughness (the load–deflection curves of
plain concrete and Mix 0.5C were almost identical). The likely rea-
son is the small length of the cellulose fiber that provides insignif-
icant post-crack bridging. Also, cellulose fibers are hydrophilic and
act as mini ‘reservoirs’ of water—moisture that is later available for
hydration, pore refinement and excessive bond strengthening in
the vicinity of the fiber. A well-bonded cellulose fiber presumably
fractures across a matrix crack and fails to provide post-crack
ductility [34]. The two steel fibers, on the other hand, were seen
to be very effective in enhancing toughness.
In order to further analyze the curves and understand the effec-
tiveness of fiber hybridization, flexural toughness factors, FTd, were
calculated and plotted for beam deflections (d) of 0.5 mm, 1 mm
and 1.5 mm in Fig. 4. Notice that plain and 0.5C composites depict
low toughening ability at 0.5 mm and this ability further drops to
negligible values at higher deflections.

4.2. Shear

The load–deflection plots under shear, averaged over 5 repli-

Fig. 2. Shear tests as per JSCE-G 553-1999 [32]. cates for composites based on the Hooked End fiber (HE) are given
in Fig. 5(a) and those based on the Double Deformed fiber (DD) are
shown in Fig. 5(b). After analyzing the five specimens tested in
each category at a given deflection, a coefficient of variation be-
tween 6% and 14% was observed in the load values.
Note from Fig. 5(a) and (b), that as in the case of flexure, the cel-
lulose fiber by itself did not impart shear toughness; the plots for
plain concrete and composite 0.5C are almost identical. The likely
reasons, once again, are the small length of the cellulose fiber, its
hydrophilic nature, which leads to inordinate bond enhancement
and consequent fiber fracture at low shear deflections. Both steel
fibers were very effective in enhancing shear performance. This is
evident from the descending parts of the curve and the large areas
these curves encompass.
The average peak loads recorded for various composites (Fig. 5)
were converted to shear strength by normalizing them with re-
spect to the cross-sectional area and the results are given in Table 5.
(a) Whereas there was an improvement in the shear strength by pair-
ing steel fibers at 0.3% volume fraction with cellulose fibers, the
steel fibers at 0.5% by volume fraction enhanced the shear strength
more when by themselves than when hybridized with cellulose.
Also, the fiber (HE) appears to be more effective than the fiber
In order to understand the effectiveness of fiber hybridization
especially on the energy dissipated under direct shear, the ab-
sorbed energy was computed to shear deflections of 5 mm, 10
and 20 mm and is plotted in Fig. 6. Notice, as in the case of flexure,
the plain and 0.5C composites depicted low energy absorption val-
ues at all deflection levels considered.

5. Assessment of synergy

It is critical to calculate synergy for the various hybrid mixes to

(b) understand if indeed hybridization was successful. Mai et al. [35]
have cautioned against the use of simplistic rule-of-mixtures to
Fig. 3. Averaged load deflection curves in flexure for (a) HyFRC based on cellulose predict the effect of hybridization on toughness, for the fracture
fiber with the HE (Hooked-End) Fiber and (b) HyFRC based on cellulose fiber with
mechanisms and the interplay between each fiber within the
the DD (Double Deformed) fiber (Note: 25.4 mm = 1 in; 1 kN = 0.225 kip).
matrix in such composites is not uniform. For the purpose of this
study, Synergy was evaluated based on the following formula:

Fig. 3(a), composites based on the Hooked End fiber (HE) are pre-
PCT hybrid;aþb
sented and in Fig. 3(b), composites based on the Double Deformed Synergy ¼ 1 ð2Þ
½PCT a þ PCT b 
fiber (DD) are presented. Considering the five specimens tested for
N. Banthia et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 48 (2014) 91–97 95

Fig. 4. Flexural toughness factors (FTd in MPa) computed from curves in Fig. 3(a) and (b) (Note: 25.4 mm = 1 in; 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi).

Table 5
Shear strengths.

Material Shear strength (MPa)

Plain concrete 18.79
0.3%HE 20.80
0.3%HE + 0.5%C 24.12
0.3%DD 22.05
0.3%DD + 0.5%C 23.60
0.5%HE 29.95
0.5%HE + 0.5%C 24.28
0.5%DD 24.57
0.5%DD + 0.5%C 18.84
0.5%C 18.79

Note: 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.

(a) load–deflection plot to a deflection d, not considering the corre-

sponding area associated with plain concrete. The idea behind this
approach is that a positive Synergy (>0) is realized when a hybrid
combination of fibers produces a property which is numerically
greater than the sum of the properties produced by the individual
fibers. A zero value of Synergy means that the synergy is absent,
and a negative value indicates that the hybrid in question is per-
forming poorer than the sum of its parts.
The Synergy noted in flexure is plotted in Fig. 7. Notice that in all
instances, there was an indication of positive synergy. Remarkably,
cellulose fiber, which does not add much to the flexural toughness
by itself was effective in contributing to it in the presence of steel
fibers. The Synergy, however, in all cases decreased as the beam
displacement increased from 0.5 mm to 2.0 mm. This implies that
hybridization is more effective at small crack openings. This may
be the consequence of hybridizing with cellulose fibers, which
were of smaller length and thus lost efficiency at larger crack open-
(b) ings. When fiber (HE) is compared with fiber (DD), both appear to
be effective candidates for hybridization with cellulose. In both
Fig. 5. Average load deflection curves in shear for (a) HyFRC based on the HE
cases, however, hybridization was less effective at higher dosage
(Hooked-End) fiber and (b) HyFRC based on the DD (Double Deformed) fiber (Note:
25.4 mm = 1 in; 1 kN = 0.225 kip). rates. Also, consistently, the fiber (DD) was less effective than the
fiber (HE).
The Synergy noted in shear (based on total shear energy to 5, 10
where PCT represents the Post Crack Toughness Factor for the var- and 20 mm shear deflection) is plotted in Fig. 8. A positive synergy
ious mixes. In the case of flexure, it is given by the flexural tough- in shear was seen in fiber (DD) at 0.3% and fiber (HE) at 0.5% when
ness factor to a deflection, d, (FTd), and subtracting from it the hybridized with 0.5% of cellulose fiber, and not in the other combi-
flexural toughness factor of the plain concrete mix. Similarly, in nations. Also, the Synergy in shear, when positive, was not as high
the case of direct shear, it is given by the area under the as that in the case of flexure (Fig. 7). Significantly, unlike with
96 N. Banthia et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 48 (2014) 91–97


Fig. 6. Absorbed shear energy values to various deflection values computed from curves in Fig. 5(A) and (B) (Note: 25.4 Mm = 1 in; 1 N-M = 0.738 Lb-Ft).

Fig. 7. Synergy in flexure based on JSCE FTd Values (d = beam displacement) (Note: Fig. 8. Synergy in shear based on energy absorption to 5, 10 and 20 mm deflection.
25.4 mm = 1 in).

opening than the HE fiber. Under direct shear, where the deforma-
flexure, Synergy in shear increased with an increase in the beam tions are greater than in case of the flexural test, this manifests into
deformation. This is most likely because the dowel action of the a superior shear toughness for the DD fiber. While the Cellulose
fiber is not diminished by larger crack opening in Mode II fracture fiber once again adds to the stiffness of the macrofiber–matrix
unlike with Mode I crack opening. interface, it aids in the shear resistance of the DD fiber + Cellulose
The performance of the steel fibers in concrete under flexure fiber hybrid. Thus, we note a better performance for Mix D com-
and direct shear is better understood through the pullout of indi- pared with Mix F, and similarly for Mix H compared with Mix B,
vidual fibers from plain concrete. As shown by Armelin [36], for as seen in Fig. 6. However, upon adding cellulose fiber, it appears
an aligned fiber, i.e. when the tensile load is along the longitudinal that the dowel action of the steel fiber is significantly superior in
axis of the fiber, the Hooked End fiber (HE) and the Double case of the Double Deformed (DD) fiber. The synergy is therefore
Deformed fiber (DD) dissipate an identical amount of energy dur- better for this fiber, especially at a low dosage of 0.3% by volume.
ing the pullout process. Thus, for mixes reinforced with either fiber There likely occurs a beneficiation in the microfiber-paste inter-
(HE) or fiber (DD) alone, the difference in flexural toughness was face due to the presence of the microfiber. According to Banthia
not exceptional (see Mix B vs. Mix D or Mix F vs. Mix H in and Dubeau [37], there is a reduction in shrinkage in the hydrating
Fig. 4). However, as shown by Banthia and Armelin [22], there cement paste due to microfibers. Also, [38] noted a shift in the
was a significant difference in the stiffness of the pullout response, pore-size distribution towards a mean pore size 10 times smaller
with the HE fiber–matrix bond being considerably stiffer than for in hydrated cement paste that contained microfibers. Furthermore,
the DD fiber. Adding a second fiber, in this case the cellulose micro- microfibers may act as seeding agents that promote hydration.
fiber, likely improves the fiber–matrix bond and this manifests Taken together, these effects likely lead to a densification of the
more significantly for the already stiffer HE fiber and hence leads macrofiber-paste interface. Understandably however, due to the
to a superior synergy for the HE-Cellulose combination. On the respective fiber dimension, these mechanisms – shrinkage reduc-
other hand, as it was also noted by Banthia and Armelin [22], the tion, pore-size refinement and seeding – are not reciprocated by
DD fiber sustained higher pullout resistance for larger crack a macrofiber in a microfiber-reinforced system. In all probability,
N. Banthia et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 48 (2014) 91–97 97

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