Presentation 190618132515

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Ways to improve

Education in
Education plays an import role in the progress and development of a state.
Progress of any country depends upon its literacy rate and quality of education
in that country. Therefore, it is the key priorities of nations. Unfortunately, our
own country Pakistan is a backward one regarding its literacy rate. Even many
poor countries have higher literacy rate as compare to Pakistan. Our education
system is responsible for all this. There are many factors affecting the education
system in Pakistan for example lack of access to quality education, corruption,
target killing, poverty, lack of interest towards education, inadequate
government investment and lack of educational institutions.
By employing proper planning we can devise a system that can
operate solely on the problem of improving standard of
education. This can be achieved over all parts of the country if
the right resources are implored by the government in aiding and
making education a vital part of their purpose.
It is important to realize that the problems which hinder the provision of education are not
just due to issues of management by government but some of them are deeply rooted in the
social and cultural orientation of the people. Overcoming this would result in a change in
attitude of the people and then universal primary education would not be difficult to achieve.
Hence when these barriers will be removed the quality of education will definitely increase.
By taxing wealthy citizens and corporations their due, local and federal
governments could afford to bolster the public education system. The
political will to make such a change seems to be growing more and more
remote, but with a citizenry that is engaged in demanding that our society
invest in its students that can begin to change.
Sustained improvements to level and distribution of funding across local public school
districts led to improvement in level and distribution of student outcomes. While funding
alone cannot provide improved learning outcomes, it provides an underlying condition
that makes them possible. Therefore it is important for raising the bar for the standard of
education and its improvement heavily relies on this factor.
This investment pays off, too—in a big way. In 2008, economists found that investing
in education has an impact on the country’s overall economic health by increasing the
gross domestic product (GDP).
Major factors that hinder enrolment rates of girls include
poverty, cultural constraints, illiteracy of parents and parental Female Male
concerns about safety and mobility of their daughters. Society’s
emphasis on girl’s modesty, protection and early marriages may
limit family’s willingness to send them to school. Enrolment of
rural girls is 45% lower than that of urban girls; while for boys
the difference is 10% only, showing that gender gap is an
important factor. Hence when awareness is preached this will
also decrease.

45% 69%
Studies have found not at all surprisingly that under qualified teachers are tied
to poor outcomes for students. The good news is that this is one of the most
straightforward areas where policy makers can have an impact. They must
clarify standards for teachers seeking licenses and raise standards in areas
where student outcomes are lowest. By improving the teaching standard it will
directly add into improving the standard of education.
The economic cost is higher in private schools, but these are located in
richer settlements only. The paradox is that private schools are better but
not everywhere and government schools ensure equitable access but do
not provide quality education. By overcoming the differences in quality of
education the standards of education can increase collectively in a country.
In education system we need strong determination, love and
sincerity with our new generation. We should make our grass
root level strong. It is Government responsibility to solve
administrative and management problems of Pakistan
Education system. Education serves as the backbone for the
development of nations. It is only education which can turn a
burden of population into productive human resource.
Pakistan's current state demands that the allocations for
education be doubled to meet the challenges of EFI, gender
disparity and provision of teachers in the work places earlier
than 2018 as per stipulated qualifications.

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