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Why Education?

Education is the
movement from
darkness to
Global Education System
Pakistan Education System
Global Perspective
• Tech enabled Classrooms
• Prominent portion of budget on
• Free education
• Creative learning
• Co-Curricular activities
• Workshops
Pakistan Scenario – Bigger Picture

• One of the weakest

Education System
• 50 years behind the world
• 60 % literacy rate
Article 25A of Constitution

Do You know?

The State shall provide
free and compulsory
education to all children
of the age of five to
sixteen years in such
manner as may be determined
by law.
Out-of-School Children

• 25 million children are

out of school.
• 70% never been to School.
• 52% of which lives in
• Majority are girls are
not allowed to study.
Child Labour

• World’s third largest

underage workforce in
• 10m children are underage
Deplorable Schools Infrastructure

• Majority of schools in
rural areas are in
deplorable condition.
• No school building
• No toilets in school.
• Clean drinking water is
not available.
• Old furniture.
Non-Qualified Teachers

• Non-professional
• No proper training.
• Multiple subjects
Out-dated Curriculum and Cramming culture

• Unchanged curriculum
since decades.
• Need for modern concepts.
• Cramming-based education
• Tests memory than
• No research activities.
Budget – Bullets over Pens

• 1% of total budget.
• 11% is allocated for
Other side of Picture

• 7 Pakistani Universities
in top thousand
• ICT in Class rooms
• e-Education portals
• Creative learning
Conclusion & Recommendations

• Pakistan must increase its budget for education.

• More focus on teachers training.
• Free Education and Scholarships.
• Promote gender equality in Education.
• More focus on physical education.
• Internships
• Creative working
• Use of technology
• Conceptual education system
• Updation of Curriculum

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