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Compilers And Interpreters - C.


In order for us to make the computer perform the tasks we want it to, we have to communicate with the
machine. We write our programs in a high-level language such as Java, C, Pascal, etc. but the machine cannot
understand that language, as it operates only in bits (binary digits of zero or one). So there needs to be some
translation process which will convert our Java instructions (our "source code") into machine code which the
computer can then understand and execute (the "object code"). There are two main ways of achieving this
translation process:

1. Compilation
2. Interpretation

The method used depends upon the high level language you are using. Some languages are compiled (e.g. Turbo
Pascal, C, etc. ) while others are interpreted languages (e.g. QBasic). (Java, however, uses a combination of both
approaches which we'll talk about at the end of this page). Compilers and interpreters are simply pieces of
software (in other words, they are programs themselves!) which have been specially written to take the
commands we write in our chosen programming language and translate them into a form which the machine
understands. Here's an explanation of the difference between a compiler and an interpreter: 

Comparison of Traditional Compilers and Interpreters

If 2 native English speakers wish to communicate, there is no language problem. But what if an English speaker
wishes to communicate with a French speaker? There are two possible solutions to the problem:

1. The English speaker employs an interpreter who translates the English sentences into French as they
are spoken. The English speaker says a sentence in English, the interpreter hears it, translates it in
his/her brain into French, and the speaks the sentence in French. This is repeated for each sentence.
Progress is slow: there are pauses between sentences as the translation process takes place.
2. The English speaker writes down (in English) what needs to be said. The whole document is then
translated into French, producing another piece of paper with the French version written on it. There
are two factors to consider in this scenario:
1. There is a slight delay at the start as the English document needs to be translated in its entirity
before it can be read.
2. The translated document can be read at any time after that, and at the normal speed at which
the French-speaker reads.

In this analogy, English = the SOURCE CODE. French = the MACHINE CODE. You can think of the French
speaker's brain as the computer's CPU.

 A compiler translates a complete source program into machine code. The whole source code file is compiled in
one go, and a complete, compiled version of the file is produced. This can be saved on some secondary storage
medium (e.g. floppy disk, hard disk...). This means that:

 The program can only be executed once translation is complete

 ANY changes to the source code require a complete recompilation.

An interpreter, on the other hand, provides a means by which a program written in source language can be
understood and executed by the CPU line by line. As the first line is encountered by the interpreter, it is
translated and executed. Then it moves to the next line of source code and repeats the process. This means that:

 The interpreter is a program which is loaded into memory alongside the source program
 Statements from the source program are fetched and executed one by one
 No copy of the translation exists, and if the program is to be re-run, it has to be interpreted all over
There are a number of other points which we need to consider: 

 Because the interpreter must be loaded into memory, there is less space available during execution; a
compiler is only loaded into memory during compilation stage, and so only the machine code is
resident in memory during run-time;
 Once we have a compiled file, we can re-run it any time we want to without having to use the compiler
each time; With any interpreted language, however, we would have to re-interpret the program each
time we wanted to run it;
 Machine code programs run more quickly than interpreted programs;
 However, it is often quicker and easier to make changes with an interpreted program than a compiled
one, and as such development time may be reduced.

The Approach That Java Uses

As I said above, Java uses a combination of compilation and interpretation. When you create and save a Java
source code file (the file that contains your Java instructions and is saved using the .java extension) it needs to
be translated before a computer can understand the instructions. So we compile the .java file. However, unlike
other compiled languages, the Java compiler does not produce machine code designed specifically for a
particular type of computer. Instead, it produces a new file containing bytecode, and this file has the .class
extension. Bytecode is like an idealised form of machine language, and the really special thing about bytecode is
that it is not machine dependent. Another words, the bytecode produced by the Java compiler is not designed so
that only one type of computer can read it, any computer (that has the Java interpreter installed) can read and
understand bytecode. The Java interpreter is sometimes referred to as the "Java Virtual Machine" ( Java VM for
short) and some books even refer to it as the "Java run-time system". The interpreter on your computer takes the
Java bytecode in the .class file, turns it into machine code which your particular computer can understand, and
then executes (or "runs") the code.

You might wonder why the Java creators designed things this way - why use a two stage approach instead of
just compiling or just interpreting the code like most other languages do? Well, the advantage is that once a Java
file has been compiled, any computer with a Java VM can interpret and run that file. So the code is a lot more
portable. Think about the huge number of network and Internet applications we run today - lots of different
types of computers trying to communicate with each other. This approach overcomes these machine-
dependency problems.

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