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The 10 Steps to a Successful Social Media

Marketing Strategy for your Business

The Digital Landscape
• The 3 Phases of the Web

– Phase 1: Portals

– Phase 2: Search Engines

– Phase 3: Social Networks

The Digital Landscape
• The Numbers: What has happened since 1990?
– First Website in 1990
– 130 Web Sites in 1993
– 16 Million Users in 1995
– 738 Million Internet users in Asia in December 2009
– 252 Million Internet users in North America in 2009
– 90 Trillion – The number of emails sent on the Internet in 2009
– 234 Million Websites in 2010
– 247 Billion – Average number of email messages per day
– 30 Billion – Photos uploaded to Facebook per year 2010
– 2.0 Billion Users in 2011
The Digital Landscape
• Google
The Digital Landscape
• Facebook
The Digital Landscape
• Mobile
The “Numbers’ Problem”
• Over 500 million websites
• More than 155 million blogs
• Nearly 800 Million Facebook Users
• 2 Billion Internet Users
• 1 Trillion Facebook page views - 2011
The “Noise” Problem in 60 Seconds
• 700,000 searches
• 600 Videos are uploaded to YouTube
• 80,000 Facebook Wall posts
The Display Ad “Clutter” Problem
The “Technology” Problem
The “Technology” Problem
Problem: We still think Analog!
Why Social Media Marketing?
Why Social Media?
• Social Media Amplifies your Content
Why Social Media?
• Makes you Stand out from the Crowd
Why Social Media?
• Networking on Steroids
Why Social Media?
• Accelerates the Spread of your Brand
Why Social Media?
• It can Position You as an Expert
Why Social Media?
• Your Business Can Self-Publish
Why Social Media?
• Global Word of Mouth
Why Social Media?
• “On the Internet, nobody knows you are a dog”
Why Social Media?
• Facilitates Trust – Edelman Trust Barometer
The Foundations and Approach to Social Media
The Foundations and Approach to Social Media
• Content
The Foundations and Approach to Social Media
• Search
The Foundations and Approach to Social Media
• Social
The Foundations and Approach to Social Media
• Publish to Multiple Networks
The Foundations and Approach to Social Media
• Publish a Variety of Multi-Media Content
The 10 Steps to a Successful Social Media
Marketing Strategy
Step 1
• Establish a Clear Focused Vision
Step 1
• Establish a Clear Focused Vision

Nike’s Vision

“To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the

world. If you have a body, you are an athlete”
Step 2
• Obtain Commitment from Management
Step 3
• Determine Prospects & Customer Personas
Step 4
• Create and Prioritize Goals
Step 5
• Develop Tactics to Achieve Goals
Step 6
• Resources Allocated to Achieve the Goals
Step 7
• Plan and Create Content
Step 8
• Publish and Promote on the Social Networks where your
Customers are
Step 9
• Measure and Monitor the Results
Step 10
• Modify, Rinse and Repeat
Social Media Marketing Tools and Tactics
Social Media Marketing with Facebook
Social Media Marketing with Facebook
• Why Use Facebook?
– Business Page – for spreading your content
– Multi-Media rich
– It is where one in three internet users hang out
– Self Serve Target Ads with user demographics
Facebook Social Media Marketing – B2C
• Facebook Tips for B2C Companies
1. Welcome page
2. Provide an incentive for growing your Facebook “Likes”
3. Capture email subscriptions for your database
4. Offer specials
5. Publish content daily
6. Crowd sourced market research
7. Sell products on your Facebook store
8. Provide rich multimedia
Facebook Social Media Marketing – B2C
• Victoria’s Secret
Facebook Social Media Marketing – B2C
• Threadless
Facebook Social Media Marketing – Personal Brand

• Mari Smith
Facebook Social Media Marketing – B2B
• Facebook Tips for B2B Companies
1. Video Channel with “How To” Tutorials
2. News Updates in Your Industry
3. Provide an Incentive for Growing your Facebook “Likes”
4. Capturing Email Subscriptions for your database
5. Targeting Decision Makers through Paid SMM
6. Market Research and Surveys
7. Promote your Thought Leaders
Facebook Social Media Marketing – B2B
• Case Studies - Publishing Content Linking to the Blog or Website
– Goal: Position company or personal brand as a thought leader
Social Media Marketing with Facebook – B2B
• Case Studies – Clear Risk
– Goal: Capture email subscribers and Facebook “Likes”
Social Media Marketing with Facebook – B2B
• Case Studies – General Electric
– Goal: Promote Thought Leaders
Social Media Marketing with Facebook – B2B
• Case Studies – Get Satisfaction - Internet Software Company
– Goal: Provide customer service
Social Media Marketing with Facebook – B2B
• Case Studies – Cisco
– Goal: Educate with Online Video within Facebook
Social Media Marketing with Twitter
Social Media Marketing with Twitter
• Why use Twitter?
– A global network of 500 million plus users
– You can target industries and niches
– Monitor the competition
– It is global
– It is real time
– It is a great tool to market your blog content
– It is simple
Social Media Marketing with Twitter
• 5 Tips for Optimizing Twitter
1. Include a photo or logo
2. Add your Facebook or Website’s URL
3. Write “Great Headlines”
4. Make sharing easy with a “ReTweet” button
5. Include “Follow me on Twitter” buttons on your blog
Social Media Marketing with Twitter
• Twitter Marketing Tips
1. Develop a targeted Twitter following
2. Listen, engage and communicate and build loyal followers in
your community
3. Create a live feed on the corporate brand name to see what
the world is saying about you
4. Tweet your online specials that link to a landing page
5. Tweet your content
6. Network and Create contacts on Twitter by retweeting their
Social Media Marketing with Twitter
• Twitter Tools
Social Media Marketing with Twitter
• Case Studies –
– Goal: Drive traffic to the blog and networking
Social Media Marketing with Twitter
• Case Studies –
– Goal: Sell Product that can be tracked with coupons
Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn
Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn
• Why use LinkedIn?
– Over 150 Million professionals are members
– Great for networking professionally
– Finding opportunities
– Positioning as an expert with over 800,000 groups
– Integrate your other sites Website, Blog and Facebook
– Average income is over $100,000
Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn
• Setting up and Optimizing LinkedIn
– Create a public profile (don’t lock it away)
– In your homepage activate your Twitter link
– Activate your blog feed to your homepage on LinkedIn
– Integrate “SlideShare” into LinkedIn
Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn
• LinkedIn Marketing Tips
– Update your posts on LinkedIn after publishing
– Participate in one of the 800,000 groups that is suitable for your target
– Create your own group that doesn’t sell but provides a forum for your
industry niche
– Create Exclusive Content that requires registration
– Advertise on LinkedIn from as little as $10 per day
– You can target by
• Geography
• Industry
• Job Function
• Job title
• LinkedIn Groups
Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn
• LinkedIn Case Study B2B: Post Card Mania
– Create compelling content
– Build contacts
– Join groups and contribute
– Cold message contacts

Results: In 12 Months they have generated 600 leads from a B2B audience
Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn
• LinkedIn Case Study B2B: Post Card Mania
– The Post on LinkedIn
Social Media Marketing with LinkedIn
• LinkedIn Case Study B2B: Post Card Mania
– The Landing Page
Social Media Marketing with YouTube
Social Media Marketing with YouTube
• Why use YouTube?
– Second largest search engine in the world
– Easier to rank higher in organic search than Google
– The younger generation would rather poke their eyes out than
read a paragraph of text – provide short videos
– “How To” category is the fastest growing segment
– Can be branded
Social Media Marketing with YouTube
• Setting up and Optimizing YouTube
1. Create your own branded YouTube Channel
2. Link to your Blog, Facebook Fanpage or your website to make
it easy for people to link back to your site
3. Put the category such as [Social Media Marketing] in Brackets
before each Title of your video
4. Put “Tags” in your video tags section, make them relevant to
your video title
5. Again promote your YouTube video on Twitter and place them
on your blog in a Video or YouTube Channel section
Social Media Marketing with YouTube
• YouTube Marketing Tips
1. Interview senior people in your industry – promote them, the
law of reciprocity
2. Create information videos that inform clients while you sleep –
leverages your time
3. Create Educational videos demonstrating expertise and
thought leadership
4. Include videos in your online store to showcase and demo
products (can increase conversion rates by 10-30%
(Case Study: Online shoe store Zappos)
Social Media Marketing with YouTube
• YouTube Case Study: Orabrush
Social Media Marketing with Slideshare
Social Media Marketing with Slideshare
• Why use Slideshare?
– It is the “YouTube” for PowerPoint
– Presentations position you as an expert
– Optimal for B2B
– Good for optimising content for search
Social Media Marketing with Slideshare
• Slideshare Marketing Tips
1. Turn your posts into PowerPoint presentations and post them
to SlideShare
2. Write a good headline both on the presentation itself and the
title area
3. Include keyword tags that would be used to find the
4. Promote your presentations on Twitter
5. Allow viewers to download your presentation to assist in
making it easy for people to share
6. Post them to your Facebook page
7. In choose a license make it CC (Creative Commons) License
so people can use your content and then attribute and link to
your blog
Social Media Marketing with Blogs
Social Media Marketing with Blogs
• Why Blog?
– To establish a home base that you own
– Personal branding eg””
– Position you as a thought leader in your niche
– Establishes authority
– Google likes fresh unique content
– Easy to use
– Builds an online asset
Social Media Marketing with Blogs
• Setting up and Optimizing Your Blog
– Buy your own domain name
– Blog as part of your primary website domain
– Purchase a WordPress theme
– Post content regularly
– Promote your Blog on Twitter regularly
– Include social media share and subscribe buttons
– Build your email subscriber database
Social Media Marketing with Blogs
• Blogging Marketing Tips
1. Solve problems with your posts. What do your customers worry
2. Provide “How To” articles
3. Write great headlines
4. Write easy to read articles
5. Use multimedia embed videos, images and screen shots
6. Send out posts instead of static email newsletters that drive traffic
to your site and drive comments
7. Post after publishing to other social media channels, Facebook
page, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter (manually)
8. Create evergreen content
9. Be focused (stay on topic)
10. Repurpose offline and publish it online
Social Media Marketing with Blogs – Personal Brand
• Case Studies –
– Goal: Create a personal brand online and create global opportunities
Social Media Marketing with Blogs – B2B
• Case Studies – Hubspot – software as a service for small to medium business
– Goal: Create great content that drives link building and positions the brand
Social Media Marketing with Blogs – B2C
• Case Studies – Southwest Airlines
10 Takeaways
1. Strategy not just tactics
2. Content is the foundation
3. Optimize for search
4. Make it easy to share
5. Think like a publisher
6. Build an online asset
7. Publish where your customers are
8. Implement the Hub & Spoke model
9. Use paid as the catalyst
10. Be patient and persist
How Could You Use Social Media
Marketing… To Put a Dent in the
Twitter: @JeffBullas

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