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Lee y traduce.
Activities: housework

1 do the hoovering 2 do the washing-up 3 do the shopping 4 do the ironing

5 cook dinner 6 make your bed 7 do the washing 8 put out the rubbish

2 Une las dos partes de cada tarea doméstica. Luego escríbelas.

make the hoovering make your bed

1 do the washing-up 1
2 do your bed
3 put out the washing
4 do dinner
5 do the shopping 6
6 do the rubbish 7
7 cook the ironing

Vocabulario clave
activities  actividades   cook dinner  hacer la cena   do the hoovering  pasar la aspiradora   do the ironing  planchar  
do the shopping  hacer la compra   do the washing  lavar la ropa   do the washing-up  lavar los platos  
housework  tareas domésticas   make your bed  hacer la cama   put out the rubbish  sacar la basura

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Activities: housework
1 Completa las frases con verbos del 2 Completa la tabla con palabras del
vocabulario clave. vocabulario clave.
do the your bed (3)
ironing (4)
put out (1) do (5)
cook (2) (7)
1 the
3 Completa el crucigrama y las frases.
1 2
2 the

3 dinner
4 5

4 your bed


5 the
hoovering R

the rubbish 1 do the washing
2 do the
3 do the
4 do the
7 the
5 do the
6 cook
7 make your
8 put out the

Vocabulario clave
activities  actividades   cook dinner  hacer la cena   do the hoovering  pasar la aspiradora   do the ironing  planchar  
do the shopping  hacer la compra   do the washing  lavar la ropa   do the washing-up  lavar los platos  
housework  tareas domésticas   make your bed  hacer la cama   put out the rubbish  sacar la basura

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Activities: housework and daily routine with adverbs of frequency

adverb adverbio 2 Escribe las frases del recuadro debajo de

always siempre los dibujos.
usually normalmente I never do the washing-up.
often a menudo I sometimes do the cooking for my family.
sometimes a veces I usually go to school by bike.
hardly ever casi nunca I hardly ever make my bed in the morning.
never nunca I always have lunch in the kitchen.

Se suele usar los adverbios de frecuencia con el

present simple. Normalmente se coloca el adverbio
delante del verbo.
I always have breakfast. Siempre desayuno.

I usually go to school by bike.

1 Ordena las palabras para formar frases.
usually / homework / my / in / do / kitchen. /
the / I
I usually do my homework in the kitchen.
1 shopping. / I / the / do / hardly ever

2 family. / I / lunch / always / with / have / my

3 does / the / My / washing-up. / never /

4 do / the / parents / usually / hoovering. / My

5 school / to / go / I / on / sometimes /

6 morning. / in / I / my / bed / make / the / 3

7 go / ten / bed / usually / at / We / o’clock. / to

8 ironing. / hardly ever / I / the / do

Vocabulario clave
activities  actividades   at ten o’clock  a las diez   brother  hermano   by bike  en bici   cook  cocinar  
daily routine  rutina diaria   do the hoovering  pasar la aspiradora   do the ironing  planchar  
do the shopping  hacer la compra   do the washing-up  lavar los platos   do your homework  hacer los deberes  
family  familia   go to bed  acostarse   go to school  ir al colegio   have breakfast  desayunar  
have lunch  almorzar   kitchen  cocina   make your bed  hacer la cama   (in the) morning  (por la) mañana  
parents  padres   (on) Saturdays  (los) sábados

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Music: instruments
1 Lee y traduce.

2  guitar
1  bass guitar 4  piano
3  drums

7  violin

5  trumpet
8  saxophone
6  keyboard

2 Busca siete instrumentos. 3 Escribe las palabras.

Luego escríbelos.
a r di nilvoi violin
key b o
x o phonetr 1 taugri
g u i t ar i m s a
l v i o l iner 2 tutpmer
or e rp
ian m s e s b assguita 3 anxeoshop
p dr u
de petfo
u m 4 rsudm
str piano 4 5 edoybakr
1 5 6 sabs uritag
2 6 7 napoi
3 7

Vocabulario clave
bass guitar  bajo   drums  batería   guitar  guitarra   instruments  instrumentos   keyboard  teclado
piano  piano   saxophone  saxo   trumpet  trompeta   violin  violín

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