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Thank you for your interest in publishing with Springer. Please take the time you need to complete your form.
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a. Name(s) in full: MANU VIORICA MĂDĂLINA
b. Academic/professional affiliation(s): BUCHAREST UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMIC STUDIES
c. Address: Tache Ionescu street, no.11, floor 1, room 8102, BUCHAREST, Romania, 010352
d. Telephone number: 0788496603
e. Fax number
f. Email:

2. PROPOSED TITLE: Increase the Enterprise Value

3. SUBTITLE OF WORK (if any): How Can The Owners Increase the Enterprise Value

4. SERIES TITLE (if known/if you prefer a particular series): business


[ ] (a) monograph
[ ] (b) edited volume:
[x ] 1. new material
[ x ] 2. previously published papers, from:
[ ] (c) conference proceedings:
[ ] 1. invited papers only
[ ] 2. all papers
[ x ] (d) reference work (handbook)
[ ] (e) translation
[ ] (f) other, namely:


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[ ] Open access publication is not required, but I wish to explore this route
[ x ] I am not required/do not wish to publish open access
BNR - Uz intern


(a) words in manuscript: 50000
(b) manuscript pages (ca. 520 words/page): 324 words/page
(c) line drawings:
(d) photographs:
- black/white:
- colour: 20
(e) tables: 15
(f) other items:


[ x ] (a) Preface:
[ x ] (b) Bibliography of selected titles:
[ ] (c) Name and/or subject index:
[ ] (d) Translator's note:
[ ] (e) Introduction, by:
[ ] (f) Glossary of terms:
[ ] (g) Other items:

10. Description and purpose of work (minimum of 200 words):

I intend to show the importance of concentrating the efforts towards maximizing the value of the company, as well as
ways to achieve this major wish, with the help of the enterprise value dashboard. This tool is intended to help the
interested parties analyze the value of the enterprise and maximize the enterprise value through four perspectives
(the owners perspective, the financial perspective, the market perspective, the strategy):
• Shareholder Value is created when the return on invested capital is higher than the weighted average cost of
• The market capitalization of the company is an indicator of the market value, as well as P/E (possible under-
capitalization). The market capitalization is a public opinion on the net value of the company and a determining factor
in the valuation of the shares, but does not always reflect the real value of the company, as in the case of takeover or
acquisition offers.
In trying to challenge the traditional knowledge in the field of corporate finance, we studied the success factors for
the 'unicorn' companies, Romania being on the map of the international club of 'Unicorns' from 2018 with the two
companies in the field of information technology, as this field is insufficiently studied in our specialized literature.

11. Table of contents with chapter abstracts (100-200 words per abstract):

12. In case of edited volume, please add confidential “wish list” of contributors and their affiliations (you can initiate
contact with them later).

13. Primary audience for the work: proffessors

14. Unique selling points (4-6 reasons why this book is likely to appeal to and be purchased by the core audience, for
example, what differentiates this book from the current literature?)

15. Competitive titles: (please list the books you know of with which your work will compete: (include author/editor,
title, estimated length (pages), year published, publisher)

16. Is there additional use for your book as a course-book?

[ ] Yes [ ] No
If your book could be used in coursework, please list possible courses: (include course title/type, level,
possible enrolments, main text, supplemental reading, possible contacts giving the course)

17. Through what

(a) society/association membership lists and
(b) electronic discussion lists would it be easier to reach
BNR - Uz intern

the target audience for your book?

18. What contacts/organisations might be interested in ordering multiple copies of your work?

19. If relevant: please list author(s)/editor(s) past book publications with brief content description, publication date
and publisher:

20. Can you suggest four or more experts (include research departments, schools, location, email address) whom you
think would be capable of evaluating the topics covered in your book?

21. Final checklist to send with this form: table of contents with abstracts of each chapter, CV, draft chapter (if
available), any other relevant information

Thank you!

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