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 What are their key demographics on gender, age, social class, occupation, income, etc.?
Age Teen Adult
Gender Agnostic
Social class Middle Class Upper middle class Upper class
Source of Income Supported by Parents Employed and Earning
Education Graduation Post Graduation
Single Newly married(no kids)
Student Employed Self-Employed
Attitude towards health Nuetral
Media Consumption Digital TV Print OOH
Consumption Decision Self
Influencers Collegues/Friends Parents Life-Partner

 What is their lifestyle (activities, hobbies, interests) of their consumers? Does this affect their
category choices and if so, how? What are their general attitudes to life? What are their values
that shape their behaviour in general?

Generally, live a high paced, stressful lifestyle.

Activities – They work for about 10-12 hours a day. Mostly take care of their own needs themselves.
Their work mostly includes long tiring meetings, working on a computer/laptop for a long time and
meeting deadlines. It includes regular coffee/tea small breaks which mostly creates more pressure on
them as it takes away some more time. After they complete they work for the day, which mostly brings
them to mid-night, they indulge in snacking and consuming media on OTT platforms and on social
media platforms, in order to unwind.

Hobbies – Watching trending content and sharing views on it on their social media platform, listening
to music mostly while working, cooking (for some).

Interests – Due to nature of their work, the time when they are free, It’s too late to socialize with
people by meeting them, so they tend to have a digital life wherein they chat, watch movies, and share
views. They want to party like in a club with their friends which they usually do on weekends. They
almost always want to eat out, in fancier restaurants and cafes, mostly food which they have heard
about or which seems too good to leave, but on the contrary they also are aware of their static lifestyle
and want to be as fit as they can be. They want to take out time for exercises but mostly it doesn’t make
the cut of being a preference in a day, so they miss out on that which makes them feel a little guilty on
that part.

General attitudes to life – They are driven to reach their highest potential and for that they
continuously engage themselves in the work they are doing. Their work is their first priority, as they
feel that it is what will make them valued in the society. And to do as much as possible, they are
continuously on the lookout for ways to increase their productivity. They don’t necessarily love their
work but they do it as they think they can be one the best in that field of work or because its valued in
society. They look up to people who achieved great heights at an early age. Their long term view is to be
at a position where they don’t have to work anymore and they then can relax. Prima-facie they do come
across as workaholic but they are not as they cherish their time post work as well, unfortunately they
don’t get much time to unwind which creates a stress for them.

 What are the key distinguishing characteristics that put him in your target segment?
Long working hours, taking work as something they have to do in order to reach their ultimate goal in
life, Tendency of feeling tired or exhausted after completing their work for the day, Desire to feel fresh
after a long day of work.

 What % of the population do you think they represent?

 What are their most consumed items?

Express food (which doesn’t take much time to prepare), Packaged food, Tea/Coffee.


 What are their preferences towards chocolates? Best and Worst experience

Preference towards chocolates

They mostly indulge in sweets post completing their work. These sweets can be pastries, traditional
sweets, ice-cream or chocolates. Sometimes they prefer chocolate as a snack too, which they can have
while working or commuting.

Best Recalled Experience – “A memory of having a chocolate alone while watching an episode my
current favourite web-series in my bed.”

Worst Recalled Experience – “Bought a chocolate in afternoon, and kept in my bag. Unfortunately, due
to work I forgot about it and then it melted and became all mushy. The time I remembered about it, I
really wanted to have something sweet but to my surprise found that melted chocolate which spoiled my
mood further.”

Sweets gives them a good feeling that they are now free to enjoy their life at least until the next
They have chocolates as a snack in-order to relieve their hunger or to give them a sigh of relief from the
continuous tension of meeting the deadlines.

 What are the places where they prefer to buy these from?
Mostly from college/office canteens, or nearby grocery shops.
This is not a day before planned purchase.

 What are their recent purchases for the chocolate? How did they go about making the decision?
What was the trigger for making the purchase? Who were the influencers? What was the
acquisition funnel? What are their needs from a chocolate, whether articulated or
 Dairy milk, 5 star, Silk constitutes some of the recent purchases.
 After leaving from work or after submitting an assignment close to deadline, they then tend to relax
and look for snacks which can aid in that, preferably a sweet. Usually they go for a chocolate or an
 The immediate need to have something refreshing and mood boosting which can also silent their
mid-night hunger crave, triggers the purchase for a chocolate.
 Mostly the influencers are colleagues or team friends who were in the same situation as them.
 The nestle bar-one, mostly stands in the awareness stage of the acquisition funnel.

There’s a ritual associated with a sweet from childhood, that it’s consumed at a moment to celebrate,
wherein everyone is in joyous mood, the environment is positive etc. Now this ritual has subconsciously
associated itself to the mind of our consumer, so whenever he/she is down or tired they want to
experience the same sort of joy and relax, and thus they start craving for a sweet.
Chocolate being available mostly at ease serves as a best go to sweet then, it satisfies that craving
without taking much time and without being heavy on pocket.

 What contact points (advertising, word of mouth, in-store, etc), are most influential for them in
They mostly go for word-of-mouth recommendations from their colleagues, friends or shopkeeper (if
they know him), they would even share their chocolate, and see whether they are liking it or not. But if
they are going for a purchase alone, then they would stick to one they usually consume.
In the eyes of our super-consumer, their friends or colleagues are the ones who have experienced the
same pain of working around the clock or working non-stop to meet a deadline and so if they like
something or refer something, our super-consumer believes in that, therefore they tend to try it out.
They usually tend to buy from a same store/canteen mostly, which makes them trust the seller as well,
and therefore sometimes they would also listen to them.

Also, the reason why they stick to their preference when buying alone is as they know that, that
particular chocolate will make them feel better, as they have already experienced it before and it has
not let them down. The worst thing which they can do at that point is to buy something which will let
them down when they already are feeling low.

 When and where are they most receptive to communication? When does the consumer consume
They are most receptive to communication at the POS and on platforms which they engage in when they
are off from work and are relaxing.
Mostly these platforms are social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or OTT platforms
like Netflix, Prime-video etc.

 What information/help do they seek about this category? (facts, price-offs, discounts, messages,
imagery, reviews, issues, etc.).
They do not intentionally seek out any particular information about this category. It’s mostly a push of
information on them by competitors as well.
They don’t remember details about a price-off or any fact if they have seen it in an advertisement, the
only thing which remains at the time of purchase in the mind of our consumer is the feeling they want
to have while having that chocolate. So the communication should resonate with the feeling they want
to have, instead of giving them the details about the facts and price, etc.
We have to do this for our consumer, So:
Existing/Current mindset:
I want to have something sweet which will make me feel myself back again, rejuvenated and refresh. I don’t
have much options as its mid-night and I don’t want to cook something either, doing that is a lot of work,
Existing/Current Behaviour:
I buy a chocolate from a nearby shop or a college canteen, usually one which I prefer.

Desired mindset:
There’s a chocolate which I know is easily available and I can rely upon when I feel low at mid-night, after
completing my work.
Desired Behaviour:
Purchase a Bar-One when I feel low, wants to feel rejuvenated, post my work.

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