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ls command :

It is a one kind of simple command .The ls command - the list command-function in the Linux terminal to
show all of the major directories filed under a given file system.

This output indicates that several items are in the current directory , but this output does not tell us
whether these items are files or directories.

ls (
command) list command :

1. ls –F command : To find out which of the items are files and which are directories.

2. ls -1 command: Each file is listed on a separate line.

3. ls –a command: It is used to list invisible files.

4. ls –a1 / ls -1a command : It is used to list invisible files and each file is listed on a separate line.

5. ls –aF command : To find out which of the invisible files are files and which are directories.

6. ls -a1F command : To find out which of the invisible files are files and which are directories and each
file is listed on a separate line.
7. Who >(file name) command : It is used to create a new file .

8. Cat (file name) command : It is used to show which item or content are stored in these file.

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