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My Personal Nursing Philosphy

Heather Hasse

Bellin College


September 10, 2010



The profession of nursing is under constant change. With the advancements in

technology and the politics within the healthcare system, many things are undetermined and

unknown. Throughout the rapid advancements and numerous adjustments within the profession,

a certain element should be foundational serving as the principle philosophy in which every

nurse should posses. This very personal doctrine will differ between every nurse due to distinct

belief systems and life values. Each one will surely go through a process, most likely before

they ever enter the workforce, which will cause them to evaluate their own beliefs and what is

fundamentally important to them as individuals. Throughout this event, most will also come to

the conclusion how their beliefs will transfer to their profession as a nurse – therefore creating a

personal philosophy specific to the nursing process. Having this set of values to promote the

well being of both the nurse and the patient will become critical, especially with the new

demands that are being expected out of nurses - longer work hours, higher nurse to patient ratios

and ethical decisions that each nurse must make. As a college which intends to educate their

baccalaureate nursing program students with evidence-based nursing theory, Bellin College lists

its values as excellence, integrity, community and caring (Bellin, 2010).


I personally believe that excellence in nursing is such a deep responsibility, and goes much

beyond the skills and labs that are taught in nursing school. Excellence in responsive nursing to

individual worth is achieved by creating a strong and diverse workforce within the nursing

profession. Nursing schools should be empowering nurses early in the educational process to

strive not only for educational excellence but also compassion for the human race as a whole.
While gaining further understanding of differing cultures and races, a nurse should ponder the

nursing process thoughtfully and considerately. This will allow the nurse to attend to client

needs while respecting individual values and beliefs. Every person in our world is uniquely

composed of intrinsic dignity and worth created by an exclusive genetic and cultural makeup

which results in attributes “custom designed” for that individual. Having the knowledge that

those who will be in our care will have diverse physical, emotional, psychological, religious,

spiritual and social characteristics will create excellence in nursing.


Aiken, L. H., Clarke, S. P., Cheung, S. P., Sloane, D. M. & Silber, J. H. (2003). Educational

levels of hospital nurses and surgical mortality. American Journal of Nursing, 290 (12), 1617-

1623. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxxx

Berman, A., Snyder, S., Kozier, B. & Erb, G. (2008). Kozier & Erb’s Fundamental of nursing:

Concepts, process, and practice. (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Pearson Education, Inc.

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