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Module 2B

Child Psychology and Understanding Children Max marks: 25

Section –A
Answer any five questions each carries 2 marks. 10 marks

1. what is kinesthetic intelligence and visual spatial intelligence?-2

2. what are five critical areas for healthy pregnancy experience?-2
3. what is foetal alcohol syndrome and sudden infant death syndrome?-2
4. define heredity and mention the factors of heredity that effect the development of child.-2
5. Mention few characteristics to identify stubborn kids.-2

Section –B
Answer any three questions .Each question carries 5 marks 15 marks

1. Why is emphasis laid on Mother Tongue Education?

2. Discuss the importance of sports.
3. Discuss any five tips to handle stubborn kids.
4. Discuss any 7 tips to teach second language to children.
5. Justify “heredity and Environment are complementary”.

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