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East Grand Forks Public Schools

Independent School District #595

P.O. Box 151
East Grand Forks, MN 56721
(218) 773 - 3494

East Grand Forks ISD Fall 2020 Planning Family Survey Results
Survey Participants (858 families representing 1636 PK-12 students)

Question 1

Very Uncomfortable = 12.5% (107)

Uncomfortable = 17.3% (148)
Comfortable = 39.3% (337)
Very Comfortable = 30.9% (265)

Question 2
NOTE: Only answer this question if you answered "Very Uncomfortable," or "Uncomfortable," in the
question above. QUESTION: What factors would need to be in place for you to feel comfortable
sending your child(ren) to school this fall? - Select ALL that apply.

Symptom checks required for every employee before entering school/workplace = 92.2% (190)
Symptom checks required for every student – 91.3% (188)
Classrooms and other gathering places cleaned and sanitized daily = 96.1% (198)
Sanitizing supplies including hand sanitizer readily available to staff and students = 97.1% (200)
Maintaining social distancing protocols = 89.8% (185)
Staff required to wear masks = 78.2% (161)
Students required to wear masks = 70.9% (146)

District #595 is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer and is in compliance with Title IX of the education amendments of 1972
Question 3

Face-to-Face Model: 100% In-person instruction with social distancing when feasible = 56.6% (486)
Hybrid Model: Some in-person instruction with social distancing and some Distance Learning = 30.9%
Distance Learning Model: 100% Distance Learning; no in-person instruction = 10.7% (92)
No preference = 1.7% (15)

Question 4

Yes I will send my child(ren) to East Grand Forks Public Schools (in person) = 81.2% (697)
Yes, but I would like my child(ren) enrolled in Distance Learning through EGF ISD = 17.2% (148)
No = 1.5% (13)
Question 5

My child(ren) will ride the bus to and from school = 42% (293)
My child(ren) will ride the bus in the AM only = 2.9% (20)
My child(ren) will ride the bus in the PM only = 20.3% (142)
I will drop off and pick up my child(ren) = 29.5% (206)
My child(ren) will walk/bike = 5.3% (37)

Question 6

My child(ren) will ride the bus to and from school = 18.9% (79)
My child(ren) will ride the bus in the AM only = 1.9% (8)
My child(ren) will ride the bus in the PM only = 5.5% (23)
I will drop off and pick up my child(ren) = 29.7% (124)
My child(ren) will walk/bike = 7% (29)
My child(ren) will drive = 36.9% (154)
Question 7

Yes = 82.1% (704)

No = 17.9% (154)

Question 8

Yes = 98.7% (847)

No = 1.3% (11)

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