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Heat energy supplied by electric heater is given by

E = Power x time
units: Joules (J) = Watt (W) x seconds

Power of the heater = 12 W

The time of heating is 5 min = 5 x 60 = 300s
E = 12 W x 300s = 3500 J

The energy needed to warm up each kg of water is

given by:

E = mc T T = final temp - initial temp

mass = 20g = 0.02kg

3600 J = (0.02)(4200)

= 3600 = 42.857 = 43 C

43 = final temperature - 15

Final temperature = 43 + 15 = 58 C
Assuming no loss of energy to surroundings
Potential energy = Heat Energy
E = E

E = mgh where, g = 10 or 9.81 ms

I will use 10 ms

E = mc T

masses canceled

(10)(210) = c (10.5 - 10)

c = 4200 Jkg K

This is similar to question , give it a try.

YOUR ANSWER SHOULD BE: 672 seconds or 11 min 12 seconds

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