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Bill of Quantities

1 Provisional Sum
Procument Item Details

Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate(NPR) Amount(NPR)

1 Provisional Sum PS 1.0 1.0 1.00

2 General Works
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Insurance for loss or damage to works,
plants, material, equipment property,
1 Ls 1.0
personnel and for third party personnel
injury or death .
Maintain traffic flow either by
diversion or traffic control and provide
safety measures during working hours
2 LS 1.0
as instructed by the engineer.
(Flagman,traffic sign and diversion
Provision for installation of sign-
3 boards with project/contract Nos. 2.0
information(1.8m x 1.2m)
3 Retaining structures Masonary drain HP culvert (Ch 0+000 and 4+500)
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Roadway excavation in all types of
soil (Ordinary soil, Ordinary rock and
hard rock etc) by mechanical means as
per Drawing and technical
1 Cum 14000.0
specifications including removal of
stumps and other deleterious matter,
all lifts and lead as per Drawing and
instruction of the Engineer. (SP 905)
Construction of Embankment
Providing, laying, spreading and
compacting embankment with
2 Cum 4000.0
common material as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. (SP
Earth work in excavation of
foundation of structures, including
construction of shoring and bracing,
removal of stumps and other
3 Cum 3078.2
deleterious matter and backfilling with
approved Material as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. Upto 3 m By
Mechanical Means (SP 907)
Providing & laying of hand pack stone
soling with 150 to 200 mm thick
4 stones and packing with smaller stone Cum 508.92
on prepared surface as per Drawing
and Technical Specification.(SP 1000)
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing and laying of
Plain/Reinforced Cement Concrete in
5 Foundation complete as per Drawing Cum 613.92
and Technical Specifications. Grade :
PCC Grade M15 (SP 2000)
Providing and Laying of stone
masonary work in cement mortar 1:4
6 in foundation complete as per Cum 1544.0
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
(Manual Mix) (SP 2603,2607)
Providing and applying 12.5 mm
thick cement plaster (1:4 Ratio)
7 including mortar mixing, scaffolding, Sqm 6400.0
curing etc. all complete as per
specification (SP 2500)
Providing and pointing with cement
(1:3) mortar on masonary work in
8 Sqm 440.0
structure as per Technical
Specifications (SP 2600)
Providing and Laying Reinforced
Cement Concrete NP3 collar jointed
pipe for culverts including fixing
9 Rm 20.0
collar with cement mortar 1:2 as per
Drawing and Technical Specification.
D) 900 mm internal Dia. (SP 701)
Providing and Laying Reinforced
Cement Concrete NP3 collar jointed
pipe for culverts including fixing
10 Rm 50.0
collar with cement mortar 1:2 as per
Drawing and Technical Specification.
D) 600 mm internal Dia.(SP 701)
Back filling in layers in foundation
pits, trenches , etc, including
11 Cum 791.2
compaction and watering etc.
complete, lead 10m.
Providing, laying and assembling
Mechanically woven Gabion Boxes of
different sizes for retaining earth with
diaphragm including rolling, cutting
weaving , placing, laying sides and
diaphragms with binding wire and
12 filling boulders all complete as per Cum 400.0
Drawing and Technical Specification
Mesh wire- 10 Swg(0.0615 kg/m),
Selvedge Wire 8 Swg ( 0.1057 kg/m),
binding wire 12 Swg (0.0409 kg/m)
Hexagonal mesh Type 100 mm X 120
mm. (SP 2401)
Providing,laying and fixing of geo-
13 textile al comlete as per drawing and Sqm 222.5
specification (SP 2404)
4 Black top works (Ch 0+000 -2+600)
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Preparation of sub-grade for
rehabilitation or other similar works
1 (filling or cutting depth of 10 to 20 Sqm 18900.0
cm) in common soil including
compaction (SP 1003)
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing and laying granular sub-
base on prepared surface, mixing at
OMC, and compacting to achieve the
2 Cum 3307.5
desired density, complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
(SP 1201)
Providing and laying Crusher Run
Macadam on a prepared surface,
spreading and mixing , watering and
3 Cum 2025.0
compacting to form a layer of Base
course as as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. (SP 1204)
Providing and applying prime coat
MC30/70 with Hot Bitumen (
including cutter) on prepared surface
4 of granular base including cleaning of Ltr 13500.0
road surface and spraying by
mechanical means as per Technical
Specification . By machine (SP 1302)
Tack coat with Bitumen By
Mechanical Means Providing and
applying tack coat with hot Bitumen
5 at specified rate on the prepared non- Ltr 9855.0
bituminous surfaces including
cleaning as per Technical Speciation .
By Machine (SP 1302)
Providing and laying open graded
premix carpet composed of 13.2mm to
5.6 mm crushed aggregates as
weaaring course on a previously
6 Cum 594.0
prepared base as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.By manual
(SP 1311 A)

5 Shoulder Works
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing and laying granular sub-
base on prepared surface complete as
1 Cum 810.0
per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (SP 1201)
Total of Procument Items
Total Item Price


Grand Total

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