906 Environmental Studies Submission - 4

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Academic Year: 2020-21 Fifth Year B. Arch. Submission No.

- 04
Course Code & Name: BARC 906: Environmental Studies - 4
Submission Date: 25th July 2020 Time: - Till 5.00 p.m.

1. Essay type questions are to be answered in about 3 to 4 pages (including length increase due to
images). All Essay type questions will be assessed for 10 marks each.
2. Short Note type questions are to be answered in about 2 pages (including length increase due to
images) All Short notes will be assessed 5 marks each.
3. The format of the report will be – Size A4 and orientation Portrait
4. Reference to be incorporated at the end of report.
5. All students to refer to the instructions for the report.


Question No.-01

Discuss types of Pollutions w.r.t to city of Mumbai

Question No.-02

Explain Disaster management cycle with the help of an example

Question No.-03

Explain with example Life Cycle Analysis

Question No.-04

Explain various International and National Green Building Rating Systems.

Question No.-05

Principles of Stockholm Declaration.

Question No.-06

Explain with the help of an example an Environmental impact.


SN No. - 01

Explain briefly the Concepts of Sustainability

SN No. - 02

Concept of Conservation & Efficiency for Water & Energy

SN No. - 03

Explain the quote by Shri Mahatma Gandhi “The world has enough for our needs but not our greed “

SN No. - 04

Explain Rating systems in terms of its importance

SN No. - 05

Explain what you understand by Standards, Codes & Certifications with respect to rating

SN No. - 06

Explain the term Embodied Energy with an example.

The instruction for the format of Report will be as follows

1. Cover Page – Will be composed graphically and design should be relevant with the submission and the
course (subject), the Cover page shall explicitly contain – Learner’s Name, Roll No / Exam Seat No. (As
the case may be), Semester, Course No & Name (subject), Year, Our School Name (use of Trust logo is
not permitted) and Academic Year.

2. Font Type – Times New Roman, Arial, Georgia, Calibri (any one to be adopted for the entire report)

3. Font Size – Main Title of Topic – 18 BOLD, Heading – 16 Sub Heading – 14 Bold and Body Text – 12
(Imp. - Body text will always be in Sentence Case only)

4. Images – Coverage of images will not more than 20% of the page, avoid excess use of images and due
reference / citations will be mentioned below ever image. (Font size for credit of images -10 Italics)

5. Header – To have either Course Name (as per Syllabus) or Topic Title for every page of the report.

6. Footer – To have Learner’s Name, Roll No/ Exam Seat No. for every page of the report. (Optionally can
include page nos.)
(Header & Footer will preferably be designed with little art work / color)

7. If the report is based on Question & Answer the each question will be numbered and mentioned before the
answer and every answer should begin on a new page.

8. Line spacing for body text (strictly) to be followed at 1.5 and justified both side.

9. Care will have to be taken while answering the last page of the answer has to be minimum 10 line (edit
answer accordingly)

10. Reference – At the end of every report every learner shall mention reference for his report.

11. All faculty members will assess and correct the report submitted by the learners however, will remark the
report as REDO and no marks will be awarded if the report does not comply with the above requirements
as mentioned.

12. Marks will be awarded only after the compliance of the above instructions is followed completely.

13. Submission of Report will be strictly in PDF format. And file will be named as :
(Roll No. Surname Name Submission No.- 12.pdf)

For Example the file is to be named as : 01 Patil Harish Sub. No.- 01.pdf

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