Approved Mix Design (400,420)

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Sawla - Kako Road Construction Project

Contract 2: 70+400 - 122+768

Employer Consultant Contractor
Metaferia Consulting Blue Nile Construction Share
Ethiopian Roads Authority Engineers in JV with
National Engineers Company

Trial Mix Design for Class'A' Concrete

Concrete Grade = Class'A' (C-25)

Mix design:- (for 1m3 of concrete)

Required Slump = 25-75
Cement (OPC Lucky Pakistan) = 400.0 kg
Aluma River Sand = 615.0 kg
Coarse Aggregate (20mm) = 654.5 kg
Coarse Aggregate (10mm) = 535.5 kg
Sand bulk specific gravity = 2.64
Sand saturated surface dry density (SSD) = 2.68
Sand unit weight (loose) = 1510 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate(20) bulk specific gravity = 2.73
Coarse Aggregate(20) saturated surface dry den. (SSD) = 2.78
Coarse Aggregate(20) unit weight(Loose) = 1480 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate(10) bulk specific gravity = 2.72
Coarse Aggregate(10) unit weight(Loose) = 1470 kg/m3
Usual specific gravity of cement = 3.15
Approximate water content = 210 kg/m3
Box Size Determination
Cement (OPC Lucky) 50.0 kg = 0.0357 1 bag
Aluma River Sand 76.88 kg = 0.051 m3 2 box of size(m)= 0.40 0.50 0.13
Coarse Aggregate(20) 81.81 Kg = 0.055 m3 2 box of size(m)= 0.40 0.50 0.14
Coarse Aggregate(10) 66.94 Kg = 0.046 m3 1 box of size(m)= 0.40 0.50 0.23

Lab Batch Mix Design:-

Volume of cylinderical mold = 0.0053 m3
Total Volume of Concrete in the mold = 0.0424 m3

Required Quantity of Ingridients of Concrete for Lab Batch Mix Design

Cement(OPC Lucky) = 16.97 kg
Aluma River Sand = 26.09 kg
Coarse Aggregate(20) = 27.76 kg
Coarse Aggregate(10) = 22.71 kg
Required water content = 8.91 Lt.


____________ _____________ _____________

Cont. Matr'l. Eng. Cons.Lab.Technician Cons.Matr'l.Eng.
Date________________ Date______________ Date_______________
Sawla - Kako Road Construction Project
Contract 2: 70+400 - 122+768
Employer Consultant Contractor
Metaferia Consulting Blue Nile Construction Share
Ethiopian Roads Authority Engineers in JV with
National Engineers Company

Trial Mix Design for Class'A' Concrete

Concrete Grade = Class'A' (C-25)

Mix design:- (for 1m3 of concrete)

Required Slump = 25-75
Cement (OPC Lucky Pakistan) = 420.0 kg
Aluma River Sand = 610.0 kg
Coarse Aggregate (20mm) = 645.3 kg
Coarse Aggregate (10mm) = 528.8 kg
Sand bulk specific gravity = 2.64
Sand saturated surface dry density (SSD) = 2.68
Sand unit weight (loose) = 1510 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate(20) bulk specific gravity = 2.73
Coarse Aggregate(20) saturated surface dry den. (SSD) = 2.78
Coarse Aggregate(20) unit weight(Loose) = 1480 kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate(10) bulk specific gravity = 2.72
Coarse Aggregate(10) unit weight(Loose) = 1470 kg/m3
Usual specific gravity of cement = 3.15
Approximate water content = 215 kg/m3
Box Size Determination
Cement (OPC Lucky) 50.0 kg = 0.0357 1 bag
Aluma River Sand 72.62 kg = 0.048 m3 2 box of size(m)= 0.40 0.50 0.12
Coarse Aggregate(20) 76.82 Kg = 0.052 m3 2 box of size(m)= 0.40 0.50 0.13
Coarse Aggregate(10) 62.95 Kg = 0.043 m3 1 box of size(m)= 0.40 0.50 0.21

Lab Batch Mix Design:-

Volume of cylinderical mold = 0.0053 m3
Total Volume of Concrete in the mold = 0.0424 m3

Required Quantity of Ingridients of Concrete for Lab Batch Mix Design

Cement(OPC Lucky) = 17.81 kg
Aluma River Sand = 25.87 kg
Coarse Aggregate(20) = 27.37 kg
Coarse Aggregate(10) = 22.43 kg
Required water content = 9.12 Lt.


____________ _____________ _____________

Cont. Matr'l. Eng. Cons.Lab.Technician Cons.Matr'l.Eng.
Date________________ Date______________ Date_______________
Sawla kako Gravel road projecct , Contract 2 From km (70+400 to 122+678.127)

Analysis of Trial Mix Design for Class'A' Concrete

Concrete Grade = Class'A' (C-25)

Slump (consistency) = 25-75 mm

Sand bulk specific gravity = 2.64
Sand saturated surface dry density (SSD) = 2.68
Sand unit weight (loose) = 1510kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate(20) bulk specific gravity = 2.73
Coarse Aggregate(20) saturated surface dry den. (SSD) = 2.78
Coarse Aggregate(20) unit weight(Loose) = 1480kg/m3
Coarse Aggregate(10) bulk specific gravity = 2.72
Coarse Aggregate(10) unit weight(Loose) = 1470kg/m3
Usual specific gravity of cement = 3.15

From maximum water-cement ratio Let as take = 0.512

Let we use cement of 420kg for 1m3 of concrete
Coarse Aggregate and Fine Aggregate(Sand)
Coarse Aggregate(20mm size) = 55%
Coarse Aggregate(10mm size) = 45%

Estimate of Water Content

Water Cement Ratio = 0.512
Water = 0.512
420kg of cement
Then approximate water content = 0.512*420 = 215Lt
Density of water = 1000kg/m3
water content by volume = 215/1000 = 0.215m3(for 1m3 of concrete)

Estimate of Cement Content

specific gravity of cement = 3.15
Cement content by volume = mass of cement = .
Density of cement
420kg = 0.133m3(for 1m3 of concrete)
The total Volume of water and cement for 1m3 of concrete = 0.348m3

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Estimate of Coarse Aggregate and Fine Aggregate(Sand) content

Volme of sand = Mass of sand = Mass of Sand----------------------1

Density of sand 2.68*1000

Volume of Coarse Agg(20mm) = Mass of Coarse Agg(20) = Mass of Coarse Agg(10) --------------2
Density of Coarse Agg(20) 2.78*1000

Volume of Coarse Agg(10mm) = Mass of Coarse Agg(10) = Mass of Coarse Agg(10)---------------3

Density of Coarse Agg(10) 2.72*1000

To meet the required 1m3 of mix proportion we remain 0.652m3 of ingredients

That is, Compacted volume of Sand + volume of coarse Agg(20) + volume of coarse Agg(10) = 0.652m3
Here, the assumption is made that the optimum ratio of the bulk volume of coarse aggrgate to the total volume of
concrete depends on only on the maximum size of aggregate and on the grading of fine.
So, let as take the total contents of Coarse Aggregate = 1175kg
Coarse Aggregate(20mm size) = (55%*1175) = 645.25kg
Coarse Aggregate(10mm size) = (45*1175) = 528.75kg

To calculate the mass of Fine Aggregate(Sand) we need first to

calculate the volume of all other ingredients
The required values are as follows:-
Volume of water = 0.215m3
Volume of cement = 0.133m3
from equation(1&2) :-
Solid volume of Coarse Agg(20mm) = 645.25/(2.78*1000) = 0.230m3
Solid volume of Coarse Agg(10mm) = 528.75/(2.72*1000) = 0.194m3
Hence, total volume of ingredients except Fine Aggregate(Sand) = 0.772m3
Therefore, the required ingredients of fine Aggregate(sand) = 1 - 0.772 = 0.2276m3
Hence, from equation(3),
The required mass of fine Aggregate(Sand) = 0.2276*(2.680*1000) = 610kg

From the various steps, we can list the estimated mass of each of
the ingredients in kilograms per cubic meter of concrete as follows:-

Cement(OPC Pakistan) = 420.0kg

Fine Aggregate (Sand) = 610.0kg
Coarse Aggregate (20mm) = 645.25kg
Coarse Aggregate (10mm) = 528.75kg
Approximate water content = 215.0Lt.

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Box Size Determination
box size for sand
Loose unit weight of sand = 1510kg/m3
Volume of sand = Mass of sand = 610.0 = 0.404m3
Density of sand 1510
Hence, the total volume of wet sand to produce 1m3 of concrete = 0.404m3
Mix proportion for one bag (50kg) of cement:-
0.404m3 of sand = for 420kg of cement
X = for 50kg of cement
X = 0.404*50/420 = 0.053m3
Hence, the total volume of sand for one bag (50kg) of cement =0.048m3
V = L*W*H


0.048 = 0.4*.05*H
H = 0.240m (For two boxes H = 0.12m)
Hence, we need two boxes of sand of size(40*50*12cm) for one bag(50kg) of cement

box size for Coarse Agg(10 & 20mm size)

Loose unit weight of Coarse Agg(20mm) = 1480kg/m3
Volume of Coarse Agg(20mm) = Mass of Corse Agg(20) = 645.25 = 0.436m3
Density of Corse Agg(20) 1480
Hence, the total volume of Corse Agg(20mm) to produce 1m3 of concrete = 0.436m3
Mix proportion for one bag (50kg) of cement:-
0.436m3 of coarse Agg(20) = for 420kg of cement
X = for 50kg of cement
X = 0.436*50/420 = 0.052m3
Hence, the total volume of coarse Agg(20) for one bag (50kg) of cement =0.0520m3
V = L*W*H
0.0520 = 0.4*.05*H
H = 0.260m ( For two boxes H = 0.13m)
Hence, we need two boxes of coarse Agg(20) of size(40*50*13cm) for one bag(50kg) of cement
Similarly, by using loose unit weight of Coarse Aggregate (10mm size) = 1470kg/m3,
The total volume of Coarse Agg(10mm) for one bag(50kg) of cement = 0.043m3
then, V = L*W*H
0.043 = 0.4*.05*H
H = 0.21m
Hence, we need one boxes of coarse Agg(10) of size(40*50*19cm) for one bag(50kg) of cement

For one bag of cement 2 box of size(cm)= 40.0 50.0 12.0 Fine aggregate(Sand)
we need box size of :- 2 box of size(cm)= 40.0 50.0 13.0 Coarse Aggregate(20mm)
1 box of size(cm)= 40.0 50.0 21.0 Coarse Aggregate(10mm)

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Laboratory Batching Mix Design:-
Total Volume of concrete in one cylinderical mold = 0.0053m3
Encluding allowance, for 8molds size = 8*0.0053 = 0.0424m3

Cylinder of size(15*15*30cm)

Required Quantity of Ingridients of Concrete for Lab Batch Mix Design

Estimate of Cement content

420kg cement = 1m3 of concrete
X = 0.0424m3 of concrete
X 0.0424*420 = 17.81kg
Estimate of Fine Aggregate(Sand)
610.0kg cement = 1m3 of concrete
X = 0.0424m3 of concrete
X = 0.0424*610.0 = 25.87kg
Estimate of Coarse Aggregate(20mm size)
645.25kg cement = 1m3 of concrete
X = 0.0424m3 of concrete
X = 0.0424*645.25 = 27.37kg
Estimate of Coarse Aggregate(10mm size)
528.75kg cement = 1m3 of concrete
X = 0.0424m3 of concrete
X = 0.0424*528.75 = 22.42kg
Estimate of approximate water content
215.0kg cement = 1m3 of concrete
X = 0.0424m3 of concrete
X 0.0424*215 = 9.12Lt.
Required ingredients to produce 0.0477m3 of concrete as follows:-

Cement(OPC Pakistan) = 17.81kg

fine Aggregate(Sand) = 25.86kg
Coarse Aggregate(20) = 27.36kg
Coarse Aggregate(10) = 22.42kg
Approximate water content = 9.12Lt.

Note:- for the other trial mix designs exactly the same procedures are made to produce 1m 3 of concrete
within the required specification.

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