Music in You Reflection

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Jennifer Khachikian

EDU 214
Portfolio Artifact: Music in You Reflection


How fun was that Multiple Intelligence Test from Howard Gardner. I also went to Lesley

and got my masters in the arts of education. Studying Howard Gardner was a backbone to the

theory. Typically schools have not always balanced and supported students strengths and

weaknesses. I was a little surprised with my results, but pretty similar to what I discovered

almost 15 years ago. I have a high nature and Interpersonal Intelligence. My others are pretty

balanced, however I do not seem to be as social. I enjoyed seeing the recommendations. I

actually already do a few of the items on the list. This made me happy to see that I am putting

myself first a little with making me time to journal or meditate.

NETS-s Standards:

1 Empowered Learner, 3 Knowledge Construtor, 4 Innovative Designer and 6 Creative


Applications of Skills for future learners:

This activity not only supports my musical learners, but could be used in place of any

standard for learners to be engaged. Students will tackle new content while expressing

themselves in a creative alternative way. Students could write songs for severe weather topics,

environmental issues such as global warming and the water cycle. For a review students can

write songs for different parts of the unit and have a concert to study before the big test.

Students will have a blast and really get into performing for each other.

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