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NAMA : Cut Nyak Dhien

NPM : 1907110030


Section 2
1. (D) her permanent residence
2. (B) robots can be
3. (B) most
4. (D) the amount of light and heat
5. (B) Why dinosaurs became extinct
6. (C) it also applies
7. (B) until
8. (D) Because
9. (A) containing
10. (D) part
11. C) widely used
12. (C) that function
13. (C) often sponsored by soap manufacturers
14. (A) built
15. (A) like other animals
16. (A) Than
17. (D) Directed
18. (C) hibernation
19. (C) with
20. (D) their
21. (B) Plans
22. (C) Causing
23. (A) Early cultures
24. (B) Found/that are found
25. (D) Toughness
26. (C) Preservating
27. (C) Has been shaped
28. (D) Transmit
29. (D) Development of civilization
30. (B) Serve
31. (C) Relaxation
32. (A) Establishing
33. (A) Enough
34. (D)Essential
35. (C) illness
36. (A) distant
37. (D) From the same
38. (D) Ones
39. (A) Tribes
40. (C) feet

Section 3
Questions 1-9

1. (D) Why do large animals tend to dominate the upper canopy of the rain forest?
2. (D) Mice
3. (C) smaller species
4. (D) They use the trees of the canopy for shelter from heat and cold.
5. (B) a large animal’s size is an advantage in obtaining food in the canopy.
6. (C) characterize
7. (A) Air friction against the body surface.
8. (D) add to
9. (A) canopy (line 1)
Questions 10-19
10. (B) The place of American women in written histories.
11. (B) written at that time
12. (B) even the contributions of outstanding women were ignored.
13. (D) full of praise
14. (B) Authors
15. (C) The sources of the information they were based on were not necessarily accurate.
16. (C) Letters from a mother to a daughter advising her how to handle a family problem
17. (C)They provided valuable information for twentiethcentury historical researchers.
18. (C) activists for women’s rights
19. (A) typical

Questions 20-29
20. (C) Production techniques for art glass
21. (B) development
22. (B) The appearance of the glass
23. (A) To compare different Art general public Nouveau styles
24. (A) valued
25. (B) inclined
26. (B) The design of an object
27. (C) reflected a common desire to break from the past
28. (B) It started on a small scale and Nouveau had on other then spread gradually
29. (A) a flowered design

Questions 30 – 40

30. (B) The causes and consequences of surge glaciers

31. (D) periods
32. (B) wave
33. (D) The pressure of meltwater Underneath the glacier.
34. (B) releasing
35. (D) has moved as fast as 47 feet per day
36. (A) an Alaskan town
37. (A) drop
38. (A) movement pattern of surge glaciers
39. (D)Interglacial (line 24)
40. (B) The next ice age could be Cause by surge glaciers
Questions 41 – 50
41. (D)The role of leaders in social groups.
42. (C) specific leadership training
43. (B)there is no proof that “natural leaders” exist.
44. (A) A person who is an effective leader of a particular group may not be an effective leader
in another group
45. (D)achieving a goal.
46. (C)group
47. (C) group members
48. (A) distant
49. (D)avoid thinking about
50. (D)comparison and contrast

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