Security Without Identification: Transaction Systems To Make Big Brother Obsolete

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The large-scale automated transaction systems of the near future can be
designed to protect the privacy and maintain the security of both individuals
and organizations.


Computerization is robbing individuals of the ability for machine-readable national identity documents are
to monitor and control the ways information about gaining momentum. But organizations already use such
them is used. As organizations in both the private and essentially identifying data as name, date, and place of
the public sectors routinely exchange such informa- birth or name and address to match or link their rec-
tion, individ.uals have no way of knowing if the ords on individuals with those maintained by other or.-
information is inaccurate, obsolete, or otherwise inap- ganizations.
propriate. The foundation is being laid for a dossier With the new approach, an individual uses a differ-
society, in which computers could be used to infer ent account number or “digital pseudonym” with each
individuals’ life-styles, habits, whereabouts, and asso- organization. Individuals will create all such pseudo-
ciations from data collected in ordinary consumer nyms by a special random process. Information further
transactions. Uncertainty about whether data will re- identifying the individual is not used. A purchase at a
main secure against abuse by those maintaining or shop, for example, might be made under a one-time-use
tapping it can have a “chilling effect,” causing people pseudonym; for a series of transactions comprising an
to alter their observable activities. As computerization ongoing relationship, such as a bank account, a single
becomes mclre pervasive, the potential for these prob- pseudonym could be used repeatedly. Although the
lems will grow dramatically. pseudonyms cannot be linked, organizations will be
On the other hand, organizations are vulnerable to able to ensure that the pseudonyms are not used im-
abuses by individuals. Everyone pays inldirectly when properly by such measures as limiting individuals to
cash, checks, consumer credit, insurance, and social one pseudonym per organization and ensuring that in-
services are misused. The obvious solution for organi- dividuals are held accountable for abuses created under
zations is to devise more pervasive, efficient, and any of their pseudonyms. Individuals will be able to
interlinked computerized record-keeping systems, authenticate ownership of their pseudonyms and use
perhaps in combination with national identity cards them while ensuring that they are not improperly used
or even fingerprints. However, this would exacerbate by others.
the problem of individuals’ loss of monitoribility and A second difference is in who provides the mecha-
control, and would likely be unacceptable to many. nisms used to conduct transactions. Today, individuals
The new approach presented here offers an effec- hold a variety of “tokens” issued them by organizations,
tive and practical solution to these problems. such as paper documents and plastic cards with mag-
netic or optical stripes or even embedded microcompu-
The New Approach and How It Differs ters. These tokens are usually owned by the issuing
Three major differences define the new approach. First organization and contain information inscrutable to and
is the way identifying information is used. Currently, unmodifiable by the individual holding them. Increas-
many Weste.rn countries require citizens to carry docu- ingly, individuals are being asked to perform transac-
ments bearing universal identification numbers. Driv- tions directly using computer-controlled equipment,
er’s licenses are being upgraded to perform a similar such as automatic teller and point-of-sale terminals.
function in the United States, and international efforts Such equipment and chip cards are tamper resistant
and contain secret numeric keys to allow secure com-
01985 ACM 000;.0782/85/1000-1030 75c munication with central computer facilities. Individua1.s

Communications of the ACM October 1985 Volume 28 Number 70


derive little direct benefit from these security provi- approach is or how much computation is expended.
sions, however, since they must reveal their own se- The feasibility of the new approach can be demon-
crets to the organization-provided mechanism and take strated for a comprehensive set of three kinds of con-
the information provided to them by that mechanism sumer transactions: communication, payment, and
on faith. credential. Each of these kinds of transactions raises its
Individuals conduct transactions under the new ap- own special problems.
proach using personal card computers that might take a
form similar to a credit-card-sized calculator, and in- COMMUNICATION TRANSACTIONS
clude a character display, keyboard, and a limited dis- As more communication travels in electromagnetic and
tance communication capability (like that of a tele- digital form, it becomes easier to learn more about indi-
vision remote control). Such card computers could be viduals from their communication. Exposure of mes-
purchased or constructed just like any other personal sage content is one obvious danger that is already ad-
computer, and would have no secrets from or struc- dressed by well-known cryptographic coding tech-
tures unmodifiable by their owners. They would be as niques. A more subtle and difficult problem with cur-
simple to use as automatic teller machines. During a rent communication systems, however, is the exposure
purchase at a shop, for example, a description of the of “tracing information.” Individuals’ addresses, which
goods and cost would be communicated to the card are often required by organizations and are commonly
computer, which would display this information to the sold freely by them as mailing lists, are one kind of
card owner, who would allow each transaction by en- tracing information. The trend is toward greater use of
tering a secret authorizing number on the card com- such information. Comprehensive and computerized
puter’s keyboard. The same authorizing number origi- information on who telephones whom and when, for
nally programmed into the card computer by its owner instance, is increasingly being collected and maintained
is used to allow all transactions. Without this number, a by phone companies. Emerging electronic mail systems,
lost or stolen card computer would be of very little use. other computer networks, and even some new phone
However, the full capabilities of a lost card computer systems automatically deliver tracing information with
could be readily installed in a replacement card com- each message. When this information is available on a
puter using backup data saved at home or elsewhere. mass basis, associations, their structure, and even their
The saved data would be in a safely encoded form that relation to events are laid bare. Furthermore, tracing
could only be decoded by a replacement card computer information can be used to link together all the records
once the owner or some trustees supplied other suffi- related to an individual that are held by organizations
cient secret numbers. These card computers are al- with whom the individual communicates. So long as
ready technically feasible. communication systems allow system providers, organi-
The nature of the security provided under the new zations, or eavesdroppers to obtain tracing information,
approach also differs substantially: Current systems em- they are a growing threat to individuals’ ability to de-
phasize the one-sided security of organizations attempt- termine how information about themselves is used.
ing to protect themselves from individuals; the new They are also unsuitable for the new approach.
approach allows all parties to protect their own inter- The other side of the issue is that current systems
ests. The new approach relies on individuals keeping provide inadequate protection against individuals who
secret keys from organizations and organizations devis- forge messages, or falsely disavow having sent or re-
ing other secret keys that are kept from individuals. ceived messages. With paper communication, hand-
During transactions, parties use these keys to provide written signatures are easily forged well enough to pass
each other with specially coded confirmation of the routine checking against signature samples and cannot
transaction details, which can be used as evidence of be verified with certainty, even by expert witnesses.
improper actions sufficient to resolve disputes. Also, paper receipts for delivery are too costly for most
The systems presented in the new approach rely on transactions, are often based only on handwritten sig-
currently used coding techniques to provide organiza- natures, and usually do not indicate message content.
tions with security against abuses by individuals. Con- Emerging electronic mail and similar systems address
sequently, if the underlying codes could be broken, in- these problems under the current approach in several
dividuals could breach the security of the systems. obvious ways: by attempting to guarantee recipients the
These codes are “cryptographic” and can be broken, in correct address from which each message is sent: by
principle, by trying enough guessed keys, though such installing tamper-resistant identity card readers or the
guessing is infeasible because of the enormous number like at public points of entry to the communication
of possible keys. No feasible attack or any proofs of system; and by keeping records of messages delivered,
security are known for these codes. In contrast, the to provide certification of delivery. As computerized
security provided for individuals against organizations systems come into wider use, potential for such abuse
being able to link the pseudonyms in the systems pre- by individuals will increase, but such solutions under
sented here is “unconditional”: Simple mathematical the current approach rely on tracing information and
proofs show that, with appropriate use of the systems, thus are in fundamental conflict with individuals’ abil-
even conspiracy of all organizations and tapping of all ity to control access to information about themselves.
communication lines cannot yield enough information The nature of the solution is such that messages are
to link the pseudonyms-regardless of how clever the untraceable, except for the recipient’s ability to authen-

October 1985 Volume 28 Number 10 Communications of the ACM 1031


ticate them as having been sent by the owner of a agreed that each of them will say aloud which side the
particular pseudonym. The concepts of untraceability coin falls on, but that if one of them paid that one
and pseudonymous authentication, presented sepa- should say the opposite side. The uninteresting case is
rately in the following, are intertwined in the payment when they both say heads or both say tails: Then
and credential transaction systems to be presented. everyone knows you paid. If one of them says heads
and the other says tails, however, then you know that
Unconditional Untraceability one of the two of them paid-but you have absolutely
The problem of preventing messages from being traced no information as to which one. You do know that the
to the sender is now considered. The essential concept one you heard say tails paid if the coin was heads, ant1
of the solution can be illustrated by a hypothetical situ- that the other one paid if the coin was tails. But since
ation. Suppose you were invited to dine at a restaurant each outcome of the coin toss is equally likely, you
by two of your friends. After dinner, the waiter comes learn nothing from their utterances about which of the
to your table and mentions that one of the three of you two of them has paid.
has already paid for the dinner-but he does not say The system described allows the friend who paid to
which one. If you paid, your friends want to know send you an unconditionally untraceable message; even
since they invited you, but if one of them paid, they do though you know who says what, you cannot trace the
not want you to be able to learn whic:h of the two of “I paid” message, no matter how clever or time con-
them has paid. suming your analysis.
The probl’em is solved at the table in the following Converting this two-sender single-recipient system to
simple way: Your friends flip a coin behind a menu so a more general system requires several extensions (pre-
that they ca:n see the outcome, but you cannot. It is sented and fully detailed in [2]). Increasing the number

\ A notmes 845:&7 * I ‘\I I


7 I organization

rtifies 845:-

q ) organtation 1 J

Universally identifying numbers or other equivalent identifying individual pays an organization or receives a payment; and
information is presented by the individual cardholder to each credential, in which a certification that an individual has some
organization-in the current approach. Unrelated generic ex- credential is transferred from an organization 6 to an organi-
amples are shown of three kinds of transactions: communi- zation C. The identifying information-845-allows all trans-
cation, in which the individual sends an authonzing message action records to be linked and collected together into a
and receives a notifying message; payment, in which the dossier on the individual.

1032 Conlmunications of the ACM October 1985 Volunw 28 Number 10


,’//’ 451 pays B $-

Bee ----

ddxzrtifies 314:- 3

p C pays 314 $-

Different numbers or digital pseudonyms are used with each pseudonym-314-used with the receiving organization C.
organization by a personal card computer held and trusted Systems using this approach can provide organizations with
only by the individual-under the new approach. The creden- improved protection against abuses by individuals, and also
tial transfer is no longer just between organizations: It must allow individuals to ensure that pseudonyms cannot be
now go through the card where the pseudonym-451 - traced across the dashed boundary lines, thereby preventing
used with the issuing organization B is transformed to the dossier compilation.

of potential senders beyond two can prevent even coop- sponding (but usually semantically unrelated) English
erating subsets of potential senders from tracing trans- code word: if you then look this code word up in the
missions to particular senders. Just as many other peo- back half, you find your original English word. Code-
ple may overhear the statements made at the table; books are constructed by pairing off words at random:
actual systems would, in effect, broadcast each trans- In the front half of the book, the pairs are ordered
mission to all participants, preventing anyone from by their first words, and in the back half by their
knowing who receives which message. Because real second words.
messages are digitally coded, further coding (detailed If you construct such a codebook, you can use it in
later) can prevent all but the intended recipient from your communication with an organization. You keep
decoding confidential messages. the front half as your private key, and you give the back
half to the organization as your digital pseudonym with
Digital Signatures that organization. Before sending a message to the or-
Now consider the problem of preventing senders of ganization, you encode the message by translating each
messages from later disavowing their messages. The so- word into code using your private key; this encoded
lution is based on the concept of digital signatures, first message is called a digital signature. When the organi-
proposed by Diffie and Hellman [5]. To see how this zation receives the digital signature from you, it trans-
concept works, consider an old-fashioned codebook di- lates it back to the original English message using your
vided into two halves, like an English-French and digital pseudonym.
French-English dictionary, except that only English The immensely useful property of digital signatures
words are used. Thus, if you look up an English word is their resistance to “forgery.” No one-not even the
in the front half of the codebook, you find the corre- organization that has your digital pseudonym-can eas-

October 1985 Volume 28 Number 10 Comnrunications of the ACM 1033


I will digitally sign

The digitally signed form of
my message is ‘pages cat: >1
,.,ina syndrome’ is a
ralid digital signature, and

Unconditionally untraceable messages are illustrated by a hy- Digitally signed messages are also illustrated by a hypotheti-
pothetical situation (see text). The “I paid” message is uncon- cal situation (see text). Actual computerized digital signa-
ditionally untraceable, since the guest (right) cannot trace it ture systems now in use are not unconditionally secure, al-
to a particular host-no matter how much computation or though the amount of computation required for forgety is
which approach is used. thought to be unobtainable in practice.

ily forge a dlgital signature of yours. Such forgery Digital Signatures in Practice
would entail! creating something that dec’odesto a sen- Actual digital signatures are realized using numbers,
sible English, message using your digital pseudonym. In and can be extended to ensure confidentiality of mes-
the codebook analogy, forgery, of course, merely re- sage content and provide certification of delivery.
quires searching through or completely inverting the Practical computerized digital-signature techniques
half of the bfook that is your digital pseudonym, but work like the codebook analogy above, except that
with actual digital-signature cryptographi.c techniques everything is done with numbers. Private keys and dig-
currently in use, forgery is thought to require so much ital pseudonyms are represented as two-hundred-digit
computation as to be infeasible even for the fastest numbers, instead of as halves of codebooks; messages
computers working for millions of years. If an organiza- and signatures are also represented as two-hundred-
tion cannot forge a digital signature of yours, then it digit numbers, instead of as strings of English words. A.
cannot successfully claim that you sent it a message standard public mathematical procedure allows anyone
that you in fact did not send. A third-party arbiter with a private key to form a corresponding digital sig-
would decide in favor of the organization only if that nature from a message, and a similar procedure allows
organization could show a digital signature that yielded recovery of the original message using the correspond-
the disputed message when translated with your digital ing digital pseudonym (just as the simple procedure fo:r
pseudonym. But, because forgery is infeasible, the or- looking words up in either half of the codebook can be
ganization can only show such a message if you created public, so long as the private key is not). Another pub-
it. Naturally, organizations would save copies of all dig- lic mathematical procedure allows anyone to create a
ital signatures in anticipation of such disputes. private-key/digital-pseudonym pair from a random
An organization could create its own private key/ starting point (just as a simple procedure allowed the
digital-pseudonym pair, and widely disse:minate the two halves of a codebook to be generated from a ran-
digital pseud.onym while keeping the corresponding pri- dom pairing of words). Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman [e]
vate key to itself. It would use this private key to form proposed such a numeric digital-signature technique,
digital signalures on all messagesbefore sending them which seems to be highly secure against forgery.
to individuals. The organization, however, would cre- Message confidentiality during transmission is ob-
ate only a single pair, which it would use for all digital tained by using digital pseudonyms and private keys in
signatures it issues. Anyone getting a message from the a different way: After signing a message, but before
organization would first decode it using t:he organiza- transmitting it, the sender encodes it using the digital
tion’s disseminated digital pseudonym. This would al- pseudonym of the intended recipient. Thus, the signed
low individuals to convince the organization, or anyone messagecan be recovered only by decoding the trans-
else if necessary, that the message had in fact been sent mission using the intended recipient’s private key.
by the organization. In the payment and credential sys- Currently, there are two strategies for preventing
tems introdu.ced in the following two sect.ions, such false disavowal of message receipt. Both of these strate-
digital signatures, as issued by organizations, play an gies can be adapted for digital signatures. One imitates
important role. the approach currently used to certify paper mail: Mes-

1034 Communications of the ACM October 1985 Volume 28 Number :!O


sagesare only given to the recipient if the recipient from shops, subscriptions, donations, etc. Today, many
provides a digitally signed receipt of delivery. The paper transaction records of when, how much, and to
other holds all potential recipients responsible for mes- whom payment was made are translated into electronic
sagesmade available as a matter of public record. This form. The trend is toward initial capture of payment
allows either party to present the signed message and data in electronic form, such as at the point of sale,
point to the corresponding doubly encoded transmis- facilitating the electronic capture of the potentially
sion in the public record as evidence that the message more revealing details of what was purchased. Comput-
was available for receipt, since decoding the signed erization is extending the data capture potential of pay-
messagewith the digital pseudonym of the sender ment systems in other ways, such as by the variety of
yields the messagecontent, and encoding it with the emerging informational services proper, like pay televi-
pseudonym of the recipient yields the transmission in sion and videotex, and also by new systems that di-
the public record. rectly connect central billing computers to things like
electric-utility meters and automobile-identification
PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS sensors buried in toll roads. Just as tracing data in com-
Automation of payment systems is giving the providers munication systems allows all of an individual’s records
of these systems and others easy access to revealing and with organizations to be linked because they all use the
extensive information about individuals through pay- same address, payment data allow linking of records
ments for things like travel, entertainment, purchases that involve payments with the same account.

special-m ( check([Ix) )

0 n[l]+

Unconditionally untraceable messages with numbers are sent Digital signatures with numbers use special arithmetic sys-
essentially as with words, except that everything is repre- tems, in which raising a number to a power scrambles it, and
sented as zeros and ones. Only the exclusive-or operation 8 raising it to a corresponding power unscrambles it. (One
isused(definedas180=081 =l andO@O=l@l = power acts as the private half of the codebook, and the other
0). The 0 or 1 outcome of the coin toss is shown as k. A power as the corresponding half, called a digital pseudonym.)
host wishing to send the “I paid” message, which is repre- First the message is encoded as a one-hundreddigit num-
sented as 1, transmits k 8 1; a host not wishing to send the ber, and then the digits are repeated to form a two-hundred-
message transmits only k. When the guest forms the exclu- digit number with this special repeated halves property. Next
sive-or of the two transmissions, [l] and [2], the result is 1 if the signer raises the special number to a private power P and
one host sent the message and 0 if no host sent it-because makes the result known to others in transmission [l]. Some-
k appears twkx? and cancels (since k CT9 k = 0 and 0 8 m = one obtaining this digitally signed message merely raises it to
m). If there are more hosts at the table, each flips a coin and the corresponding digital pseudonym power x and checks
shares the outcome with the host to the left, skipping the that the result has the special repeated halves property. If it
guest. Each host then forms a transmission as the exclusive- does, then the recipient knows that the message was signed
or of the two outcomes he or she shares, exclusive-ored by the holder of the private power.
with an additional 1 if the “I paid” message is being sent.
Every coin toss appears twice and is canceled in the
exclusive-or that the guest forms from all the transmissions,
and the result is again 1 if a host paid and 0 if no host paid.
In actual computerized systems, real messages are encoded
as sequences of zeros and ones, and the whole protocol is
repeated with new ks for each digit to be sent. Senders
noticing that their messages are being garbled by collision
with other messages wait a randomly chosen interval before
attempting to resend.

October 1985 Volume 28 Number 10 Communications of the ACM 1035


Untraceable payments are illustrated by an analogy to enve- validating signature on it and supplies it to the bank for
lopes and carbon paper. The individual (actually the card in deposit. After also verifying the slip’s validating signature, the
the computerized analog) seals a blank slip of paper and a bank honors the deposit since it knows the slip must have
facing piece of carbon paper in an envelope, and supplies it been in an envelope that it signed. The bank does not, how-
to the bank. The bank deducts one dollar from the individu- ever, know which of the many envelopes that it signed con-
al’s account, applies a “worth one dollar” signature (stamp) tained the note, and thus cannot trace it to the individual’s
on the outside of the envelope, and returns the unopened account. In actual computerized systems, unless the individ-
envelope to the individual. Upon receiving this, the individual ual allows tracing, withdrawals on one side of the dashed
verifies the b.ank’s validating signature. Before making pay- boundary and payments on the other side are unconditionally
ment some time later. the individual removes the envelope untraceable to each other-even if the bank and all other
and carbon, leaving only the signed slip of paper. When the organizations cooperate.
shop receives the slip, it verifies the carbon image of the

Abuses of payment systems by individuals, as well as if funds were to transfer between accounts instantane-
abuses facilitated by payment systems, aria also substan- ously, the simultaneous but opposite changes in bal-
tial and growing problems. Uncollectible payments ance would make tracing easy. The new system pre-
made by consumers. such as checks drawn against in- vents such tracing in practice by allowing funds to be
sufficient funds and credit-card misuse, cost society bil- withdrawn and held as multidenomination notes, in
lions of dollars each year. Paper-currency-based sys- some ways like “unmarked bills,” before they are de-
tems are vu1 nerable to such things as counterfeiting posited to other accounts. The systems differ from pa-
and theft. Lack of auditability also allows paper cur- per currency, however, in part because individuals, but
rency to be conveniently used for illicit payments such not organizations, can allow transfers to be traced and
as bribes, extortion, and black-market purchases. Pro- audited whenever needed, making stolen funds unusa-
tecting against these various kinds of abuse while com- ble and these systems unattractive for many kinds of
puterizing under the current approach seems to call for illicit payments. The fully computerized systems intro-
highly perva:sive and interlinked systems capturing and duced here offer practical yet highly secure replace-
retaining account identifiers as well as other payment ments for most current and proposed consumer pay-
data, which is naturally in conflict with the interests of ment systems (as detailed in [a]).
These problems are solved with the new systems Blind Signatures for Untraceable Payments
since no organization, not even the payment system The payment system introduced is based on an exten-
provider who maintains the accounts, is able to trace sion of digital signatures known as blind signatures. This
the flow of money between accounts. The system pro- concept is easily understood by an analogy to carbon-
vider naturally knows the balance of each\ account, and paper-lined envelopes. If you put a piece of paper inside

October 1985 Volume 28 Number 113

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