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Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 13 (2019) 415–425

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Mapping soil salinity in arid and semi-arid regions using Landsat 8 OLI T
satellite data
Abdelgadir Abuelgasima, Rubab Ammadb
Department of Geography and Urban Planning, National Space Science and Technology Center, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, United Arab Emirates
University, Al-Ain, Abu Dhabi 15551, United Arab Emirates
Department of Biology, College of Science, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, Abu Dhabi 15551, UAE


Keywords: Soil salinity, whether natural or human induced, is a major geo-hazard in arid and semi-arid landscapes. In
Soil salinity agricultural lands, it negatively affects plant growth, crop yields, whereas in semi-arid and arid non-agricultural
Arid areas it affects urban structures due to subsidence, corrosion and ground water quality, leading to further soil
Semi-arid erosion and land degradation. Accurately mapping soil salinity through remote sensing techniques has been an
Landsat 8 OLI
active area of research in the past few decades particularly for agricultural lands. Most of this research has
focused on the utilization and development of salinity indices for properly mapping and identifying saline
agricultural soils. This research develops a soil salinity index and model using Landsat 8 OLI image data from the
near infra-red and shortwave infra-red spectral information with emphasis on soil salinity mapping and as-
sessment in non-agricultural desert arid and semi-arid surfaces. The developed index when integrated into a
semi-empirical model outperformed in its soil salinity mapping overall accuracy (60%) in comparison to other
salinity indices (~50%). The newly developed index further outperformed other indices in its accuracy in
mapping and identifying high saline soils (67%) and excessively high saline soils (90%).

1. Introduction 1997). The datasets used in these studies have variable resolutions and
sources such as Landsat 8 (Elhag, 2016; Forkuor et al., 2017; Lin et al.,
Soil salinity is a major concern in the arid and semi- arid regions of 2016; Abuelgasim and Ammad, 2017), Landsat Enhanced Thematic
the world and considered an environmental menace (Metternicht and Mapper (ETM) and ETM+ (Abdul-Qadir and Benni (2010);
Zinck, 2003; Shrestha and Farshad, 2008; Kumar et al., 2018). It trig- Darvishsefat et al. (2000); Jabbar and Zhou (2012); Masoud (2014),
gers the processes of soil erosion, dispersion and sometimes becomes a IKONOS (Allbed et al., 2014; Eldeiry and Garcia, 2008; Eldeiry and
geo-hazard (Youssef et al., 2012) by making the ground conditions Garcia, 2010), IRS-1B LISS-II (Abbas et al., 2013), MODIS (Fallah
unsuitable for construction due to subsidence, corrosion and low Shamsi et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2015); and spectroradiometers (Csillag
bearing capacity of saline soil, especially in case of “Sabkha (salt flats)” et al., 1993; Farifteh et al., 2008; Shepherd and Walsh, 2002).
(Youssef et al., 2012). Unfortunately, most of the soil salinity studies McBratney et al. (2003) reviewed various techniques of modeling
are based on the agricultural aspect of soil salinity and sabkha surfaces used in digital soil mapping, such as, linear and non-linear regression,
have largely been neglected despite having the highest degrees of neural networks, fuzzy systems, trend surfaces, and kriging (Douaoui
salinities, which will be addressed in this study. et al., 2006; Hengl et al., 2004; Michot et al., 2013). Metternicht and
Soil salinity is being studied world-wide using various techniques Zinck (1997) carried out a synergistic design of mapping saline soils by
with satellite observations and remote sensing being the most sig- coalescing the field characteristics of salt degraded soils, image classi-
nificant of them for being cost effective, time saving and provides fication and laboratory outcomes. Csillag et al. (1993) and Farifteh
global coverage (Abbas et al., 2013). Diverse types of satellite data are et al. (2008) attempted to identify the effects of salinization on the
being utilized in various kinds of soil salinity studies with similar ap- characteristics of spectral reflection in the lab by acquiring field sam-
proaches. Remote sensing and GIS related approaches have been ples and making their appropriate ratio solutions with deionized water
adopted by numerous scholarly works in attempts to study, map and and testing EC, and reflectance by spectrometer. Csillag et al. (1993)
model soil salinity in an effectively efficient way (Eldeiry and Garcia, further interpreted the data by means of revised stepwise principal
2008, 2010; Jiapaer et al., 2011; Rao et al., 1991; Srivastava et al., component analysis (PCA), to improve the separability of various

E-mail address: (A. Abuelgasim).
Received 5 October 2018; Received in revised form 9 December 2018; Accepted 27 December 2018
Available online 30 December 2018
2352-9385/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A. Abuelgasim, R. Ammad Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 13 (2019) 415–425

salinity states and consequently, recognizing crucial spectral ranges in UAE with its extreme climatic conditions with minimum and max-
the visible, NIR and SWIR parts of spectrum and six broad bands with in imum temperatures falling between 21.7 °C and 33 °C respectively and
these ranges which showed high accuracy of salt identification. Ad- average annual rainfall just below 120 mm, provide a perfect environ-
ditionally, (Abbas and Khan, 2007; Ammad and Abuelgasim, 2016; ment for sabkha formation and hence is a home to large population of
Dehni and Lounis, 2012; Douaoui et al., 2006; Khan et al., 2005, 2001) coastal and inland sabkha, distributed in various parts of the country.
devised and tested various multiple indices comprising of spectral The climate of the UAE is extremely arid with sporadic low precipita-
bands in different mathematical combinations to identify saline soils tion rainfall in the winters (Farahat, 2016).
with an acceptable degree of accuracy. Moreover, (Masoud, 2014) in The high rate of evaporation in these severely hot areas result in
another scholarly work on Burg Al Arab, Egypt, carried out Spectral supersaturation of soil with insoluble salts leading to salt precipitation
Mixture Analysis accompanied by Wetness Index to predict the salinity in enormous quantities, resulting in vast salt exposures. In the study
of the study area. ETM+ images were subjected to Mixture Tuned area, sabkha pose a serious geotechnical threat as they are likely to,
Matched Filtering (MTMF), Linear Spectral Un-mixing (LSU), and initiate cracks in surfaces because of uneven dehydration of gypsum,
Spectral Angle Mapper with the result of high linear R2 values for compromise soil strength, corrode steel due to presence of highly
MTMF, LSU and Wetness index. The authors also identified a strong concentrated sulphate and carbonate salts and lastly, crumble concrete
negative relationship between reflectance and EC of the soil, main- owing to the crystallization pressure which built up as a response to
taining that MTMF model was most suitable for salinity prediction. evaporation of water (Youssef et al., 2012).
The detection of soil salinity has been primarily focused on the The salt exposures can be identified on multispectral satellite ima-
passive remote sensing. Most studies utilized the spectral 0.4–2.2 µm for gery with the help of reflectance, which is believed to be affected by
soil salinity detection and quantifications (Allbed et al., 2014). Meth- factors such as salt type, mineralogy, color and surface roughness
odologies for soil salinity mapping have primarily focused on building (Evans et al., 1969). Visible and near-infra-red parts of spectrum are
semi-empirical models and correlations between satellite data spectral sensitive to saline soils and therefore, can be used to detect the former
reflectance and corresponding field measured soil salinity. Studies for and sabkha alongside their spatial distribution and sizes.
the detection of soil salinity using active microwave remote sensing are
rather limited (Metternicht, 1998). Furthermore, Ben-Dor et al. (2009)
revealed the potentials of hybrid active and hyperspectral remote sen- 3. Field soil sampling, lab analysis and satellite data
sing methods for soil salinity estimation in arid and semi-arid lands.
Despite numerous leading-edge research on soil salinity study via re- 3.1. Field soil sampling
mote sensing techniques, there is still no optimal combination of data
set and the type of method which can be utilized in similar situations in The soil sampling sites for the study were chosen, a priori, through
order to yield almost matching results (Douaoui et al., 2006; Elhag, the visual analysis of the satellite imagery within the study area.
2016). Unfortunately, studies addressing soil salinity of open desert Sampling sites were carefully selected to allow ease of access in the
areas and sabkha are rather limited with few exceptions (Allbed and tough desert terrain of the study area. The study area is about 76 km2 a
Kumar, 2013). desert area with dominant sand dunes, scattered desert areas reserved
Recent soil salinity spectral mapping techniques has been carried by for camel raising and conservation breeding areas for the endangered
Bannari et al. (2018) that focused on the hypersaline soils of the United Arabian ghazals. Limited land use exists in the area, however, the
Arab Emirates (UAE). In this research through hyperspectral signature dominant one in the area is focused on the oil and gas fields which
analysis a new unique anhydrite (CaSO4) rich soil was observed within covers a substantial portion of the study area. Areas related to gas and
the hypersaline coastal soil fields in the UAE. This observation lead to oil production explorations were avoided due to government restric-
the inclusion of the newly observed soil type into the United States tions.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Taxonomy. The large spatial Through visual analysis of the Landsat image a total of 89 points
distribution of saline and hypersaline soils in the UAE makes studying were marked on the map for the collection of field samples. Different
such surfaces an important research topic. Particularly in the UAE areas with different soil tonal/color variations, as indicative of different
saline soils has a huge impact in ground water quality and salinity soil types, in the image were identified and delineated for sampling.
where such water resource is still used in rural areas for agriculture and Within each area random points were selected for sampling. with
animal use. Furthermore, emphasis was placed for sampling on inland sabkha and
The primary objectives of this study are the development of an adjacent presumed saline soil areas as shown in Fig. 2. In total 52% of
empirical soil salinity reflectance model that is suited for open desert the field samples fell within the dune fields near major roads, and an-
surfaces with scattered sabkha. The model is developed through re- imal conservation areas. The other 48% of the field samples were se-
gression analysis between soil spectral reflectance and field measured lected from scattered obvious saline soils and inland sabkhas. This is
soil salinity values. Furthermore, the model will primarily utilize the believed to allow the development of statistical empirical relationships
NIR-SWIR regions of the electromagnetic spectrum which has received between their respective salinities and the corresponding spectral re-
little attention in modeling soil salinity in comparison to the visible flectance. In all 59 points were chosen for the model development and
part. A comparative analysis between the developed model and other 30 points for model and map verification. The field sampling process
salinity empirical models is performed. was carried out in November 2016 due to the extremely high tem-
perature within the study area instead of the same time as the image
2. Study area acquisition date. Field sampling has been carried during dry weather
conditions and there has been no rainfall reported in the study area.
The study area lies in the western part of the UAE, comprising of Fig. 3 shows some of the images from the sample collection sites.
central and south-western parts of the emirate of Abu Dhabi, Fig. 1. It is The sample locations were marked using global positioning system
located between 24° 07′ N 52° 42′ E and 23° 30′ N 54° 06 E′. This (GPS). 89 samples were acquired with the help of a small spade (Sparks
geographical location has some of the largest sabkha surfaces in the et al., 1996) by scrapping off the top surface of the sand/soil to avoid
world, including both coastal and inland sabkha found within a erosion affects. These samples were stored in labelled airlock bags to be
proximity of few kilometers from the coast. Sabkha are geologic fea- brought to the lab for salinity testing. In the lab, each sample was air-
tures characterized by salt marshes and salt flats which are typically dried at room temperature and ground with a geologic hammer for
found in arid and semi-arid climatic conditions, in shallow continental homogeneity, prior to testing, as per the standard procedure (Sparks
shelf/marine environment (Evans et al., 1969). et al., 1996; Kissell, and Sonon, 2008).

A. Abuelgasim, R. Ammad Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 13 (2019) 415–425

Fig. 1. Study area.

3.2. Lab analysis Final volume

× Salinity
Original Volume
A solution of 1:2 sample by mass and deionized water by volume
where Final Volume was the volume of sample solution after dilution
(Sparks et al., 1996) respectively, was prepared for each sample after
with deionized water and Original Volume was the initial volume of
thorough mixing and filtration, to measure the amount of soluble salts
solution at the time of preparation.
in the soil sample using an electrical conductivity meter. Electrical
The obtained salinity results were tabulated and compared with the
conductivity measurements are the most commonly used characteristic
Soil Test Handbook for Georgia (Kissell and Sonon, 2008) of soil salinity
for determining the soil salinity (McNeill, 1992; Rhoades, 1993). Once
classification, Table 1. The comparison revealed that out of the total 89
the samples were ready for testing, the samples were poured in washed
samples, 41 were falling in the ranking of excessively high salinity (> 2
plastic bottles and tested for EC using ExStik EC 400, a handheld, multi
dS/m) (Electrical Conductivity Units: mS/cm= dS/m (deciSiemens per
range self-calibrated sensor which measures conductivity in the ranges
meter)) (
of (0–199.9 µS/cm, 200–1999 µS/cm, 2.00–19.99 mS/cm). For all sali-
nity values, greater than the range of EC meter, the sample was further
The soil salinity classification of (Kissell and Sonon, 2008) identifies
diluted, and the final salinity values were calculated by the formula:
six key salinity ranges with respect to plant growth and development. It
is worth stating that within the scientific literature, that all the soil
salinity scales encountered had been developed with respect to soils

Fig. 2. Landsat false color of study area and soil ground sampling locations.

A. Abuelgasim, R. Ammad Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 13 (2019) 415–425

Fig. 3. Saline soils and sabkha sampling sites.

related to agriculture and plant growth and none accounted for salinity Table 2
ranges, such as those of very strongly high saline soils and sabkha. Input parameters for ATCOR atmospheric correction algorithm.
Input parameter ATCOR value
3.3. Satellite data
Terrain Elevation 0.065 km
Local Time of Acquisition 6:53:01
The satellite data used in this study comes from the Landsat 8 OLI Date of Acquisition 10/5/2016
collected over the study area. The images cover paths 161 row 43 and Solar Zenith Angle 35.407513
path 161 row 44 collected on October 5th, 2016. These two scenes were Solar Azimuth Angle 143.6655391
Atmospheric model Dry
chosen for their coverage over the study area, clarity and zero cloud
Aersol model Desert
coverage. The Arabian Gulf water in the image of path 161 row 43 has Horizontal visibility 30 km
been masked out and similarly is the southern part of the image of path Water Vapour 0.75 (g cm−2)
161 row 44 which predominantly contains large sand dunes.

8 OLI digital number values (DN) were converted into their corre-
4. Methodology
sponding ground surface reflectance values. Using the field measured
GPS the location of each soil sampling location was identified in the
4.1. Atmospheric correction
satellite images and their corresponding spectral reflectance values
were extracted. The field GPS receiver has locational accuracy of + or -
The initial image processing investigation was to perform atmo-
a meter. It is worth noting here that only the spectral reflectance values
spheric correction for the Landsat 8 OLI data. This was carried out using
of Landsat 8 OLI bands 2–7 are used in this study.
the ATCOR algorithm within the GEOMATICA PCI software (PCI
Geomatics, 2014). Inputs to the atmospheric correction algorithm are
shown in Table 2. ATCOR is a method for atmospheric and topographic 4.2. Index development
correction of remotely sensed optical imagery covering the solar spec-
tral region (0.4–2.5 µm). The method supports a wide range of weather To identify and observe how saline soils spectral reflectance differs
conditions, solar illumination geometries and employs a database with from non-saline soils, it was necessary to plot the spectral reflectance of
the results of radiative transfer calculations based on the MODTRAN-4 various levels of soil salinities. This is believed to aid in the process of
code (Richter, 2004). Note that different atmospheric correction algo- developing a soil salinity index particularly suited for desert soils.
rithms have been developed, however, the GEOMATICA PCI ATCOR Figs. 4 and 5 show the spectral reflectance of 5 different soils with
algorithm has been effectively and successfully used in soil salinity varying levels of salinities. Both figures were derived from the Landsat
studies (Allbed et al., 2014; El-Battay et al., 2017) particularly in arid 8 OLI reflectance data of collected field sabkha samples.
and semi-arid environments. From Figs. 4 and 5 it is interesting to observe that all soils, with their
Once the atmospheric correction process was finalized, the Landsat varying levels of salinities, peak in their reflectance at the first short-

Table 1
Kissell and Sonon (2008) soil salinity classes.
Soil salinity class EC salinity measure (dS/m) Description

Non-Saline 0–0.15 Very low: plants may be starved

Slightly Saline/Low Salinity 0.15–0.50 Low: if soil lacks organic matter; satisfactory if soil is high in organic matter
Moderately Saline/Medium Salinity 0.51–1.25 Medium: satisfactory range for established plants
Strongly Saline/High Salinity 1.26–1.75 High: Okay for most established plants. Too high for seedlings or cuttings
Very High Salinity 1.76–2.00 Very high: plants usually stunted or chlorotic
Excessively High Salinity > 2.00 Excessively high: plants severely dwarfed, seedlings and rooted cuttings frequently killed

A. Abuelgasim, R. Ammad Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 13 (2019) 415–425

Table 3
Sample of the field data along with associated salinity indices.

0.088 0.786 0.081 0.069 0.100 −0.118

0.108 1.370 0.095 0.079 0.067 −0.075
0.929 1.426 0.089 0.075 0.059 −0.079
0.938 1.598 0.102 0.084 0.060 −0.077
2.480 2.028 0.118 0.094 0.055 −0.070
2.700 1.294 0.073 0.062 0.065 −0.069
2.840 1.984 0.110 0.088 0.057 −0.081
3.000 1.153 0.091 0.076 0.074 −0.088

non-saline soils is within the second short-wave infra-red band

Fig. 4. Spectral reflectance of saline and non-saline soils.
(2.11–2.29 µm). Saline soils reflectance at this band is extremely low in
comparison to non-saline soils suggesting strong absorption due to
carbonate salt (Lokier and Steuber, 2009) presence. Fig. 5 is a close-up
of saline and non-saline soils reflectance in the NIR-SWIR regions and
demonstrates this further.
While both saline and non-saline soils all have varying degrees of
response in the VIS-NIR-SWIR regions, it appears that a key difference
between the two is within the NIR-SWIR regions. For this, the study is
developing a NIR-SWIR index (NSI), that takes into account this dif-
ference in spectral response.
(SWIR1 – SWIR2 )
NIR − SWIR Salinity Index (NSI) =

It should be expected that this index would be significantly higher

than unity in its magnitude for saline soils and quite low in magnitude
Fig. 5. Spectral reflectance NIR-SWIR of saline and non-saline soils. for non-saline soils. For the interests of the reader, in Landsat 8 OLI the
NIR refers to band 5, SWIR1 to band 6 and SWIR 2 to band 7 as not to
be confused with previous Landsat band numbering designations. High
wave infra-red reflectance band (1.57–1.65 µm). Saline soils have salinity soils will portray higher values for the term SWIR 1–SWIR 2 and
higher reflectance values within the visible and near-infra-red parts of lower values for SWIR1 – NIR leading to index values higher than unity.
the spectrum in comparison to non-saline soils. This is likely due to the To assess the accuracy of this index in estimating soil salinity it is im-
high intensity of reflectance from such surfaces, particularly, due to the perative to compare it with some of the widely-used salinity indices
whitish color of salt covering a saline pixel within the study area. One such as the Soil Salinity and Sodicity Index-1 and Index-2 (SSSI-1 and
key noticeable difference in the spectral reflectance between saline and SSSI-2) (Al-Khaier, 2003), the Salinity Index ASTER (SI-ASTER) (Al-

Fig. 6. Soil salinity class mapping methodology.

A. Abuelgasim, R. Ammad Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 13 (2019) 415–425

Fig. 7. Soil salinity models.

Table 4 Khaier, 2003) and the normalized difference salinity index (NDSI)
Salinity models. (Khan et al., 2005).
Salinity index Model R-square
4.3. Empirical models development
NSI Model y = 0.0097e2.9609× 0.71
SSSI-1 Model y = 0.0015e62.045× 0.46
SSSI-2 Model y = 0.0002e101.42× 0.46
Mathematical and statistical modeling of the interactions between
SI-ASTER Model y = 7917.6e−128.3× 0.57 the incident solar electromagnetic radiation and physical and biophy-
NDSI Model y = 6746.6e106.71× 0.32 sical surface characteristics has been an active area of research in re-
x refers to the index mote sensing. Statistical and mathematical models have been developed
to model vegetation canopies (Abuelgasim and Leblanc, 2011), soil
moisture (Zribi et al., 2014) and soil salinity (Bannari et al., 2008), (El-

A. Abuelgasim, R. Ammad Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 13 (2019) 415–425

Fig. 8. Soil salinity maps.

A. Abuelgasim, R. Ammad Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 13 (2019) 415–425

Table 5 area, however. This research introduces the concept of salinity level
Verification field samples distribution. categories map for displaying the overall salinity within the study area,
Salinity class Number of field samples instead of actual model estimations of salinity per image pixel. This
would portray better the geographic spatial distribution of soil salinity
Non-Saline Soils 4 within the study area. The soil salinity class maps developed here ca-
Low Salinity 9
tegorize model pixel estimated salinities as per the (Kissell and Sonon,
Medium Salinity 2
High Salinity 3
2008) soil salinity classification. For each salinity level class, a range of
Very High Salinity 2 salinity values as predicted by the models are associated with a parti-
Excessively High Salinity - Sabkha 10 cular class type ranging from non-saline soils class to excessively high
salinity class are given in Table 1. Fig. 8(a-e) show the generated sali-
nity classification maps per each index. (Table 4).
Battay et al., 2017). A widely used technique in the estimation of soil
salinity in arid and semi-arid regions is the application of empirical and
semi-empirical soil salinity models (Bannari et al., 2008; Zribi et al., 5.2. Maps verification
2014). Research in this area has resulted in considerable improvements
in estimating soil salinity, its spatial distribution and the interaction In thematic mapping from remotely sensed data, the term accuracy
between electromagnetic radiation and saline soils. is used typically to express the degree of ‘correctness’ of a map or
In attempt to develop a new empirical model the NSI values for the classification (Foody, 2002). Any map that is derived from a remote
field soil sampling locations were regressed with the lab estimated sensing classification process should provide some measure of its ac-
salinity EC measurements. Various regression models were developed, curacy to be considered reliable. Generally, classification accuracy re-
including linear, logarithmic, however the exponential relation por- fers to the degree to which a map derived from a remote sensing clas-
trayed the highest R-square values. The exponential relation is ideal sification process matches real world information. In this study, a total
with soil salinity indices due to their low saturation levels (Bannari, of 30 field samples were used for the verification and accuracy as-
personal communications and coauthor of Bannari et al., 2008; El- sessment of each salinity map developed. The verification process
Battay et al., 2017). The developed semi-empirical models were later composed of identifying in which salinity class does each field sampling
applied for the Landsat 8 OLI for generating soil salinity and soil sali- point falls within each map based on its salinity EC measurements.
nity class maps. The overall methodology followed in this study has Table 5 shows the distribution of the verification points among the
been summarized in Fig. 6. different salinity classes within the study area.
In total 30 field sample points were used for the verification of each
5. Results and discussion map. The verification process composed of identifying the class in
which each point fell within each map based on its salinity/EC mea-
Statistical exponential relationships were developed between field surements. Tables 6–10 show the confusion matrices for five soil clas-
soil sample measured soil salinity and the five indices mentioned pre- sification maps for the five salinity models developed.
viously. Table 3 show sample of the field data along with associated The results demonstrated that the NSI based model outperformed all
salinity indices. other salinity indices in mapping soil salinity in non-agricultural arid
Fig. 7(a–e) show the generated models between salinity indices and lands. The NSI model yielded a much higher overall map accuracy and
the field soil sample measured EC salinity values. demonstrated the ability to strongly distinguish very highly saline soils
The NSI model outperformed all other salinity indices models and and sabkha much more accurately. The strength of this model lies in its
showed the highest R-square (0.71) relationship between the EC sali- use of the combination of near-infra-red and shortwave infra-red
nity measures and the NSI. The SI-ASTER model showed and R-square spectral information. This information is demonstrating to be a key
value of 0.57 followed by both the SSSI-1 and SSSI-2 (0.45). The NDSI component in distinguishing between various levels of soil salinity. The
model performed the worst portraying the relationship strength of only confusion Table 6 shows that the model is portraying slight weakness in
0.32. The mathematical formulation of these indices are: properly predicting non-saline and low salinity surfaces.
NDSI = (RED – NIR)/(RED + NIR) The SSSI-1, SSSI-2 and SI-ASTER models equally portrayed the
SI-ASTER = (SWIR-1 – NIR)/(SWIR-1 + SWIR-2) second highest level of overall map accuracy. These indices use similar
SSSI-1 = (SWIR-1–SWIR-2) spectral information, albeit, different mathematical formulation. Its
SSSI-2 = (SWIR-1*SWIR-2 – SWIR-2*SWIR-2)/SWIR-1 second highest level in accuracy performance further demonstrates that
Table 4 summarizes the modeling results. the combination of NIR-SWIR is key in properly mapping extremely
highly saline soils. The confusion matrices Tables 7 and 8 show that
5.1. Soil salinity classification both models SSSI-1 and SSSI-2 were not able to properly predict non-
saline and low salinity areas and apparently are better tuned to medium
Using the developed statistical models, it will be possible to gen- and high salinity areas. The NDSI based model failed in mapping highly
erate soil salinity model estimates for each pixel in the image's study saline soils. The SI-ASTER portrayed a higher R-square values in

Table 6
NSI map confusion matrix.
Salinity class Non-saline Low salinity Medium salinity High salinity Very high salinity Excessively high salinity –
(map) (map) (map) (map) (map) Sabkha (map)

Non-Saline (field) 2 2 0 0 0 0
Low Salinity (field) 3 3 3 0 0 0
Medium Salinity (field) 0 0 2 0 0 0
High Salinity (field) 0 0 0 2 0 1
Very High Salinity (field) 0 0 0 0 0 2
Excessively High Salinity – 0 0 0 0 1 9
Sabkha (field)
Overall Accuracy 60%

A. Abuelgasim, R. Ammad Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 13 (2019) 415–425

Table 7
SSSI-1 map confusion matrix.
Salinity class Non-saline Low salinity Medium salinity High salinity Very high salinity Excessively high salinity–Sabkha
(map) (map) (map) (map) (map) (map)

Non-Saline (field) 0 4 0 0 0 0
Low Salinity (field) 0 4 1 1 0 3
Medium Salinity (field) 0 0 1 0 0 1
High Salinity (field) 0 0 0 1 0 2
Very High Salinity (field) 0 0 0 0 0 2
Excessively High Salinity – Sabkha 0 0 0 0 2 8
Overall Accuracy 50%

Table 8
SSSI-2 map confusion matrix.
Salinity class Non-saline Low salinity Medium salinity High salinity Very high salinity Excessively high salinity–sabkha
(map) (map) (map) (map) (map) (map)

Non-Saline (field) 0 4 0 0 0 0
Low Salinity (field) 2 4 3 0 0 0
Medium Salinity (field) 0 1 1 0 0 0
High Salinity (field) 0 0 0 1 0 2
Very High Salinity (field) 0 0 0 0 0 2
Excessively High Salinity - 0 0 1 0 0 9
Overall Accuracy 50%

Table 9
SI-ASTER map confusion matrix.
Salinity class Non-saline Low salinity Medium salinity High salinity Very high salinity Excessively high salinity–sabkha
(map) (map) (map) (map) (map) (map)

Non-Saline (field) 3 0 0 1 0 0
Low Salinity (field) 3 4 0 0 0 2
Medium Salinity (field) 0 1 1 0 0 0
High Salinity (field) 0 0 1 0 0 2
Very High Salinity (field) 0 0 1 0 0 1
Excessively High Salinity – 0 3 0 0 0 7
Sabkha (field)
Overall Accuracy 50%

Table 10
NDSI map confusion matrix.
Salinity class Non-saline Low salinity Medium salinity High salinity Very high salinity Excessively high salinity–sabkha
(map) (map) (map) (map) (map) (map)

Non-Saline (field) 2 1 0 0 0 1
Low Salinity (field) 2 2 2 1 0 2
Medium Salinity (field) 0 0 0 1 0 1
High Salinity (field) 0 0 0 1 2 0
Very High Salinity (field) 0 1 0 0 0 1
Excessively High Salinity – 0 0 2 1 0 7
Sabkha (field)
Overall Accuracy 40%

Table 11
Accuracy per soil salinity class.
Salinity class Non-saline Low salinity Medium salinity High salinity Very high salinity Excessively high salinity - sabkha

NSI 50% 33% 100% 67% 0% 90%

SSSI-1 0% 44% 50% 33% 0% 80%
SSSI-2 0% 44% 50% 33% 0% 90%
SI-ASTER 75% 44% 50% 0% 0% 70%
NDSI 50% 22% 0% 33% 0% 70%

A. Abuelgasim, R. Ammad Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 13 (2019) 415–425

comparison to both the SSSI-1 and SSSI-2 yet the accuracy level was Acknowledgements
lower. This is likely due to the fact that SI-ASTER is good in the range of
medium to non-saline soils, however, performs usually lower in high to This work was funded by a grant from the Research and Sponsored
excessively high salinity areas (Bannari et al., 2008; El-Battay et al., Projects Office of the United Arab Emirates University under startup
2017). grant number 31H106-Research Start-up (4) 2015.
Table 11 (accuracy per class) establishes that the NSI based model
performed the best in mapping excessively high saline (sabkhas) soils Conflict of interest
(90%) and high saline soils (67%) in comparison to all other models.
While it showed reasonable good accuracy in mapping non-saline soils None.
it failed to predict low saline soils accurately. This failure might likely
be due to the slightly low saline soils not having a discriminative References
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