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Products sheet

PROD # Product Name Price

1 Biscotto al Nero $ 1.50
2 Cioccolacino $ 2.95
3 Oranciata $ 1.95
4 Cappuccino $ 2.50
5 Caffe Americana - Decaf. $ 1.50
6 Pizzetta Rossa $ 5.95
7 Torta Danica $ 2.95
8 Panettone $ 3.50
9 Pizzetta Basilica $ 5.95
10 Biscotto al Cesare $ 1.50

Product Info

Type Vendor
PROD # Name Code Code Price
1 Biscotto al Nero D 301 $ 1.50
2 Cioccolacino B 430 $ 2.95
3 Oranciata B 406 $ 1.95
4 Cappuccino B 430 $ 2.50
5 Caffe Americana - Decaf. B 430 $ 1.50
6 Pizzetta Rossa M 395 $ 5.95
7 Torta Danica D 301 $ 2.95
8 Panettone D 301 $ 3.50
9 Pizzetta Basilica M 395 $ 5.95
10 Biscotto al Cesare D 301 $ 1.50
11 Caffe Francese B 430 $ 2.50
12 Pizzetta due Formaggii M 395 $ 7.95
13 Mille Foglie D 158 $ 3.50
14 Caffe Americana - Reg. B 430 $ 1.50
15 Pizzetta con Funghi M 395 $ 6.95
16 Cioccolatini D 258 $ 3.95
17 Pizzetta con Formaggio M 395 $ 6.95
18 Sfogliatelle D 158 $ 3.50
19 Cioccolata Calda B 330 $ 2.25
20 Caffe Latte B 430 $ 2.50

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Retrieve data from Payroll sheet

EMP# Last Name First Name

GW29 Kling Sara
GBW09 Willis Sean
CW58 Abel Colleen
AW55 Binga Teri
GBC07 Culbert Frank
GBS45 DeVinney Kristen
CW19 Califano Theresa
GC04 Bally Barry
CA26 Halal Cheryl
GC25 Swayne Harry
GBC05 Chen Shing
CC76 Rose Seth
GW14 Ambrose Bob
GBS59 Hume Chris
GBW47 Murray Robert
GBC11 Rich James
CA18 Gorski George
GBS57 Hoffman Paul
AC49 Kramer Dean
GW18 Hill Carol
GBA19 Smith Julia
AS03 Banks Jacqueline
GW04 Strong Jeffrey
AW07 MacFall Jeri Lynn
GA49 Kim Sung
CA80 Ness Theodore
GW15 Hinkelman Brad

CIRCA Company Payroll Information

Total Gross Pay:

Sara Kling GW29 Maine Sales 24-Dec-1986 R 35.5 $12.50
Sean Willis GBW09 Connecticut Sales 5-Jul-1985 D 35.5 $13.30
Colleen Abel CW58 New Hampshire Sales 26-Jul-1990 DRH 42 $16.75
Teri Binga AW55 Vermont Sales 7-Jun-1988 RH 40 $8.75
Frank Culbert GBC07 Connecticut Development 12-Jun-1983 DRH 40 $12.60
Kristen DeVinney GBS45 Connecticut Staff 5-Jun-1987 D 35 $24.00
Theresa Califano CW19 New Hampshire Sales 26-Feb-1989 RH 35 $12.10
Barry Bally GC04 Maine Development 15-Apr-1983 D 40 $21.50
Cheryl Halal CA26 New Hampshire Research 1-Feb-1990 DR 35.5 $13.30
Harry Swayne GC25 Maine Development 30-Dec-1990 40 $21.50
Shing Chen GBC05 Connecticut Development 8-Aug-1984 R 35.5 $13.30
Seth Rose CC76 New Hampshire Development 5-Apr-1990 DRH 32 $5.50
Bob Ambrose GW14 Maine Sales 25-Jan-1985 DH 35.5 $12.50
Chris Hume GBS59 Connecticut Staff 12-May-1988 DH 40 $7.22
Robert Murray GBW47 Connecticut Sales 10-Jun-1987 DH 40 $12.60
James Rich GBC11 Connecticut Development 11-Oct-1986 DH 35.5 $13.30
George Gorski CA18 New Hampshire Research 7-May-1985 H 40 $22.00
Paul Hoffman GBS57 Connecticut Staff 19-Dec-1987 H 40 $22.00
Dean Kramer AC49 Vermont Development 23-Jun-1987 RH 40 $15.00
Carol Hill GW18 Maine Sales 21-Jul-1986 35.5 $12.50
Julia Smith GBA19 Connecticut Research 17-Feb-1984 RH 25 $8.52
Jacqueline Banks AS03 Vermont Staff 2-Feb-1984 H 40 $8.75
Jeffrey Strong GW04 Maine Sales 8-Mar-1981 R 40 $19.50
Jeri Lynn MacFall AW07 Vermont Sales 8-Apr-1984 40 $21.50
Sung Kim GA49 Maine Research 15-Nov-1989 DRH 40 $15.50
Theodore Ness CA80 New Hampshire Research 4-Aug-1991 DRH 32 $5.50
Brad Hinkelman GW15 Maine Sales 8-Nov-1985 H 40 $19.50
Robert Cuffaro GBC08 Connecticut Development 18-Sep-1983 DRH 40 $12.60
Donald Reese CS15 New Hampshire Staff 17-Aug-1984 H 32 $5.50
Joanne Parker AW09 Vermont Sales 23-Aug-1984 H 40 $21.50
Susan Drake GBA34 Connecticut Research 13-Dec-1989 R 25 $8.52
James Abel GBC29 Connecticut Development 5-Feb-1991 35 $12.10
Laura Reagan GBW77 Connecticut Sales 12-Aug-1990 RH 35 $24.00
Brian Smith GS40 Maine Staff 5-Nov-1988 D 40 $19.50
Mary Barber GW32 Maine Sales 25-Nov-1987 D 35.5 $12.50
Peter Allen AW24 Vermont Sales 31-May-1986 40 $8.75
Mary Altman GC12 Maine Development 9-Sep-1987 H 29.5 $6.50
Fred Mallory CA06 New Hampshire Research 17-Jun-1983 D 38 $15.50
Molly Steadman GBC65 Connecticut Development 15-Aug-1989 DH 40 $22.00
Greg Connors GBC49 Connecticut Development 4-Nov-1987 38 $15.50
Kathy Mayron GBA29 Connecticut Research 19-May-1986 DR 40 $8.22
Bill Simpson GS07 Maine Staff 12-Jan-1982 40 $19.50
Michael Richardson GBA28 Connecticut Research 23-Mar-1986 DH 35 $24.00

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Melanie Bowers AA35 Vermont Research 5-Dec-1986 DR 15.5 $6.50

Kyle EarnhSales GBS16 Connecticut Staff 8-Oct-1984 H 40 $22.00
Lance Davies GBC64 Connecticut Development 30-Dec-1988 DRH 32 $5.50
Anne Davidson CC23 New Hampshire Development 6-Apr-1986 RH 25 $8.52
Doug Briscoll CA40 New Hampshire Research 26-May-1987 R 38 $15.50
George Feldsott GW37 Maine Sales 3-Dec-1987 DRH 35.5 $12.50
Steve Singer AS29 Vermont Staff 5-Oct-1986 R 40 $21.50
Carol Tucker GBA14 Connecticut Research 12-Apr-1984 38 $15.50
Henry Paterson GC20 Maine Development 28-Oct-1987 RH 40 $21.50
Brooks Hillen GBA21 Connecticut Research 15-Jan-1986 RH 35 $24.00
Dominick Mazza GBC09 Connecticut Development 10-Oct-1986 40 $21.50
Jennifer Snyder CW30 New Hampshire Sales 7-Jun-1988 25 $8.52
Joshua Maccaluso AW69 Vermont Sales 23-Jan-1991 DRH 40 $21.50
Bill Wheeler GBW05 Connecticut Sales 14-Aug-1981 R 38 $15.50
Todd Masters GBS69 Connecticut Staff 23-Nov-1989 DR 40 $12.60
Karina Abel GW30 Maine Sales 12-Jan-1987 DH 42 $16.75
Edward Trelly AC27 Vermont Development 17-Jun-1986 DR 40 $8.75
Christina Lillie GBA24 Connecticut Research 29-May-1987 RH 25 $8.52
Michael Lewis AW58 Vermont Sales 27-Apr-1989 15.5 $6.50
Jerry McDonald GA08 Maine Research 7-Jul-1982 DR 40 $15.50
Lynne Simmons AC17 Vermont Development 23-Nov-1988 R 35 $12.10
Lindsey Winger AA25 Vermont Research 1-Feb-1986 DR 35 $24.00
Chris Reed CW03 New Hampshire Sales 27-Mar-1984 D 35.5 $13.30
Paula Robinson GA23 Maine Research 7-Dec-1987 29.5 $6.50
William Abel GBW66 Connecticut Sales 14-Oct-1989 DR 40 $15.50
Shirley Dandrow CC45 New Hampshire Development 14-Mar-1991 DR 35 $12.10
Kim Smith GS54 Maine Staff 27-Nov-1989 RH 42 $24.00
Maria Switzer GC26 Maine Development 3-Jun-1991 RH 29.5 $13.30
John Jacobs GA27 Maine Research 4-Oct-1986 DR 40 $6.50
Bradley Howard GBW12 Connecticut Sales 14-Feb-1984 DR 40 $7.22
Frieda Binga AA02 Vermont Research 17-Feb-1982 R 40 $12.10
Holly Taylor GC07 Maine Development 17-Aug-1984 D 29.5 $16.75
Tim BSaleshoff GW47 Maine Sales 27-Oct-1989 R 40 $6.50
Esther Williams AW39 Vermont Sales 13-Dec-1986 R 40 $19.50
Theresa Miller CS79 New Hampshire Staff 4-Mar-1991 H 40 $22.00
Marianne Calvin AS23 Vermont Staff 23-Jul-1985 40 $15.00
Sue Petty GW11 Maine Sales 30-Nov-1994 DRH 40 $6.50
Grace Sloan AS12 Vermont Staff 2-Nov-1984 DH 40 $15.50
Richard Gibbs GC24 Maine Development 23-Jan-1989 29.5 $15.00
Lorrie Sullivan AW04 Vermont Sales 3-Mar-1981 DH 15.5 $12.60
Ted Hayes GBA33 Connecticut Research 7-Dec-1986 R 32 $8.75
Helen StewSales GA57 Maine Research 3-May-1990 42 $15.50
Katie Smith CS32 New Hampshire Staff 5-Oct-1986 DH 40 $15.00
Jane Winters GBA23 Connecticut Research 7-Nov-1989 DH 35 $12.60
Paul MSalesin GC02 Maine Development 19-Apr-1979 DRH 40 $6.50
Geoff Brown GBA48 Connecticut Research 1-Jul-1987 D 40 $6.50
Alice Owens AW48 Vermont Sales 2-Mar-1987 RH 15.5 $5.50
Greg Thomas AC53 Vermont Development 24-Dec-1987 DR 40 $16.75
Sam Whitney GS09 Maine Staff 28-Nov-1983 R 40 $7.22
Erin Binga AA70 Vermont Research 8-Apr-1991 RH 40 $12.10

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Amy Tooley AW59 Vermont Sales 1-Sep-1990 15.5 $6.50

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Page 7
Sara Kling GW29 EMP # Last Name
Sean Willis GBW09 AW55 Binga
Colleen Abel CW58
Frank Culbert GBC07 EMP # Row #
Kristen DeVinney GBS45 AW55 4
Theresa Califano CW19
Barry Bally GC04

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