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2/28/2020 Challenges of Information Technology In Business

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Any opinions, ndings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily re ect th

The purpose of this paper is to concentrate on the challenges of Information Technology in business. E ective information technology service

This study will be carried out by providing a thorough analysis of IT within an organization that has an aim of making pro t and grow their busi

Our main focus of this research will also be to elaborate on the challenges of IT services to business and the ndings from this paper are IT cha
and how the organization alignment of IT and Business together produce great bene ts.

Technology can be a very valuable tool for business owners trying to streamline their businesses and increase productivity and to make lives e

use of IT in an improper manner may mean more ine cient systems and lost of customers. When it comes to managing technology needs, the
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The challenges includes lack of education about technology options; an incapability to prioritize which technologies are most important and a g

protect it (Ramon Ray, 2007).

Challenges of IT

There are primary challenges that are facing Information Technology says Thomas, 2006. To list the challenges he mentioned Globalizatio
 Di erences, Outsourcing and O Shoring, Project Management which is the Quality of Fact, Meeting Customer Expectation the Quality of Perce

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Globalization: Virtually every company today must compete globally and the markets are opening up all around the globe. The bene ts of a glo
pro ts is when an organization deals with the reality of increased competition (Thomas C, 2006).

Excess Workload: Customers are becoming more demanding as the competition growth increases (Thomas C, 2006). The increase in expectatio
service for less money (Rocky Mountain, 2006).

Talent has been referred as both a challenge and an opportunity (Thomas C, 2006). Demand for IT professionals is growing annually and the or
opportunities (Rocky Mountain, 2006).

Change has been said that the only constant is change said Thomas. IT will be faced with the challenge of nding that perfect balance between
predictable; and change is good; but the change must be consistent with corporate objectives (Rocky Mountain, 2006).

On-time Performance and Quality is one major challenge in most companies delivering less than 50% of their IT projects on time and within sp
budget and the deadline well before the scope of the project is fully understood and due to that many projects are actually set-up to fail from t
the project and quality has been compromised for the sake of expediency and pro t (Edward,2002).

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Outsourcing and O Shoring seems to be predictable however but it”„¢s actually becoming a necessity and it is a business fact of life in growin
challenge in the mere future (Thomas, 2003). 1/5
2/28/2020 Challenges of Information Technology In Business

Project Management is one of the challenges in IT, including security and risk. Collaboration will become more prevalent and important e.g. ins
the project, there is actually seeing a greater degree of those disciplines working together on the same technological model of the building des
successful collaboration partnerships is the key to success.

Challenges in Business
Meeting Customer Expectation will be the main business challenge. Introducing E-business can systematically reduce transaction costs and can
in meeting customer centricity (Hartman, Sifonis, and Kador, 2000). Becoming customer centric in order to develop an e ective e-business stra
customer-centric. By placing customer needs at the centre of every decision and tactic, the entire e-business strategy will become more e ectiv
loyalty and long-term relationships (Saunders, A., Allen, L, 2002).

Data Protection and Security is also another critical challenge to business is how to protect data from any number of internal and external thre
oods, re, earthquakes and storms can destroy it and dissatis ed employees might want to erase it after selling it to your competition and als
as protected as possibly from hackers and those who shouldn’t have access to it, then install a well thought out backup plan to ensure that dat
(Saunders, A, Allen,2002).

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IT challenges in business

Addressing operational data errors, rapid growth, and technology change in terms of demands performance; then the increase in pro tability
 utilization of resources; and the mission critical decision making and the demands scalability of maximizing data collection of large data sets an

 The aim of this paper is to demonstrate logical analysis of IT challenges in business and how they t with together with analysis of business. Th
contact where Business Analysts can gather requirements to meet end users expectation in delivering services to an organization. It is the role
then address them to the business or senior level management.

The scope of this paper will elaborate on how IT service and BA on the structural model as a level of liaison with the business.

This section outlines the methodology that will be adopted to investigate and achieve the objectives of this study. This includes data collection
analysis of the data collected. We will also outline the methodology that will be adopted to investigate and achieve the objectives of this study.
questionnaire, sampling and measurement detail for analysis of the data collected.

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Research Method
The research should be primarily qualitative in nature since the aim was to discover the users”„¢ view and experiences with IT service desk del
used instead to secure higher responses and trustworthiness of the results. The Primary data was collected through conducting self-report que
users at a in the department however; the disadvantage of using questionnaire is the generally low response rate from the target population. T
eldwork was carried out instead to seek out their views informally.

Design of Questionnaire
A structured questionnaire was used in the study. The questionnaire seeks information from users in the following four main categories that w
combination with a theoretical foundation and identify emerging trends:

1. De ning challenges of IT services that the business come across in everyday

2. How ICT cooperate with in an organization 2/5
2/28/2020 Challenges of Information Technology In Business

To request higher response rates, most items in the questionnaire were multiple choice questions and a 5 point scale was selected to reduce t
results, Foreman & Money, (1995).

Selection of Participants
To manage bias, participants were chosen at random across the department including both managerial and non-managerial end users. We tru
complete ambiguity so that they can be as honest as possible in their responses and that would hopefully improve the validity of the research

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Data was also collected for objective service improvement over the entire research period. The main source was to assess the challenges that I

 Results and Analysis

 Data collected from the questionnaires were analyzed using Microsoft Excel software. Percentages and ranking of average weighted score wer
based on the challenges of IT that were listed in both quantitative and qualitative performance of a department.


The challenges of IT business alignment
IT business alignment is the subject of signi cant debate world wide in the boardrooms of enterprises throughout the developed world. Seven

Increased analysis of IT investments – they are increasingly seen by enterprises in the same light as other investments and in the same busines

Regulatory compliance – business leaders are turning to IT delivery organizations to assist with compliance. In many cases, they are struggling
applications to optimize IT governance to gain control, roll out compliance initiatives and ultimately, align IT back to the business (Christopher

The shifting focus of IT investment – away from back-o ce systems, and towards customer, supplier and partner interactions

Commoditization of IT infrastructure – high availability of standard infrastructure means that these commodities now have to be harnessed in

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Outsourcing – the right IT outsourcing decisions require an understanding how IT systems serve business needs and in response to the econom
strategies and delivering solutions which purport to enable IT-business alignment (Christopher Lochead, 2004).

Compliance: A business challenge

De ning an e ective compliance policy is no easy task however Anne Bonapart of MailFrontier says that with 70% of digital assets connected to
remediation is a good place to start.

Business Requirements and customer expectations

The customer may not fully understand all of the project”„¢s requirements at the beginning of the project. According to Paul Williams, 2001 req
measurable and the ambiguity often leads to products or services delivered to the customer that may be technically sound but fall short by no
needs, so there will be another initiative and that will lead to another misunderstandings regarding requirements, therefore requirements mus
them goes up exponentially as the project progresses ( Paul Williams, 2001).

Clarity in the Scope of the Business Functions

Requirements can be better managed by investing enough time at the beginning of the project to ensure the requirements are understood an
customer group has then sign o the BRD. Creating a checklist template to collect customer requirements is also an approach that helps the re
missed during the interview process (Mohamed Aboshihata, 2005). 3/5
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Ensuring that the requirements gathering process is separated from the design process and understanding the requirements is not the same a
the design process comes after the requirements gathering process says Mohamed Aboshihata, 2005.

Involving a customer representative from all of the a ected departments or business functions should exist throughout the project to increase
requirements are in the best interest of the product or service design requirements (Paul Williams, 2001).

In the translation of the customer”„¢s needs into the delivered product or service, vague requirements may not be properly understood. The s
documented. Business Analysts recognize their role as one of de ning the business solution boundaries that is to ensure the project scope de
then translated into the Business Requirements Document. This BRD is approved and signed o by the customer as an agreement on the requ
documented due to assumptions being made that the requirement is obvious(Mohamed Aboshihata, 2005).

Organizational issues add another layer of complexity in the BA”„¢s ability to manage requirements (Mohamed Aboshihata, 2005) and changin

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 It is important that the roles of Business Analyst and Project Manager are recognized as separate and distinct however, their ability to work e
about overall project success. Project Teams work within the framework of a Project Management process, using a methodology for managing
delivered (Mohamed Aboshihata, 2005).

The deliverables from the Business Requirements Document are further de ned in the Project Scope Statement document (Mohamed Aboshih
planning purposes. For this to all work in harmony, the Business Analyst must be brought onto the project team at the very beginning of the pr
and closed. During the Business Requirement Analysis process the BA will help develop the scope statement by identifying the customer requi
BRD(Mohamed Aboshihata, 2005). Then the BA must remain with the team, ensuring that the ever-changing needs of customers are heard and

Con ict between Business Groups

As the BA role can often be referred to as: Systems Analyst, User Support Analyst, Business Systems Specialist, Project Manager, Business Lead
analysis techniques in order to obtain customer requirements (Mohamed Aboshihata, 2005).

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For a BA to be e ective, the reporting relationships should be clear across various levels within the organization (Mohamed Aboshihata, 2005).
requirements for increased productivity and then later in the day working with senior management, analyzing their need for more detailed rep

The BA”„¢s primary role is to elicit, structure, validate and communicate business and user requirements (Mohamed Aboshihata, 2005). Essent
level requirements and the technical community technical requirements. As a result, customer acceptance of a nal product or service is highly
business solution. The BA must remain sensitive to all customer/user needs and not judge these needs. It therefore becomes apparent that a B
business units directly impacted by the project (Mohamed Aboshihata, 2005).

IT is now integral to the way that businesses operate. With IT now playing such a critical role, the view of IT as a special case is no longer accept
priorities which govern investment in other assets – people, facilities, production lines etc. on which the continued operation of the business de
services that are governed according to those same business priorities. This extends to encompass the way that IT service delivery is measured
return on their investment in IT. It is no longer feasible for business decisions to be taken without a clear understanding of the IT implications o
participate as peers in the business change management process, and adopt a systematic approach to assessing the IT implications of any cha
it can actually in uence business change by highlighting the challenges and opportunities arising from technology change (Paul Williams, 2001) 4/5
2/28/2020 Challenges of Information Technology In Business

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These questions were posed as a support of challenges that IT:

How do businesses act while deciding upon and implementing new IT? Which are the cognitive and cultural obstacles to these processes? How
applications, and how do they impact business performance?

IT business challenges related issues has been identi es as to linking business strategy to IT strategy, and IT governance and portfolio manage
management strategy.

 When IT and business work in harmony to achieve common goals, the organization is more likely to realize maximum results to provide guidan
of IT services as a business support tool has undergone a signi cant evolution, the thought processes which shape how challenges of IT in bus
 approaches to IT management, technology architecture, software development and integration, and service delivery all present signi cant opp

 IT alignment helps enterprises achieve and sustain long-term success through value delivery to stakeholders, said ITGI trustee Paul Williams. U
organizations and managers act when engaging in IT investments are important issues. At best, IT is a source that helps individuals and organi


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Information Communications Technology (ICT) has become prevalent across organizations globally (Van Grembergen, et al, 2004). More speci
environments, it has become even more critical for organizations to understand the capabilities of existing and emerging technologies. The ne
organization has emerged due to the critical dependency on IT. Hence, IT governance has surfaced as an important issue for organizations, (Va

Rocky Mountain and Mr. Thomas C. Staab: Association of Information Technology Professionals

Treacy, W.F., Carey, M., 2000, Credit risk rating systems at large U.S. Banks.

Crouhy, M., Galai, D., Mark, R., 2000, A comparative analysis of current credit risk models.

Ramon Ray, 2007: Tech Basics: Biggest IT Challenges for Entrepreneurs Understanding the roadblocks ahead will help you better manage your

Edward, 2002, Challenges of IT.

Hartman, Sifonis, and Kador, 2000, Challenges in Business

Saunders, A., Allen, L, 2002, Credit Risk Measurement: New Approaches to Value at Risk and Other Paradigms.

Christopher Lochead, 2002, The challenges of IT business alignment.

Anne Bonapart, 2004. Compliance: A business challenge.

Van Grembergen, et al. (2004), IT Govenance

Mohamed Aboshihata, 2005, Business Analysis in business

Paul Williams, 2001, IT Alignment

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