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Think of a famous person who had defended and promoted the HUMAN RIGHTS.
Answer the questions below and use your answers to write a short biography of the

a. Early life

1 Who is the famous person?

Because I present the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the United

Nations Assembly, she was also first lady of the United States

2 Where was he/she born?

She was born in New York City.

3 When was he/ she born?

She was born on October 11, 1884

b. Childhood

1 What kind of childhood did he/she have?

He had a childhood filled with great wealth and privileges, because his family was
part of New York high society, waves of nicknamed good people

2 Where did he/she live as a child?

She lived New York

3 Where did he/she go to school?

Academia Allenswood

c. Adulthood

1 Did he/she go to the University?

No he didn't go to University

2 What was his/her first job?

His first job was teaching dance and calisthenics in the slums

3 Did he/she marry? If so, who dis he/she marry with?

Yes, she married Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

4 Did he/she have children? How many?

He had six children

d. Becoming famous

1 What area of life is the person famous for? e.g. politics, music, film etc.

She became famous for politics

2. What were the most important events during the time he/she was famous?

On March 4, 1933 she became first lady

He was part of the American Youth Congress and presented in an assembly the
Declaration of Human Rights

3. Did he/she travel to other countries?

Yes traveled, she to other countries

4. Did he/she meet any very interesting people?


5. Did he/she receive aby awards for his/her work?

Yes, she recived v acknowledgments

e. Later life

1. When did he/she die?

she died November 7, 1962

2. Where did he/she die?

she died in New York

f. Your feelings about the person

1 What are your feelings about the person? e.g. do you admire them, feel sorry for
them, find them interesting/funny etc.

I admire her, because she was a woman who was not content to be the first lady,
helped noble causes, etc.
2. What do you feel were the most important things he/she did?

Defend the most harmless communities, and their fight for human rights

Rosalind Franklin Biography

She was born November 11th 1884 in New York. She was from a good family,
because his uncle was president. She had a very good education, and over the
years she went to England to the academy Allenswood. She married Franklin
Delano Roosevelt and had six children. Her husband cheats on her with her
secretary and she wanted to divorce,but they stayed together for convenience.
Then she was devoted more to politics.

She defends the Afro community. She presented the declaration of human rights
for the united nations to accept.

She died on November 7, 1962, was seventy-eight years old, and died of heart

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