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Grand Forks Public Schools Overview of Return to Learn Planning and Preparations 2020-2021

Face to face instruction for all in a safe, supportive environment is Grand Forks Public Schools’ ultimate
objective for the 2020-2021 school year. Our districts are poised to institute comprehensive safety
measures intended to slow the spread of COVID-19 while allowing students and staff to engage in person at
each of our campuses while safe to do so. Considering the complex, ever-changing dynamics of COVID-19
spread, we are dually prepared to move students from face to face to remote instruction fluidly and
efficiently as needed.

Regardless, the goal is to ensure ALL students receive engaging instruction around relevant, standards-
based learning experiences whether through face to face (F2F) instruction, remote learning, or fluctuation
between the two. Equally important, all students should feel safe, supported, and connected to a caring
adult whether virtually or in school.

Below is a summary of GFPS’s re-entry plan. An additional, comprehensive planning document has been
created that outlines procedures and protocols to deliver instruction in several alternative formats if
predicated by COVID-19 outbreaks in our school(s) or community.

Prior to re-entry
● Staff surveyed about intention, concerns, and ability to return safely to their positions
○ Each staff member expressing concern or inability to return due to health related reasons
directly contacted by human resources
○ Accommodations considered to procure additional safety accommodations as reasonable
and practicable
○ Alternative assignments will be considered as able to maintain employment status and serve
student needs. Examples being considered include:
■ Licensed (secondary) teachers assigned a “caseload” of students engaged fully
through remote learning to mentor, manage workflow, and tutor through the
Edmentum online learning platform in collaboration with content area colleagues
■ Licensed (elementary) teachers assigned a remote classroom comprised of age-like
students across the district unable to attend school due to to compromised personal
or family health dynamics (ex: a class of eighteen 3rd graders from three different
elementary schools)
■ Paraprofessionals (all levels) assigned to remotely support individual student needs
or serve as on call mentors, tutors, and family outreach personnel
■ Reassigning staff to positions which would limit or eliminate personal contact with
multiple persons, and in which additional safety protocols may be instituted

● Families surveyed about intention, concerns, ability for their student(s) to safely report for face to
face instruction, busing, and internet access.
○ Each guardian expressing concern or inability for their student(s) to return due to health
related reasons will be directly contacted by GFPS to problem solve and plan for their
student’s individualized learning needs. Options being * explored include:
■ Full time remote learning with an assigned teacher / mentor
■ Full time remote learning with drop in face to face or remote tutoring center support
■ Hybrid model: some face to face instruction daily / weekly, with some remote learning
■ Face to face instruction at a smaller, more controlled site (if/as able)
■ Homebound instruction (one hour per day at neutral site face to face; medical note
■ Homeschool instruction
■ * Note: programming options may be limited by time, staffing, and resources
○ Families without high speed internet access will have district provided access
○ Busing routes will be modified / added as able according to data and safety precautions, per
public health consultation

● Buildings Sanitized and Prepared

○ Deep cleaning during summer break at each site
○ Classroom square footage determined for each teaching and learning space; each
classroom prepped to accommodate physical distancing standards with assigned section
sizes (guidelines between 6 ft. square and 6 ft circumference)
○ Additional disinfectant supplies ordered for each site (hand sanitizer, cleaning stations, etc.)
○ Plexiglass installed in high traffic office areas
○ Signage promoting personal safety measures and physical distancing displayed
○ Shared high touch areas limited / restricted (only bottle fill stations allowed on water
fountains; scanning mechanism vs. number punch in lunch line; etc.)
○ Electrostatic disinfectant machines ordered to expedite cleaning process across the district
○ Technology based devices ordered to allow “one to one” technology distribution K-12. K-2
will receive iPads, and 3-12 Chromebooks. All families will be supported in procuring high
speed internet access at home.

● Logistical planning in process at the building level

○ Evaluating student drop off and pickup schedules and stations to avoid bottlenecks and
students congregating
○ Evaluating building traffic patterns (cohorts assigned specific doors for entering / exit; one
way or divided two way hallway patterns; staggered passing time as able)
○ Evaluating possibility of student cohorts staying together throughout day (specialists travel to
○ Assuring physical distancing standards can be maintained according to scheduled class
sizes and modifying teaching and learning spaces accordingly
○ Breakfast and lunch schedules and eating locations altered to allow physical distancing link
○ * Extra before and after school elementary and middle level programming (intramurals, clubs)
postponed to prevent additional intermixing and allow more thorough custodial cleaning;
reinstatement as soon as safely possible
* ENCORE programming will continue with safety protocols in place
○ 7-12 competitive sports and activities TBD-- school board / public health & CDC / EDC
○ Ability and strategies to limit cohort intermixing or group congregation

● Expected Standardized Classroom and School Safety Protocols

○ Students and staff screened daily AT HOME- using ND Department of Health COVID-19
Exclusion Guidance Exclusion Guidance
■ Fever of 100 or higher OR two or more of the following symptoms:
■ Fatigue
■ Body Aches
■ Cough
■ Shortness of breath
■ Sore throat
■ Runny nose
■ Diarrhea
■ Abdominal pain
■ Newly developed loss of taste or smell

○ Persons showing signs / symptoms excluded from school until symptom free for 24 hours
(ex: temperature below 100 without medication; cough free)
○ If your child is being tested and/or tests positive for COVID-19, you MUST inform the
school immediately so officials may take additional measures to prevent spread within the
school. Confidentiality will be maintained during this process.
○ Masks in communal spaces and close groups
* Note: this may not apply to students who are unable to mask due to physical, medical, or
cognitive disadvantages
* Staff working with primary grades will wear masks or face shield protection when unable to
maintain physical distancing

■ Entering and exiting building

■ Hallways and passing time
■ Partner / group work when physical distancing standards are not possible
■ When teachers and staff are directly supporting students
■ Other
○ Students and staff sanitize hands on the way into and when exiting classrooms
○ Desks physically distanced (6 ft. squares or radius)
○ Masks may come off during classroom instruction if physical distancing is maintained
○ Students carry personal learning materials with them throughout the school day; locker and
coat hook use allowed only at the day’s start and end with staggered schedules as able
○ No sharing of individual materials, technology, snacks, supplies, etc.
○ Materials and technology brought home nightly including chargers to allow flexibility if/when
required to engage in remote learning
○ Classroom based materials / technology such as backup devices, graphing calculators, lab
materials, etc. must be sanitized between use
○ No assemblies or lyceums unless streamed to small groups
○ Cohorts travel together as able; teachers / specialists travel to cohorts as able
○ No outside visitors aside from contracted therapists and regular student teachers; parent
meetings and guest speakers held via conference call or video streaming until further notice
○ SOPs and quarantine area developed for symptomatic students and staff by nursing staff
and building administrators
○ Designated cohort entry / exit points for building access where able
○ Designated hallway traffic patterns: either one way or staying to the right as able
○ Staggered passing times as practical and able
○ Signage including bathrooms, hallways, waiting spaces
○ Alternate Lunch Schedules and Locations (determined by building)
○ Before and after school intramural and club programming postponed until further notice with
the exception of ENCORE
○ Competitive athletics (7-12) under guidance from NDHSAA
○ *Additional safety protocols for large group, physically active courses (PE, Chorus, Band,
etc.) * More guidance to come from research currently being conducted around specific
dynamics of these events
Click here for a resource to understand and teach many of the above safety protocols

Additional Planning in Process at the District Level

● Teacher Expectations developed (under review) that define standardized SEL and academic
priorities, routines and procedures, and assessment practices
● Employee FAQ developed to answer questions about leave, benefits, and other employment
concerns unique to COVID-19
● Staff training and professional development created around remote learning best practices,
safety protocols, cleaning standards, and new substitute teacher / para training
● Busing routes and ridership expectations developed that institute additional safety standards while
transporting students to and from school
● Outreach to local employment agencies, young professionals, and UND regarding opportunities to
grow our substitute workforce
● Ongoing collaboration with local public health, healthcare, City, and University response teams
● Family / parent information / helpline / outreach programming
● Special Education and ELL guidelines and accommodations developed to support unique student
learning needs during remote learning
● Exploring options to support faculty with young school aged children during remote learning; plans
for faculty/staff quarantined but not ill to fulfill job duties from home; the possibility of conducting
regular district or building wide staff testing; and ability to conduct contact-tracing in house
● Concepts to consider:
○ distance teaching
○ virtual academies
○ teamed teachers (cross campus idea included)
○ tutor / mentor centers

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