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The Journal of TRAUMA威 Injury, Infection, and Critical Care

Long-term Physical Outcome of Patients Who Suffered Crush

Syndrome after the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake:
Prognostic Indicators in Retrospect
Tetsuya Matsuoka, MD, Toshiharu Yoshioka, MD, Hiroshi Tanaka, MD, Norihisa Ninomiya, MD,
Jun Oda, MD, Hisashi Sugimoto, MD, and Junichiro Yokota, MD

Background: The 372 cases of crush time to fasciotomy and lower leg muscle partments were not included in the anal-
syndrome that followed the 1995 Hanshin- strength was also analyzed. ysis (R ⴝ 0.36, p ⴝ 0.009). In all debrided
Awaji earthquake have provided a unique Results: Severe disabilities related to anterior compartments, muscle contractil-
opportunity to investigate the long-term the lower leg compartment were present ity was completely abolished. There was a
physical outcomes and to establish indica- in 47% (8/17) of patients who underwent significant negative correlation between
tions for specific treatments in such pa- fasciotomy and in 16% (4/25) of patients time to fasciotomy and lower leg muscle
tients. The objectives of this study were to who did not. The anterior compartment strength.
identify independent predictors of physi- was damaged more severely than the pos- Conclusion: Secondary compart-
cal outcome in patients suffering from terior compartment. Severe sensory and ment syndrome affects physical outcome
crush syndrome and to clarify the influ- motor disturbances occurred at a higher in crush syndrome patients. We obtained
ence of fasciotomy on outcomes. rate in relation to anterior and posterior no evidence that fasciotomy improves out-
Methods: Sensory and motor func- compartments that were treated by fas- come. Delayed rescue, delayed fasciotomy,
tions were examined 2 years after the ciotomy than in relation to those that were and radical debridement may worsen the
earthquake in 42 patients with a total of not. Stepwise regression analysis showed physical prognosis. Indications for fas-
58 compressed lower extremities. The in- fasciotomy/debridement score to be an in- ciotomy in crush syndrome during the
fluences of time to rescue, fasciotomy, and dependent predictor of long-term lower acute phase need further deliberation.
radical debridement on lower leg muscle leg muscle strength (R ⴝ 0.67, p < 0.0001) Key Words: Crush syndrome, Com-
strength were evaluated by stepwise re- and showed time to rescue to be an inde- partment syndrome, Fasciotomy, Radical
gression analysis. Correlation between the pendent predictor when debrided com- debridement, Physical prognosis.
J Trauma. 2002;52:33–39.

t 5:46 AM on January 17, 1995, a catastrophic earth- syndrome and clarified the clinical features, particularly in
quake that registered 7.2 on the Richter scale hit the relation to syndrome severity.3
southern part of Hyogo Prefecture (Hanshin area and Crush syndrome was first identified by Bywaters and
Awaji Island), including the city of Kobe. This Hanshin- Beall4 as hemodynamic and metabolic disturbances and acute
Awaji earthquake resulted in approximately 5,500 deaths and renal failure following muscle injury due to prolonged com-
41,000 casualties. After the earthquake, our hospital staff pression of a limb. There are few reports regarding the phys-
conducted an early fact-finding survey regarding emergency ical prognosis and treatment of crush injury to the local
medical care. The survey involved visits to 95 hospitals extremities.5,6 Although fasciotomy is performed in muscle
within and surrounding the damaged area and reviews of the compartments with extremely high intracompartmental pres-
medical records of patients admitted after the earthquake.1,2 sure to decrease the pressure and protect the muscles and
In the original survey, we identified 372 patients with crush peripheral nerves from irreversible ischemic damage, the
efficacy of fasciotomy in relation to long-term outcome in
crush syndrome patients remains controversial.
Two years after the earthquake, we performed a follow-up
Submitted for publication November 19, 2000. study of 42 crush syndrome patients to investigate sensory and
Accepted for publication September 2, 2001.
motor functions of the affected lower extremities. The objectives
Copyright © 2002 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
From Senshu Critical Care Medical Center (T.M., J.Y.), Department of of this study were to identify prognostic indicators of long-term
Emergency Medicine, Osaka Prefectural Hospital (T.Y.), and Department of physical outcome in crush syndrome patients and to clarify how
Traumatology and Emergency Medicine, Osaka University Hospital (H.T., fasciotomy influences outcome in such patients.
N.N., J.O., H.S.), Osaka, Japan.
Supported by a grant from the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare.
Poster presentation at the 60th Annual Meeting of the American Associ- PATIENTS AND METHODS
ation for the Surgery of Trauma, October 11–15, 2000, San Antonio, Texas.
Address for reprints: Tetsuya Matsuoka, MD, Senshu Critical Care Patients
Medical Center, 2-24 Rinku Orai-kita, Izumisano, Osaka 598-0048, Japan; In the original fact-finding survey, we identified 372
email: patients that suffered crush syndrome as a result of the earth-

Volume 52 • Number 1 33
The Journal of TRAUMA威 Injury, Infection, and Critical Care

quake. Crush syndrome was diagnosed in patients who were peak CK, the occurrence of acute renal failure defined as a
trapped under collapsed buildings by the following criteria: serum concentration of creatinine ⬎ 2.5 mg/dL or anuria,
(1) compression of limb muscles; (2) swelling and neurologic need for hemodialysis, the site of fasciotomy, time from
disturbance of the affected area; and (3) presence of an the injury to fasciotomy, and the performance of radical
abnormal urine finding, such as anuria, myoglobinuria, or muscle debridement following fasciotomy. Fasciotomy and
hematuria. radical debridement were also scored: 0, no fasciotomy; 1, fas-
For patients who had sustained crush injury in a lower ciotomy of an anterior or posterior compartment; 2, fasciotomy
extremity and had showed a peak serum concentration of over with radical debridement.
10,000 U/L creatinine kinase (peak CK), we requested a
medical examination either in the Department of Traumatol- Statistical Analysis
ogy, Osaka University Hospital or at a neighboring hospital. Numerical data are presented as mean ⫾ SD values.
Patients who had undergone fasciotomy in a lower extremity Measures were compared statistically by unpaired t test and
were encouraged to participate in the study even if peak CK ␹2 test between patients who underwent fasciotomy and those
had not been determined. Forty-two patients with 58 crushed who did not. Correlations between total lower leg muscle
lower extremities consented to participate and visited our strength and sex, age, time to rescue, and fasciotomy/debride-
hospital (34 patients) or other hospitals (8 patients) for clin- ment score were examined by stepwise regression. The same
ical examination of sensory and motor functions between correlations were examined for muscle strength in the ante-
January and March of 1997. rior or posterior compartment. In 21 fasciotomized lower
legs, correlation between time from rescue to the perfor-
Outcome Measures mance of fasciotomy and the total lower leg muscle strength
The strength of each of nine lower extremity muscle score was analyzed by simple regression. Statistical signifi-
groups was graded from 0 to 5 according to the Medical cance was assumed at p ⬍ 0.05.
Research Council (MRC) grading system, and residual weak-
ness was classified as severe (MRC grades 0 and 1), moderate RESULTS
(MRC grades 2 and 3), or mild/none (MRC grades 4 and 5). Characteristics of the 42 patients included in this fol-
Muscle strength was evaluated separately in the anterior and low-up study are shown in Table 1. Fifty-eight lower extrem-
posterior (superficial and deep posterior) lower leg compart- ities were crushed, and 22 extremities in 17 patients were
ments. The total MRC score for the anterior tibial muscle and fasciotomized. Fasciotomy and nonfasciotomy patients were
toe extensor was used for the anterior compartment, and that similar in age, sex distribution, occurrence rate of acute renal
of the gastrocnemial muscle and toe flexor was used for the failure, and percentage of patients requiring hemodialysis.
posterior compartment. The total score of these four muscles Patients had been trapped under collapsed houses for 7.0 ⫾
was calculated to evaluate motor function of the lower legs. 3.3 hours (range, 3 to 20 hours). A significant difference in
Light touch and pinprick sensations were examined in the time to rescue was found between the fasciotomy and
five peripheral nerve regions of the foot: dorsal surface for nonfasciotomy patients (p ⫽ 0.02). The average time from
the superficial peroneal nerve, web space between the hallux insult to hospital admission for definitive therapy was 19 ⫾
and second toe for the deep peroneal nerve, lateral side of the 18 hours (range, 6 to 72 hours), and there was no significant
ankle and foot for the sural nerve, plantar surface for the tibial difference between the two groups (p ⫽ 0.17). Peak CK
nerve, and medial side of the ankle and foot for the saphenous ranged from 10,000 to 241,000 U/L, and no significant dif-
nerve. The results were graded from 0 to 2 (0, anesthesia; 1, ference existed between the fasciotomy and nonfasciotomy
hypo- or hyperesthesia; 2, normal). The total scores of touch patients (p ⫽ 0.16). Fasciotomy was performed in 7 thighs,
and pain were used to grade the residual sensory disturbance 16 anterolateral lower leg sites, and 17 posteromedial lower
in each peripheral nerve region as follows: severe/anesthesia leg sites in 22 extremities. The time from insult to fasciotomy
(0 and 1), hypo- or hyperesthesia (2 and 3), or normal (4). was 52.8 ⫾ 57.8 hours (12 to 240 hours), and fasciotomies in
We also measured range of motion (ROM) in the hip, five patients were performed more than 72 hours after injury.
knee, ankle, and toe joints, and a loss of active and passive Six legs of five patients required radical debridement after
ROM was considered articular contracture. Severe physical fasciotomy. Infection occurred at the fasciotomy site in three
disability was defined as either severe weakness of at least legs of two patients.
one muscle group, severe/anesthetic sensory disturbance of at Residual motor and sensory disturbances in the 58
least one peripheral nerve region, or articular contracture. crushed legs are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Severe residual
thigh muscle weakness was not found, whereas severe lower
Other Data Obtained from the Medical Records leg disability was observed in several patients. In the anterior
We obtained the following patient information from their lower leg compartments, 9 anterior tibial muscles, 12 toe
medical records: sex, age, anatomic injury site, time from the extensors, and 8 deep peroneal nerves showed severe muscle
injury to rescue (time to rescue), time from the injury to weakness or sensory disturbance, whereas in the superficial
hospital admission for definitive therapy (time to admission), and deep posterior compartment, 1 gastrocnemial muscle, 2

34 January 2002
Physical Prognosis of Crush Syndrome

Table 1 Characteristics of Patients Included in the Follow-Up Study

Fasciotomy Nonfasciotomy Total

No. of patients 17 25 42
No. of legs 22 36 58
Male/female ratio 6/11 12/13 18/24
Age (yr) 49 ⫾ 16 47 ⫾ 19 48 ⫾ 18
Time to rescue (hr) 8.3 ⫾ 4.5† 6.2 ⫾ 2.0 7.0 ⫾ 3.3
Time to admission* (hr) 24 ⫾ 20 16 ⫾ 17 19 ⫾ 18
Peak CK (U/L) 101,000 ⫾ 72,000*** 71,000 ⫾ 55,000 82,000 ⫾ 63,000
Number of patients with ARF** 13 21 34
Number of patients with HD 13 13 26
Site of fasciotomy
Thigh 7****
Lower leg 21
Anterolateral site 16
Posteromedial site 17
Time from injury to fasciotomy [range] (hr) 52.3 ⫾ 58.0 [12–240]*****
ARF, acute renal failure; HD, hemodialysis.
* Time to admission; time from the injury to hospital admission for definitive therapy.
** ARF was defined as serum concentration of creatinine ⬎ 2.5 mg/dL or anuria.
*** For three fasciotomy patients, peak CK data were missing.
**** Six legs also had lower leg fasciotomies.
***** In five patients, fasciotomies were performed more than 72 hours after injury.

p ⬍ 0.05 vs. nonfasciotomy patients.

toe flexors, 1 tibial nerve, and 1 sural nerve showed severe (p ⫽ 0.004) muscles, the superficial (p ⫽ 0.003) and deep (p
muscle weakness or sensory disturbance. Significant differ- ⫽ 0.03) peroneal nerves, and the tibial nerve (p ⫽ 0.01).
ences were observed between fasciotomy and nonfasciotomy The patients with severe disability (eight fasciotomy and
patients in the severity of residual disturbance in the anterior four nonfasciotomy patients) are summarized in Table 4.
tibial (p ⫽ 0.0009), toe extensor (p ⬍ 0.0001) and toe flexor Three of these patients underwent fasciotomy more than 72
hours after injury. Radical debridement was required in six
lower legs of five patients due to massive muscle necrosis or
Table 2 Residual Muscle Weakness in Each Muscle
infection. Contraction was found in six ankle and six toe
joints of five fasciotomy patients and four ankle and three toe
Severity of Muscle Weakness
Muscle Group Fasciotomy joints of four nonfasciotomy patients. These joint contrac-
Severe Moderate Mild/None tures were associated with severe muscle weakness. Four
Iliopsoas* (⫹) — — — nonfasciotomy patients showed severe changes in the anterior
(–) 0 7 51 compartment, including anterior tibial muscle and toe exten-
Abd. coxa* (⫹) — — —
sor weakness and sensory disturbance of the deep peroneal
(–) 0 8 50
Add. coxa (⫹) 0 2 4 nerve region. All four patients who did not undergo fas-
(–) 0 8 44 ciotomy but showed severe muscle weakness also presented
Quadriceps (⫹) 0 1 6 severe sensory disturbance, whereas only three of eight pa-
(–) 0 3 48 tients who underwent fasciotomy and showed severe muscle
Hamstring* (⫹) — — —
(–) 0 6 52 weakness presented severe sensory disturbance (p ⫽ 0.04).
Tibialis anterior# (⫹) 7** 3 6 None of these 12 patients had an advancing Tinel sign over a
(–) 2 8 32 peripheral nerve. All patients are able to walk, although one
Ext. toe# (⫹) 9** 4 3 fasciotomy patient needs an ankle-foot orthosis and one non-
(–) 3 5 34
Flex. toe# (⫹) 1*** 8 8
fasciotomy patient needs a cane. Reconstructive procedures
(–) 1 4 36 were done in only 4 of 42 patients. Two nonfasciotomy
Gastrocnemius (⫹) 1*** 3 13 patients (patients 11 and 12) had left Achilles tendon length-
(–) 0 3 38 ening over 1 year after injury. One fasciotomy patient (patient
Abd., abductor; Add., adductor; Ext., extensor; Flex., flexor. 4) had left Achilles tendon lengthening over 1 year after
* Fasciotomy not performed in this muscle group. injury, and another fasciotomy patient (patient 5) had tendol-
** Including six legs that were radically debrided.
*** Radically debrided.
ysis for both toe extensors and the left anterior tibial tendon
Significant difference between fasciotomy and nonfasciotomy as well as arthrolysis for the right ankle joint within 1 year
patients. after injury.

Volume 52 • Number 1 35
The Journal of TRAUMA威 Injury, Infection, and Critical Care

ysis of the posterior compartment, the only significant inde-

Table 3 Sensory Disturbance in the Region of Each
pendent variable was time to rescue (R ⫽ 0.50, p ⫽ 0.0002),
Peripheral Nerve
but when debrided fasciotomy was included, the only signif-
Severity of Disturbance icant independent predictor was fasciotomy/debridement
Region Fasciotomy Severe/ Hypo-/
Normal score (R ⫽ 0.46, p ⫽ 0.0003) (Fig. 2). For the anterior
Anesthesia Hyperesthesis
compartment, the fasciotomy/debridement score proved to be
Superficial peroneal# (⫹) 2 13 1 an independent predictor, when debrided fasciotomy was
(–) 0 23 19
included (R ⫽ 0.72, p ⬍ 0.0001) and excluded (R ⫽ 0.36, p
Deep peroneal# (⫹) 4 11 1
(–) 4 21 17 ⫽ 0.009) (Fig. 3). All six anterior compartments in which
Tibial# (⫹) 1 12 4 radical debridement was done had muscle strength scores of
(–) 0 15 26 0, whereas the posterior compartments in which debridement
Sural (⫹) 1 10 6 was done had muscle strength scores of over 4, excluding the
(–) 0 15 26
one case in which fasciotomy and radical debridement were
Saphenous* (⫹) — — —
(–) 1 33 24 performed 10 days after the earthquake. In the fasciotomy
patients, significant correlation was shown between the time
* Not belonging to any muscle compartments.
Significant differences between fasciotomized and nonfas-
from rescue to the performance of fasciotomy and the total
ciotomized compartments, including each peripheral nerve. lower leg muscle strength score (R ⫽ 0.49, p ⫽ 0.03) (Fig. 4).

The total lower leg muscle strength scores were signifi-

cantly correlated with the fasciotomy/debridement scores (R DISCUSSION
⫽ 0.67, p ⬍ 0.0001). All legs treated by both fasciotomy and In our early fact-finding survey, we clarified the clinical
radical muscle debridement had lower leg muscle strength features and severity of crush syndrome in the early phase
scores of less than 10 (Fig. 1). In stepwise regression analysis after the earthquake,3 but the long-term physical outcome of
that excluded debrided muscles, fasciotomy scores did not crush syndrome could not be determined. A few reports refer
prove to be independent predictors of outcome, but time to to this matter,5,6 but the sample populations are small and the
rescue did prove to be an independent predictor (R ⫽ 0.36, p reports fail to clarify the physical prognoses. Thus, we per-
⫽ 0.009). When debrided fasciotomy was excluded in anal- formed the current follow-up study of patients with crush

Table 4 Summary of Patients with Severe Disability

Peak CK Time to Time to Sensory Motor
Patient Age (yr) Sex Debridement Contracture
(U/L) Rescue (hr) Fasciotomy (hr) Disturbance Disturbance

Fasciotomy performed
1 50 M 171,000 5 240 (⫹) 5 regions of rt rt TA, rt GC rt ankle
foot rt Ext/Flex toe rt toe
2 26 F 87,900 4 12 (⫹) rt TA
rt Ext toe
3* 57 F 77,700 8 32 (⫹)* lt s/d peroneal bil TA bil ankle
rt d peroneal bil Ext toe bil toe
4 45 M 62,200 5 24 (–) lt Ext toe lt ankle
lt toe
5 47 M 48,600 20 32 (⫹) rt TA
rt Ext toe
6 42 F 35,700 6 120 (⫹) rt TA rt ankle
rt Ext toe rt toe
7 43 F — 9 72 (–) lt Ext toe
8 62 F — 10 20 ? lt d peroneal lt TA lt ankle
lt Ext toe
Fasciotomy not performed
9 53 F 135,500 6 — — lt d peroneal lt TA lt ankle
lt Ext toe
10 25 M 98,600 9 — — lt d peroneal rt Ext toe lt ankle
rt toe
11 18 F 77,300 10 — — lt d peroneal lt Ext/Flex toe lt ankle
lt toe
12 22 M 36,700 10 — — lt d peroneal lt TA lt ankle
lt Ext toe lt toe
rt/lt, right/left; bil, bilateral; d/s, deep/superficial; TA, anterior tibial muscle; GC, gastrocnemius muscle; Ext/Flex, extensor/flexor.
* Bilateral fasciotomy and radical debridement.

36 January 2002
Physical Prognosis of Crush Syndrome

Fig. 1. Correlation between time to rescue and total lower leg

muscle strength score. Nonfasciotomized lower leg (filled circles), Fig. 2. Correlation between time to rescue and muscle strength of
fasciotomized lower leg (open squares), and lower leg radically the posterior compartment. Nonfasciotomized posterior compart-
debrided after fasciotomy (filled squares). According to stepwise ment (filled circles), fasciotomized posterior compartment (open
regression analysis, fasciotomy/debridement score was the only in- squares), and posterior compartment radically debrided after fas-
dependent predictor of total lower leg muscle strength (R ⫽ 0.67, p ciotomy (filled squares). According to stepwise regression analysis,
⬍ 0.0001), whereas time to rescue was the only predictor when fasciotomy/debridement score was the only independent predictor of
debrided lower legs were excluded (R ⫽ 0.36, p ⫽ 0.009). muscle strength of the posterior compartment (R ⫽ 0.46, p ⫽
0.0003), whereas time to rescue was the only predictor when de-
brided posterior compartments were excluded (R ⫽ 0.50, p ⫽
syndrome to clarify determinants of physical prognosis as
well as the influence of fasciotomy on long-term outcome.
We reported from the previous study that peak CK val-
ues reflected the amount of damaged muscle as well as the functional outcome of debrided muscle in the anterior com-
severity of crush syndrome in the early phase;3 however, no partment was poor. Our findings are similar to those of
significant correlations between peak CK values and long- several other authors5,7,8 who concluded fasciotomy to be
term physical outcomes were observed in the present study contraindicated for crush syndrome. The rationale is that if a
(data not shown). Severe residual disabilities were thought to muscle is already necrotized, fasciotomy cannot reverse the
result from direct injury to the muscles and peripheral nerves, status of the muscle. In fact, it exposes the necrotic muscle to
ischemia/reperfusion injury in the muscles and peripheral possible infection, and debridement of a necrotic muscle
nerves, and compartment syndrome due to primary compres- following fasciotomy can induce massive bleeding. Severe
sion and secondary muscle swelling. All of the muscle groups infection or profound diffuse hemorrhage in cases of crush
showing severe residual damage were of the lower leg with
firmer compartments than the thigh (Table 2). No patient
manifested the advancing Tinel sign over a peripheral nerve,
which results from direct injury to the nerve. Our findings
indicate strongly that lower leg compartment syndrome con-
tributes to the long-term physical disability of crush syn-
drome patients. Furthermore, of the lower leg compartments,
the anterior compartment was more susceptible to damage
than the posterior compartment.
The time to rescue, the time to performance of fas-
ciotomy, and the need for radical debridement were initially
thought to be prognostic indicators of physical outcome.
According to stepwise regression analysis, only fasciotomy/
debridement score was shown to be an independent determi- Fig. 3. Correlation between time to rescue and muscle strength of
nant of muscle strength. When debrided muscles were ex- the anterior compartment. Nonfasciotomized anterior compartment
cluded from analysis, only time to rescue was shown to be an (filled circles), fasciotomized anterior compartment (open squares),
independent predictor of total lower leg muscle strength and and anterior compartment radically debrided after fasciotomy
posterior compartment muscle strength. Radical debridement (filled squares). According to stepwise regression analysis, fas-
with fasciotomy was linked most strongly to motor disability, ciotomy/debridement score was the only independent predictor of
and contraction of debrided muscles failed to be observed, muscle strength of the anterior compartment both including (R ⫽
especially in the anterior compartment. Fasciotomy failed to 0.72, p ⬍ 0.0001) and excluding (R ⫽ 0.36, p ⫽ 0.009) debrided
contribute to the improvement of physical function, and the anterior compartments.

Volume 52 • Number 1 37
The Journal of TRAUMA威 Injury, Infection, and Critical Care

hours. Mubarak and Owen6 reported two patients with pos-

tural crush syndrome who underwent immediate fasciotomy
and had a good physical outcome. In a group of crush injury
patients reported by Reis and Michaelson,5 fasciotomy was
performed more than 24 hours after injury, and later analysis
showed such fasciotomy to be contraindicated.
In the present follow-up study, we found no evidence
that fasciotomy improved outcomes in terms of physical
ability, although sensory disturbance in patients with severe
muscle weakness might have been reduced by fasciotomy
(Table 4). This study, however, was conducted retrospec-
Fig. 4. Analysis of fasciotomized lower legs for correlation between tively, and it is possible that the initial severity of symptoms
time from rescue to fasciotomy and the total lower leg muscle between patients undergoing and not undergoing fasciotomy
strength score. There was a significant correlation between time were unequal. Unfortunately, records of intracompartmental
from rescue to fasciotomy and the total lower leg muscle strength pressure were found for only a few patients, and the physical
score (R ⫽ 0.49, p ⫽ 0.03). symptoms of patients were unknown. Indications for fas-
ciotomy were determined by the doctors who first examined
syndrome might require amputation as a life-saving proce- the patients. Patients who underwent fasciotomy were more
dure. In our previous study of 372 patients with crush syn- severely injured than those who did not. In fact, the time to
drome, 49 patients underwent fasciotomy and 12 experienced rescue was significantly longer in the fasciotomy patients
surgical site infection. Two patients died due to sepsis from than in the nonfasciotomy patients. Of 21 fasciotomized
surgical site infection, and three patients had to undergo lower legs, only seven extremities of five patients were fas-
amputation for the control of infection. We conclude that ciotomized within 24 hours after insult, and the delay in
infection at the fasciotomy site is a serious risk. fasciotomy may have caused the worsening of physical out-
For compartment syndrome secondary to injury of ex- come, as shown in Figure 4. Furthermore, at least three of six
tremity, fasciotomy is recognized as an essential treatment extremities (in patients 2 and 3, Table 4) treated with radical
that releases intracompartmental pressure and prevents irre- debridement showed over 80 mm Hg of intracompartmental
versible ischemic damage of the muscle and peripheral nerve. pressure and required fasciotomy to preserve the lower
Sheridan and Matsen9 reported, however, that even in com- extremities.
partment syndrome, among extremities in which fasciotomy Among the nonfasciotomy patients, four suffered severe
was performed more than 12 hours after the appearance of disability. All four manifested severe disability of the lower
motor weakness, pain on passive muscle stretch, or hypes- leg anterior compartment and joint contractures of the ankle
thesia, normal function was restored in only 8%, and late and/or toe. One patient manifested severe disability of the
fasciotomy increased the potential for complications such as deep posterior compartment. These patients were rescued
infection. Furthermore, restoration of the circulation by fas- within 10 hours after the earthquake, and fasciotomy might
ciotomy must be done on a prophylactic basis before perma- have improved the physical outcome in these patients.
nent changes occur; meta-analysis has shown fasciotomy in Mubarak and Owen and others6,12,14 reported that despite
patients with paralysis to be unsatisfactory in over 80% of
high compression pressure, the area of muscle necrosis is
cases.10,11 In models of total ischemia, muscles and periph-
sharply localized and that reperfusion arising from decom-
eral nerves can survive for as long as 4 hours without irre-
pression with extrication causes edema and a rise in intra-
versible damage, and total ischemia for more than 8 hours
compartmental pressure, which exacerbates the myonecrosis
produces irreversible changes.11 In postural crush syndrome,
intramuscular pressure in the volar forearms and anterior and neural injury. They suggested that immediate fasciotomy
tibial compartments that are directly compressed is suffi- and excision of the necrotic area is required for survival of the
ciently high to cause muscle ischemia.12 In crush syndrome, remaining viable muscle without scar adherence and for de-
muscles and peripheral nerves in the trapped extremities may creasing the systemic effects of myonecrosis. However, Reis
already be affected by ischemia due to the increase in intra- and Michaelson5,7 note that fasciotomy after the muscle cells
compartmental pressure. Recovery from complete ischemia and peripheral nerves in the compartment are necrotized
for more than 8 hours is not possible because muscle and completely fails to improve the physical outcome and may
peripheral nerve deterioration is irreversible. Even if isch- expose dead tissue to the potential for infection. Residual
emia is only partial during the time of entrapment, the lower viable muscle and nerve seem to be important for effective
leg compartment showing neurologic deficit and high intra- fasciotomy. However, the means by which the remaining
compartmental pressure over 40 mm Hg or 20 mm Hg below viable muscle and nerve can be detected before fasciotomy
diastolic blood pressure13 must be fasciotomized within 12 requires further investigation.

38 January 2002
Physical Prognosis of Crush Syndrome

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Volume 52 • Number 1 39

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