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July 26, 2020

8th Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome! We’re happy to have you with us today.

L: The Voice calling long ago.
P: The Voice calling today.
L: The Voice compelling Jonah to go.
P: The Voice compelling us to go.
L: The Voice calling to Jonah compelling him to share the
Good News of God's redemptive love.
P: The Voice calling to us compelling us to share the Good
News of God's redemptive love
L: with those who would be enemies.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P: With those who would be enemies,
N EWARK VALLEY 1ST UNITED METHODIST L: the people of Nineveh, beloved of God,
70 S. MAIN ST.,
P: the people of the world, beloved of God.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L: The Voice calling long ago.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P: The Voice calling today. Katherine Hawker
Office: (607) 642-8811 Website: A: Merciful God, You sent Your messengers the
Email: prophets to preach repentance and prepare the
Like us on Facebook: way for our salvation. Give us grace to heed
their warnings and forsake our sins, that we
Rev. Timothy Middleton may greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ,
Parsonage: (607) 642-3630 our Redeemer; who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
WORSHIP FOR YOUNG DISCIPLES prayer be made for Him continually, and blessings invoked
GIFTS/OFFERTORY P: May there be abundance of grain in the land; may it wave
*Thanksgiving Praise: “Doxology” on the tops of the mountains; may its fruits be like
L: And may they blossom forth in the cities like the grass of
L: Give the King Your justice, O God, the field!
P: And Your Righteousness to the Royal Son! P: May His name endure forever, His fame continue as long
L: May He judge Your people with righteousness, as the sun! May people bless themselves by Him, all
P: And Your poor with the justice! nations call Him blessed!
L: Let the mountains bear prosperity for the people, and the
hills, in righteousness! *HYMN “Jesus Calls Us” (UMH 398)
P: May He defend the cause of the poor of the people, give
deliverance to the needy, and crush the oppressor! PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S
L: May He live while the sun endures, and as long as the
moon, throughout all generations! SCRIPTURE LESSON Jonah 1:1-17
P: May He be like rain that falls on mown grass, like MESSAGE: “Not Thy will but MINE!” ~ Pastor Tim
showers that water the earth! INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP
L: In His days may righteousness flourish, and peace abound,
*HYMN “Blessed Assurance” (UMH 369)
till the moon be no more!
P: May He have dominion from sea to sea, and from the BENEDICTION PRAISE “God Be with You till We
river to the ends of the earth! Meet Again” verse 1, verse only
L: May His foes bow down before Him, and His enemies lick THE LIGHT GOES FORTH
the dust! May the Kings of Tarshish and of the Isles render
Him tribute, may the Kings of Sheba and Seba bring gifts! POSTLUDE
P: May all Kings fall down before Him, all nations serve Him! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
L: For He delivers when they call, the poor and those who
NV Food Pantry News
have no helper.
P: He has pity on the weak and the needy, Due to the Covid 19 Virus there are families in Newark Valley
L: and saves the lives of the needy. experiencing food shortage so the pantry will be open regular
P: From oppression and violence He redeems their life; and hours of 3 to 4 on Tuesdays & Thursdays ; *Senior Pantry will take
place on the second Wednesday of the month from 9-10 a.m. If
precious is their blood in His sight.
you are not able to come during those hours, please call 642-3339
L: Long may He live, may gold of Sheba be given to Him! May
and someone will meet you at the pantry at the time you request. with the virus; Twins, Cassidy & Siena Lourie; Don Williams (Frazier’s
brother); Donald Williams (MaryJo Carey’s Dad);
We are here for you so don't hesitate to call. Open to all residents
Our Shut Ins: Sharon Brown; Varina Henson; Darlene Hill; Mary Kay
of the 13811 zip code. Thank you! Johnson; Jean Stevens; Brandon Swisher; Tarraha Whittemore
In Sympathy & Comfort: All those who continue mourning the loss of
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a loved one along with the families & friends of Lauren Ajax; Damon
*Sandy has adult and child-sized masks. Please contact her Bazzeghin; Ethel Ceuter; Joyce Lavine; those who have died from COVID-19;
through Pastor Tim if you are in need of them. Donald Wagner
Unknown/Other Concerns: All Churches in the area; Churches and
states as they reopen; All Countries affected by terrorism; All those
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ affected by mass shootings & stabbings; Church family; Families
whose loved ones are struggling with addiction; Gabby Dunham;
Believe Belong Getting masks, ventilators & other supplies to all who need them in the

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fight against COVID-19; Graduates; Healthcare workers & providers;
Law enforcement officers & their families; Opposing views on racial &

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social issues; Our country’s leaders; Our Congregation; Congress; Our
Military Troops; Our Small Groups; Our vision; Our Youth; Persecuted
Christians; Police Forces, Political Climate; Sanitation workers,
Scientists working on vaccines & cures: Nursing Home Workers;
People to Remember in Prayer Each Day Refugees & others in the midst of moves; Schools & sports programs
restarting; The People of the Mid. East; The Unemployed; those affected
For Encouragement: Wilma Ace; Caregivers; Davis, Heath & Neal by natural disasters, including storm concerns, wildfires, tornados,
Missionary Families; Macella Dean; Jessica Dunham; Pastor Gary earthquakes, relief workers & their families; Those starting new jobs;
Freeland; Lillian Gregrow; Dorene Hill; Valerie Hogan; Mary Hoagland; Unspoken Concerns; Victims of hate crimes; Young Disciples’ Church;
Rob Dunham & family; Sheryl Jones; “Linda”; Terry McKinney; Tim & World peace;
Connie Middleton; Shuba & Morrissey families; Bonnie Snapp;
President Trump; UCC Church; Bishop Mark Webb;
Health Related Issues: Dave Ace; “Amy”; Bob Abbott; Jerry Adams;
Larry Baird; Mark Basham; Baby Princess Warrior Bristol; Carol
Bazzeghin; Rae Beautes; Jane Bensley; Pete Brennan; Kathy Busch;
Carol Carey; Donald Cornwell; Jim DeCaro; Tony DeCaro; Sheila Dickey;
Wendy Dunham; Mary Harper Edsall; Mary Edsall; “Franklin”(1 ½ yr.-
old); Bob Giblin; Linda Hendrickson; “Jordan”; Jim Kavalesky; “Kerry”;
Rosie Kessler; MaryAnn Kinsey; Marylou Kinsey; Sue Kinsey; Paula
Komarek; June Krapf; Anna Kuntzelman; “Larry” (MaryJo Carey’s
Brother); Autumn Lavine; Taffy Lefkowitz; “Lisa”; “Luke” (Wendy
Dunham’s grandson) & others with RSV; Shirley Mincher; Tammy
Mounts, & protection for daughter, Madison; Sharon Newton; Kerry
Peterson; “Phil”; Chet & Peggy Pierce; Dick Pond; Teri Remaley;
Residents, staff & families of Hilltop & Elderwood Communities;
“Debbie” (Arlene Ronk’s daughter); Bill Roop; Ginger (Kinsey) Roth;
“Sharon” (Nellie Snapp’s sister); Jackie Sparks; Amelia Sprague; Heather
Stamper; Jean Stevens; Craig Tirrell; Those down with the flu; Those in
harm’s way of contracting “Covid19”: food pantry volunteers, school and
store employees helping to make food and groceries available, and those

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