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RFP C-20006


Proposal Due: February 12, 2020 at 2:00 PM CST

Public Opening: February 12, 2020 at 2:00 PM CST

Submit to: Kansas City Public Schools

Purchasing Department
2901 Troost Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64109

Attention: Kim R. Mason

Procurement/Supplier Diversity Specialist

Number of Copies Required: Five (5) bound copies marked “Copy”, one (1) unbound original
marked “Original” and one (1) flash drive, in Word format, which contains the Vendor’s entire
response. Each original and copies are to have the appropriate tabs.



This form is designed to assist the bidder in providing information necessary to confirm a “No-Bid”
response. To remain potentially involved in future opportunities, the bidder should state the reasons for
declining such an invitation. Please submit to Procurement after completion and required signature.

BID NUMBER: RFP C-20006 District Website Platform

Company Name:
Contact Person:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:

Please Note:
A no-bid response is a critical factor in remaining on the bidders list, and thus ensures future business
opportunities. In addition, a no-bid response demonstrates that, while you are not interested in bidding for
a particular project, you are still interested in competing for future opportunities and want to stay on the
prospective bidders list.
We, the undersigned have declined to submit a bid for the following reason(s):
Specifications are too rigid (i.e. geared toward one brand/manufacturer/service only
(explain below).
Unable to meet deadline for responding to above bid number (IFB/RFP).
We do not offer this product or service.
Our schedule would not permit us to perform.
Unable to meet specifications.
Unable to meet Bond/Insurance requirement(s).
Specifications unclear (explain below).
Unable to meet insurance requirements.
Please remove us from your “Bidders List”.
Other (specify below).


I certify that the above information is true and correct, and that no other data, fact or consideration offered
or given has influenced this response.
Submitted by:
Name (Printed) Title/Department

Signature Date
Received by:
Purchasing Signature Date


1. General Information

1.1. Introduction. Kansas City Public Schools (KCPS) is a Pre-K through 12 th grade public
school district located in Jackson County, Missouri serving a diverse student population.
KCPS is comprised of thirty-eight (38) sites, which includes twenty-three (23) elementary
school sites, three (3) middle school sites, six (6) high school sites, two (2) alternative
school sites, two (2) early learning community schools, one (1) career and technical center
and one (1) administrative site.

1.2. Schedule. The proposed project schedule for this RFP is as follows:

RFP Published: January 21, 2020

Questions Due: February 4, 2020 by 1:00 PM CST
Addendum Posted: February 5, 2020
Proposals Due: February 12, 2020 by 2:00 PM CST

The bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 PM CST on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at the
Board of Education building located at 2901 Troost Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109. All
persons attending the bid opening at the BOE building must present picture ID at the
Security Desk.

This schedule is tentative and is subject to change for reasons including but not limited to
changes in deadlines by the Kansas City Public Schools.

1.3 Vendor Instructions.

1.3.1 Submissions of Proposal. Five (5) bound copies, marked “Copy”, one (1)
unbound original marked “Original” and one (1) flash drive in pdf format which
contains the Vendor’s entire response. Each original and copies are to have the
appropriate tabs. Proposals must be received at the address listed below no later
than 2:00 PM CST on February 12, 2020. If you are hand delivering the
proposal, Purchasing Department at 2901 Troost, Kansas City, Missouri, must
receive and time-stamp the proposals prior to the close date and time.
Additionally, for hand delivered proposals, please plan your schedule accordingly
to allow up to thirty minutes’ time prior to the close time to check-in at the
Security Guard desk. Proposals received after that date and time will not be
considered and will be returned unopened. Submittal packages must be clearly
marked showing the number and the title of the RFP, which is RFP C- 20006
District Website Platform.

Proposals shall be submitted in sealed packages addressed to:

Kansas City Public Schools

Attn: Kim R. Mason
Procurement/Supplier Diversity Specialist
2901 Troost Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64109


1.3.2 Format. Vendors must respond to this RFP by using the format described in
Attachment C, including all Response Templates found in Section 3. The KCPS
reserves the right to deem proposals that do not comply with this format as non-
responsive and reject them. Vendors will not receive notification from the KCPS if
their proposal is rejected due to format issues. KCPS reserves the right to waive
format requirements in the event it receives only one (1) proposal in response to
the RFP or it is deemed in the best interest of KCPS.

1.3.3 Signature. The Vendor must provide an original, manual, notarized signature of an
authorized agent on 3.4 (Tab 4 Response Affidavit) to the RFP. The KCPS
reserves the right to deem a proposal not including such a signature non-

1.3.4 Questions. All questions regarding this RFP shall be made electronically via
e-mail and directed to:

Kim R. Mason at

The subject of the e-mail shall be “QUESTION – RFP C-20006”. Failure to

provide the correct RFP number in the email will deem the question
unanswerable and will not be considered as part of any addenda. Responses to all
properly submitted questions will be posted on KCPS’s E-bidding website as
addenda to this RFP. The deadline for submitting questions on this RFP is
February 4, 2020 at 1:00 PM CST. Any questions submitted after that date and
time will not be considered or answered.

1.3.5 Addenda. KCPS may revise this RFP by issuing written addenda. Addenda will be
posted to KCPS’s website at (Click on: Community 
Purchasing  Right hand side, select Online Bidding System and click the link).
Interested Vendors are encouraged to check the KCPS website frequently for
addenda to this RFP. Vendors are responsible for reviewing and understanding
information in addenda to the same extent as the RFP. KCPS has no obligation or
duty to communicate addenda to Vendors beyond the posting of addenda on its

1.4 Evaluation of Responses. The Vendor’s proposal shall be evaluated as follows:

The evaluation and selection of each Vendor includes a thorough review of the Vendor’s
capability to provide reliable and secure services while providing the lowest possible cost.
The KCPS selection committee will exercise both objective and subjective rationale in this
selection process. The evaluation has been designed in accordance with a four-phase
selection process. These four phases include:
A. Review of Vendors’ Responses
B. Conformance to Vendor Requirements
C. Evaluation and Finalist Selection Process
D. Identify Apparent Low and Best Vendor and Negotiations


A. Review of Vendors’ Responses

The purpose of this phase of the evaluation is to determine if each proposal is sufficiently
responsive to the RFP to permit a complete evaluation. Proposals will be evaluated to
determine their completeness and compliance with the mandatory requirements and
qualifications specified throughout this RFP. Failure to comply with one or more of these
requirements may result in the proposal being judged non-responsive.

B. Conformance to Vendor Requirements

All Vendors must meet all Vendor Requirements in order to be considered for this RFP.
All signed, notarized and required documents, along with the typed proposal must be
submitted to the Procurement Department prior to close date of this RFP.

C. Evaluation and Finalist Selection Process

Those proposals deemed most responsive will be considered for this phase of the
evaluation. The purpose of the evaluation is to:

 Identify those Vendors deemed best qualified based on experience and capability.
 Determine which Vendor has demonstrated the ability to conform to the requirements
as defined in this RFP.
 Identify those proposals deemed most cost effective based on overall capabilities
relative to cost.
 Determine those proposals deemed to offer the most technically complete system
meeting the needs of KCPS.

D. Identify Apparent Low and Best Vendor and Negotiations

Once the evaluation has been completed, the apparent lowest and best Vendor will be
identified. The KCPS reserves the right to conduct negotiations as needed with the
apparent lowest and best Vendor. Should negotiations fail, KCPS reserves the right to
return to the finalist list and initiate negotiations with an alternate Vendor based on the
evaluation process. If one proposal is received, KCPS reserves the right to negotiate with
that Vendor.

An Evaluation Committee will review submitted proposals and make recommendations

for a contract award using the following criteria listed below:


Vendor’s Qualifications/Experience 25 Points
MBE/WBE Diversity Participation 10 Points
References 25 Points
Fee Structure/Proposal Cost 40 Points
TOTAL 100 Points


Additional Local Preference Evaluation Points (Max. 5 pts.)

Vendors who believe they are eligible for local preference evaluation points must submit
documentation showing clearly that its principal place of business is located in the school
district boundaries, City limits of Kansas City, Missouri and /or Jackson County, Missouri
and/or state of Missouri. Vendors that are located in those areas may be eligible to receive the
following additional local preference evaluation points:

1. Vendors whose principal place of business is located in the KCPS District will
receive five (5) additional points.

2. Vendors whose principal place of business is located in the city limits of Kansas
City, Missouri will receive three (3) additional points.
3. Vendors whose principal place of business is located in Jackson County, Missouri
will receive one (1) additional point. 

4. Vendors whose principal place of business is located in the state of Missouri will
receive one (1) additional point.

1.5 Presentations. KCPS may elect to interview Vendors based on meeting the specifications
required in the RFP, but it is not required to do so. The determination of whether to
conduct presentations with the responsive Vendors shall be made by the KCPS based
solely on its determination of whether or not presentations would be helpful in evaluating
the Vendor’s bid. Any responsive Vendor will be expected to make a presentation
followed by a question and answer period.

1.6 Taxes. Kansas City Public Schools is a tax-exempt entity. Proposals should not include
federal, state, or local taxes.

1.7 Understanding of the RFP and Administrative Policies. By submitting a response to this
RFP the Vendor accepts the responsibility to read and understand the complete document. If
the Vendor has questions, the questions may be submitted to KCPS in accordance with
Section 1.3.5. The Vendor also accepts the responsibility to review and understand all
applicable KCPS administrative policies which may be found at

1.8 Minority Business Enterprises and Women-Owned Business Enterprises. Kansas City
Public Schools (KCPS) and its Office of Purchasing has a long-standing commitment to
creating and improving contract opportunities for Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and
Women-Owned Business Enterprises (WBE). The Office of Purchasing is dedicated to
inclusiveness and diversity in its effort to serve business owners while aligning its work to
the Strategic Plan of Kansas City Public Schools.
Under the term of this program, diverse suppliers and contractors are given an
equal opportunity to compete for materials and service contracts on behalf of KCPS.

To further support the Board’s Equity Policy of inclusion and diversity, KCPS has
established annual goals for MBE and WBE. The annual goal for MBE should equal 9.8


percent of the applicable District spend. The annual goal for WBE should equal 8.5
percent of the applicable District spend. KCPS will calculate prime and subcontractor
spend toward these annual goals. Only certified diverse firms will be counted towards
participation goals.

KCPS reserves the right to determine whether a Bidder/Offeror has demonstrated good
faith effort to comply with its MBE and WBE annual goals and reserves the right to
initiate discussion/negotiation regarding Supplier Diversity participation with the
Bidder/Offeror deemed most responsive.

Good Faith Efforts:

The following are guidelines as to how good faith efforts may be defined:

(1) Good faith efforts are efforts that, given all relevant circumstances, a Bidder/ Offeror actively
seeking to meet the participation goals can reasonably be expected to make. The Procurement
Services Department may consider the following factors in evaluating good faith efforts:

(a) Advertised opportunities to participate in the contract in general circulation media, trade
and professional association publications, small and minority business media, and
diverse supplier publications in sufficient time to allow effective participation;
(b) Notified a reasonable number of diverse firms of opportunities in sufficient time to allow
effective participation;
(c) Attempted to identify portions of the work for qualified, certified diverse firms in order to
increase the likelihood of meeting the participation goals, including breaking down
contracts into economically feasible units;
(d) Conferred with qualified, certified diverse firms and explained the scope and
requirements of potential work, not rejecting them as unqualified without sound reasons
based on a thorough investigation of their capabilities.
(e) KCPS reserves the right to ask a Bidder/Offeror to submit additional documentation of
good faith efforts.

The Supplier Diversity Utilization Form must be signed and returned with proposal
when diverse firms are utilized. See Attachment B and submit under Tab 8 of bid. You
must attach a copy of the certificate from the certifying agency, and return with
your proposal package.

The Request for Waiver with Good Faith Efforts documentation must be completed
and returned with the RFP when diverse firms are not utilized. See Attachment B and
submit under Tab 8 of bid.

Any questions about the Supplier Diversity Program should be directed to the KCPS
Procurement Services Department at 816-418-7300.

1.9 Rejection of Proposal. KCPS reserves the right to refuse for any reason deemed to be in
its best interest any and all proposals submitted in response to this RFP. Vendors may or
may not receive notification from KCPS if their proposal is rejected.


1.10 Pricing. Prices shall remain firm for the entire term of the agreement.

1.11 Incurred Costs. KCPS is not liable for any costs incurred by a Vendor in the preparation
or production of its proposal or for any work performed prior to the issuance of a valid
contract under Missouri Law. Such exemption from liability applies whether such costs are
incurred by the Vendor or indirectly through the Vendor’s agent, employees, assigns or
others, whether related or not to the Vendor.

1.12 Communication with KCPS Employees. Vendors shall not communicate with any KCPS
employees regarding this RFP with the exception of submitting written questions in
accordance with Section 1.3.4. Verbal communications from KCPS employees shall in no
case supersede any written communications from KCPS.

1.13 Improper Business Relationships. Vendors shall ensure that no improper, unethical, or
illegal relationships or conflict of interest exists between the service provider; KCPS; any
employee, officer, director, or principal of the service provider or the KCPS; and any other
party. The KCPS reserves the right to determine the materiality of such relationships, when
discovered or disclosed, whether intended or not. The KCPS also reserves the right to
decide at its sole discretion whether disqualification of the Vendor and/or cancellation of
award shall result. Such disqualification or cancellation shall be without fault or liability to

In the event KCPS disqualifies a Vendor based on an improper communication or

relationship with a KCPS employee, and that Vendor’s proposal would have otherwise
been considered the lowest and best proposal, KCPS reserves the right to select as the
winning proposal the next-lowest and best proposal that it deems responsive to the RFP.

1.14 Compliance with Applicable Laws. Vendors agree that they will comply with all
applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, ordinances, and other requirements
under law that apply to the scope of work, including all reporting and registration
requirements. Vendors further agree that this RFP and any contract awarded pursuant to it
will be governed under the laws of the State of Missouri.

1.15 No Collusion. By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP the Vendor and each
person signing on behalf of the Vendor certify, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of
his/her belief:

 The prices in the proposal were arrived at independently and without collusion,
consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting
competition as to any matter relating to such prices with any other Vendor, or any
other competitor.

 Unless otherwise required by law, the prices in the proposal have not been
knowingly disclosed by the Vendor, and will not be knowingly disclosed by the
Vendor, prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other Vendor or competitor.


 No attempt has been made or will be made by the Vendor to induce any other
person, partnership, corporation, or entity to submit or not to submit a proposal in
response to this RFP for the purpose of restricting competition.

The person signing 3.4 Tab 4 Response Affidavit to the RFP certifies that he/she is
fully informed of the accuracy of these statements.

1.16 Modification or Withdrawal of Response. Modifications to a proposal may be made by

written notice on company letterhead and must be received by the Kansas City Public
Schools prior to the deadline to submit proposals under this RFP, which is February 12,
2020 by 2:00 PM CST. Similarly, a Vendor may withdraw its proposal by written notice
on company letterhead which must be received by KCPS prior to the deadline to submit
proposals, which is February 12, 2020 by 2:00 PM CST. Any modification or withdrawal
of response must be made in a sealed envelope labeled in accordance with the
requirements for submission of the RFP. The modification or withdrawal must also contain
an original, manual, notarized signature of an authorized agent of the Vendor. No
modification or withdrawal of any response will be permitted after February 12, 2020 by
2:00 PM CST.

1.17 Grievances. Any complaints or grievances concerning or arising out of this RFP shall be
submitted in writing to Purchasing Manager, Kansas City Public Schools, 2901 Troost
Avenue, Kansas City, MO, 64109 with a copy to Chief Legal Counsel, Kansas City Public
Schools, 2901 Troost Avenue, Kansas City, MO, 64109.

1.18 Exceptions. Vendors are advised to respond to all provisions of this RFP. Proposals that
take “exceptions” or are contingent on any changes to the terms and conditions of the RFP
may be deemed by KCPS to be non-responsive and rejected. Vendors should attach
itemized responses and/or exceptions to this RFP under Tab 10 to its proposal. Vendors
should also attach any additional terms and conditions or documents, such as tariffs, that
would affect a contract arising under the RFP as Tab 11 to its proposal.

1.19 Contract Award. Requirement to Agree to KCPS Contract. KCPS intends to enter into a
contract with the Vendor providing the lowest and best bid in response to this RFP. By
submitting a bid in response to this RFP, the Vendor agrees to enter into the contract. If the
Vendor refuses to enter into a Contract, it should not submit a bid in response to this RFP.

1.20 Bid Compliance. Bids must respond to all requirements of this RFP to the maximum extent
possible. The Vendor shall comply with submitting all required signed and notarized
documents prior to closing date and time of this RFP. KCPS reserves the right to reject any
and all bids, whether or not minimum qualifications are met, and to modify, postpone, or
cancel this RFP, in whole or in part, or decide to award a contract to perform only some of
the services or scope of work outlined in this RFP, without liability, obligation, or
commitment to any party, firm or organization. KCPS is under no obligation to notify
Vendors if it rejects any or all bids, or modifies, postpones, or cancels the RFP.

KCPS is not liable for any costs incurred by the Vendor(s) prior to issuance of a valid and
legally binding contract in accordance with Missouri Law.


1.21 Board Action. A recommendation for award based on the lowest pricing that meets the
required terms and conditions of this RFP, including, but not limited to, meeting the
specifications. However, a contract shall not exist between the parties until (1) such
agreement has been duly authorized and approved by the Board of Directors of KCPS; and
(2) it has been documented in accordance with Missouri Revised Statutes Section 432.070. In
the event that this recommendation is rejected by the Board of Directors of KCPS,
KCPS will not be obligated to the Vendor in any manner.
1.22 No Assignment. A contract awarded pursuant to this RFP may not be assigned to any other
entity without the express, written authorization of an authorized agent of the KCPS.

1.23 Compliance. The Vendor will be responsible for insuring compliance with all applicable
laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders for the performance and completion of this

1.24 Pricing Page. The Vendor is required to complete the Pricing Page (Attachment A). The Pricing
Page must be submitted under Tab 5 of the Vendor’s submitted bid.



2.2 Intent. Kansas City Public Schools (KCPS) is to provide a quality education that
prepares all of our students, regardless of background or circumstances, for success in
college, career and life. We will produce scholars who are high-achieving critical
thinkers, prepared to succeed in a constantly changing world and engaged in the
improvement of their communities. KCPS will accomplish this goal by providing
teachers with the appropriate training, resources and support they need to develop the
whole child.

KCPS provides information and educational materials on a variety of topics to more

than 14,000 students, their parents and family members, 3,000 employees, various
community members, and the public. We maintain 40 domains for our schools,
programs and areas of focus.

In order to meet the needs of KCPS it is necessary for the successful Vendor to
provide this service and support at the best and lowest cost.

2.3 Specifications

KCPS is seeking an updated website platform that will:

 Accommodate all users and ensure ADA Compliance across all sites ensuring
consistency across multiple browsers and platforms through the use of an ADA
Monitoring System.

 Allow for website administrator to have the ability to add analytics to header of
template(s) and site provides analytics by page.

 Provide multiple template options for custom website design for the district,
district department sites, specialty sites, and school sites with a consistent look-

 Allow for ability to customize template options (navigation, colors, link hover,

 Grant access to push out posts and announcements across several sites at the same

 Provide a site calendar for each domain and allows for events to be pushed from
other domain calendars.

 Provide scrolling slides that can link to news stories, domains or external links, if
applied and can be scheduled to go live and to come down. Scrolling slides
should have the option of auto playing a video/feature instead of slides.

 Provide drop-down boxes that are navigational by use of Tab or Arrow keys to
ensure ADA Compliance.

 Provide a Dashboard that includes adding Links and Pages.

 Allow users to create posts/pages/notifications, schedule posts/pages/notifications
to go live and schedule posts/pages/notifications to come down.

 Allow all images to have Alternative Text and Image Title Attribute to ensure
ADA Compliance.

 Allow users to have access to text (code) to give links text to ensure ADA

 Provide high-quality initial training options, a minimum of two on-site, to support

the district and school web managers and offer web conference training as

 Provide secure, cloud-based hosting, to include firewall, mitigation, encryption

and identity and access control.

 Provide Content Management System (CMS) with features such as single sign-
on, social media integration, search, etc.

 CMS allows for web editors to be determined by domain/site and/or by page.

 Provide responsive web design that is mobile-friendly and accessible across

multiple Platforms.

 Provide translations with dropdown for language selection for all sites.

 Provide prompt same-day responses to website issues and questions without

being restricted by which user is requesting assistance.

 Provide a responsive client support representative that is dedicated to helping

resolve website issues during business hours as well as outside of business hours
(nights and weekends) to offer online and/or phone support as needed.

 Ability to use a news scroller to update users about the latest and the most
important news/announcements.

 Ability to support Video Uploads and Archiving.

 Ability to include embedded code (HTML, CSS and Javascript at a minimum).

 Unlimited user accounts and unlimited disk space.

 Free software upgrades and maintenance (including updates to ADA compliance,

if necessary or if compliance issues are discovered).

 Automated daily backup-ups of all domains/sites/pages DNS, web server, LDAP


 Migration of data from current website to new website.

System Requirements:

 The contractor shall make available the computer hardware, web

application/software, telecommunications equipment, Internet access equipment
and services required by the contractor for the operation of the website.
 In the event of catastrophic failure, the system must be fully operational within 12
hours with no data loss.
 Website shall be easily navigable by users utilizing commonly-accepted forms of
browsers including but not limited to Microsoft Internet Explorer or Google
 Must be certified to run on Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or 2019.
 Must be certified to run on Microsoft SQL must be 2017 version or newer.
 Must have an API for linking data to third party applications.
 Mobile access for both iOS and Android platforms.


 The software must allow for a variety of system users.

 The software shall provide the ability to control user access at both the component
and data field levels on an individual user, user group and role basis.
 The contractor shall not use for its benefit or the benefit of any third-party the
contents of any cookies collected via the website.

Maintenance/Technical Support Requirements:

 The contractor must provide to the agency a contact phone number which the
agency can use to report technical system problems. This phone, if not a direct
contact line to the contractor support structure, must provide a maximum of a 60-
minute call back response by contractor personnel. It is highly desirable that the
contractor provides a toll free telephone number for support.
 The contractor must provide system maintenance (e.g. upgrades, enhancements,
new releases, etc.) and technical support for all products/services provided,
including ongoing unlimited telephone technical support problem determination
and resolution.
 The contractor shall maintain the Licensed System so that it operates in
conformity with all descriptions and specifications herein and as provided by the
 Maintenance services shall include, at a minimum, the detection and correction of
software errors according to the specifications described herein and in the
contractor's documentation of the software.
 The contractor shall provide technical assistance to local districts via email and an
on-call help desk.
 The contractor must provide technical/help desk support 24/7.
 The contractor must establish a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) web site
pertaining to the software.
 System Maintenance shall also include all services necessary to maintain the 98%
system operational uptime, system backup procedures, and disaster recovery
services described herein to include all system configurations, troubleshooting,
resolution of system errors, malfunctions, and system restoration.
 The contractor shall be responsive and timely to maintenance/technical support
calls/inquiries made by the agency.
 The help desk/technical support personnel should be knowledgeable and
technically trained to answer/resolve system technical support problems. The help
desk staff should be able to answer “how to” type questions about the system as
well as questions about hardware and internet setting configurations.
 Single Point of Contact: The contractor must function as the single point of
contact.  This shall include assuming responsibility and liabilities for all problems
relating to all hardware, software and services provided.
 The contractor’s operation center shall be housed/located and operated from a
location within the United States of America.
 The website shall be available to authorized a minimum of 98% of the time during
any 30-day period and a minimum of 99.5% of the time during any one-year


 The contractor shall be prohibited from using the data collected through the
performance of the contract for anything not approved by the districts and/or state
agency. The contractor acknowledges and agrees that all information and data
collected pursuant to the performance of the requirements of the contract is the
property of the districts and shall not be sold or made available to a third party
outside of the contract agreement without the prior written authorization of the

In addition to the aforementioned criteria, KCPS will select a vendor based on the following
credentials that are provided in response to this RFP.

Evidence of Required Credentials:

 Overview of website solution, including functionality, platform description, etc.

 Experience providing multiple web solutions to large, urban school systems of
similar size as KCPS
 Proven success with ADA compliant websites
 Three client references (large public, K-12 institutions) who can speak to the
company’s quality of work
 Examples of work performed at the same scale as KCPS’ website
 Evidence of timely and efficient response to client inquiries
 Evidence of backup and disaster recovery monitoring system

Other RFP Proposal Requirements:

 Provide custom design option with four rounds of revisions based on client
 Ability to have a website administrator to access, edit, and monitor all sites, along
with website users to maintain individual sites at a minimal level
 A projected cost (or cost range) for services proposed
 Proposal for two pricing options. Option A is a 3-year contract with 2 one-year
renewal options. Option B is a 5-year contract. (Both options to include price-
lock guarantee for up to five years)
 A detailed description of ADA accessibility provided with the web solution
 Comprehensive website launch plan
 Dedicated project manager to help lead a successful implementation
 Vendors may propose any additional options that will improve the District’s

2.3 Delivery: Access to content management system no later than March 1, 2020.

2.4 Payment: Payment will be made after satisfactory performance in accordance with
all of the provisions thereof (including delivery and acceptance following
inspection) and upon receipt of a properly conveyed MSO. The School Board
reserves the right to withhold any or all payments or portions thereof for contractor's
failure to perform in accordance with the provisions of the contract or any
modifications thereto.

2.5 Compliance. The Vendor will be responsible for ensuring compliance with all
applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinance, rules and regulations when
performing services under this contract.

2.6 Appropriation of Funds. This contract will be subject to annual appropriation of

funds by KCPS in accordance with its normal funding practices. In the event that
funds for this proposal are not available in full or in part for the payments, this
contract will be subject to modification or cancellation depending upon the extent of
available funds. KCPS may cancel this contract in its entirety without penalty, if
funding is not available.

2.7 Damage to District Property. At its expense, the Vendor (“Contractor”) shall
promptly remedy and repair all damages or loss to any property caused in whole or
part by its employees, subcontractor(s), supplier or anyone directly or indirectly
employed by either of them, or by anyone for whose acts either of them may be

2.8 Pricing Sheet. The Vendor is required to complete the Pricing Page (Attachment
A). This Pricing Page is to be inserted under Tab 5 of the Vendor's proposal.
3.0. Required responses to the RFP must follow the provided template and must be numbered with
corresponding tabs. Failure to follow this template will be grounds for disqualification of the bid.

3. 1 Tab 1: Declaration. The Vendor must complete this Declaration and attach this Declaration as
Tab 1 of its bid.

The Vendor has examined this RFP, including the specifications for the project, and is familiar with the
local conditions surrounding the project and the KCPS. The Vendor hereby proposes to provide this
service in accordance with the RFP and any contract documents within the time frame described herein.
The Vendor agrees to commence work on this project on or before the date specified by KCPS. The
Vendor also agrees to continue to support KCPS on an on-going basis throughout the period of the

Bid of:
(Company Name)

Located at:

Telephone No.: ____________________________________________________________________________

Fax No: _________________________________________________________________________________

Name of Authorized Representative:

Title: ____

Email Address: _________________________________________________________


3.2 Tab 2: Project Team. The Vendor must complete the following required information and attach
this Project Team as Tab 2 of its proposal:

Company Representative:
Name: ___________________________________________________________

Title: ____________________________________________________________


Phone: ___________________________________________________________


Company Representative:
Name: ___________________________________________________________

Title: ____________________________________________________________


Phone: ___________________________________________________________


Billing Representative:
Name: ____________________________________________________________

Title: _____________________________________________________________


Phone: ____________________________________________________________


3.3 Tab 3: References. The Vendor must complete the required references for similar services you have
provided to at least three (3) clients in the past five (5) years. This template must be attached as Tab 3
with the proposal.

Client 1
School District/Company Name: _______________________________________________________________

Contact Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Service/Dates: ____________________________________________________________________________

Describe your capacity with this company and what you supplied/serviced: _____________________________


Client 2
School District/Company Name: _______________________________________________________________

Contact Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Service/Dates: ____________________________________________________________________________

Describe your capacity with this company and what you supplied/serviced: _____________________________


Client 3
School District/Company Name: _______________________________________________________________

Contact Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Service/Dates: ____________________________________________________________________________

Describe your capacity with this company and what you supplied/serviced: _____________________________


3.4 Tab 4: Response Affidavit. The Vendor must fully execute the affidavit below including
notarization, and attach this affidavit under Tab 4 of its bid.

(To Be Completed, Signed, and Attached to bid as Tab 4)

Affidavit of ______________________________________________ [Name of Vendor]

State of ___________________)

County of _________________)

I state that I am the ____________________________ [title] of __________________________ [name of

firm], and that I am authorized to make this affidavit on behalf of my firm, its owners, directors,
and officers. I am the person responsible in my firm for the price(s) and amount of this bid.

I hereby certify that the following statements are true and correct:

 ______________________________ [name of firm] is not delinquent in any real estate,

personal property, or earning taxes assessed against it or which it is obligated to pay to
either Kansas City, Missouri, or Jackson County, Missouri.

 No fictitious name of any entity or person has been used in this bid, and no
unidentified third-party will have an interest in any resulting contract or in the
performance of any work under this bid.

 ______________________________ [name of firm] does not do business as or operate

under any fictitious name, other than _____________________________.

 No official, officer, or employee of the Kansas City Public Schools, or their

spouse, dependent children, or any business with which they are associated, will
receive any monetary benefit or financial gain with regard to this proposal or
resulting contract.

 The prices in the proposal were arrived at independently and without collusion,
consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting
competition as to any matter relating to such prices with any other contractor,
service provider, vendor or any other competitor.

 Unless otherwise required by law, the prices in the proposals have not been
knowingly disclosed to any other service provider, vendor or competitor, and will
not be knowingly disclosed, directly or indirectly, prior to the proposal opening
date and time.
 No attempt has been made or will be made by me or my firm to induce any other
person, partnership, corporation, or entity to submit or not to submit a proposal in
response to this RFP for the purpose of restricting competition.

 My firm has only presented one proposal in response to this RFP.

 This proposal is made in good faith.

[Please explain]
 ______________________________ [name of firm], its affiliates, subsidiaries,
officers, directors, and employees have not been excluded from any procurement
or non- procurement programs with the government as identified by the U.S.
General Service Administration Office of Acquisition Policy.

 I state that [name of firm] acknowledges and

understands that the above representations in this Affidavit are important and
material and will be relied upon by the Kansas City Public Schools, in awarding
the contract for which this proposal is submitted. I and my firm understand that
any misstatement in this Affidavit shall be treated as a fraudulent concealment
from the Kansas City Public Schools, of the true facts relating to this proposal.
Any misstatement in this Affidavit will be grounds for termination of any resulting
contract at the sole discretion of Kansas City Public Schools


Printed Name and Title

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this day of , 2020

Notary Public

My Commission Expires:

3.5 Tab 5: Price Proposal. The Vendor is to use the Pricing Pages marked as Attachment A that
is attached to this RFP to respond to proposal price. This Attachment A, Pricing Page, must be
submitted in the RFP under Tab 5.

3.6 Tab 6: Disclosure Information. The Vendor is required to submit disclosure information on
company letterhead, including all officers and key employees, and attach this document as Tab

3.7 Tab 7: Insurance. The Vendor must agree to purchase and maintain sufficient liability
insurance to cover their employees and any negligent acts and/or liabilities that may arise out of
performing a contract arising under this RFP. The Vendor must provide the KCPS with copies
of certificates of insurance verifying this coverage in the amounts listed below and attach its
insurance documents as Tab 7. In the event that insurance coverage is canceled, the Vendor
must notify the KCPS immediately.
3.7.1 Minimum Insurance Requirements.
General Commercial Liability: Aggregate Limit: $2,000,000 Each Occurrence Limit: $1,000,000
Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability: Statutory Requirement
3.8 Tab 8: Supplier Diversity Intended Utilization Form. The Supplier Diversity Utilization
Form must be signed and returned with proposal when diverse firms are utilized. You must
attach a copy of the certificate from the certifying agency, and return with your proposal
package. The Request for Waiver with Good Faith Efforts documentation must be completed
and returned with the RFP when diverse firms are not utilized. See Attachment B and submit
under Tab 8 of bid.

3.9 Tab 9: Certifications, Licenses, Tariffs, etc. The Vendor is required to submit under Tab 9
any and all required certifications, licenses, etc. that are requested and required for this RFP.

3.10 Tab 10: Itemized Responses. The Vendor is required to provide its Itemized Responses
and/or Exceptions to this RFP by using and referencing the same numbering scheme as in the
RFP. Failure to use the same numbering scheme as the RFP will deem the Vendor non-
responsive. This requirement must be submitted under Tab 10 of the RFP.

3.11 Tab 11: Additional Terms and Conditions or Documents. The Vendor is required to address
any additional terms and conditions or submit any other documents that would affect a contract
arising under this RFP under Tab 11.

3.12 Tab 12: Response Checklist. The Vendor is required to complete the RFP Response
Checklist marked as Attachment C and include it with your proposal under Tab 12.
RFP C- 20006 District Website Platform

Vendor is required to complete this Attachment “A” - Pricing Page as part of its bid. This Pricing
Page must be completed and inserted under Tab 5 of the Vendor’s bid. Failure to comply with the
instructions for this price page may deem the Vendor’s response non-compliant.

KCPS encourages Vendors to submit their best prices possible. This contract will be awarded to a
single Vendor that submits the lowest and best price based on the specifications.

Acceptance Period – all offers must be firm for 90 (ninety) days.

 Option A. Pricing for a 3-year contract with two 1-year renewal options (i.e. price-lock guarantee for
up to five years)

3-year Contract $ ____________/year

Total 1st Year Setup Fees $____________

First Year Renewal Option (Year 4) $ ____________

Second Year Renewal Option (Year 5) $ ____________

 Option B. Pricing for a 5-year contract (i.e. price-lock guarantee for five years)

5-year Contract $ ____________/year

Total 1st Year Setup Fees $____________

Company Name: ___________________________________________

Print Name:

Date: _____________________________________________________



This completed form must be submitted by a Bidder/Offeror who intends to utilize diverse firms.
Please print or type all requested information.

1. Project:

2. Name of Bidder/Offeror:

3. Diverse firm intended for utilization (if more than one, please complete this form for each firm):

Firm Name:



Telephone: E-mail Address:

Name of President/CEO:
4. Describe the scope of work to be performed on this project by the above listed diverse firm:


5. Total dollar amount of project: $

Total dollar amount of project to be performed by diverse firm: $

List percentage of total project by business enterprise:

____% Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
____% Women Business Enterprise (WBE)

6. You must attach a copy of the certificate from the certifying agency, and return with your bid

7. Both the Bidder/Offeror and the participating diverse firm must sign this form.

Bidder/Offeror Diverse Firm President/CEO

Signature Signature
Date Date

This form must be submitted by Bidders/Offeror when diverse firms are not utilized, and will be used to evaluate
the extent to which a good faith effort has been made.



I, _________________________________________________, of lawful age and upon my oath state as follows:

1. I am the duly authorized representative of the above listed Bidder/Offeror and am

authorized to request this waiver on its behalf.

2. I request that a waiver or exemption be granted from the recommended Supplier Diversity
goals on the above referenced project.

3. The following is a detailed summary of the reason(s) for this request. Please identify efforts taken
by your firm to recruit diverse firms for various aspects of this project.





(To Be Completed and Attached to Proposal under Tab 12)

The Vendor is to check the following items to ensure that all RFP proposal specifications have been met.
Include this attachment to your RFP response under Tab 12.


□ 1. Addenda. The Vendor has received and reviewed all addenda to this RFP.
□ 2. Contract. The Vendor agrees that if its proposal is selected as the lowest and best proposal, it will
enter into this RFP as a contract with KCPS.
□ 3. Number of Copies Submitted: bound copies, unbound original and flash

RFP Requirements (Proposals must be presented to KCPS in this format)

□ Tab 1 – Declaration Pursuant to Section 3.1.

□ Tab 2 – Project Team Pursuant to Section 3.2.
□ Tab 3 – References Pursuant to Section 3.3.
□ Tab 4 – Response Affidavit Pursuant to Section 3.4
□ Tab 5 – Pricing Page Pursuant to Section 3.5 and Attachment A
□ Tab 6 – Corporate Disclosure Information on company letterhead Pursuant to Section 3.6
□ Tab 7 – Insurance Information Pursuant to Section 3.7
□ Tab 8 – Tab 8 – Supplier Diversity Utilization Form or Request for Waiver Form Pursuant to
Section 1.8, 3.8 and Attachment B.
□ Tab 9 – Certifications, Licenses, Tariffs, etc. Pursuant to Section 3.9
□ Tab 10- The Vendor’s Itemized Response and /or Exceptions to RFP (use same numbering scheme
as in RFP) Pursuant to Section 3.10
□ Tab 11 – Additional Terms and Conditions or Documents Pursuant to Section 3.11
□ Tab 12 – Response Checklist Pursuant to Section 3.12 and attachment C.

Company Name

_______________________________________________ _____________________________
Signature Date

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