Ingles 2

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Page 27 – Exercise 48

Use will in Affirmative, Negatives and Interrogative

4. The meeting (begin) at nine o´clock tonight.


5. I (give) Mr. Brown your message tomorrow night.


6. Mr. Moore (read) that story to the students next Monday.


7. The janitor (lock) the door to the office at 6:30 p.m.


8. We (have) an important holiday two months from now.


9. The men (be) here at the one-thirty this this afternoon.


10. I (remind) Mr. Wilson of his appointment with you to night.


11. Mr. Johnson´s wife (buy) refreshments for the party.

Page 28 – Exercise 51
Use going to in Affirmative, Negatives and Interrogative
5. The teacher (explain) the next lesson to us tomorrow.


6. We (attend) that conference in St. Louis next month.


7. I (study) my English lesson with my friends tonight.


8. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Johnson (be) in the office all afternoon.

9. We (go) to the movie with our friend’s tomorrow night.


10. Miss Anderson (invite) all of her friend´s to her party.


11. Mr. Harris (teach) a different English class next year.


12. My brother (go) to Baltimore with me next week.

Page 36 – Exercise 60

Use much, many or very in the blank space or spaces in each sentence.

4. We bought __________________ food for the party.

5. The guests drank ________________ coffee.
6. Was the coffee ______________ strong?
7. I enjoy coffee _______________ _______________.
8. I don´t drink ____________________ ______________ milk.
9. You didn´t invite ____________ ____________ guests.
10. There were ______________ ____________ glasses on the table in the dining room.
11. There was ___________ ____________ milk and coffee in the kitchen.
12. There weren´t ______________ _______________ people at the party last night.
13 Mary and Louise bought ______________ bread for the sandwiches.
14. The two girls used _______________ pieces of bread for the sandwiches.

Page 36 – Exercise 61

1. Our last two English lessons were _________________ long.

2. The students had _______________ difficulty with the last lesson.

3. Did you have _______________ trouble with the homework today?

4. The last lesson was _______________ difficult for everyone.

5. Did you spend _________________ time on your homework last night?

6. I wrote each new word in the lesson ________________ time.

7. Does your English teacher give you ________________ homework?

8. Mr. Harris, our teacher, has a _________________ clear voice.

9. Our teacher speaks _________________ slowly and _______________clearly.

10. We learn ______________ new English words in class every day.

Page 37 – Exercise 63
Substitute that expressions a lot of and lots of for more or many in each sentence
3. The students learn many new words every days.
4. Mr. Burlington drinks much coffee every day.
5. There are many shot words in the English language.
6. Miss Cunningham put much scream in her coffee.
7. That Stevens from Japans has many friends in this class.
8. Fran receives many letters from his friends and relatives.
9. There are many students in the classroom right now.
10. We had much trouble with the sentence on that page.

Page 37 – Exercise 63
Use too, too much or too many in the blank space in each sentence

1. The waitress put _____________________ cream and sugar in my coffee.

2. You made ____________________ mistakes. Write the lesson again.
3. Mr. Duncan gave us ___________________ homework. It was ___________________ difficult.
4. There are _____________________ people in this room. It´s ____________________ hot!
5. You spoke _____________________ fast and used ____________________ hard words for me.
6. There are _________________ pictures and ________________ different colors in this room.
7. The radio is ____________________ loud now. It´s making ____________________ noise.
8. I drank _______________________ coffee and ate ____________________ sandwiches last
9. There are _____________________ things in the suitcase. It´s _______________ heavy.
10. You put _____________________ water in the glasses. They´re __________________ full.
Page 38 – Exercise 64
Use some or any in black space in each sentence

5. There were _________________ beautiful picture on the wall.

6. The student’s didn´t have _______________ difficulty with the lesson.
7. The children are eating ________________ ice cream in the kitchen.
8. Martha doesn´t want ________________ dessert after dinner tonight.
9. Are there ______________ cigarettes in the box on the table?
10. Mr. Duncan didn´t give us _______________ specific instructions.
11. Are there _____________ extra chairs in the other classroom?
12. Your secretary has ______________ important messages for you.
13. I´m sorry. I don´t have _______________ information about that.
14. Did the teacher make ______________ comments on your papers?

Page 38 – Exercise 65

Use something or anything in the blank space in each sentence

1. Is there ________________ on Mr. Crowell´s desk right now?

2. Yes, Mr. Crowell put ________________ there a few minutes ago.
3. Did you say ____________ to Mr. Lewis about our Plans?
4. No, I didn´t say ________________ at all to him about our plans.
5. Is there _________________ in the middle drawer of that desk?
6. There isn´t ________________ there. I looked in the drawer.
7. Did Mrs. Benson find ________________ in the boxes in the closet?
8. Yes, she did. She found _________________ in the small red box.
9. Is Mr. Evans going to tell us _________________ about his trip?
10. Yes, he´s going to tell us __________________ about his trip.
11. Did girls buy ________________ at that department store?
12. No, Alice and Louise didn´t buy ________________ at the store today.
13. Did the morning bring __________________ for me this morning?
14. Yes, he did. There´s ________________ for you in the desk in your room.
Page 39 – Exercise 67
Choose anyone or no one for the blank space in each sentence

1. There was _________________ at the information desk this morning.

2. There isn´t ___________________ Mr. Brown´s office right now.

3. _______________ finished the examination before three o´clock.

4. John didn´t see ________________ in Dean Brown´s office.

5. John saw __________________in the hall outside the office either.

6. He didn´t notice __________________ in the other room, he´s sure of that.

7. _________________ in the whole class knew that world.

8. Please don´t tell _________________ about this until next Friday.

9. I will tell ________________ about your plans until that time.

10. _________________ knows a thing about this except you and me.

11. I don´t know ________________ in the other too English classes.

12. I saw ___________________ from our class at the meeting yesterday.

13. _________________ said anything too me about it the meeting.

14. The chairman didn´t get suggestion from _________________ in the audience.
Page 49 – Exercise 79
Choose where, when, or why for each question. Read the short answer at the right

1. _________________ did you put your books? On the desk.

2. _________________ did you speak to Mr. Adams? Two days ago.

3. _________________ do you need the money now? To buy a suit.

4. _________________ will they arrive at the airport? About ten o´clock.

5. _________________ did accident happened? At the intersection.

6. _________________ are you going to go home now? Because it´s late.

7. _________________ do you keep your car? In our garage.

8. _________________ did you go to library? To get a book.

9. _________________ does summer start in this country? On June 21.

10. _________________ were you late for class today? I missed my bus.

11. _________________ will you spend your vacation? In New England.

12. _________________ are you going to tell them the news? Tomorrow night.

13. _________________ is there a telephone in this building? Beside the elevator.

14. _________________ are you taking a course in English? I need practice.

Page 51 – Exercise 83
Study these questions and short answers carefully. Pay special attention to the order of words

1. Who invited George to dinner? The Taylors.

R. _____________________________________________________________

2. Who (m) did the Taylors serve for dinner? George.

R. _____________________________________________________________

3. What did the Taylors sever for dinner? Roast beef.

R. _____________________________________________________________

4. What happened after dinner? Nothing special.

R. _____________________________________________________________

5. Who used Mr. Berg´s dictionary in class? Mr. Kramer.

R. _____________________________________________________________

6. Whose dictionary did Mr. Kramer use in class? Mr. Berg´s.

R. _____________________________________________________________

7. Whose dictionary is on my desk? Mine.

R. _____________________________________________________________

8. Which dictionary is yours? There are two. The small one.

R. _____________________________________________________________

9. What is the name of your dictionary? “World Guide”.

R. _____________________________________________________________

10. Who is going to speak to Mr. Duncan? I am.

R. _____________________________________________________________
Page 52 – Exercise 84
Study these questions with how. Notice the short answers at the right
1. How did you do that work? With some tools.

R. ________________________________________________________

2. How is the weather today? Quite chilly.


3. How often do you watch television? Twice a week.


4. How did you get here this morning? By bus.


5. How do you like the weather here? Very much.


6. How long will you stay in Detroit? Two months.


7. How many students are there here? Twenty-one.


8. How much coffee did you drink today? Three cups.

Page 52 – Exercise 85
Use adjetives (big, cold, often, far, etc.) after how in these questions

1. How _________________ will your friends stay in New York City?

2. How _________________ is your classroom (in square feet)?

3. How _________________ is New York from San Francisco?

4. How _________________ does it get in June, July, and August?

5. How _________________ is the Empire State Building in New York?

6. How _________________ do you go to concerts or lecture?

7. How _________________ is your English teacher?

8. How _________________ were the last two reading assignments?

Page 52 – Exercise 86
Use much or many after how in each of these sentences

1. How _______________ students are there in your English class?

2. How _______________ bread is there in the kitchen now?

3. How _______________ letters do you write to your parents each week?

4. How _______________sugar do you want in your coffee?

5. How _______________ cups of coffee did you drink during the day?

6. How _______________ did you pay for your new winter overcoat?

7. How _______________ times did you write the words on the list?

8. How _______________ time do you spend on your homework?

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