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Skin Research and Technology 2010; 16: 397–400 r 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Printed in Singapore  All rights reserved Skin Research and Technology

doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0846.2010.00450.x

Diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry for skin

phototype determination
F. J. González1, M. Martı́nez-Escanamé2, R. I. Muñoz1, B. Torres-Álvarez2 and B. Moncada2
Instituto de Investigación en Comunicación Óptica, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosı́, SLP, México and 2Dermatology Department, Hospital
Central ‘Dr Ignacio Morones Prieto’, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosı́, SLP, México

Background: The Fitzpatrick skin phototype classification Results: The results show that at least for Hispanic indivi-
scheme has become the standard method for assessing the duals, there is a clear clinical distinction between subjects
reaction of the skin to solar stimuli; this method can be with skin phototype I and their DRS-determined melanin
easily biased by different factors, such as ethnicity or index; however, subjects with skin phototypes II–VI have a
chronic sun exposure. large melanin index overlap.
Methods: Diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry (DRS) is Conclusion: Clinical assessment of skin phototype can be
an objective and non-invasive method used in this work to complemented by using DRS.
determine constitutive skin color from the upper volar arm as
an objective way of measuring skin pigmentation. A DRS- Key words: diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry – skin
determined melanin index that accounts for skin pigmenta- phototype – melanin content – melanin index
tion was obtained for 35 subjects of Hispanic origin, this
melanin index was compared with the physician-diagnosed & 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S
and self-reported skin phototypes. Accepted for publication 23 January 2010

T HE FITZPATRICK classification scheme is a sub-

jective way of assessing the reaction of the
skin to solar stimuli, this scheme consists of a six-
results were compared with the clinically as-
sessed skin phototype for each subject. Using
this melanin index, an objective phototype clas-
integer Roman numeral scales I–VI and has sification scheme based on DRS is proposed.
become the standard for determining human
skin phototypes (1). This scale has been useful
in assessing risk factors for both melanoma and Methods
non-melanoma skin cancer as well as for estimat- Thirty-five subjects of Hispanic origin, aged 18–
ing UV, PUVA, and laser treatment doses (2). 40 years, with clinically assessed skin phototypes
The Fitzpatrick classification scheme can be ranging from I to VI were included in the study
easily biased by different factors, such as ethni- (six subjects with phototype I, six with phototype
city or chronic sun exposure, which might induce II, nine with phototype III, nine with phototype
errors in the subject’s susceptibility to skin cancer IV, three with phototype V and one with photo-
or in determining the required dose for laser type VI). Informed consent was obtained from all
treatment (3). participants, and the study was approved by the
Diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry (DRS), local ethics committee.
which is used for the detection of light that has The evaluation of the skin phototype was
been scattered multiple times within the sample realized by board-certified dermatologists using
of interest, has been widely employed for the the Fitzpatrick scale, and the participants also
evaluation of melanin and hemoglobin concen- completed a self-reported skin phototype.
trations in skin tissue and for the evaluation of DRS was performed on the upper volar arm
pigmented lesions (4). region (5 cm below the armpit) in order to obtain
In this work, a melanin index obtained from the constitutive skin color of the subjects, measure-
DRS is used to determine constitutive skin pig- ments at this site have proven to be as effective
mentation from the upper volar arm (3), these as unexposed buttock skin for constitutive skin

González et al.

determination purposes (3). These measurements the reflectance, was calculated. The melanin con-
were made using a USB4000-VIS-NIR spectro- tribution to the diffuse reflectance spectrum
meter (Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL, USA) with an can be approximated by fitting a straight line
optical resolution of approximately 1.5 nm (full- through the points from 620 to 720 nm of the
width at half-maximum), an LS-1 tungsten-halo- absorbance spectrum (7); however, the contribu-
gen light source (Ocean Optics) and an R200-7- tion of deoxyhemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) can be sig-
VIS-NIR reflection probe (Ocean Optics). nificant at those wavelengths and should be
The raw reflectance spectra was corrected for subtracted (8).
detector dark current and normalized to the In order to account for the deoxy-Hb contribu-
spectrum obtained from the light source reflected tion, the method presented by Stamatas et al. (6)
on a white reference standard according to the was used. In this method, a corrected absorbance
following equation: spectrum is calculated by subtracting an initial
estimation for the melanin concentration. The
Smeas ðlÞ  DðlÞ deoxy-Hb and oxy-Hb concentrations were ob-
RðlÞ ¼ ð1Þ
Sref ðlÞ  DðlÞ tained by solving a system of two equations and
two unknowns. This system of equations was
where Smeas(l) is the raw reflection data, D(l) is obtained calculating the apparent concentrations
the detector dark current and Sref(l) is the spec- of deoxy-Hb and oxy-Hb from the DRS-spectra
trum obtained using a white reflectance standard and the extinction coefficients of deoxy-Hb and
(5). The white reference standard used was a oxy-Hb in the 560–580 nm range (6).
certified reflectance standard WS-1-SL (Lab- Once the deoxy-Hb contribution has been cal-
sphere, North Sutton, NH, USA) made of Spec- culated, it can be subtracted from the original
tralont. These dark current and reference absorption spectrum, and the corrected melanin
measurements were performed before each skin contribution can then be calculated by fitting a
reflectance measurement. straight line through the points from 620 to
Figure 1 shows the typical reflectance spectra 720 nm. A melanin index was obtained by inte-
for three subjects with clinically assessed photo- grating this linear equation through the 620–
types I, III and VI. These spectra show how 720 nm interval and dividing by 100 nm, the
darker skin reflect less light than lighter skin, spectral range, the index was later multiplied
and how the absorption bands of hemoglobin in by 100 in order to make it easier to quantify.
the spectral regions of 530–590 nm (q-bands) and Figure 2 shows the absorbance spectra, cor-
410–440 nm (Soret bands, at 450 nm for oxyhemo- rected for the deoxy-Hb contribution, for three
globin and at 430 nm for deoxyhemoglobin) are subjects with clinically assessed phototypes I, III
more evident in the spectra of less pigmented and VI, along with the interval where the inte-
skin (6). gration was made in order to obtain the melanin
In order to obtain a melanin concentration index. It can be seen from Fig. 2 how darker skin
index, the apparent absorbance spectrum, de- will result in a higher melanin index than lighter
fined as the negative of the logarithm base 10 of skin.

Fig. 2. Absorbance spectra of three subjects with clinically assessed

Fig. 1. Raw reflectance spectra of three subjects with clinically phototypes I, III and VI and the interval used to obtain the melanin
assessed phototypes I, III and VI. index.

Reflectance spectrophotometry for skin phototyping

Fig. 4. Melanin index obtained for all subjects and their respective
diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry (DRS)-determined phototype.
Fig. 3. Melanin index obtained for 35 Hispanic subjects as a function
of their clinically assigned phototypes.

TABLE 1. Percentage of overlap of the clinically assessed phototype and

the diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry (DRS)-determined phototype
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 3 shows the averaged melanin index and
I 100% 0 0 0 0 0
the standard deviation obtained for 35 Hispanic
II 0 18% 64% 18% 0 0
subjects as a function of their clinically assigned III 0 10% 50% 40% 0 0
phototypes. From the figure it can be seen how IV 0 0 33% 44% 23% 0
there is a significant overlap in the melanin index V 0 0 0 33% 33% 33%
VI 0 0 0 0 100% 0
obtained from DRS of subjects with clinically
assigned phototypes II–VI. It is worth noting
that at least for Hispanic individuals, there is a
clear clinical distinction between subjects with
skin phototype I and their DRS determined mel-
Table 1 shows the percentage of overlap of
anin index; however, subjects with skin photo-
the clinically assessed phototype based on the
types II–VI have a large melanin index overlap.
Fitzpatrick classification and an arbitrary classi-
Figure 4 shows the melanin index obtained for
fication based on the DRS-determined melanin
every subject as a function of the clinically
index. From Table 1 it can be seen how a single
assessed phototype. An arbitrary phototype clas-
clinically assessed phototype can fall into one
sification was developed based on the melanin
of three DRS-determined phototypes. This indi-
index; this classification was made assigning a
cates that skin phototyping can be improved by
phototype I to subjects with a melanin index
using a melanin index based on DRS measure-
lower than 40, a phototype VI to subjects with a
ments that are objective and free from observer
melanin index higher than 70 and dividing
equally the 30 melanin index units in four photo-
It is worth noting that a reflectance setup and a
types. From Fig. 4 it can be seen how for a DRS-
laptop or personal computer can process the
determined phototype IV, for example, resulted
diffuse reflectance instantly and provide with a
in clinically assessed phototypes II–V.
melanin index in a matter of seconds; this could
be used in clinical practice in the assessment of
risk factors for both melanoma and non-mela-
Conclusions noma skin cancer as well as for estimating UV,
A melanin index was determined using DRS by PUVA and laser treatment doses. Although mel-
integrating the absorbance spectra, corrected for anin content is one of the main factors that
deoxy-Hb, over the 620–720 nm interval. This determines one person’s ability to tan, further
melanin index was calculated for 35 subjects of work should be done to relate the DRS-deter-
Hispanic origin. mined phototype with the ability to tan.

González et al.

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2008; 159: 683–690.
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human melanin in vivo. J Invest Dermatol 1985; 85:
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