Modeling Spatial Enviroment

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2018 the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis

Modeling Spatial Environment for Large-Scale Agent-Based Epidemic Prediction

and Control

Mingxin Zhang
College of Politics
National Defense University
Shanghai 201601, P. R. China

Abstract-Spatial environment is a fundamental concept of environment is necessary, rather than cell/grid based and
agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS), in which agents discrete.
exist and interact, can perceive and act. Common spatial envi-
ronment in ABMS is considered as a physical space (typically
a 2D grid) or as a virtual space that supports agent-to-agent II. LITERATURE REVIEW
interaction. However, in large-scale agent-based epidemiology
research,vector Geographic Information System (GIS) based
spatial environment is more popular. This paper introduces a Macal concluded that a typical agent-based model usually
new concept of 'Physical Container' to represent the static spatial includes three concepts [6]: Agent, Interdependency and En-
environment where agents stay. Movable physical container is vironment.
also introduced as a concept in the research to model transport In the context of a classic agent-based social simulation
vehicles. To show how the novel designs in the physical container
behave, this paper conducted several simulation studies and the (ABSS), the environment is usually represented by a geo-
results certified that the new concepts can greatly ease the model graphical area that may be real or fictitious. One of the
development work and increase the model efficiency during simplest methods of representing a fictitious geographical
simulation run. area is using grids or cells. When representing real areas,
Keywords-spatial environment; agent-based models; epidemic a vector Geographic Information System (GIS) based spatial
prediction and control environment is more popular [7].
A grid-based or cell-based agent-based simulation is also
I. INTRODUCTION called a situated agent-based simulation, by which agents can
interact through information exchange in the grids or cells.
Due to the increasing threat from epidemics, agent-based
Compared to situated systems, GIS-based systems provide a
epidemic models are getting more popular. The popularity
more realistic way to model spatial environments for agent-
of adopting agent-based methods comes from the fact that
based social simulation. Many middleware approaches are
it can characterize each agent with a variety of variables that
developed to link existing GIS and ABM models in order
are considered relevant to model disease spreading such as
to enable interaction between geographic data (fields and
mobility patterns, social network characteristics, health status,
objects) and agent-based process models. Generally, a GIS-
etc. [1]. Recently, due to the growth of computational power,
based spatial environment is more popular in current large-
large-scale agent-based modeling and simulation have become
scale ABSS models as it can not only deal with spatial data
possible for epidemic models [2, 3].
but also with other data such as culture, political ideology or
However, there are several limitations in the existing mod-
religion [8].
els . For example, most models consider the spatial environ-
ment as discrete cells/grids to help the model partitioning and
reduce unnecessary inter-node communication messages. Ex- III. MODELING AGENT ENVIRONMENT
amples include ABCCA and HLA-GRID-REPAST. In simple
cases , this may be a sensible approach when the movement of A. The Concept of Physical Container
the agents has no particular pattern or is very restricted [4].
In the previous research [9], the concept of agent environ-
However, in current agent -based epidemiology research, direct
ment is separated into physical container, social regulation and
physical contact (e.g. touching) or vector-borne contact (e.g.
functional entity. The physical container is used to represent
a droplet) outside closed rooms is also considered to be an
the spatial environment where an agent stays . Physical con-
effective method for the spread of disease [5], especially in
tainers are hierarchically organized and every agent has to stay
densely populated areas such as public transportation. Thus , a
in at least one physical container at any time.
detailed and refined representation of entities in a continuous
Typical physical containers are such as school, classroom,
This work is supported by National Social Science Foundation of China office, and bedroom, etc. A physical container can be formal-
under Grant I7CGL047. ized as follows:

978-1-5386-4301-3118/$31.00 ©20 18 IEEE 537

component as the majority of transmission of contagious
diseases is thought to occur among sustained indoor contacts
PhysicalContainer = {ID, Type, GISInfor, [II], such as students taking classes in classrooms and workers
< List > PhysicalSubContainer s, working in offices. However, direct physical contact (e.g.
ar ea, st at us, < List > agents} (I) touching) or vector-borne contact (e.g. a droplet) outside
rooms can be an effective method for disease spread as
The type attribute is used to categorize physical containers well , especially in densely populated areas such as during
in the simulated system. In an epidemic model, the types can transportation. Thus, it is also important and necessary to
be e.g. , home, working places and hospitals. In a traffic model, include a transportation component in a social simulation
the types can be e.g., private cars, buses, trains and road lanes. model.
GIS information provides the accurate location of the physical In order to make this research applicable in other social sys-
container in the map. tems, we introduced the movable physical container concept
The total area attribute to a physical container is unique in in the large-scale agent-based epidemic prediction model.
this definition and differs from other similar researches, which The metro stops and bus stops are modeled as movable
is used to generate physical sub-containers (e.g., classrooms physical containers which are extended from the general
in a school). physical containers. In addition to the behavior of a physical
Physical containers are organized hierarchically. Each phys- container, a bus/metro stop can ' move' the waiting agent from
ical container can be partitioned into physical sub-containers the current stop to the arriving transporter (bus/metro train)
by giving each physical container an attribute list of physical when this transporter has enough space and is on the right
sub-containers. Examples are classrooms in a school, stores route for the waiting agent in the stop. Moreover, in order
in a shopping mall , or offices in a working place. Agents can to keep the agents 'simple' enough for large-scale simulation
have different forms of contacts when they are in the different while ' heterogeneous' enough for public transportation, only
level of physical contain hierarchy. the stops know and record transfer information of the waiting
Each physical container is assigned a variable status, which agents , and will pass the information to the transporter when
is used to specify its current availability for agents to enter or the agents are on board. Then the transporter will 'move' the
leave. All agents staying in the present physical container can agent from the bus to a stop when it arrived at the right transfer
also be retrieved by the variable hosting agents. or destination stop.
A three-level cache mechanism is creatively designed to The geographic information and routing data of the trans-
code , index and store millions of physical containers in a large- portation infrastructure network can be acquired from maps
scale epidemic prediction model , which can achieve balance such as OpenStreetMap. The map offers stops as nodes and
between CPU utilization and memory usage. routes as links which can be connected in a graph. This graph
• The first cache is the nearest cache, which stores the near- shows the topology of the whole public transportation network.
est physical container of the current physical container However, there is a big challenge for an agent to use this
type to a certain physical container. New items will be graph to get a travel route , which is to find the first stop to
added into this cache only after they have been calculated use as there could be more than one public transport stop
for a first time. close to the agent. An explicit solution is comparing all the
• The second cache is the grid cache. The whole map nearby stops for every travel request. This could decrease
can be divided into grids and keep indexes of physical the simulation performance drastically. This challenge can be
containers in the grids (similar to Quadtree). solved by creating 'GridZones' as nodes and adding them to
• The third cache is the distance cache , which is used when the existing graph. The map is divided into grid cells, and the
no results can be found in the nearest cache or the grid resolution of the grid can be set flexibly. The center of each
cache. To any specific physical container, this cache can cell can be called 'GridZone'. Each 'GridZone' is a node and
keep nearby physical containers ordered by distance. is linked to the graph by linking the ' GridZone' with all stops
Besides the effective three-level cache mechanism to orga- in this grid cell. The weight of each edge will be assigned
nize physical containers in large-scale systems, the concept of an estimated walking duration. When an agent plans to use
physical container separating from the general agent environ- public transport, the public transportation model will use the
ment concept makes it much easier to include a transportation agent's current ' GridZone' as the start node to calculate the
component in an epidemic prediction and control model. shortest path. The destination is treated in a similar manner.
This is achieved by considering vehicles as movable physical
containers in the model. C. Beijing Case
B. Movable Physical Container With the available raw data generated by an independent
Human mobility and, in particular, commuting patterns have research by Ge [12], we constructed an epidemic prediction
a fundamental role in understanding social systems [10], such model in the city of Beijing.
as epidemics. In current agent-based epidemiology research, In the model, every agent owns a behavior pattern which
spatial environment represented by physical rooms is a key is a sequenced activity list. Every activity in the pattern is

required to assign an activity location . An acnvity location Co m pariso n of Sim ulat io n Perform ance o n Cache Syst em
was modeled as a physical container in this research. 350

Currently there are 18 types of static physical cont ainers 300 298
which are categorized into 6 categories. Obviou sly, these can
~ Wit h C a c h e
Syste m
not cover all the types in Beijing, for example , small shops 150 ' 143 • 148 • 150 _ Wit ho ut Cac he
in ' Consumption location s' and cinem as in ' Entertainment 100 y =2.6x + 13 7.2 Syst e m

location s' are missing in the current database. Further research 50

should be conducted on generating or collecting real data for

these missing types which are important for disea se spread, as Agent pop ulatio n (X 1000)

Besides static physic al cont ainers , we modeled a transporta- Figure I. Performance comparison in simulation with and without the use of
tion system including movable physical containers to execute cache system for a week
travel activitie s, which helps commuting agent s to determine a
route and give out the travel duration. The public transportation
From Figure 1, we can find that the execution time increa ses
system in the model is micro scopic, where we modeled all
linearly in both cases. However, the execution time in the
lines and stops of metro and bus system in Beijing. The public
situation without cache system is ten times longer than the
transportation in Beijin g contains 17 Metro lines, 227 Metro
situation with cache system in all the 5 settings, where we
stations and nearly 1,000 public bus and trolleybus lines in the
exclude the initial set-up time of the simulation run. Since
city, which make s it one of the largest public transportation
no epidemics are involved in this test, this cache system is
system s in the world .
supposed to benefit other large-scale social system research ,
Mod eled buses and metro trains will execute their schedules
as well.
on these route s based certain timet ables. The geographic in-
formation and routin g data of the transportation infrastructure B. 'GridZones ' Alg orithm
network are acquired from open source based OpenStreetMap
With the consideration of transport vehicle s as movable
1 by using the Java library osmo sis 2 . To show the topology
physical containers, this research included a public transporta-
of the whole public transportation network in Beijing, a
tion component into an epidemic model , where 19.6 million
graph is built in this model by the Java library jgrapht 3. It
agents can realistically travel through this component for daily
models stops as nodes (static physical containers) and routes
commuting purpose.
as links. For commuting vehicles (cars and taxis) on the
An algorithm called , GridZone s' was prop osed in Section
road network , we don't model the real road network s, but
III-B in order to optimize agents' routing proce sses. To
calculate estimated travel dur ation according to the distance
evaluate this algorithm, a test is conducted by measuring
and historic al statistical data on congestion.
the simulation performance between two situations when this
IV. SIM ULATIO N ST UDY algorithm is adopted or not. The simulation execution time
This section uses several tests to show that how the novel is recorded for both situations when the number of agents
design s in the physic al cont ainer behave in the simulati on increase from 1000 to 5000 for a simulation period of a week
study. (7 days). The comparison is shown in Figure 2.

A. Three-level Cache System of Physical Containers Compansion of Simulation Performance of the inclusion of 'Grid7,onc'

In the context of the case study, there are 8 million static 6000 5304
location s in the city of Beijin g. A three-level cache system ~
~ W i t h G r i d Zo n e

was propo sed to organize the million s of locations during a . ~ 4000

simulation run. .§ 3000

To show the effect of the cache system on the simulation, ~ 2000
_ W ithout GridZone

~ y = x + 141.8
we made a comparison between two experiments. The first 1000
143 144 144 146 147

experiment is to measure the simulation execution time for ~ ~ = =*= ~ = =*= ~L-

a simul ation period of one week (7 days) when the cache Agent Popu lat ion (X 1000)

system is adopted , while the other experiment excluded the

cache system. Other initial conditions are set to be the same, Figure 2. Performance comparison for in simulation with and without the use
of 'g ridzone' algorithm for a week
for exampl e, the agents are the same in all properties and
decision-making capabilitie s in both experiments. The results From Figure 2, we can find that the simulation execution
for different agent populations (from 1000 to 5000) are shown time increases linearl y in both of the two situations, and the
in Figure 1. speedup of the situation with the , GridZones' algorithm is
enormous when the agent popul ation incre ases. In addition to
2 the performance optimi zation , the other benefit are reflected
3 on the efficiency of memory usage . With the inclusion of

'GridZones', all the connecting information for the bus/me tro TABLE r.
stops inside the zone are gathered together and stored in this R ES ULT S OF ' Hospitalized ' AG ENT S IN A BASELIN E SCE NARIO AFT E R 5
'GridZones'. This design avoids the redundancy when the
connecting information is separated into different stops, and Resu lt Mean 95% Co nfidence Shap iro-Wilk
ensures the updating efficiency when one of the stops in the Interval Test (P Value)
Average Peak 362 [361.0, 363.0] 0.135
traffic graph is closed. Time (Hours)
Peak Number 652,598 [647,989, 0.9 189
C. Scenario of Including Public Transportation 657,207]
In order to test the quality of implemented physical contain -
ers, a scenario was des igned to test the impact of including
Avera ge Number of 'Hospitalized' agents (5 replications)
travel con tacts in movab le physical containers on disease
spread, where the microscopic public transportation system
was included in the model and agents can realistically 'travel'
through the city and have travel con tacts.
Before studying this scenario, a base line scenario without • AV""'IJII Numt>er

l ines
the inclusion of public transportation was created to study the
disease dynamics at first, which is considered as a traditional
mode l for large-scale agent-based epidemic prediction. The
initia l condition for the model was that I in 2 million people
in the popu lation was in the 'Suspect' phase. The number
200 ..00 roo
of persons in the' Hospitalized' phase was recorded during Ti me (Hours)

a simu lation run of 30 days.

Figure 4. Number of ' Hospitali zed ' agents in the scenario of including movable
This scenario contained an experiment with 5 replications, physical container s
and the number of agents in the 'Hospitalized' phase for each
rep lication were recorded . The statistical res ults are presented
in Figure 3. The key statistics on indicators of' Average Peak Time ' and
'Peak Number' are shown in Table II.
Average Number of 'Hospitalized' agents (5 replications)




A ve<l g e ~ m D '"

L_ ~, ..mdl 95%CII
Resu lt

Average Peak
Mea n

95% Confidence
Inter val
[371.4, 378.6]
Shap iro-Wilk
Test (P Value)
0.7 147
J - Up pe( ~ oo nd l 95 % C I Time (Hours)
Peak Number 700, 138 [69 1,524, 0.4913

From Table II, we can find both the ' Average Peak Time '
and 'Peak Number' follow a norma lly distribution as well. To
Figure 3. Number of 'Hospitalized' agents in a baseline scenario show the difference of the simulation results, we did statistical
tests using SPSS and present the outcome in Table III.
The major indicators and statistics are shown in Table I It can be seen from Table III that the p values for both
and the presented two KPls can intuitively show the dynamics the two indicators are are below 0.05 in the t-test. It means
of disease transmission. The first indicator 'Average Peak both the 'Average Peak Time' and ' Peak Number' in this
Time' shows the average time point when the number of scenario are different from the baseline scenario. That is,
' Hospitalized' agents reaches the highest value and the second including movab le physical containers in the mode l increases
indicator 'Peak Number' presents the number of' Hospitalized' the peak number of infected agents (7.3 %) in the experiment.
agents at the highes t point. Besides the mean value and 95% In addition, it does shift the infecting peak to a later time ( 14
confidence interva l, the p value of the Shapiro-Wilk Test is hours) according to the 'Mean Difference' for 'Peak Time' .
also given to test the norma lity of indicators. This result confirms the res ults in the other research [13].
It can be found from Table I that both the ' Average Peak The difference in 'Peak Number' is minor, which means travel
Time' and 'Peak Number' came from a norma l distribution. contacts in movab le physical containers are not the dominating
For the scenario of incl uding movab le physical containers, factor for the disease to transmit among peop le in the mode l.
we also conducted an experiment with 5 replications. For each Furthermore, in the base line scenario where movab le phys-
rep lication, the numbers of agents in the' Hospitalized' phase ical containers are excluded from the mode l, peop le are
were recorded and the statistical results are presented in Figure designed to have longer contact with their colleagues, families
4. or socia l networks for the saved travel time in the mode l. These


Levene's Test for t-test for Equality of Means

Equality of Variances
F Sig. df Sig. Mean Differ-
(2-tailed) ence
Peak Equal 6.146 0.0382 -7.070 4.552 0.001 14
Time variances
(Hours) not
Peak Equal 0.837 0.387 -11.49 7.110 7.56e-06 47540
Number variances

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