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What’s Your Threshold?

ight now, there aren’t other teams underhanded. What a sissy, right? Well, the
who are calling us and looking at guy was perennially the league leader in free
us.” That’s what Atlanta Falcons throw shooting percentage, missing nine
President Rich McKay told me free throws TOTAL one season. So even if
(see page 22) a few weeks ago when I asked unorthodox or funny-looking, clearly Berry
him about the organization’s headline-grab- deployed an effective technique.
bing Fan First food and beverage pricing to be So why didn’t other players follow suit?
implemented at the new Mercedes-Benz Sta- They had, and continue to have, high thresh-
dium next season. “We didn’t do it for them.” olds. Gladwell juxtaposes Berry with Wilt
We didn’t do it for them. Spoken like an Chamberlain, the greatest physical speci-
organization with a low sociological thresh- men ever to play basketball and a terrible
old. free throw shooter. Chamberlain admits his
For those readers who aren’t familiar, flaw in his autobiography, writing “I know it
Fan First refers to the mantra at Mercedes- was wrong [not to shoot underhanded]… I
Benz Stadium (see page 78) to reinvent the just couldn’t do it.”
fan experience at sports and entertainment He KNEW he was wrong, but Cham-
events. As it relates to food and beverage, berlain was a man with high thresholds. He
concessions items will be sold at “street pric- made throw-away comments to me about needed others in mass to do it first.
es” in the new home of the Atlanta Falcons what’s happening in Atlanta. Paraphrasing The sports business tribe has done things
and Atlanta United FC. For example, a hot one such conversation, apparently, it can a certain way for a long time. And those
dog will cost $2. There will be no stadium only happen at Mercedes-Benz Stadium be- ways have generated a lot of money. It also
markup. cause of Owner Arthur Blank. But that’s not has high thresholds, because if there’s a lot
“There’s no reason to have to pay $5 for a a belief, it’s a high threshold. of money, there’s a lot of money to lose.
bottle of water. We all know it,” says Mike I understand those perspectives. It is just Back to the Revisionist History podcast
Gomes, SVP of Fan Experience at AMB a theory today. And I was born at night, but episode, Rick Berry remembers his dad
Sports & Entertainment – the parent com- not last night. I remain vigilant for market- telling him, “They can’t make fun of you if
pany of the Falcons and Atlanta United. ing spin and ulterior motives. In this case, you’re making them.”
But if we all know it, why do we still do it? until I have a reason not to, I must take That fatherly advice will certainly ring
Because we can, I guess. I think we all un- AMB Sports & Entertainment at its word. true for Mercedes-Benz Stadium. The crit-
derstand the basic economics here. Thirsty None of these specific details are what I ics can’t be cynical of the new build’s F&B
fans demand water. The locations supplying want you to take away from this note. My model if it makes the new build money, di-
water are limited, and the company selling message today is a more general one about rectly or derivatively.
the water has a monopoly advantage, hence thresholds. We’ll have to wait some time to apply
higher prices. It’s also necessary for the A threshold, in the sociological sense of revisionist history to Mercedes-Benz Stadi-
third-party concessionaires to charge those the word, is the number of people needed to um. It’ll take a couple of years of receipts to
higher prices to achieve a meaningful ROI do something before you join in. Being the determine its true value. But for today, think
on the robust fees paid to owners, comfort- only organization to charge two bucks for a about what your response will be if it does
ed by the cost certainty of current models, hot dog, AMB Sports & Entertainment has work. What will your threshold be?
for the right to feed the masses on gameday. a low threshold, zero threshold in this case – Kindly,
But what if there’s another way, a bet- they don’t need any other venues to be doing
ter way? What if F&B can be a loss leader it for them to do it.
(even though AMB Sports & Entertain- I reacquainted myself with the concept of
ment won’t call it that)? What if it spikes thresholds last year while listening to one of
volumes to the point of making up for the the episodes (“The Big Man Can’t Shoot”) in
lower prices? What if it incentivizes in- Malcom Gladwell’s Revisionist History pod-
creased attendance by removing one of the cast series ( In the Jared Frank
highest barriers to attending? In theory, it episode, Gladwell uses a sports case study
makes sense. to illustrate his thesis. He interviews Rick @JChrstophrFrank
There are critics, and there are cynics. In Berry, famous for shooting his free throws
recent conversations, industry leaders have

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