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Don’t Be Left Holding the Severed Cord

ccording to Forbes, the world’s downstream impact.
50 most valuable sports teams Cable television continues to observe sub-
are worth an average of $1.75 scription losses at a record pace. According
billion in 2015, which is a to media research firm SNL Kagan, the larg-
whopping 31% increase from just last year. est-ever quarterly drop, 625,000 subscribers,
In North America, the Dallas Cowboys occurred this year, and acceleration for the
and New York Yankees are both currently trend doesn’t seem like it will reverse direc-
valued at $3.2 billion, ranking second glob- tion.
ally behind Real Madrid, the world’s most ESPN, the Worldwide Leader in Sports,
valuable team at $3.26 billion. Exact valua- isn’t immune from these declines. According
tions can vary slightly from source to source to Nielsen, the most watched cable TV sta-
and can depend on when the information is tion in America has seen subscriptions drop
published, but for the sake of this discussion, from 100 million to 94 million, with half of
let’s just agree that valuations are high. And the decline occurring just in the past year,
what’s feeding these eye-catching valuations according to Business Insider. In the wake of
is without question their lucrative cords that these declines, and increases in rights fees,
are plugged into multi-billion-dollar media ESPN was forced to lay off 300 employees,
rights contracts. nearly 4% of its payroll, in October.
Television is the golden goose for all sports Even if the bundle continues at some level
leagues. In the NFL, its current TV deals, (and many television executives are desper-
ately trying to convince investors that it will),
enough consumers are fleeing cable subscrip-
ESPN is paid $6.04 per month per subscriber by cable tions to affect profit margins. So while I’m
providers (whether or not that subscriber watched one second not suggesting television is about to crater,
a critical mass is developing that is bringing
of ESPN). Keeping the math simple, $6 multiplied by the 100 inevitable change to the existing model, cre-
million households with a bundled cable package equates ating significant revenue gaps.
Take ESPN again as an example. Most
to $600 million of revenue per month for ESPN. So even if a cable TV providers offer ESPN on their
modest 15% of subscribers end up cutting the cord, ESPN will most basic cable packages nowadays. The
channel is paid $6.04 per month per sub-
lose $100 million of revenue per month. scriber by these cable providers (regardless of
whether or not the subscriber watched one
including both network and DirecTV con- valuation from just one year earlier. second of ESPN). Keeping the math simple,
tracts, are worth $6.5 billion annually to the In the midst of this unprecedented pros- $6 multiplied by 100 million cable-subscrib-
league. Divide that figure by 32 teams, and perity and bullish view on sports business, ing households equates to $600 million of
each team receives approximately $200 mil- it’s important to understand a potential land- revenue per month for ESPN. So even if a
lion from television before it sells one ticket, mine, which is the fact that the lucrative cord modest 15% of subscribers end up cutting
one suite, one sponsorship, one tee shirt, or of cash flow fueling the prosperity is being the cord, ESPN will lose $100 million of
one hot dog. shaved, or cut altogether. revenue per month, unless the current model
The NBA will soon begin its new deal changes. The profitability of the entire eco-
with ESPN and TNT, worth $2.5 billion CUTTING THE CORD system, including advertising, can be traced
per year, which fueled a free agent frenzy this A little over 100 million U.S. households still back to subscriptions, and subscriptions are
summer and will continue to do so in the pay for traditional bundled cable TV services. shaving, if not cancelling altogether.
coming years, as the money pool fills higher. But there is no doubt that a shift from the
Meanwhile, franchise valuations are reaching bundle package to over-the-top services is WORD ON THE STREET
new highs with each new sale. The Atlanta in motion that is altering the business model Traditional media companies have seen their
Hawks, for example, sold for $850 million for the television industry. And as the shift stock prices sell off into bear market territory.
earlier this year, which was double the Forbes’ escalates, the sports industry will experience At the time this editorial draft is being writ-

20 | S E A T | | #SEATFall2015
ten, many leading traditional content produc- relative to everything else on TV. And wheth- sumers are actually watching the games on
ers and suppliers have seen their stock prices er through a bundle or a la carte, I predict that network. Does that mean if given the
drop substantially in 2015. Year-to-date, ESPN will figure out a profitable model. But opportunity to unbundle or go completely
Time Warner is down 17%, CBS 25%, and what about all of the regional sports stations over-the-top, 75% will shave the local sports
Viacom 38%. While the traditional media that have emerged in recent years? Are they network? That scenario has drastic implica-
sector struggles, over-the-top is booming. going to be just fine? tions on a model that is primarily funded by
Netflix, the S&P’s best performing stock of In the country’s largest markets, New York subscriptions.
2015, is up a staggering 125%. and Los Angeles, local TV money is largely
Disney, who owns ESPN, is up 10% YTD, credited with increasing the value of MLB’s ADAPTING TO THE NEW WORLD
but it is well off its highs after investors were Yankees and Dodgers. The Dodgers have The future of television consumption in gen-
spooked by a recent earnings report and com- a 25-year, $8.35 billion contract with Time eral is not with cable, which we’ve established
ments by CEO Bob Iger about the possibility Warner Cable, while the Yankees continue to is the anchor revenue source for the sports in-
that ESPN could one day be sold direct to reap the benefits of their YES Network. dustry as we know it today. The future is with
consumers as an a la carte service, similar to Many MLB and NHL teams across their digital media and Internet streaming. In the
what HBO has started to do with its stand- respective leagues now have similar equity next ten years, it’s possible that there will be
alone, over-the-top offering. If that happens interests in local sports networks or simi- no cable TV bundle, and all content will be
purchased a la carte and consumed through
streaming services.
Its seems like a fait accompli that 500-channel TV packages Think about it. How many TV channels
are headed the way of the dodo bird, and cord cutting will do you pay for each month? How many of
those channels do you actually watch? Its
only accelerate moving forward. And if that happens, seems like a fait accompli that 500-channel
there are significant downstream impacts on the TV packages are headed the way of the dodo
valuations of sports franchises. The sports industry does have a couple of
silver bullets in its chamber. Firstly, live sport-
according to the Wall Street Journal, ESPN lar lucrative local TV rights contracts. And ing events are DVR-proof, something few
would need to charge $30 per month for its many of these channels are almost entirely programs can offer. And an enormous slice of
own over-the-top offering to generate the dependent on cable subscription fees to keep consumers obsesses over these events. So we
same revenue that the current cable bundle their lights on. One sports executive familiar are not facing a popularity barrier, nor is the
does. Will enough people be willing to pay with the local TV deal of a small market team barrier a limitation in technology. Most net-
$30 a month? By comparison, current over- told me that 85% of the local sports network’s works offer access to their content through
the-top services, such as Netflix, Hulu, and revenues come from subscriptions. streaming sticks and set-top boxes, includ-
Amazon Prime, cost around $10 a month. When XYZ Network isn’t broadcasting a ing Apple TV, Roku, Google Chromecast,
Any revenue gap could, in theory, be closed hometown game, they’re showing a replay of or Amazon Fire, as well as on mobile devices
if a la carte services are priced at levels that a high school JV basketball game or fishing through applications. So the custom experi-
make up for the shaved or lost bundle. But I lessons with Uncle Ed. There are a couple of ences that consumers are now expecting are
just don’t see how that happens. Personally, I reasons for this strategy. The first is the fact available on the market.
do not pay even an additional $9 per month that low-budget, basic programming is dirt The barrier for the sports industry is how
for NFL Redzone, and I love the NFL. So cheap to produce. Now couple that with the to capture the same content-related revenue
if the league can no longer gain revenue fact that many of these networks don’t care without the traditional cable bundle. To illus-
from people who are not watching NFL whether anyone’s watching or not during trate, consider that for the week of October
games even though they are paying for them these times because their revenue models 19th – 25th, Sunday Night Football claimed
(through bundled services), and it experienc- aren’t based on advertising. And as illustrated the number-one ranking for TV viewers with
es churn from some avid, but cost-conscious, earlier, these channels are paid subscription 20.61 million. The 20% of Americans watch-
NFL fans, then it’s not difficult to see the po- fees by the cable providers whether anyone is ing the NFL on Sundays isn’t the issue. That’s
tential problems on the horizon. watching or not. an astounding number. It’s the 80% of house-
Again, let’s use overly-simple math just holds who do not watch, yet are still profited
REGIONAL SPORTS CHANNELS to illustrate the point. Let’s say 90% of the off of, that is the issue to keep in mind. I
In the case of ESPN, the network is still able citizenry of a typical small market has a ca- know I keep reiterating the same point, but
to milk profit, despite reductions in subscrip- ble package that includes that market’s local that’s because it’s so important to realize.
tion revenue, because viewership is still high sports network, but only 15% of those con- [continued on page 134]

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