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Immune Mechanisms in Arterial Hypertension

Ulrich Wenzel,* Jan Eric Turner,* Christian Krebs,* Christian Kurts,† David G. Harrison,‡ and
Heimo Ehmke§
*Department of Medicine and §Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology, University Medical Center
Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; †Institutes of Molecular Medicine and Experimental Immunology, Rheinische
Friedrich-Wilhelms University, Bonn, Germany; and ‡Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Medicine,
Nashville, Tennessee

Traditionally, arterial hypertension and subsequent end-organ damage have been physically induced injury but also a
attributed to hemodynamic factors, but increasing evidence indicates that inflam- cause of hypertension, was further sup-
mation also contributes to the deleterious consequences of this disease. The ported in a 2007 study. 3 That study
immune system has evolved to prevent invasion of foreign organisms and to promote found that the increase in BP caused by
tissue healing after injury. However, this beneficial activity comes at a cost of Ang II infusion was significantly blunted
collateral damage when the immune system overreacts to internal injury, such as in mice lacking the recombinase-activating
prehypertension. Renal inflammation results in injury and impaired urinary sodium gene 1 (RAG-12/2 mice), a strain that lacks
excretion, and vascular inflammation leads to endothelial dysfunction, increased Tand B cells. In these experiments, adop-
vascular resistance, and arterial remodeling and stiffening. Notably, modulation of tive transfer of T cells, but not B cells,
the immune response can reduce the severity of BP elevation and hypertensive end- restored the hypertensive response,3 in-
organ damage in several animal models. Indeed, recent studies have improved our dicating that T cells play an important
understanding of how the immune response affects the pathogenesis of arterial role in generation of arterial hypertension.
hypertension, but the remarkable advances in basic immunology made during the These results have been confirmed in se-
last few years still await translation to the field of hypertension. This review briefly vere combined immunodeficiency mice
summarizes recent advances in immunity and hypertension as well as hypertensive and in Dahl salt-sensitive rats in which
end-organ damage. the RAG-1 or the essential T cell receptor
component CD3 have been deleted using
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 677–686, 2016. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2015050562
zinc finger nuclease technology.4–6 This
seminal work has caused great interest in
the immunologic aspects of hypertensive
Hypertension is the most common mod- cell death and initiate a tissue response disease.7–10
ifiable risk factor for cardiovascular dis- aimed at removing dead cells and replacing This review will give a brief overview
ease and death. Worldwide, it is estimated them to restore homeostasis. These repair of the components of the innate and
that .1 billion adults have hypertension, processes are a substantial component of adaptive arm of the immune system in
and this figure is projected to climb to the immune response, and it is therefore hypertension and summarize recent ad-
1.5 billion by the year 2025. An improved self-evident that activation of both the in- vances in immunologic research, with a
understanding of the mechanisms un- nate and adaptive arm of the immune sys- special focus on their potential relevance
derlying arterial hypertension and its tem occurs in arterial hypertension. for hypertension and hypertensive end-
subsequent damage to the kidneys, heart, A hint for a role of the immune system organ damage. Very recent findings on
and vascular system is clearly needed. For in hypertension was the observation that the role of dendritic cells as well as CD8+
many years, it was believed that hyper- pressor doses of angiotensin II (Ang II)
tensive end-organ damage is merely the administered for a short time period Published online ahead of print. Publication date
result of an increased hydrostatic pres- resulted in subsequent salt-sensitive hy- available at
sure on the vessel walls. Indeed, in 1977 pertension and renal infiltration and
Correspondence: Dr. Ulrich Wenzel, Universitätsklinikum
Beilin stated that pressure, if it is great activation of immune cells. Both of these Hamburg-Eppendorf, III. Medizinische Klinik, Martinistr.
enough, will eventually disrupt any struc- sequelae were reduced by immunosup- 52, 20246 Hamburg, Germany. Email:
ture.1 In intact vessels, pressure mediates pression.2 The concept that inflamma- Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of
cellular stretch, which can in turn lead to tion is not only a consequence of the Nephrology

J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 677–686, 2016 ISSN : 1046-6673/2703-677 677


and TH17 T cells in hypertension will be and renal sodium reabsorption, all of mice.24 TLR9 is expressed in aortic vas-
discussed. which contribute to hypertension.14,15 cular smooth muscle cells, and its acti-
The sympathetic nervous system and hy- vation augments contractile responses
pothalamic pituitary axis are two major in conduit arteries.25 Activation of nico-
INNATE IMMUNITY pathways in which the NADPH oxidases tinic acetylcholine receptors in spleno-
modulate neuroimmune communica- cytes inhibits TLR-mediated inflammation
Innate immunity is considered to be the tion. The sympathetic nervous system in- in Wistar-Kyoto rats but paradoxically
immune system’s first line of defense nervates both primary (thymus, bone increases inflammation in the SHR.26
against invading pathogens. The term marrow) and secondary tissues and lym- TLRs likely represent a link between
“innate” refers to the inherent capacity phoid tissues (spleen, lymph nodes), and host-derived “danger” molecules
of this arm of immune defense to be rap- most immune cells express receptors for (DAMPs), low-grade inflammation,
idly activated by external stimuli without neurohormones and catecholamines.16 vascular remodeling, and hypertension.
need for time-consuming, antigen-specific Inhibition of the NADPH oxidase subunit This topic has recently been reviewed
education or interaction with other cells. p22phox in the subfornical organ elimi- in detail.25,27
The essential cellular components of innate nated the Ang II–induced hypertensive re-
immunity are granulocytes, macrophages, sponse and vascular inflammation.17 In Inflammasome
mast cells, and certain subsets of lympho- addition, a peripheral neuroimmune Some pattern recognition receptors
cytes, whereas the most important hu- response in the spleen, mediated by celiac trigger a distinct proinflammatory mech-
moral component beside the defensin ganglion efferent nerve fibers, is essential anism that involves assembly of cytosolic
system is the complement system. for the development of hypertension.18 protein complexes called inflammasome.
The NADPH oxidase in antigen-presenting Once assembled, inflammasomes activate
Complement cells plays a role in their activation in hy- caspase-1, which in turn processes the
The complement system is one of the pertension, and inhibition of this enzyme proinflammatory IL-1 family cytokines
oldest components of immunity and is blunts the vascular inflammation present IL-1b and IL-18 from their inactive to
central to the detection and destruction in hypertension.19,20 their active forms. A well described stim-
of invading pathogens.11 It is a system of ulus for inflammasome activation in-
fluid-phase and cell membrane–bound Innate Sensing of Injury volves the action of extracellular ATP on
proteins. Complement activation pro- Signature molecules of microbial origin the P237 receptor. Cellular damage in-
duces anaphylatoxins, such as C3a and (pathogen-associated molecular pat- creases extracellular ATP, which in turn
C5a, which are chemotactic stimuli and terns) or molecules that are released by serves as a danger signal that ultimately
can activate a variety of immune effector host cells in response to stress or damage stimulates IL-1 release.28 Interestingly,
cell types. Both C3a and C5a serum levels (damage-associated molecular patterns P237-deficient mice develop blunted hy-
are significantly increased after induction [DAMPs]) can activate resident and in- pertension in response to deoxycorticos-
of hypertension by Ang II infusion. Inter- nate immune cells via action on many terone acetate (DOCA) salt challenge,
estingly, hearts of C5a knockout mice are germline-encoded pattern recognition suggesting that the inflammasome is in-
protected from hypertensive cardiac in- receptors (PRRs). The inflammatory re- volved in the pathogenesis of hyperten-
jury.12 Moreover, treatment with a C5aR sponse to cell stress or injury has been sion.29 Other stimuli for inflammasome
antagonist also prevented cardiac remod- called “sterile inflammation.” 21 The activation include cholesterol and uric
eling in Ang II–induced hypertension.13 best-characterized pattern recognition acid crystals. Current studies of mice
receptors of the immune system are lacking components of the inflamma-
Reactive Oxygen Species toll-like receptors (TLRs). These are ex- some promise to provide additional
While there are several reactive oxygen pressed on a variety of immune and so- insight into the role of inflammation in
species (ROS)-producing enzymes in matic cells and are activated by a variety hypertension.
mammalian cells, a major source are of pathogen-associated molecular pat-
the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide terns and DAMPs to initiate inflamma- Monocytes/Macrophages and
phosphate-(NADPH) oxidases. Profes- tory responses. TLR4 was elevated in Other Bone Marrow–Derived Cells
sional phagocytes use the NADPH oxi- spontaneously hypertensive rats, and Cells of myeloid lineage, including mono-
dase to produce superoxide and kill treatment with an anti-TLR4 antibody cytes, macrophages, granulocytes, and
invading organisms. Superoxide serves lowered BP in this model. 22 TLR4 is dendritic cells, are major effectors of the
as a progenitor for numerous other ROS, also increased in cardiomyocytes of the innate immune system. Selective ablation
including hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl spontaneously hypertensive rat and of lysozyme M-positive myelomonocytic
radical, and peroxynitrite. The NADPH angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibi- cells markedly blunts Ang II–induced in-
oxidases have evolved to have numerous tion lowers its expression.23 G-nitro-L- filtration of these cells into the vascular
roles in other cells, including modulation arginine-methyl ester (L-NAME)–induced wall and attenuates Ang II–induced hy-
of sympathetic outflow, vascular tone, hypertension is blunted in TLR4-deficient pertension and vascular dysfunction.30

678 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 677–686, 2016 BRIEF REVIEW

Osteopetrotic (Op/Op) mice, in which functional characteristic.36,38,39,40 The regulatory T cells (Tregs) (Figure 1).
macrophages are functionally deficient, role of these cells in hypertension re- The evidence for a role of the four sub-
exhibit reduced hypertension and vascu- mains undefined. types in hypertension is summarized in
lar remodeling in response to Ang II or Table 1.
DOCA salt.31,32 As in the case of other Innate-Like T Cell Subsets
immune cells, the bone marrow is the It has become evident that certain T cell TH1 and TH2
source of circulating monocytes, monocyte- subsets that bear T cell receptors with a Substantial evidence suggests that hy-
derived dendritic cells, and most inflam- restricted repertoire can be activated pertension skews T cells toward a pro-
matory macrophages. Of interest, bone independently from antigen directly by inflammatory TH1 phenotype, as indicated
marrow transplant studies have empha- cytokine stimuli. Therefore they are by increased production of the TH1 cyto-
sized the role of the bone marrow in regarded as being on the border between kine IFN-g and a decrease in T H 2-
hypertension. Santisteban et al. have re- innate and adaptive immunity. These mediated responses.42 The TH1 response
cently shown that transplant of marrow “innate-like” T cells include gd T cells, in hypertension has been examined with
from spontaneously hypertensive rats to NK T cells, and mucosa-associated invari- different gene deletion approaches, and
Wistar-Kyoto rats increases BP in the lat- ant T cells.41 The gd T cells are a popula- these studies suggest that IFN-g and TH1
ter.33 Likewise, Saleh et al. showed that tion of cells that express the T cell receptor polarization contributes to the hyperten-
transplant of marrow from LNK 2 /2 gd chains. gd T cells are a major source of sion and end-organ damage caused by
mice, which are prone to inflammation IL-17 in hypertension, as discussed below. angiotensin II or DOCA salt hyperten-
and hypertension, markedly enhances The other cells have not been examined sion challenge.37,43–46 Data on TH2 in hy-
the response to low-dose angiotensin II in arterial hypertension. pertension are lacking. In one study,
infusion in wild-type recipient mice.34 treatment with IL-4 antibodies lowered
BP in NZB mice.46
Lymphocytes of the Innate Immune ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY
System TH17
Natural killer (NK) cells are the classic B cells, CD4+ cells, and CD8+ T cells are IL-17 is the defining cytokine of TH17
effector lymphocytes of the innate im- the major effectors of the adaptive im- cells. Several isoforms of IL-17 exist,
mune system.35 Only in the last few years mune system. As noted above, studies of with IL-17A and -F being the most abun-
has another population of lymphocytes RAG-1–deficient mice demonstrated dant. Ang II infusion increases IL-17A
that belongs to the innate arm of the im- that T cells contribute to the develop- production by T cells and IL-17 protein
mune system been identified and studied ment of hypertension. On the basis of in the aortic media and the heart.47 The
extensively. Because of their antigen- their cytokine production profile and ex- initial hypertensive response to Ang II
independent activation and lymphoid pression of specific transcription factors, infusion is similar in IL-17A2/2 mice
morphology, these cells have been called CD4 + T cells are classified into four and wild-type mice. However, hyperten-
“innate lymphoid cells" (ILCs). NK cells major subsets: T H 1, T H 2, T H 17, and sion is not sustained in IL-17A2/2 mice,
share characteristics of innate lymphoid
cells and, according to the most recent
nomenclature of these cells, are consid-
ered to be “killer” ILCs.36

Innate Lymphoid Cells

NK cells (or “killer” ILCs) recognize
stressed and damaged cells by a reper-
toire of activating and inhibitory NK
cell receptors. Upon activation, NK cells
exert cytotoxic effects on target cells.
In Ang II–induced hypertension, NK
cells migrate into the aortic wall and
become a local source for interferon-g.
Depletion of NK cells reduces Ang II–
induced vascular dysfunction. 37 The
family of “nonkiller” ILCs, which are
also called “helper-like” ILCs, can be fur-
ther divided into three groups that differ
in their cytokine production, transcrip- Figure 1. Polarization of CD4+ cells. Naive CD4+ T cells polarize into TH1, TH2, or TH17
tion factor usage, tissue localization, and cells or Tregs.

J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 677–686, 2016 Immune Responses and Hypertension 679

Table 1. Evidence for a role of the four subtypes in hypertension

Variable T H1 TH 2 TH17 Treg
Function Intracellular bacteria, cell Helminth infections, allergic Extracellular bacteria, fungi, cell- Downregulation of the immune
mediated autoimmunity disease mediated autoimmunity response in autoimmunity and

Observations in experimental Increased IFN-g production in Ang Decreased IL-4 production in Ang Increased IL-17a production in Number of Tregs in the tissue
arterial hypertension II–induced hypertension42 II–induced hypertension42 Ang II–induced hypertension follows the amount of injury
(plasma, aorta, heart)47–49
Increased number of TH17 cells in
kidney of hypertensive mice55
Effect of knockout IFN-g deficiency has no effect on No data IL-17a deficiency lowers BP and Not done because Treg knockout

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

BP or albuminuria in Ang II– reduces hypertensive injury in is lethal
infused mice44 response to Ang II infusion47–49
IFN-g receptor deficiency has no IL-17a and IL-23p19 deficiency
effect on BP leads to but less enhances renal injury in
cardiac injury and mixed results response to DOCA+Ang II
in the kidney in response to Ang infusion55
II infusion45
IFN-g deficiency lowers BP in IL-6 deficiency lowers BP and
response to low-dose Ang II43 endothelial dysfunction in
response to Ang II infusion52,53
T-bet- and IFN-g deficiency have
no effect on BP but less vascular
dysfunction in response to Ang
II infusion37
Effect of neutralizing antibodies IFN-g antibody has no effect on BP IL-4 antibody reduces BP in No effect of IL-17 and IL-23 No data
in hypertensive NZB mice46 hypertensive NZB mice46 antibody in response to Ang II
Effect of overexpression or Overexpression of IFN-g induces No data Overexpression of IL-17a in the Administration of Tregs lowers BP
administration vascular dysfunction37 skin induces hypertension51 and ameliorates hypertensive
injury in different models of
Administration of IL-17 increases
T-bet, T-box expressed in T cells.

J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 677–686, 2016 BRIEF REVIEW

reaching levels 30 mmHg lower than in diseases and the potential impact on BP IL-2/anti–IL-2 immune complex treatment
wild-type mice by 4 weeks of Ang II in- and tissue damage has not been investi- of hypertensive mice expands Tregs and
fusion.48 In addition, mice lacking IL-17A gated so far. reduces aortic stiffening.71 Administration
are also protected against aortic stiffening A fascinating relation exists between of IL-10 lowers BP in preeclampsia.72
and cardiac fibrosis after infusion of Ang salt intake and IL-17. Two independent
II.47,49 Obviously, gd T cell–derived IL-17 studies showed that sodium chloride can CD8+ T Cells
mediates the adverse effects of IL-17 in exaggerate TH17 production by CD4+ Convincing evidence suggests that T cells
hypertension.47 In addition, IL-17 treat- T cells due to activation of the serum and contribute to BP elevation. A major ques-
ment increased systolic BP in mice.50 glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1, which tion, however, is what T cells are doing to
TH17 cells need IL-23 for expansion and stabilizes the IL-23 receptor and rein- cause these effects. A recent study has
survival. IL-23 receptor antibody treat- forces the TH17 phenotype.60,61 Thus, a suggested that CD8+ T cells are a major
ment or IL-17A antibody treatment of decreased TH17 response may signifi- source of IFN-g and that these accumu-
Ang II–infused mice showed no major ef- cantly contribute to the beneficial effects late in the kidney in hypertension. Mice
fect on cardiac or renal injury.45 It has to of salt restriction in patients with hyperten- lacking CD8+ T cells developed blunted
be kept in mind that antibody treatment sion. Serum and glucocorticoid-regulated hypertensive responses to Ang II, while
never has an efficiency of 100%, whereas a kinase 1 is also the link between salt intake mice lacking CD4+ cells are not similarly
genetic approach knocks down the gene and accelerated allograft rejection.62 Acti- protected. Vascular rarefaction in the kid-
and protein of interest to 0%. Dermal vation of renal sodium transporters is ney was noted in wild-type and CD42/2
overexpression of IL-17A induces not blunted in INF-g and IL-17A–deficient mice, but not in CD82/2 mice. This in
only psoriasis-like lesions but also endo- mice in response to Ang II, suggesting turn could promote sodium and volume
thelial dysfunction, vascular oxidative that sodium transporters are an important retention.73 It should be recognized that
stress, and arterial hypertension.51 The link between IFN-g and IL-17 and hyper- mice lacking CD4+ cells also lack Tregs
importance of IL-17 in hypertension is tension.43 Titze and coworkers identified and this perhaps predisposes these ani-
supported by studies of IL-6–deficient another important link between sodium mals to worsened hypertension.
mice. IL-6 is needed for polarization of and the immune system. In a series of ele-
TH17 cells, and mice lacking this cytokine gant experiments, these authors found that Antigens and Dendritic Cells
have lower BP and less endothelial dys- high salt intake promotes skin Na+ accu- The canonical function of dendritic cells
function in response to Ang II infu- mulation and that this in turn causes mac- is activation of T cells.74 After acquiring
sion.52,53 IL-6 may also increase BP by rophages to produce factors including antigens, dendritic cells process these to
stimulating epithelial sodium channels VEGF-C, which modulates skin interstitial peptides, migrate to the secondary lym-
in collecting duct cells.54 Interestingly, in lymphatic density.63 In addition, Na+ accu- phoid organ, and present these antigenic
response to a combination of high-level mulates at the site of bacterial skin infec- peptides in the context of MHCs to
Ang II infusion and DOCA salt adminis- tions in humans and mice and boosts T cells. Antigen-activated T cells prolif-
tration, IL-17 deficiency can have adverse classic macrophage activation, thus help- erate and produce clones specific for the
effects. Significantly higher renal injury ing to ward off skin infection. Thus, salt antigen. The kidney harbors a network
was also found in IL-23p19–deficient deposition might serve as an ancient mech- of dendritic cells. “Neoantigens” might
mice with DOCA+Ang II–induced hyper- anism to aid in immune-mediated pathogen be produced in response to early hyper-
tension.55 In contrast, neither IL-17A nor removal.64 tensive mechanical trauma injury by
IL-23p19 deficiency changed the degree of induction of cell death and release of in-
cardiac injury. Collectively, these findings Tregs and IL-10 tracellular antigens that normally are
show that IL-17 plays a major role in the The main function of Tregs is mainte- immune privileged. Interestingly, vari-
pathophysiology of hypertension and hy- nance of immunologic tolerance. Several ous hypertensive stimuli increase ROS
pertensive end-organ damage. A different groups have shown that adoptive transfer production in dendritic cells by activa-
role is possible in models with severe hy- of Tregs lowers BP and ameliorates tion of the NADPH oxidase. This leads to
pertensive end-organ damage, such as the cardiac and renal injury in different lipid oxidation and formation of g
combination of DOCA salt and Ang II. models of hypertension.65–68 Mice defi- ketoaldehydes or isoketals. Isoketals rap-
T helper cells were originally consid- cient in IL-10, an important product of idly ligate to protein lysines in the den-
ered to have stable phenotypes without Tregs, develop similar degrees of hyperten- dritic cells, forming proteins that are
changing of cytokine expression. How- sion in response to angiotensin II, but have interpreted as nonself as shown in Figure
ever, experiments with TH17 cells in par- severe endothelial dysfunction and vessels 2. Peptides from these proteins are pre-
ticular displayed dramatic instability of from these mice show an increased super- sented to T cells, leading to their prolif-
IL-17 secretion in vitro56,57 and in an animal oxide production when incubated with eration. In addition, isoketal formation
model of multiple sclerosis (experimental angiotensin II.69 These and other data sug- also promotes production of cytokines,
autoimmune encephalomyelitis). 58,59 gest that Treg-derived IL-10 mediates the including IL-1b, IL-6, and IL-23, which
Plasticity of TH17 cells in cardiovascular beneficial effects of Tregs in hypertension.70 polarize T cells to produce effector

J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 677–686, 2016 Immune Responses and Hypertension 681

cytokines. Transfer of isoketal-activated receptor in the activation and maturation contribute to immune disorders and car-
dendritic cells raises BP in wild-type of T lymphocytes. Abatacept treatment diovascular diseases.76,77 Interestingly,
mice but not in RAG-12/2 mice that reversed Ang II and DOCA salt–induced recent data have shown that short-chain
lack T cells. Moreover, treatment with hypertension, confirming a role of T cell fatty acids produced by gut microbiota
isoketal scavengers blunts hypertension priming by dendritic cells in hypertension.75 modulate renin release by binding to
and its associated renal injury in mice.19 olfactory receptors expressed in the re-
A role of dendritic cells in hypertension Microbiome nal juxtaglomerular apparatus.78 A link
was also suggested by prior work using The human gut is the natural niche for between microbial content and BP reg-
abatacept, which blocks CD80 and .1014 bacteria of .1000 different spe- ulation was also found in Dahl S and R
CD86 on dendritic cells. CD28 binds to cies. The microbiota seem to modulate rats.79 The cross-talk between the gut
these co-stimulatory molecules on den- immune responses, and increasing data microbiota and the renal and cardiovas-
dritic cells and acts as a co-stimulatory show that alterations in the microbiota cular systems could be relevant to the

Figure 2. Role of dendritic cells as well as CD4+ and CD8+ cells in hypertension. Hypertension causes lipid oxidation in dendritic cells (DC)
resulting in formation of isoketal adducts of various self-proteins. These isoketal-modified proteins behave like DAMPs and activate
dendritic cells. The dendritic cells secrete cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6, and IL-23. In the renal lymph node or other tissues dendritic cells may
activate CD8+ and CD4+ T cells that migrate into the kidney. CD8+ T cells release cytotoxins such as perforin and granzyme leading to
apoptosis or cell death of peritubular capillaries causing vascular rarefaction. IL-17A and IFN-g released from TH17 and TH1 activate the
renin-angiotensin system and may stimulate or upregulate transport channels in the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, including the
sodium hydrogen exchanger 3 (NHE3) and the sodium chloride cotransporter (NCC). Both in turn causes sodium and volume retention.
Modified from reference 10.

682 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 677–686, 2016 BRIEF REVIEW

pathogenesis and treatment of hyperten- salt treatment. These experimental inter- host defense are essential mechanisms of
sion. An interesting and unanswered ventions reproduce several features of homeostasis. Infection can cause hypo-
question is whether salt intake influences human hypertension. Ang II infusion tension via fluid loss in fever, tachypnea,
the microbiome and the gut-derived IL- resembles the condition in hypertensive and diarrhea. Septicemia induces
17 response enhancing the development patients with an inappropriately activated inflammation-related vascular fluid los-
of arterial hypertension. renin-angiotensin system, whereas nor- ses. Thus, as suggested recently, the risk
epinephrine infusion mimics the state of of hypotension related to inflammation
patients with an increased sympathetic might have favored selection of mecha-
MECHANISMS OF EXPERIMENTAL drive. DOCA salt treatment models use nisms that link immune activation to BP
MODELS OF HYPERTENSION enhanced mineralocorticoid activity, increases for short-term survival bene-
which is increasingly recognized in pa- fits. Such an evolutionary force may be
How does the immune system cause tients with resistant hypertension and so- responsible for the fact that important
hypertension? Convincing data demon- called low-renin hypertension, based on antimicrobial effectors such as IL-17 or
strate that inflammatory cytokines such the efficacy of mineralocorticoid receptor ROS have direct hypertensive effects by
as IL-17, IFN-g, or IL-6 may modulate blockade in these patients. Furthermore, vasoconstriction or sodium retention.81
sodium reabsorption, as shown in Figure new mouse models are necessary to in- Synthesis of all of the available evi-
2. In addition, infiltration of cytotoxic vestigate the influence of genetic variants dence has led us to propose the following
CD8 T cells into the renal interstitium conferring an increased susceptibility to hypothesis as a mechanism for inflam-
may also lead to capillary rarefication, hypertensive renal injury associated with mation and hypertension (Figure 3).
as shown in Figure 2. The inflammation hypertension, as demonstrated for the Small increases in prohypertensive fac-
associated with hypertension also causes gene that encodes the molecular motor tors, such as Ang II, salt retention, or
deposition of collagen in the aortic ad- protein nonmuscle myosin 2a (MYH9).80 aldosterone, activate the innate immune
ventitia and media with a loss of Wind- system that triggers or aggravates hyper-
kessel or capacitance function.49 tension. This process includes comple-
Most data on hypertension and in- SUMMARY ment activation and release of DAMPs
flammation in mice have been obtained that activate TLRs. These mechanisms
through Ang II or norepinephrine infu- Why should evolution favor immunity can damage the kidney directly. Hyper-
sion with osmotic mini-pumps or DOCA as a regulator of BP? Control of BP and tensive stimuli also induce NADPH

Figure 3. Working hypothesis describing the role of immunity in hypertension. Hypertensive factors such as Ang II, salt, or aldosterone lead
to a cascade of events: They directly activate the innate immune system. This process includes complement activation and release of
DAMPs, which can activate toll-like receptors and also the inflammasome. On the one hand these mechanisms damage the kidney directly.
On the other hand, they promote the release of cryptic antigens and ROS production, isoketal formation, and alteration of proteins in
dendritic cells. These nonself recognized proteins are presented to T cells. Polarized CD4+ and CD8+ T cells migrate into the heart, vessels,
and kidney and mediate the hypertensive end-organ damage or aggravate this damage, as in the case of kidney arterial hypertension due
to salt and volume retention. In addition activation of cells, such as monocytes/macrophages, gd T cells, NK cells and ILCs may mediate or
aggravate hypertensive renal injury. Modified from reference 7. CNS, central nervous system, nAg, neoantigen.

J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 677–686, 2016 Immune Responses and Hypertension 683

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