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Slice of Life Memoir Based on Malcom’s Experience of His Father’s Murder

Everybody gets a slice what life has to offer at least once in their life. I had mine when I

was rather young and uninformed. Events changed so quickly and overturned me from a noble

place and forced me to run from my home. Being the son of kimg, I was quite a precious person

in Scotland. In the event that I was restored to the throne Scotland would return to order and end

Macbeth’s era of terror. However, as a boy I was weak and unsure of neither my place nor

power. I grew up in a noble family doing only noble activities and under the protection of my

father, the king. Little did I know that in the near future, I would have my own slice of life and

that the experience would change the person I was and mend me into the person I was born to

become-a king.

I still remember the fateful day when I had to flee Scotland upon the death of my father

who was murdered. When Macduff discovered the king’s body he called out for help. I heard the

alarm and being a few steps away, I arrived first. I was accompanied by Donalbain, my best

friend and as I later came to learn, a Scotland noble. We knelt down, trying hard not to think of a

dead king, and for me, a father. But we already knew too well that the king had been murdered.

Soon reality dawned on us, we quickly realized the danger that we were in. with fear, anxiety and

bitterness, we had to flee our mother land immediately. I decided to flee to Ireland, not sure of

what was waiting for me there. As I ran for my life, all I could think is how easily anyone could

capture or murder me in Scotland. Being as far as possible from my home seemed to be the best
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choice and chance for survival. However, I did not want my friend to come with me, that would

have put him in more danger. I asked him to leave immediately and flee to England, at least there

he would be safer than staying home. I hoped that from our conversation since childhood, he

would understand that Scotland was in grave danger. Further, the events that had transpired were

sufficient to make anyone understand the danger that Scotland faced. As we deflected further, I

wished I had given him instruction on what to do upon arriving in England.

Am not sure whether I said it out loud or thought to myself of just how much danger

surrounded us every time we sat to eat and laugh with the men who served my father. The men

had served under my fathers’ kingship, they worshipped him and hailed ‘o king’ to him.

However, they had managed to kill him. I could not get myself to imagine what they would do to

me if they found me. Even worse, the man who had ordered his murder would be looking for me.

He must have known that somehow, I would have become a threat to him and his reign whether

immediately or in some years even though that was not a concern for me at that moment.

The murder of my father was the hardest moment that I had lived by then. I still consider

it the hardest decision I have made in my life. From the life of a-king-to-be to become a fugitive,

fleeing my home country, a country to which I was supposed (and would be) king to in future. I

found it confusing to comprehend that how much and fast things can change. From a son of a

king to a nobody, from an innocence and naïve to a fugitive and an orphan. I felt powerless,

defeated and exposed. I missed the cover, protection and security that my father’s reign had

given me. However, inside I knew that it was time to become a man, mature and take charge of

my life and my country.

I knew that Donalbain was a great friend but that day would define the course of our

friendship. Even later when I went back to Scotland to reclaim the throne, he was right by my
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side, supporting each other like we did when we were fleeing. Sending him to England was in

my best interest and sure, he did well and got England to support me reclaim my birth right as

the king to Scotland.

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